Book Notices.
Psyche 19(3):110-111, 1912.
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110 Psyche [June
insects, when addressed to the Bureau of Entomology of the United States Depart- ment of Agriculture, to departments of entomology in State agricultural colleges, and to persons holding official entomological positions, and dried insects and dried reptiles may be sent in the mails when so put up as to render it practically impossible that the package shall be broken in transit, or the persons handling the same be injured, or the mail bags or their contents soiled. "Nursery stock, including field-grown florists' stock, trees, shrubs, plants, vines, cuttings, grafts, scions and buds (which may carry injurious insects) may be admitted to the mails only when accompanied by a certificate from a State or Government inspector to the effect that said nursery stock has been inspected and found free from injurious insects."
Butterfly-hunting in Many Lands; Notes of a Field Naturalist. By George B. Longstaff.
pp. 728, pis. 6 & A-J.
Longmans, Green & Co., London, New
York, ete. 1912. ($7.00).
This extensive volume is an account of the travels of an entomologist who has visited a number of countries, mainly in the tropics, searching for butterflies. Among entomological books, it is probably unique in its scope, and although it does not aim at completeness of detail for any region, the connected form of presentation gives it a value to the collector or general entomologist which is not shared by any of the various, elaborately illustrated works on butterflies now extant. There are lists of butterflies taken in India, Ceylon, China, Japan, South Africa, Guiana, the Antilles, New Zealand and many other interesting places, but with them are many notes on their habits as well as observations on some of the more striking insects of other orders.
Still more interesting are the descriptions of these places as an entomologist views them from the standpoint of his own interests, which are naturally quite different from those of the ordinary globe trotter and again less prejudiced than those of the naturalist who deals with an isolated area. In addition to the entertainingly written body of the book, there is a chapter of over 100 pages entitled "Bionomic Notes," dealing with the scents of butterflies heliotropism, attitudes, polymorphism, which is of considerable interest for the general zoologist.
Translations of a number of papers by Fritz Miiller on the scent organs of Lep- idoptera are given in an appendix, and the book is supplied with a good index. C. T. BRUES.
Guide to the Insects of Connecticut, Prepared under the direction of W. E. Britton. Part I. General Introduction pp. 38, pis. 5, by W. E. Britton. Part 11.
The Euplexoptera and Orthoptera, pp. 43-169, Vols. 6-11, by B. J. Walden.
Published as Bull. 16, State Geol. & Nat. Hist. Survey, Connecticut, 1911. These two papers form the first part of a synopsis of the insects of Connecticut which is being prepared under the direction of Dr. W. E. Britton, the State Ento-
19121~ Book Notices 111
mologist. The first part is a brief general account of insects designed for those unfamiliar with entomology, and the second part, a descriptive synopsis of all the Euplexoptera and Orthoptera known from Connecticut or likely to occur there. It is illustrated by over 60 figures in addition to six photographic plates. This is the most ambitious state list of insects yet undertaken, and Dr. Britton is to be congratulated on the fine start already made. Entomologists throughout New England will find it a most valuable handbook, and will no doubt anxiously look for the appearance of the later parts, some of which, at least, are now awaiting publication.
The bulletin is well printed and furnished with a complete index. ERRATA.
P. 66, line 5.
Micoutalis should read Micrutalis here and in the body of the article. P. 66, line 16.
The name of the plant should read Vernonia noveboracensis. P. 67, line 2.
Euchenopa should read Enchenopa.
P. 69, line 12.
Vernomia should read Vernonia.
1,000 PIN LABELS 25 CENTS! At your Risk. (Add lOc for Registry or Checks) Limit: 25 Characters; 3 Blank or Printed Lines (12 Characters in Length.) Additional Characters 1c. per 1000-
In Multiples of 1,000 only ; on Heaviest White Ledger Paper---KO Border---4-Point-Type---About 25 on a Strip---No Trimming---One Cut Makes a Label. SEND ME ORDER WITH COPY, FOR ANY KIND OF ARTISTIC PRINTING LARGE OR SMALL. INDEX CARDS, MAPS, SEX-MARKS, LABELS FOR MINERALS, PLANTS, EGGS, ETC. IF QUANTITY IS RIGHT, PRICE IS SURE TO BE. Labels exceeding 3 Lines [Blank or Printed] $2 per M. and up. C. V. BLACKBURN, 77 CENTRAL STREET, STONEHAM, MASSACHUSETTS THE ENTOMOLOGICAL EXCHANGE
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MAIN OFFICE: 55 Stuyvesant Avenue
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25 cents to parties not on our books for the last two years. Classification of Lepidoptera of Boreal America according to Smith List, 1903.
List of School Supplies, Collections, Mimicry and Protective Coloration, Dimorphism, Biological specimens and Material. Catalogue No. 8 of Supplies, etc., free on application. Many new features and illustrations.
The New, Improved Metal Cabinet for Schmitt Boxes. THE AMERICAN ENTOMOLOGICAL COMPANY'S INSECT PINS which in a short time have gained the favor of almost every entomologist of prominence.
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The only entomological journal published on the Pacific slope. A well established high class quarterly in its third year, fully il- lustrated, and devoted to original investigations in economic, bio- logic and taxonomic entomology. Indispensable to working ento- Ì mologists everywhere. Price merely nominal - $1.00 to domestic and $1.25 to foreign postal countries. Separates of any articles always available. Address,
A forty-eight page illustrated magazine, published monthly except in August and September, devoted to the study of INSECT LIFE. It contains a resume of the proceedings of a number of Entomological Societies, and also articles by the lead- ing Entomologists in the United States and Canada. Valuable information for the beginner, the economic entomologist and the systematist. TWO DOLLARS a year in advance. Single copies 25 cents. Address
The Academy of Natural Sciences
Volume 19 table of contents