L. W. Swett.
Geometrid Notes.
Psyche 17(6):255-256, 1910.
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but it was a badly mangled individual. It would seem, thereforey that this form is not so very rare in this locality, although we should expect it to be very scarce on account of the peculiarity of its origin. Of the peroneurous Papilio machaon aberration, above mentioned, I secured two specimens from only 75 pup%, which is also a proof that peroneurous aberrations can develop with comparative easey though the conditions for such develop- ment are still unknown.
Mr. Bartsch very generously presented me with the interesting specimen of Argynnis and I have placed it in the collection of the Bussey Institution. In honor of the discoverer I would name ,this peroneurous aberration, Argynnis cybele Fabr. forma Bartschi. Its diagnosis would be the following:
Alarum vene post d i a m ad extremum partim in~mature vel obsoletce; propterea ~macularum seriebus omnibus in vittis cor$uentibw; ubivis venm partim vel omnino obsoletm sunt. Ah contractm, propterea mpedu aliquanium produde. Type:
1 ~3' in the collection of the Bussey Institution, GEOMETRID NOTES.
Boston, Mass.
Nyctobia limitaria Walk., reiffi var. nov. Exp. 25 mm., palpi short, white typed body and thorax ash gray, antenne black and white ringed. Fore wings ash gray, first a reddish brown basal band running outward below costa in a strong curve to median vein where it recurves to inner margin. Beyond this is a pale gray space 3 mm. wide where there is a broad chest- nut brown band running from costa to inner margin, the inner edge of which i~ very irregular, the black linear &ma1 spot is just visible, the extra discal edge of this band is bent outwards below costa at discal spot and inward towards inner margin, beyond this the wing is pale ash and two faint brown hair lines run brokenly to inner margin. !hvin dots at ends of veins in the long ashen gray fringe. Hind
wings light ash with a faint extra discal brown band, below which the wing is lighter. The fore wings beneath are light ashen with band showing through faintly the discal dot is black, and appears on hind wings also, which are same as fore
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