Wm. T. Davis.
A New Species of Pselliopus (Milyas).
Psyche 19(1):20-22, 1912.
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20 Psyche [February
I1 on abdominal segments 111, IV, V and VI prominent, black. Beneath green with
a pair of small black warts on the rear of abdominalsegments. Length 16 mm. Stage IV.
Head yellowish marbled with brown. Body green or yellow-green, in some cases much marbled with brown; lateral purple stripe prominent only on anteriorand pos- terior segments where it is marbled with white; black lateral dots as before; black dorsal tubercles also present, especially prominent on abdominal segment 111, where they form more or less raised warts; claspers striped with purplish, being the continuation of the lateral stripe. Two small black tubercles on posterior margin of segments underneath. Length %5 mm.
Stye V.
Very variable in ground color and markings. The majority have pale greenhead, marbled with brown; body olive green with no traces of stripes; mesothorax swollen, with reddish-purple lateral wart, shaded inferiorly with lighter, this color being continued forward to the head. Third abdominal segment with two prominent dorsal red-brown warts, more or less confluent, and two lateral ones, all situated on posterior portion of segment; similar dorsal warts on 6th abdominal. Rear seg- ments shaded with purple brown; lateral dots of previous stages almost or wholly lacking; tubercle I1 of abdominal segments also much less marked with black. Beneath green with two reddish warts in medio-ventral region of 2d abdominal segment.
Other larvae are generally much browner in appearance, due to geminate dorsal, subdorsal and lateral lines filled in with brown, but much broken and irregular. Beneath markings of dorsal surface repeated; all tubercles and warts more promi- nently marked than in the green form of larva; tubercles frequently arisefromasmali white patch, being themselves black; tubercle I1 of 4th and 5th abdominal segments often reddish, more or less prominent. Length full grown 37 mm. Pupa.
Light brown, strongly marked with olivaceous and darker shades of brown; antennas and leg sheaths darker; wing cases with numerous small grooves, giving a general sponge-like appearance. Spiracles dark brown; segmental incisions banded with dark brown; cremaster with two strong hooks. Food plant. Quercus.
The species is double-brooded, the first specimen emerging 52 days from date of oviposition.
Staten Island, New York.
While in quest of insects in the country to the west of Beltsville, Prince George Go., Maryland, on September 26, 1911, with Mr. Frederick Knab and Mr. Clarence R. Shoemaker, I observed that Fsicht 19:20.21 (K12). hup iipsychi;enn:lubarg/l9il9-020 html
19121 Davis: Psellwpus (Milyas). 21
the specimens of Milyas or Pselliopus that I saw were unusually orange in color. They were also quite plentiful and a pair was observed in copulation. Upon comparing the specimens collected with the darker colored PselZiopus cinctus Fabr. in my collection from Long Island, N. Y.; New Jersey; Pennsylvania; Virginia and Washington, D. C., it was observed that, in addition to color differences, the humeral angles were not the same. I communi- cated these facts to Mr. Harry G. Barber, who has been my chief guide in things Hemipterous, and he has kindly given the insects more study and has pointed out some other differences. The description of cinctus by Fabricius will cover both species, but we may consider it to be the darker and somewhat smaller form. From this, the new species which I take pleasure in naming after my friend, may be separated as follows:
Pselliopus barberi sp. nov.
Color. Anterior lobe of
duced to two faint oblique
in cinctus. Scutellum with
pronotum with black markings usually absent or re- streaks at anterior portion. Posterior lobe marked as no prominent black markings, which are either absent entirely or reduced to a small spot or to two faint oblique bands at extreme ante- rior part between the two whitish pruinose spots. Corium unmarked with black;
orange yellow.
Connexivum banded with black as in cinctus. Venter with black markings arranged much the same, but considerable variation occurs in both species. Markings of the legs, rostrum and antennse are similar, but the head has less amount of black maculation in barberi. Structural differences. In cinctus the short, black tipped, acute spine, before the rounded humeral angle projects beyond the humeri and is directed slightly back- ward, while in barben the black tipped spine preceding the humeral angle, is shorter, more obtuse and directed more laterally. It never extends beyond the humeral angle. Basal margin of the pronotum in front of the scutellum is feebly bisinuate in cinctus, while in barberi it is straight across. Scutellum of barberi is not so foliaceus and flat as in cinctus and a well defined ridge or keel runs backward from the transverse crescentic ridge.
Apex of last genital segment of male with a very short, blunt erect spine in cinctus. Last genital segment of male-in barberi armed with a long very pointed simple spine, which is directed obliquely forward and somewhat concealed. The inner genital lobes on either side of this are not produced in barberi or in cinctus as in zebra. In zebra the apex of the last genital segment of male is produced in the middle and armed with a sulcate pointed spine. . In addition to the type locality mentioned above, specimens of barberi have been examined from Great Falls, Va., Langdon, Mo., Kansas, and Austin, Tex.
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