E. Bergroth.
Four New American Hemiptera.
Psyche 21(2):73-75, 1914.
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BergrothÌÔFou New American Hemiptera
Turtola, Finland.
Among some determinanda communicated by Prof. C. I?. Baker were the following undescribed species.
Largus latus sp. nov.
Broadly ovate, black, above remotely punctured, shortly and sparingly pilose, the impunctate head and the middle of the venter more longly pilose, an oblong impunctate lateral spot near the anterior angles of the pronotum, the commissure of the clavus, the membrane (except border and veins), the posterior border of the metasternum, the whole first ventral segment and the border of the abdomen buff, the broadly pale ochraceous lateral border of the corium not reaching the base, inwardly angularly dilated a little before the middle. Head narrower than anterior lobe of pronotum, eyes shortly stylated, rostrum reaching middle coxse, second and third antenna1 joint together shorter than first joint but a little longer than fourth, second half as long again as third.
Pronotum at the base twice as broad as the head. Breast rugose. Hemelytra a little shorter than the abdomen, laterally strongly rounded. Anterior femora beneath with one strong spine and some smaller ones. Middle and posterior femora, unarmed. Length, 9 15 mm. Locality: Bolivia.
Structurally allied to L. balteutus ~tal which I know only from description, but it is so quite differently colored that it cannot be a variety of that species.
Dysdercus fervidus sp. uov.
Red, above crimson, antennae, lateral margins of prothorax, a broad subbasal fascia to pronotum, clavus, a fascia just behind the middle and the apical angle of the corium, membrane, and legs (except coxae and trochanters) black, membrane bordered with white, rostrum gradually becoming piceous towards the tip. Head behind with a fine longitudinal impressed line extending to the base of the tylus, rostrum passing the middle of the third ventral segment, first joint of antennae dis- tinctly longer than the head, second joint somewhat shorter than first and twice as long as third, fourth rather thick, about as long as first. Pronotum, clavus, and corium punctate, underside of body impunctate. Sixth male ventral segment in
the middle very little shorter than fifth and fourth together. Length,
9.5 mm.
Locality: Cuba (Havana).
Among the numerous American species of this genus I am unable to find a description fitting this pretty little species. Its nearest ally seems to be D. fervens Walk.
Pswhe 21:73-74 (1914). hupflpsych~einclubo~/21/21-071 html
Pamera hondurana sp. nov.
Sparingly pilose, black, hind lobe of pronotum dark castaneous, clavus with a white streak near the outer margin, corium white, in the basal half with two longi- tudinal blackish streaks meeting anteriorly, and a little behind the middle with a rather broad transverse cinnamon-brown band which turns black at the costal mar- gin, an exteriorly widening black fascia occupying the apical margin of the corium, membrane fuscous black with an oval rather obscure whitish spot behind the mid- dle, hind acetabula and posterior angles of metasternum white, abdomen fuscous toward the base, antennae testaceous, last joint fuscous, rostrum and fore legs dark ferruginous, fore femora blackish toward the base, middle and hind legs black, tro- chanters and base of femora whitish, tarsi pale fuscous. Head extremely finely rugulose, a little broader than anterior lobe of pronotum, postocular part very short, eyes rather large but moderately prominent, first joint of antennae reaching apex of head, second joint more than twice the length of first, third distinctly shorter than second, fourth as long as second. Pronotum impunctate, very strongly constricted and deeply transversely impressed behind the middle, basal margin straight, anterior lobe subglobose, not quite twice the length of posterior lobe. Scutellum sloping backwards, its basal half shining, transversely convex, finely and sparsely punctate, apical half dull, impunctate. Hemelytra reaching apex of abdomen, corium with a few almost colorless punctures, its costal margin slightly and broadly sinuate a little before the middle. Fore femora strongly incrassated, with a double row of spines beneath, fore tibiae slightly curved; first joint of hind tarsi two times longer than the other joints conjoined.
Length, d' 4.5 mm.
Locality: British Honduras (Belize).
This elegant species is very distinct from the other Central American forms. Owing to the very strongly constricted prono- turn it differs somewhat in habitus from most species of the genus. Rhagovelia bakeri sp. nov.
Above black, beneath greyish black, legs greenish black, somewhat aenescent, pronotum with an apical whitish fascia interrupted in the middle, abdomen at the sides immediately within the margin narrowly and obscurely streaked with yel- lowish brown, basal part of first antenna1 joint, anterior acetabula, all cox= and trochanters, and basal part of fore femora yellow, hind femora at the base above and beneath also tinged with yellow. Head with an impressed median line in front, rostrum passing the middle of the mesosternum, antennae with the first two joints pubescent, with scattered longer hairs, outer margin of the last three joints straight, inner margin slightly convex, first joint one-half longer than second, third a little shorter than second, fourth hardly shorter than third, pointed at tip. Mesoster- num with the ridges between the anterior and the middle cox= well marked, pubes- cent, curved inwardly, strongly divergent posteriorly. Abdomen gradually taper- ing to the tip, not carinated beneath. Legs pubescent, with scattered longer hairs, middle femora thickened toward the base, middle tarsi a little longer than the tibiae, the second joint a little shorter than the third, posterior tibise with a short straight spur at the apex.
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