A. N. Caudell.
A New Proscopiid Grasshopper from Peru.
Psyche 19(1):12-13, 1912.
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12 Psyche [February
following; 2-10 very gradually diminishing in length, the tenth a little wider than long. Neck about 3 as wide as the head; prosternum strongly carinate, margins of ventral segments both above and beneath with a row of widely spaced porrect seta?, and on the lower surface with sparse erect or suberect discal sets. Front tarsi short, slightly thickened; hind tarsi slender, nearly as long as the tibiae. Xenomedon formicaria sp. nov.
Ferruginous throughout or with the head and abdomen slightly darker. Head and prothorax very densely coarsely punctuate, the punctures in mutual contact throughout; elytra more finely and less densely punctuate; abdomen very finely and moderately closely so. Head subquadrate, just visibly widened behind, hind angles broadly rounded; eyes small, situated at about four times their length from the hmd angles, their diameter about $the length of the basal joint of the antennae. Prothorax just perceptibly wider than the head, a little wider than long, sides feebly convergent posteriorly and with a short faint sinuation at middle; all the angles rounded. Elytra about 3 longer than the prothorax, as long as wide or very nearly so, wider behind, distinctly impressed along the side margin giving a subexplanate appearance. Abdomen broad, sides arcuate, fifth segment as long as the two pre- ceding, the sixth broadly, moderately deeply subtriangularly emarginate in the male. Length 2.9-3.5 mm.; width .7 nun.
Described from two males taken by the writer at Pasadena, California, Oct. 28 and Dec. 3, in nests of Formica pilico~nis, beneath large stones.
Xenomedon will by Casey's table fall between Platymedon and Caloderma, but is by the characters given not very closely allied to any of the genera there recognized. The gular sutures are more * widely separated than in Platymedon, and distinctly more distant in one of the two specimens than in the other. A NEW PROSCOPIID GRASSHOPPER FROM PERU.
Bureau of Entomology, U. S. Department of Agriculture, Washington, D. C.
Epigrypa brevicornis sp. nov.
Most nearly allied to E. curvicoUis from Ecuador but differs from that species, as well as from the third member of the genus, E. variegata from Colombia, in having a terminal spine above on the hind tibia? on the outer side only, instead of the inner side, and in the antennae of the female being shorter than the rostrum, instead of surpassing it.
Purhr 19:12-13 (1412). hup Wpsycht mlclub org/19/19-012 html
19121 CaudeII-Grasshopper from Peru 13
Size moderate.
Head as long as the pronotum, the basal part moderately broad but the apical portion from a distance before the eyes as great as the rostrum be- yond them narrow, the rostrum slender and twice as long as the eye; the whole head is distinctly curved, the curvature being gradual and especially noticeable along the front of the head; eyes prominent, about twice as long as broad and situated beyond the middle of the head counting from the clypeal suture to the end of the ros- trum; antennae short, falling distinctly short of the tip of the rostrum. Pronotum nearly straight and slightly flattened, the prozona distinctly separated from the prosternum by a longitudinal ridge; the anterior margin is a little flaring and dis- tinctly elevated, the edge subtuberculate; the mesonotum is wider behind than an- teriorly and elevated into a transverse ridge surmounted by several pointed tuber- cles; metanotum with one moderately elevated tubercle at the middle of the hind margin. Abdomen unarmed, the surface rough and with a dorsal keel; upper valves of ovipositor long, the scoop occupying almost half the entire length; lower valves but little shorter than the upper ones. Legs moderate, the tarsi furnished with long, slender, apically expanded pads between the claws; hind femora slightly swollen as common in the group and with a very small black short genicular spine on each side above; hind tibiae without apical spines above on the inner margin but with one on the outer, beneath towards the apex with a few minute black spinules. General color brown, probably more or less greenish in life. Measurements : length, exclusive of head, 60 mm.; head, from lower part of mouth parts to tip of rostrum, 13 mm.; rostrum, beyond eyes, 4 mm.; eye, 2 mm.; anten- nae, 3 mm.; pronotum, 13 mm.; fore femora, 9.5 mm.; middle femora, 8.5 mm.; hind femora, 21.6 mm.; hind tibiae, 22 mm.; Width, head, across the eyes, 3 mm.; thorax, across mesothorax, 5 mm.
Type female, Piura, Peru, February, 1911. C. H. T. Townsend,
(Catalogue No. 14510, U. S. National Museum.) A paratypic series of two males and eight females from the same locality has been examined, representing dates from February to September. The females show very
little variation from the type specimen either in color, size or structure but the males have quite a different appearance, being much smaller and with a short rostrum. Structurally the male is similar to the female except the rostrum is much shorter, being shorter than the eye and elongate triangular in shape, the antennae being comparatively longer than in the female, extending beyond the tip of the rostrum. The eyes are fully as large as in the larger female and are thus distinctly more prom- inent than in that sex. The supra-anal plate is triangular and the cerci are simple and extending to the tip of the plate. The subgenital plate is apical and subcon- ical, extending considerably beyond the apex of the supra-anal plate. The male gives the following measurements: length, entire, tip of rostrum to end of abdomen, 42 mm.; head, mouth to tip of rostrum, 8 mm.; rostrum, beyond eyes, 1 mm.; eyes, 2 mm.; antennae, 2 mm.; pronotum, 9 mm.; fore femora, 7 mm.; middle femora, 5.5 mm.; hind femora, 14 mm.; Width, head, across eyes, 3 mm.; thorax, across mesothorax, 3.5 mm.
Some of these specimens were taken feeding on mesquite bushes.
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