K. Kertész.
Some Remarks on American Lauxaniidae.
Psyche 21(2):82, 1914.
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82 Pyche [April
Hungarian National iUuseum, Budapest.
1. In his article ''A Synopsis of the Sxpromysid~" (Psyche, XX, No. 2, 1913, pag. 7'6) A. L. Melander gives a key to the American specie3 6f the genus CamptoprosopeZla and considers C. xanthoptera Hend. as a synonym of C'. ~erticalis Lw. which is quite wrong. I ha\-e both species beforc m.e; besides the type of C. xanthoptera tm-o other specimens, also from Peru, and four specimens of C. verticalis from North America-Drayton Island, Fla. C. xanthoptera is distinguished at first sight from C, verticalis by the quite black, shining abdomen as well as by the orange color of the thorax; besides, the third joint of the antenn~ is blackish beneath and about the tip. But there are also very good differ- ential characteristics in ch~totaxy; C. verticalis has three pairs of strong dorsocentral bristles, and C. xanthoptera only two. A11 bristles are distinctly stronger in C. verticalis than in C. xanthoptera, but the rays on the upper side of the arista are shorter, the ratio between the basis of the third joint of the antenne and the longest rays in C. xanthoptera being 5: 10, in C. verticalis 5: 7. 2. Lauxania latipennis Coq. Of this species I have before me o& one specimen in bad condition, from Jacksonville, Fla. From
the whole habitus, the elongated antenne, but especially from the very characteristic course of the second longitudinal vein, I think that this species will find its best place for the present in the genus Steganopsis Meij.
3. C'aliope signatif~ons Coq. In Melander's key (,page 63) to this genus I think these words "center of front shiningy' should be omitted because neither in my specimen from Philadelphia is it to be seen, nor does Coquillett mention it in his description. Or should Melander's specimen belong to another species? ANASA REPETITA HIEDEMANN IN MASSACHUSETTS.-A specimen of this species was taken by the writer in Allston, Boston, September 11, 1911. Last summer three specimens were collected by Mr. H. M. Parshley, one at Beach Bluff, June %?, and two at Jamaica Plain, June 13 and August 9, 1913. ERELATTJM.-I~ February PSYCHE, page 21, for "Providence, Mass." read Prov- incetown, Mass. C. W. JOHNSON.
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