C. S. Ludlow.
Myzomyia (Anopheles) ludlowii Theobald.
Psyche 21(1):32-33, 1914.
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32 Psyche [February
brown. On the femora of the mid legs the ventral white extends on the dorsal aspect to form a white spot near the apex, the very tip being brown; the tibia are brown except a white spot near the apex, the very tip being brown; first tarsal is basally white bands and has a white band near the apex, the tip being brown; second tarsal is basally white banded, the other tarsal joints are brown. The hind femora are silvery white except for a narrow basal brown band, a broad brown band a little beyond the mid-length of the femora, and a narrow brown band at the apex; tibiae brown; first tarsal basally white banded, and a white band near the apex; the second tarsal basally white banded, and the remainder of the tarsi are brown. Fore and mid ungues equal and uniserrate, hind simple. Wing dear, with brown, rather long and broad-ended scales, somewhat resembling Tcenwrhynchus scales.
Cells short, petioles about as long as the-cells. First sub-
marginal longer and narrower than the second posterior, bases nearly on a line; base of the third long vein and mid cross-vein meet, and the posterior cross-vein is more than twice its length interior. Halteres with white stems and heavy dark brown knobs.
, Length: about 4.5 mm.
Habitat: Puerto Princessa, Palawan Island, P. I. Taken: May.
Described from one specimen. A few specimens evidently of this mosquito have been previously received, but always in such bad condition that no description was possible. MYZOMYIA (ANOPHELES) LUDLOWII
Army Medical Museum, Washington, D. C.
For sometime there has been quite a good deal of discussion as to the breeding habits of this mosquito, different observers claim- ing that it bred in fresh water, in blackish or salt water, and that it bred in either.
Without wishing to question the observations of any of those who have studied this Anopheline, and merely because there has lately appeared the definite statement, the foundation for which I do not know, that "ludlowii is exclusively a saline breeder,"l it seems better to publish what I myself know on this point. The specimens which I sent to Mr. Theobald, and on which the species was founded, were taken by Dr. Graves in the Province of 1 The mosquitoes of North and Central America and the West Indies. L. 0. Howard, H. G.
Dyar and F. Knab. 1912.
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