Nathan Banks.
A Few New Psammocharidae.
Psyche 17(6):248-251, 1910.
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East Falls Church, Va.
Psammochares transversalis n. sp.
Black; face silvery each side of the anteme, wings black. Clypeus trnn- cate, margined; antenne long, slender, thiid joint very Iong, as long as width of the face at antennze; a very distinct line from antennz to anterior ocellus, latter a little more than its diameter from the smaller laterals, these as close to the eyes as to each other; vertex, from in front, barely rounded; face rather narrow, nar- rowed above; eyes large. Pronotum depressed behind, and almost angulate; metanotum moderately long, with a median line on the basal part, and the apical part plainly transversely wrinkled; abdomen broad at base, dull, last segment rather brownish, fringed; legs slender, tarsi I with long cilia, more than twice as long as the width of a joint, hind legs not very heavily spinose, hind tibia with the longer spur nearly one-half as long as the metatarsus, last joint of hind tarsus with spines beneath, claws toothed.
Wings of moderate length; marginal cell
Iong, acute, second submarginal cell about twice as long as broad, first recurrent vein near the tip; third submarginal shorter, nearly one half narrowed above, second recurrent vein arising much beyond the middle of the outer cell, and run- ning nearly straight to the middle of the third submarginal; basal veins inter- stitial in the fore-wings, widely dislocate in the hind-wings. Length 13 mm.
From Palmerlee, Arizona (Biederman) . Readily known by wrinkled metanotum.
Psammochares castella n. sp.
3. Small, narrow, black, not silvery, except on the lower part of the face% second abdominal segment mostly dull red above. Head and thorax very sparsely hairy;
clypeus truncate in front, not margined; face broad, especially above; anteme heavy; a faint lime from antennz to anterior ocellus, latter scarcely more than its diameter from the laterals, and these as close to eyes as to each other; vertex from in front very distinctly rounded; pronotum angulate behind; meta- notum short, suddenly depressed behind; abdomen broad at base, dull, apical segment with a marginal fringe; legs slender, only slightly spinose, hind tibia with only three spines above, more on sides, longer spur of hind tibia more than one-half as long as the metatarsus, last tarsal joint without spines below. Wings long and narrow, black, not darker at tips; marginal cells large, submarghals small, second larger than thiid, latter triangular; first recurrent near tip of second submarginal^
19101 Banks-New Psammochardcz 249
second recurrent arises a trifle beyond middle of outer cell and runs into third sub- marginal joint just beyond middle.
Length 6 mm.
From Fedor, Lee County, Texas, May.
Psammochares tenuicornis n. sp.
Black? very sparsely hairy. Clypeus truncate; antenn~ very slender, the third joint plainly longer than the fourth; a distinct line from antenn~ to anterior ocellusy latter fully its diameter from the equal laterals? and these nearer to each other than to the eyes; vertex slightly rounded; face rather broad; pronotum strongly arcuate behind? almost argulate; metanotum with distinct median line,
not hairy; abdomen rather narrow at base, no tufts of hair below near tip; legs slender, tibiz with many short? small spines? longer spur of hind tibia barely one- half the length of the metatarsus; spines under last joint of hind tarsus; claws
Wings slender? marginal cell long? nearly rounded at tip; second sub- marginal cell one and a half times longer than broad? receiving the first recurrent beyond middle? third submarginal about as long as second, but little narrowed above? second recurrent arising beyond middle of outer cell and curving outward to the third submarginal; basal veins dislocated in fore wings, interstitial in hind wings.
Length 11 mm.
From Southern Pines, North Carolina, May. The forms allied to Ps. philadelphicus and Ps. cethiops may be tabulated as follows:
Pronotum angulate behind
Clypeus emarginate; hind wings with the basal veins disjointed philadelphicus. Clypeus truncate; basal veins interstitial in hind wings. ....... .illinoiensis. Pronotum arcuate behind
Clypeus deeply emarginate? head very hairy. .................... aethiops. Clypeus barely emarginate, less hairy .............................. ilione. Psammochares ilione n. sp.
Black; hairy, but vertex not as hairy as in Ps. ~thiops; clypeus barely emargi- nate in front? third joint of antenn~ not near as long as the vertex width; the line from antenn~ to the anterior ocellus obliterated in the middle; the anterior ocellus its diameter from the smaller laterals, these as close to each other as to eyes; vertex faintly rounded; face rather broad (broader than in P8. phdadelphicus) ; pronotum hairy, arcuate;
metanotum short? the line indistinct; abdomen broad at base? rather dull black, apical segment with long black hairs; anterior tarsi with long cilia; hind tibi~ with the longer spur one-half of the metatarsus? spines below on last joint of hind tarsi. Wings rather long, marginal cell long? acute? second submarginal trapezoidal, first recurrent vein near tip; third submarginal almost
250 Psyche [December
triangular? second recurrent arises a little beyond middle of outer cell and curves slightly outward to the middle of third submarginal; basal veins nearly inter- stitial in the hind wings.
Length 13-15 mm.
From Falls Church, Va.; Southern Pines, N. C.; and Sea Cliff, N. Y. This may be what has been called cethiops in the East, but very distinct from the ethiops of Colorado, which, however, I have also from Ithaca, N. Y.
Psammochares (Allocyphonyx) harpalyce n. sp. Color and general appearance as in Pa. maura; but the male is distinct therefrom by prominent silvery hairs on the posterior slope of the metanotum, and the extreme tip of abdomen is pale; the antenn~ are the same? and venation similar to Pa. maway but the basal veins dislocated in the hind-wings (interstitial in Pa. maura); last joint of hind tarsi without spines beneath. Length 12-15 mm.
Southern Pines, North Carolina.
Psammochares (Allocyphonyx) hesione n. sp., 3.
Black; clypeus truncate in front; antenn~ short not very heavy; head rather broad? hairy; anterior ocellus its diameter from the smaller laterals? latter as near to eyes as to each other; vertex? from in front? barely rounded; pronotum arcuate behind; metanotum short? hairy? suddenly bent down behind; abdomen broad at base? depressed; legs heavily spinose? several spines on hind femora, even half way to the base? longer spur of hind tibia nearly three-fourths as long as metatarsus; no spines under last joint of hind tarsi; claws cleft. Wings much as in Ps. maura; the second submarginal cell very short? third nearly triangular, the second recurrent arising beyond the middle of the outer cell and running somewhat sinuously to the middle of the third submarginal cell; basal veins interstitial.
Length 15 mm.
From Douglas and Hamilton Counties, Kansas (Snow). Related to Ps. mama, but the legs are more heavily spinose, and the antenne do not have such a strongly serrate appearance. Cryptocheilus idoneus n. sp.
Q .
Deep black, wings uniformly deep black or a little paler (not darker) at tips; clypeus margined, slightly, evenly emarginate? antenn~ slender, but not near as long as head and thorax? third joint one and a half the length of first joint, scarcely one-half so thick; vertex slightly rounded; anterior ocellus fully its diameter from the nearly equal laterals? thede very much nearer to each other than
1910J Banks-New Pmmmocharidce 251
to the eyes; pronotum slightly angulate behind; metanotum with a distinct
median groove? not transversely striate; abdomen dull black? hairy near tip? not much depressed; legs slender? spiny7 the hind tibia more slender than in C. fortis and with short but stout spines above? longer spur about two-fifths of the meta- tarsus, last tarsal joint with distinct spines beneath (not in C. fortis). Wings not very long? marginal cell rounded at tip (like C. terminatus) ; second submarginal plainly longer than broad? receiving the first recurrent at middle; third sub- marginal barely longer than broad, narrowed above; second recurrent arising much beyond middle of anal cell7 curving outward to the middle of the third sub- marginal cell; basal veins dislocated in fore wings? nearly interstitial in the hind wings.
Length 12 mm.
From skthern Pines, N. C., July 14.
Pseudagenia antennalis n. sp.
Q .
Iridescent blue7 much like Ps. ccerulescens7 but differs from that species by the antenn~ (except black basal joints) being yellowish-brown? and the anterior legs? except dorsal part of femora at base? are pale; the middle and hind tarsi are brown, and the tegul~ are also brown. In structure also similar to Ps. cmdescens, but the third joint of the antenn~ is shorter than in that species, being only a little longer than the fourth joint; and the second discoidal cell of fore-wings is pro- portionately shorter and broader than in Ps. cceruiescens. Of the same size. From Fedor, Lee County, Texas, May 29, Birkmann Coll., through Prof. Ci F. Baker.
Pseudagenia virginica n. sp.
Black? with slight silvery pubescencey COXE silvery? the spurs white? no white at tip of abdomen. Clypeus truncate, antenme not very heavy? no line from antentm to ocelli; anterior ocellus fully twice its diameter from the laterals, the latter a little closer to each other than to the eyes? vertex from in front slightly rounded? face rather long and narrow; hind margin of pronotum impressed, arcu- ate; metanotum short? rounded, transversely impressed near tip; abdomen slender, hardly petiolate? apical lower margin of first segment produced below; legs slender, longer spur of hind tibia nearly one-half as long as the metatarsus. Wings nearly uniformly smoky; the marginal cell rather long? acute; second submarginal one- half narrowed above? receiving the first recurrent vein before middle; third sub- marginal larger, one-half narrowed above7 the second recurrent arises from beyond middle of apical cell? and runs obliquely to beyond middle of third submarginal cell. Length 6 mm.
From Falls Church, Va., July 4, 1910.
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