William Barnes and J. McDunnough.
List of Sphingidae of America North of Mexico.
Psyche 17(5):190-206, 1910.
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190 Psyche [October
of our burrowing bees of the genus HaUctus. Some years ago Melander and Brues published an interesting account of H. yruinosus R0bertson.l In this they showed that the most for- midable enemy of the bee is the Pseudomethoca. They found that the female Pseudomethoca hangs about the burrows and attacks the female bee, and they have given a very entertaining figure and description of a battle between the bee and the Mutillid. Fully fifty specimens of the latter insect were taken from one square meter of Halictus colony during a single sum- mer. In the dry pasture in which I found the gynandromorph there were many Halictus colonies, so that, in all probability, the specimen had passed through its larval and pupal develop- ment in one of the nests.
Since Rothschild & Jordan issued their Revision of the Lep- idopterous Family Sphingidse in 1903, no attempt has been made to give a complete list of our North American species based upon this monograph. Holland in his Moth Book follows their work but his list does not pretend to be complete; as several new ad- ditions to our fauna have lately come under our notice, and as we have been made aware of several slight errors in the revision relating to North American species, it has occurred to us that an annotated list would perhaps be of service to collectors and future catalog makers. We have followed the revision as regards nomenclature in nearly every case, basing our remarks upon ma- terial in Coll. Barnes, which is practically complete in North American Sphingidse. The list of localities is not intended to be exhaustive, but in most instances merely mentions localities from which we actually possess specimens.
For the benefit of those unfamiliar with Rothschild & Jordan's 1 Guests and Parasites
of the
Burrowing Bee Halictus. Biol. Bull. V, No. I, June 1903, pp. 1-27, 6 figs.
19101 Barnes and McDunnough-Sphingidce of North America 191 monumental work, we might state that the trinomial system of nomenclature here adopted is based on the fact that all species are more or less liable to geographical variation; taking the first geographical race described as the name for the whole species, the names of the different racial forms are merely added to this name without intervention of the term var. Thus chersis oreo- daphne would be equivalent to chersis var. oreodaphne, and, since the first described race is as much a geographical variety as all others, the name chersis chersis must be used to indicate the typi- cal race. Variations within the limits of a single race are termed forms; thus we have P. modesta imperator f. t. kunzei which indicates the summer form (kunzei) of the imperator race (Ariz.) of P. modesta Harris.
In conclusion we might state that we are thoroughly in sym- pathy with the system of nomenclature advocated so ably by Rothschild & Jordan. The making the first species mentioned under a given generic name the type of that genus may seem at first sight rather radical, but it at least possesses the advantage of being absolutely infallible, besides saving an enormous amount of misspent labor in searching through ancient and musty vol- umes, as is involved under the "restriction" principle, a prin- ciple only capable of being carried out with any fairly assured certainty of success when one has the entomological literature of the world at one's command. Surely a system which will assure a lasting stability and uniformity in our only too involved entomological nomenclature should be hailed with acclamation by all those who have the true welfare of entomology at heart; like a dose of purging medicine it may cause considerable dis- comfort for a time, but if the result will be to free our successors from all the difficulties we are at present contending with, then let us submit with cheerful spirits to any such slight personal inconvenience as it may entail.
List of Sphingidae north of Mexico.
Genus Herse Oken.
(1) H. cingulata Fabr.
ab. decolorata Hy. Edw.
N. Y. to Tex.
192 Psyche
Genus Cocytius Hbn.
(2) C. antaeus Drury.
(a) aritaeus medor Stall.
Typical antceus is taken in the Antilles, not in N. America. Genus Protoparce. Burm.
(3) P. sexta Johanns.
syn. carolina.
Holland mentions P. occulta R. & J. from Texas. We do not, however, know of any authentic specimens from this locality. It occurs in Mexico.
(4) P. quinquemaculatus Haw.
syn. celeus.
(5) P. rustica Fabr.
(6) P. brontes Dru.
(a) brontes cubensis G. & R.
Nearctic Region.
N. Y. southward.
Southern Florida.
The typical brontes is confined to Jamaica, and Drury's cita- tion of New York as habitat was doubtless due to an error. The form found in South Florida, of which Dr. Barnes has 43's' is cubensis G. & R. and differs from brontes only in its clearer mark- ings and slightly more variegated appearance. 6a) P. muscosa R. & J.
Tex., Ariz.
Recorded by Doll from Texas;
13 in Coll. Barnes from Pres-
cott, Ariz. ex.-larva.
(7) P,. brevimargo. Butl. Ariz.
This species has been placed by Rothschild & Jordan in the synonomy of P. $orestan, which species is characterized by the possession of a pulvillus on the claw segment. Dr. Barnes has,
however, recently received a single 3 specimen from Huachuca Mountains, Ariz., in which the pulvillus is not present on any of the claws. According to Rothschild & Jordan this would place it under P. corallina Druce. Druce in his Biol. Cent. Amer. figures both species, and the specimen in question agrees so exactly in all particulars with his figure of brevimargo that we have had no hesitation in identifying it as this species. Until further material is forthcoming we consider it advisable to treat brevimargo as a
19101 Barnes and McDunnough-Sphingidoe of North America 193 separate species.
There is no doubt about the authenticity of the locality, and we are in hopes of receiving further specimens another year, which may throw some light on the synonomy of this difficult group.
Genus Chlaenogramma Sm.
(8) c. jasminearum. Guer.
Genus Dolba Walk.
(9) Dolba hylaeus. Drury.
Genus Dolbogene R. & J.
(10) D. hartwegi Butl.
Ohio, N. J., D. C.
N. Y., Md., Ill., Tex.
13 in Dr. Barnes' collection taken by 0. Poling in Southern A* rizona.
Genus Isogramma R. & J.
(11) I. hageni Grt.
Genus Ceratomia Harris.
(12) C. amyntor Hub.
(13) C. undulosa Walk.
(14) C. catalpae Bdv.
Genus Isoparce R. & J.
(15) I. cupressi Bdv.
Not in Dr. Barnes' Coll.
Genus Dictyosoma R. & J.
(16) D. elsa Stkr.
Genus Atreus Grt.
(17) A. plebeja Fabr.
Genus Hyloicus Hbnr.
(18) H. lugens Wlk.
syn. andromedce. Bdv.
N. Y., Penn., S. Dak.
S. Dak., Ill., Penn.
N. Y., Ky.
Geo., Ha.
N. Y., N. J., Ala., Tex.
S. Western States?
We do not know of any authentic record of this species having been taken in the United States, but Neumcegen mentions that a few specimens have been captured in the southwestern states. Possibly he was in error regarding the species. (19) H. geminus R. & J.
Two Specimens in Coll. Barnes labelled Galveston, Texas, received as lugens, correspond with this new species. It may be separated from the foregoing by the large black markings on underside of abdomen. .
(20) H. eremitus Hub.
(21) H. eremitoides Streck.
N. J., N. Y., Md.,111.
194 Psyche [October
This species, so frequently confused with lugens and separatus, may at once be separated from the former by its much smaller size and gray color, and from separatus by the fact that "the prothoracic tegulse have no obviously yellow marginal spots." In Coll. Barnes are 4
d71 and 4 Q from Kerrville, Texas.
(2) H. separatus Neum.
New Mexico.
This species was long regarded as equivalent to andromeda Bdv.=lugens Walk. It is however smaller and lighter in color than this form, and is most readily distinguished by the presence of a distinct yellow marginal spot on each side of the collar; these spots are always vestigial in the nearly allied species. Dr. Barnes possesses 2 c? and 3 Q from New Mexico.
(23) H. istar R. & J.
This is the largest species of the group and is represented in Coll. Barnes by 2 8 and 2 Q , from Kerrville, Texas. Apart from difference in the genitalia it is separated from its near allies by the fact that the interspace between the black middle stripe of the prothoracic tegulse and the black upper edge is dark brown, much deeper in color than the thorax and adjacent parts. It also lacks the black
longitudinal line in the upper portion of cell on primaries.
(24) H. chersis Hbn.
(a) chersis pallescens R. & J.
(b) chersis oreodaphae Hy. Edw.
(c) chersis chersis Hbn.
N. Mex., Ariz
Eastern States.
A careful examination of the specimens in Coll. Barnes named oreodaphce revealed the fact that with the exception of 2 9 they were all referable to the form asellus of perelegans. These 2 9 's belong to the new form, pallescens. Apart from their larger size and the marked difference in genitalia they may be most easily distinguished from asellus, to which they bear a strong super- ficial resemblance, by the fact that the gray color of primaries is much less even than in asellus and always shows whitish mark- ings below the black dashes, exactly as in typical chersis. The broader white band distal to the black marginal line on prim- aries, as well as the faint black middle line on patagia by which Rothschild & Jordan differentiate asellus, are not always very
19101 Barnes and McDunnough-Sphingd~ of North America 195 prominent in this speciesy but mayy howevery often be used as a means of separation.
(25) H. vancouverensis Hy. Edw.
(a) form albescens Tepp. Utah? Cola.? Wash.? B. Cay Man. The specimens in Dr. Barnes' COIL do not seem to verify Bruce's statement that vancouverensis and albescens are two seasonal forms. We have specimens of vancouverensis dated , May 8 (Co10.)~ May 10 (Wa~h.)~ June 16 (Co10.)~ June 9 (Mani- toba), July 8y 24$ (Co10.)~ and albescens dated May 1 and 5 (Co10.~ B. C.), June 24 (Colo.), and July 26 (Colo.). (26) H. libocedrus Hy. Edw.
(a) libocedrus libocedrus Hy. Edw.
(b) libocedrus insolita Lint.
Rothschild & Jordan separate these two geographical races by the color of the abdominal side spotsy in libocedrus they are whitey whilst in insolita they have a yellowish tinge. Lintner in his original description of insolita statesy however, that "elongated patches (band?) of clear white scales extend over nearly half of each of the segments on its anterior half." Of the two specimens we have seen from Texas, both Q 's, one has the spots of a dis- tinct yellowish tingey in the other they are almost pure white, so we are inclined to think that Rothschild & Jordan's diagnosis will hardly hold. The material of libocecZrusy howevery at our dis- posal is too much worn on the abdomen to allow of our forming a definite opinion in this respect.
(2'7) H. perelegans Hy. Edw.
(a) form asellus R. & J.
(b) " perelegans Edw.
Co10.~ Ariz.
Gal.? B. C.
Apart from the difference in genitalia it is almost impossible to separate asellus from a small gray form of chersis. The form of the harpe is, however? so markedly different in both species that even a superficial examination of the genitalia serves to separate them. Whether asellus is a form of perelegans or may prove to be a good species we do not feel competent to decide. As far as our own experience goesy the two forms occur in differ- ent territoryy which would at least point to a geographical sub-
196 Pqjche [October
Asellus seems fairly common in Colorado and Arizona, much more so than the form pallescens of chersis. (28) H. canadensis Bdv. N. Hamp.
(29) H. francki Neum.
Baltimore, Md.
Two specimens in Co11. Barnes.
(30) H. kalmiae Ab. & Sm. N. Y., Penn., Va. (31) H. gordius Cram.
(a) gordius oslari R. & J. Colo.
(b) gordius gordius Cram. N. H., N. J.å Va.å Minn.å Ill. The Colorado race is easily distinguishable from the eastern specimens by its much greater size and the paler color of pri- maries.
(32) H. luscitiosa Clem. N. Y., N. J.
(33) H. drupiferarum A. & S.
(a) drupiferarum drupiferarum A. & S.
Atlantic Subregion.
(b) drupiferarum utahensis Hy. Ed. Pacific States. The western form utahensis is said to be whiter than the eastern form. Dr. Barnes has however a long series from Colorado, Oregon and British Columbia which it is impossible to separate from the ordinary drupij'erarum of the east. In fact New York specimens in the same collection are considerably whiter than some of the western species. One Q , however, from British Columbia corres- ponds exactly with Hy. Edwardsy original description, having the primaries much more suffused with whitish grayy and the median band of the secondaries much broader, both of which points of difference do not hold for the remaining western specimens. We would be inclined to consider zitahensis as merely an aberrant form of drupiferarum afld not a geographical subspecies as treated by Rothschild & Jordan.
(34) H. dolli Neum.
(a) dolli coloradus Sm.
(b) dolli dolli Neum.
Co10.~ Utah.
We consider Rothschild & Jordan correct in treating these as merely geographical varieties of the same species. Dolli lacks
the black submarginal line and the dashes of the posterior por- tion of the disk, corresponds, however, in all other respects with coloradus.
19101 Barnes and McDunmugh-Sphingid~ of North America 197 (35) H. sequoiae Bdv.
(36) H. pinastri Linn.
Dr. Barnes has two specimens of this species, one labelled Cal- ifornia, the other Waghorn, Alberta,
The Californian specimen
lacks the black dashes usually found in pinastri and has further the brown crossbands of primaries more strongly developed than in the Alberta specimen.
Genus Lapara Walk.
(37) L. coniferarum A. & S.
(38) L. bombycoides Wlk.
syn. harrisii Clem.
(39) L. pineum Lint.
N. Y., R. I.
Me., N, Y., Minn.
Rothschild & Jordan regard this as an extreme aberrant form of conij'eramm. We do not know the species, and believe that only two specimens have ever been taken. Genus Exedrium Grt.
(40) E. halicarniae Stkr.
Genus Protambulyx R. & J.
(41) P. strigilis L.
ab. rufipennis Btlr.
In Dr. Barnes' collection is a specimen labelled Palm Beach, Fla., received as P. carteri R. & J.
This on a careful exam-
ination proved to be P. strigilis, ab. rufipennis. We cannot
however vouch for the correctness of the locality label. (49) P. carteri R. & J.
Rothschild & Jordan give Florida as a locality for this new species on the strength of a single 3, received from the Kny Scheerer Co. .
Genus Sphinx L.
(43) S. cerisyi Kirby.
(a) cerisyi cerisyi Kirby.
(b) cerisyi astarte Stkr.
(c) cerisyi ophthalmica Bdv.
(a) form pallidulus Edw.
(d) cerisyi saliceti Bdv.
Man., Ont.? Me., N. Y.
Colo., Utah
Gal.? Wash., Nev.? B. C.
198 Psyche [October
Two 3's in Dr. Barnes' collection labelled Catskill Mountains differ so decidedly from typical ce~isyi in shape of wing and post- discal lunules, approaching in this respect, as well as in the browner ground color, the form ophthalmicu, that one wonders if an error in labelling has not occurred somewhere. Both these 3's are
further remarkable for the entire lack of the white dash at end of cell.
Saliceti Bdv. is a brown form from Arizona in which the second blue spot of the eye mark on secondaries is straight and not curved towards the third spot. A11 three blue spots are present and dis- tinct from each other.
(44) S. jamaicensis Drury.
(a) form norm. geminatus Say.
(b) f. ab. jamaicensis Dru.
(c) f. ab. tripartitus Grt.
N. J.> Ill.
In Dr. Barnes'
collection is a remarkable aberration lacking all markings on both primaries and secondaries with tbe excep- tion of the apical Iunules.
Genus Calasymbolus Grt.
(45) C. excaecatus A. & S.
Ill., Co10.~ B. C.
(46) C. myopg A. & S.
Mass.? Pa.? Ohio7 Colo.
(47) C. astylus Dru.
N. Y.? N. J.
Genus Pachysphinx R. & J.
(48) P. modesta Harris.
(a) modesta modesta Harris.
Ill., B. C.
syn. occidenta1i.s Edw.
(b) modesta imperator Stkr.
Co10.~ Ariz.
(a') f, t. kunzei R. & J.
The form kunzei is the extremely pale summer brood of im- perator Stkr.
Genus Cressonia G. & R.
(49) C. juglandis A. & S. N. Yo? Mass.å Ohio? Ark.å Tex, Subfamily SESIINE.
Genus Pseudosphinx Burm.
(50) P. tetrio L.
Genus Erinnyis Hbn.
(51) E. alope Dru,
syn. edwardsii Butl.
FIa.å Tex.
19101 Barnes and McDunnough-Sphingid~ of North America 199 (52) E. lassauxi Bdv.
f. merianae. Fla.
The typical lassauxi Bdv. occurs only in South America. The Florida form with the red area of hind wings prominent is f. mer- iun~.
(53) E. oenotrus Stoll. Fla.
(54) E. crameri Schaus. Fla.
(55) E. el10 L.
Fla., N. Mex.
(56) E. obscura Fabr. Fla., Tex., Ariz.
(57) E. domingonis Butl. Tex.
syn. festa Hy. Edw.
Rothschild & Jordan treat this as a good species. Genus Grammodia R. & J.
(58) G. caicus Cram.
Genus Pachylia Walk.
(59) P. ficus L.
In Coll. Barnes is also a specimen of
P. resumens Wlk. labelled
Florida. We fear however to add this species to the list as we cannot vouch for the authenticity of the label. Rothschild &
Jordan, howevery give Florida as a locality. Genus Madoryx Bdv.
(60) M. pseudothyreus Grt.
In Coll. Barnes two specimens from Chocoloskeey Fla. Also
reported by Laurent from Miami, Fla.
(Ent. News, XIV, $9
& 305.)
Genus Hemeroplanes Hbn.
(61) H. parce Fabr.
Fla., Tex.
Rothschild & Jordan give Florida as a locality for this species. In Coll. Barnes are three specimens labelled Texas. It probably
occurs in all the southwestern states.
Genus Epistor Bdv.
(6%) E. lugubris L.
Ga., Fla.
Among a long series of this species in Coll. Barnes we also discovered a pair of E. ocypete L. the Q of which was labelled Florida. We refrain however from adding this species to the list until more authentic data can be secured.
Genus Cautethia G. & R.
(63) C. grotei Edw.
Genus Sesia Fabr.
(64) S. tantalus L.
syn. ixion L.
(a) tantalus zonata Dru.
The typical tantalus is the South American form. The form
clavipes with protarsal segments 3-5 club shaped is the Mexican form and may possibly occur as a wanderer farther north. The form zonata with normal tarsi and reduced white spots on pri- maries occurs in Florida and the West Indies. (65) S. titan Cram. Tex.
This species which has been so frequently confounded with tantalus is characterized by Rothschild & Jordan as follows: "Discal spots of forewing always simple, never divided, white scaling at anal angle of hind-wing more extended and denser, fore leg of 8 with two conspicuous black tufts, one at end of femur, the other near the apex of the tibia." In Coll. Barnes two speci- mens from Shovel Mountain, Texas.
(66) S. fadus Cram. Fla.
Occurs as a wanderer in the southern states. The white dis-
cal spots of primaries are always partly double in this species. Genus Haemorrhagia G. & R.
(67) H. thysbe Fabr.
(a) form fuscicaudis Walk.
(b) form thysbe Fabr.
syn. ruficaudis Kirby.
(c) form cimbiciformis Steph.
syn. uniformis G. & R. = ruficaudis Walk. buffalcensis G. floridensis G.
Southern States.
Tex., Ill., Ark.
We have adopted the synonomy of Rothschild & Jordan in dealing with this species; fuscicaudis is the southern form with dentate margins of wings and the abdomen from fourth segment on of a chestnut-red color. Thysbe is the well-known form with olive markings on last abdominal segments and dentate margins of primaries, whilst cimbiciformis has the margins of wings not dentate.
19101 Barnes and McDunnough-Sphingidce of North America 201 (68) H. gracilis G. & R.
(69) H. diff inis Bdv.
(a) diff inis diffinis Bdv.
(af) f. vern. tenuis Grt.
(b') f. =st. diffinis Bdv.
(c') f. =st. axillaris G. & R.
(b) diff inis aethra Stkr.
(c) diffinis ariadne n. nov.
syn. senta R. & J. (non Strecker).
(d) diffinis thetis Bdv.
(df) f. thetis Bdv.
syn. palpalis Grt.
(e') f. cynoglossum Edw.
(f') f. rubens Hy. Edw.
N. Y.
Atlantic States.
Me., Montreal, Que., Nipigon, Ont.
Colo., Man.
Pacific Subregion.
Ore., B. C., Ariz., Utah.
We have been obliged to differ from Rothschild & Jordan in the above arrangement as an examination of Strecker's types has convinced us that his two species'oethra and senta have never been properly recognized. In Group A., drffinis diifinis, we have followed the revision; the various seasonal forms of this eastern race are well known; tenuis, with non-dentate border of fore wing, represents the spring brood, whilst diffinis and axillaris, which only differ from each other in the more or less prominent denta- tion of the border on primaries, constitute two summer forms. Bthra Stkr. has been placed by Rothschild & Jordan as a syno- nym of axillaris G. d?. R., due probably to a statement of Smyth's (Ent. News, 1900, p. 585) that he has bred the form oethra from tennis ova. While we recognize the fact that some specimens of tennis tend to lose the dark abdominal band and develop a red apical spot, we consider the true cethra well distinct from such specimens. The type specimen, which we have examined, is from Montreal, Que.; besides this there are in the Strecker Coll. sev- eral very perfect specimens from Bangor, Me., and in Coll. Barnes 5 W, 1 Q from Nepigon, Ont.
These all agree exactly with
one another and differ from other eastern forms of dijfinis in the roughness of the body squamation. The yellow of thorax and abdomen is not the pale yellow of dvffinis or tennis but rather an orange-brown, bordered narrowly with a pale yellow extending along patagia and sides of abdomen; the red apical patch is sharply defined and not continued along outer margin; the red of anal angle on secondaries is bright and the base of primaries
202 Psyche [October
is also largely suffused with same color; the type specimen has a slightly dentate margin on primaries, not nearly so marked as in axillaris; the remaining specimens are almost smooth. The localities would point to the fact that this is a well-marked north- ern race, probably occuring in only one generation, our Nepigon specimens being taken July 8-15. The race has not the slightest resemblance with axillaris.
An examination of Strecker's type of senta has shown us that it is identical with the species hitherto known as brucei French. Rothschild & Jordan are in error in giving this name to the form with yellow centre to anal tuft dorsally. Strecker in his descrip- tion distinctly states "anal tuft black," and the type agrees with the statement. In the Streck. collection this form with yellow centre is placed under brucei Fr. but this is evidently wrong, for the original description of this latter species states "terminal joint with its tufts, both lateral and central, jet black." As the type of brucei has been destroyed by Dermestes, the description is all that remains to us for purposes of identification; in Coll. Barnes, however, are several specimens labelled brucei and taken by Bruce himself in the same locality as the type specimen; these agree with senta, so we consider our reference fairly cer- tain. As senta Stkr., having priority, must be retained in place of brucei Fr., we propose the name ariadne for the above form and append following description.
H. diff inis ariadne n. nov.
Palpi black above, pale yellow beneath; front, sides of thorax and patagia lemon yellow; centre of thorax darker, shaded with olive brown, which color extends over dorsal portion of abdomen to anal tuft; the black banding of 4th and 5th abdominal segments, characteristic of tenuis, not present; only in worn specimens does it seem to occur. Abdominal segments 1-5 broadly bordered laterally with black with traces of a few white scales intermixed; segments 6 and 7 somewhat lighter dorsally than preceding with pale yellow lateral tufts, extend- ing sometimes to 5;
anal tuft centrally orange yellow, laterally black; beneath black.
Pectus yellow, legs black, with yellow tufts on tibiae; abdomen beneath black with very slight sprinkling of yellow hairs on posterior segments, differing markedly in this respect from senta, in which the abdomen is grayish yellow be- neath. Primaries hyaline with narrow brown-black terminal border, broadest at apex; the border is more or less suffused with rusty-red and contains a distinct apical spot of same color; base of wings deep red-brown with scattered yellow hairs; costal border slightly reddish with a few yellow scales. Secondaries,
with very narrow border, distinctly reddish; anal patch reddish, intermixed with
19101 Barnes and McDunnough-Sphingidce of North America 203 yellow along inner margin. Beneath as above, slightly paler, base and costa of fore wing and costa of hind wing largely pale yellow; anal patch of secondaries broadly black along inner margin. Expanse 1% in. = 38 mm. Habitat: Denver, Colo., described from 14 specimens. Types, Coll. Barnes.
All the forms of thetis differ from the eastern races in having the anal tuft entirely black.
Diifinis thetis Bdv. is found typical in certain regions of Cal- ifornia along the coast. It lacks all trace of red on wings, having the margins and patches deep chocolate brown. The form cyn- oglossum Edw. is similar to thetis but can at once be separated by the entirely black hind tibiae, lacking the yellow hair of thetis. Holland's description of thetis (Moth Book, p. 64) is obviously incorrect; he seems to have confused this form with our ariadne. We consider rubens Hy. Edw. perfectly worthy of being retained as a form name; in fact it seems the most widely spread of the western forms, judging by the material at our disposal. It is readily separated from the two preceding by the red apical spot and more or less pronounced red shading at base of primaries and on anal patch of secondaries. The typical locality is Oregon and we have specimens from Victoria, B. C., which agree exactly with the type specimen. A long series from Utah differ from our British Columbia specimens in larger size, smoother squamation, and brighter red, while other specimens from Arizona are still larger, attaining a size of 50 mm. wing expanse. We hardly consider these forms, however, worthy of a separate name. (70) H. senta Stkr.
syn. brucei Frch.
Colo., Utah.
This species is most easily recognized by the entirely yellow abdomen on underside and black anal tuft. For the synonomy we would refer to our remarks under the preceding species. Subfamily PHILAMPELINB.
Genus Pholus Hbn.
(71) P. anchemolus Cram.
204 Psyche [October
Dr. Barnes has received one specimen from Kerrville, Texas. (72) P. satellitia L.
(a) satellitia pandorus Hbn.
(73) P. achemon Dru.
(74) P. typhon Klug.
Ill., Tex.
N. Y., Ill., Tex., Ariz.
Dr. Barnes has several bred specimens received from his col- lector in Palmerlee, Ariz.
(75) P. vitis L.
(a) vitis vitis.
syn. linnei G. & R.
This species, known since Grote & Robinson's revision as linnei is placed once more under vitis L. by Rothschild & Jordan. Any one interested in the elaborate proof as to the correct identifica- tion of Linnk's species is referred to their work. (76) P. fasciatus Sulzer.
syn. vitis Dru. (non Linn.)
(77) P. labruscae L.
Genus Ampeloeca R. & J.
(78) A. versicolor Harr.
(79) A. myron Cram.
(a) f. cnotus.
Genus Darapsa Walk.
(80) D. pholus Cram.
syn. chverilus Cram.
Genus Sphecodina Blanch.
(81) S. abbotti Swainson.
Genus Deidamia Clemens.
(82) D. inscriptum Harr.
Genus Arctonotus Bdv.
(83) A. lucidus Bdv.
Genus Amphion Hbn.
(84) A. nessus Cram.
Genus Proserpinus Hbn.
(85) P. gaurae A. & S.
(a) form gaurae A. & S.
(b) form circae Edw.
N. Y.
Ill, Tex.
N. Y., N. J., 111.
N. J., N. Y.
N. Y.
Wash., Cal.
N. Y., Tex.
We consider Rothschild & Jordan in error in placing circa Edw. as a synonym of gaurce A. &. S. and their remark that 'Edwards, considering the following species (juanita) to be the true gaurce, described a specimen of the present species as circoe"
19101 Barnes and McDunnough-Sphingidos of North America 205 shows a rather careless reading of the original description. Ed- wards knew both gaurce and juanita and distinguished circa from both these species by the fact that the secondaries were dull chestnut red with no traces of a darker marginal band. In Coll. Barnes are two specimens from Alabama corresponding with Edwards' description, and agreeing with the type specimen in Coll. Neumoegeu; these we place for the present as form. circce of P. gaurce.
(86) P. juanita Stkr.
(a) juanita juanita Stkr.
(b) juanita oslari R. & J.
We do not know the form oslari which differs from juanita in the paler color of wings and the vestigial character of the stigma of primaries.
(87) P. clarkiae Bdv.
(88) P. flavofasciata Walk.
(a) flavofasciata flavofasciata Walk.
(b) flavofasciata ulalume Stkr.
(c) flavofasciata rachel Bruce.
Colo., Ore., Cal.
New England.
B. C.
A long series of ulalume from British Columbia in Coll. Barnes shows a considerable amount of variation; some specimens (especially 9 's) show very little trace of the yellow band of secondaries, although none are so black as depicted in Strecker's original figure; others (mostly 8's) possess a clear orange yellow band on secondaries and are scarcely to be distinguished from flavofasciata from the east. We do not know the Colorado form rachel Bruce.
Genus Euproserpinus G. & R.
(89) E. phaeton G. & R.
(90) E. euterpe Hy. Edw.
Genus Xylophanes Hbn.
(91) X. pluto Fabr.
syn. thorates Hbn.
This is presumably the same species as that referred to by Laurent (Ent. News XIV, 305) under the name of Thorates pergesa (!). In Coll. Barnes is a long series from Florida. (92) X. porcus Hbn.
(a) porous continentalis R. & J. Fla.
Volume 17 table of contents