Charles W. Johnson.
Some Additions to the Dipteran Fauna of New England.
Psyche 17(6):228-235, 1910.
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228 Psyche [December
Boston Society of Natural History.
Pogonosoma dorsatum Say.
A specimen of this species was obtained by Mr. F. A. Sherriff at the base of Mt. Washington near Fabyan, N. H., July 7, 1910. I am not aware that the species has been collected east of the Rocky Mountains since it was described by Say from "near Philadel- phia." It has been recorded from Washington (Williston) and Idaho (Aldrich) . Specimens are in the writer's collection from Bear Creek Cafion, Colo., June 8, 1897 (Oslar), and Estes Park, Colo., July, 1892 (Snow).
Pogonosoma melanoptera Wiedemann.
In the collection of the American Museum of Natural History is a specimen of this species collected by Prof. W. M. Wheeler at Woods Hole, Mass., July 18. The distribution of the species would indicate an austral form. It has been recorded from Flor- ida (Williston), South Carolina (Schiner), Maryland (Mus. Comp. Zool.) and New Brunswick, N. J. (Dr. J. B. Smith). Specimens are in the writer's collection from Alabama, Pendleton, N. C., June 7, 1895, and Philadelphia, Pa., July 5, 1898. Ceraturgus nigripes Williston.
One specimen collected on the side of Mt. Equinox, near Man- chester, Vt., June 5, 1910, at an elevation of about 2,000 feet. The specimen agrees with the description of C. nigripes, except in two minor details. The wings are not "pure hyalineJJ' but grayish with a distinct brownish tinge along costa and the outer half. The legs of C. nigripes are described as "pitchy black, the tibiae and tarsi fulvous pubescent," while in this specimen the femora only are "pitchy black," the tibiae and tarsi yellow, all
19101 Jolmson-Diptera of New England 229 the joints of the latter annulated with black, with an apical band of black on the tibiae. In the closely allied species C. cruciatus Say, the color of the legs is extremely variable. There seems there- fore to be little doubt but that this represents only an extreme variation of C. nigripes although the species has not been recorded north of the Black Mountains, N. C.
Phthiria borealis n. sp.
Black, covered with a dense yellowish gray pollen; the frontal orbits, occiput, humeri, scutellum and a narrow posterior margin on the abdominal segments, dull yellow; antennse and proboscis black, the latter slightly more than double the length of the head; legs black, tips of the cox= and femora yellow; halteres light yellow with a brown spot on the side of the knob. Wings pure hyaline. Length 3.5 mm.
, Fort Kent, Maine, August 7,1910. Two specimens were also collected by Dr. J. A. Cushman at Little Black River Rapids, Maine, September 13, 1907. This is the most northern representa- tive of the genus thus far discovered in North America. Phthiria sulphurea Loew.
A specimen of this species from Horse Neck Beach, Mass., collected August 9, by Dr. G. de N. Hough is in the collection of the American Museum of Natural History.
Phthiria coquilletti Johnson.
Two specimens were collected by Dr. J. A. Cushman on Nan- tucket, Mass., July 4, 1906. They are slightly smaller than the types from southern New Jersey.
Phthiria cyanoceps Johnson.
In addition to the type locality (Cohasset, Mass.) this species has been taken at Barbour's Heights, K. I., September 19, 1908, by Prof. John Barlow.
Chalcomyia aerea Loew.
This interesting species was taken at Auburndale, Mass.,, May 8, 1905. I have also collected it near Clifton, Delaware County, Pa., May 5, 1895, onan old log in the bright sunlight.
Psyche [December
Brachyopa vacua Osten Sacken.
Cohasset, Mass., June 5, 1904 (Owen ~r~ant). It has also
been taken at North Saugus, Mass.
Brachyopa media Williston.
A specimen was captured on the summit of Mt. Greylock, Mass., June 15, 1906; on the flowers of the wild cherry. Mr. E. J. Smith also collected a specimen at Sherborn, Mass. A peculiar variation of this species, in which the abdomen is entirely black, was obtained by Mr. E. Daecke at Castle Rock, Delaware County, Pa., May 19, 1901.
Sphegina campanulata Robertson.
This species seems to be quite generally distributed throughout New England:-Branford, Conn., May 25, 1905 (Rev. H. W. Winkly); Hampton, N. He, June 25, 1908 (S. A. Shaw); Machias, Maine, July 17-22, 1909 (C. W. Johnson). Xanthogramma tenuis Osburn.
A single example of this western species was obtained by the writer at Ethan Allen Park, Burlington, Vt., June 24, 1906. Eumerus strigatus Fallen
Pipiza strigata Fall., Dipt. Seuc. Syrphici, 61, 8, 1817. Eumerus grandicornis and funeralis Meigen, Syst. Beschr., 111, 208, 1822. E. lunulatus and planifrons Meigen, Syst. Beschr., 111, 209, 1822. E. ceneus Macq., Soc. Sci. Lille, 1827, p. 269; Hist. Nat. Ins. Dipt. I, p. 528, 1834. Two specimens of this European species have come under the writer's observation. The first was obtained at Brookline, Mass., June 1909; the second was received from Mr. M. C. Van Duzee who collected it at Buffalo, N. Y., June 3,1908. The genus has not been recorded from America, but the presence of this species in such widely separated localities seems to preclude the possibility of recent introduction. he above synonomy is that given (in part) in the Katalog der Palaarktischen Dipteren, 111, 137.
19101 Johnson-Diptera of New England
Xylota (?) tuberans Williston.
This interesting species has been collected at a number of places during the past few years: Squam Lake, N. H., June 22, 1907 (Dr. G. M. Allen); Mt. Equinox, Manchester, Vt., June 5, 1910. Hypoderma bovis De Geer.
The ox-bot seems to have been unusually prevalent the past season. Mr. Wm. Merrill of West Newbury, Mass., in a letter dated May 17, 1910, says: "I have never seen the ox-bot so numerous; of our eight head of cows every one is affected with from six to over sixty each. Other cows in the neighborhood are also affected." I visited West Newbury, May 27, and saw the cows referred to but obtained only one larva; most of the larvae having already left the cattle. The larva was apparently full grown, but light brown in color.
During the early part of June while at Manchester, Vt., I found the cattle slightly affected, about half of the cows having from one to four bots. Three larvae were obtained June 9, one of which was white, about half grown, I should judge, but the swelling was just as large due to the presence of a large amount of pus; the second specimen was a light brown apparently full grown, but like the one from West Newbury failed to pupate; the third was evidently ready to leave the cow, the opening was large and the larva blackish in color. It was placed in damp earth and pupated June 11, the imago emerging June 30. From these obser- vations I am inclined to doubt the statement that " the full-grown larva when escaping from the back is of a grayish-white color." In comparing the above-mentioned fly with specimens of H. lineaturn De Villiers, from Texas and Colorado, I find that the species is H. bovis, the occurrence of which in North America has been doubted. Whether all of the larvae referred to belong to this species I cannot say, as both species probably occur in New England. H. bovis can be readily distinguished from H. lineaturn by yellow pile of the thorax extending to the suture, the broader and less conspicuous polished ridges on the thorax, the wings slightly darker, the entirely black metanotum and black tibiae. It is also noticeably larger and more robust.
Ceratinostoma ostiorum Haliday.
Scatophaga ostiorum Halid., Curtis Brit. Entom., 405, 1832. Scatomyza boreale Zett., Ins. Lapp., 721, 4, 1838. Scatophaga oceana Macq., Ann. Soc. Ent. France, VII, 423, pi. 11, fig. 2, 1838. Lispa lestremense Bigot, Anna. Soc. Ent. France, IVY (Ser. 6) 292, 1884. Ceratinostoma maritimum Meade, Ent. Monthly Mag., XXII, 152, 1885. This European species has not been recorded from North Amer- ica although it is quite generally distributed along the New England coast. I first received several specimens from Mr. S. A. Shaw, collected at Hampton Beach, N. H., May 24. Mr. Owen Bryant captured a specimen at Cohasset, Mass., September 9, and Dr. C. S. Minot a specimen at Northeast Harbor, Maine, July 4, 1909. On July 25,1907, the writer obtained a number of specimens at Orr's Island, Maine, on the wet rocks at low tide. A number were also obtained on the rocky shore at Shackford's Head near Eastport, Maine, July 14, 1909.
Mead refers to this genus as occupying an intermediate position between Scatophaga and Cordylura. " It has the elongated horny proboscis with the numerous vibrissse of the species in the former genus and the sub-cylindrical incurved clubbed male abdomen of those of the latter."
The species can be readily recognized by the following char- acters: Face white, front dark brown, antennae and proboscis black, palpi yellow. Thorax, abdomen and legs slate-gray in color, the former having three wide obscure stripes. Tegulae and
halteres yellow. Hairs and bristles noticeably shorter than in most of the Scatophagi. Length 8 mm. The synonomy is that given in the Katalog der Palaarktischen Dipteren, IV, 12. Scatophaga volucricaput Walker.
Cordylura volwricaput Walker, List Dipt. Brit. Mus. pt. 4, p. 977, 1849; Ald- rich, Cat. N. A. Dipt., p. 566.
Hydromyza volucricaput Slosson, Ent. News, Vol. VI, p. 320, 1895. Specimens agreeing with the description of this species (which proves to be a Scatophaga) are represented from the following localities : Mt. Washington, N. H., (Mrs. Slosson) ; Durham, N. H., July 17, 1905 (J. Randall) ; Buffalo, N. Y ., October 25 (M. C. Van Duzee).
19101 Johnson-Diptera of New England 233 Palloptera similis n. sp.
Head and antennse yellow, arista brown, ocellar triangle blackish. Thorax and
.scutellum shining, reddish yellow, plum yellow, opaque. Abdomen shining, yel-
low, the posterior edges of the segments narrowly and the sides broadly margined with black. Legs and halteres light yellow. Wings with the broad anterior of
dark brown, as in P. superba Loew, but the brown at the posterior cross vein is not å´connected Length, 6 mm.
One 9 collected by the writer at Fort Kent, Maine, August 17, 1910. Type in the New England Collection of the Boston Society of Natural History.
This species closely resembles P. superba but is readily separated by its shining thorax and abdomen, with the black margins of the segments continuous and not punctate. From P. jucunda it is distinguished by its larger size and by the marginal cell being entirely brown.
Palloptera arcua ta Fallen.
Two specimens of this species were collected by Dr. C. S. Minot at Northeast Harbor, Maine, July 1, 1909. It has previously been recorded in America only from the White Mts., N. H. Sapromyza inusta Meigen given as a synonym in Aldrich's Cat- alogue (p. 582) is a good species and a true Sapromyza. Figure 15, page 80 of Williston's Manual North American Diptera, repre- sents Palloptera superba and not P. jucunda Loew. The following species of this family have been collected in various parts of New England, extending considerably their recorded distribution.
Rivellia brevifasciata Johns., Tuckernuck Isl., Mass., July 21, 1910 (Dr. G. M. Allen).
Rivellia conjuncta Loew, New Haven, Conn., June 8 (Dr. W. E. Britton); Barnstable, Mass., July 4; Woods Hole, Mass., July 24 (C. W. Johnson). Rivellia quadrifasciata Macq., New Haven, Conn., Aug. 1, Springfield, Mass., July 13 (Dr. Dimmock).
Rivellia pallida Loew, Mt. Greylock, Aug. 8, 1907 (Owen Bryant); Auburn- 'dale, Aug. 9, and Plymouth, Mass., July 27 (C. W. Johnson). Tritoxa incurva Loew, East Hartford, Conn., Aug. 9, 1904 (P. L. Butrick).
234 Psyche [December
Tephronota canadensis Johns., Eastport, Maine (C. W. Johnson). Tetanops luridipennis Loew, New Haven, Conn., June 26 (H. L. Vierick). Euxesta scoriacea Loew, Bourne, Mass., June 17 (P. G. Bolster). Chaetopsis apicalis Johns., Common along the salt marshes at Edgartown, Chatham, and Cohasset, Mass.
Seoptera colon Loew, Northeast Harbor, Maine, July 16, 1906 (Dr. C. S. Minot).
Stenomyia tenuis Loew, North Haven, Conn., Nantucket, Barnstable and Woburn, Mass. This is now placed in the genus Chcetopsis by Hendel (Gen. Ins., Muscaridse, Ulidinse, p. 35).
Eumetopia rufipes Macq., New Haven, Conn., July 27,1904 (P. G. Butrick); Kingston, R. I., June 23, 1905 (Barlow); Now placed in the genus Eumetopiella Hendel 1907.
Tanypeza longimana Fallen.
This species, although not recorded from North America, seems, to be quite generally distributed: Algonquin, Ill., June 8, 1895, (Dr. W. A. Nason); Niagara Falls, N. Y., June 28, 1901; Nor- wich, Vt., July 8, 1908.
Saltella scutellaris Fallen.
Piophila scutellaris Fall., Heteromyzides, 10, 3, 1820. Nemopoda ferruginea Desv., Myodaires, 744, 2, 1830. Saltella nigripes Desv., Myodaires, 747,2, 1830. Nemopoda scutellata and ruficoxa Macq. Hist. Nat. Dipt., 11, 481, 1835. Saltella pectoralis Zett., Dipt. Scand., IV, 2515, 8, 1847. A single specimen of this European species was taken by Mr. M. C. Van Duzee at Hamburg, N. Y., June 20, 1909. Eusiphona mira Coquillett.
Hanover, N. H., July 14-6, 1908. It was found only on the. flowers of the cone-flower (Rudbechia hirta) . Odinia maculata Meigen.
Milichia maculata Meig., Syst. Beschr., VI, 132, 1830. Milochia ornata Zett., Ins. Lapp., 787, 1, 1838. Odinia trinotata Desv., Myodaires, 648, 1, 1830. Dauphine County, Pa., April 20, 1897 (Dr. D. M. Castle); Cambridge, Mass., June 11, 1908 (Dr. G. M. Allen).
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