Exchange Column.
Psyche 21(4):138, 1914.
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Will name and return species in certain families of Coleoptera. Buprestidse
especially desired.-C. A. Frost, 26 Pond Street, South Framingham, Mass. Wanted.
Insects from ant-nests, with specimens of the ants, from any part of the world. Will give Coleoptera, Diptera and Hymenoptera from the Western United States.-W. M. Mann, Bussey Institution, Forest Hills, Mass. Ì
Will exchange for Geometridse from any section of North America, or identify material for privilege of retaining examples.-L. W. Swett, 501 Washington Street, Room 44, Boston, Mass.
Will exchange insects of various orders for Parasitic Hymenoptera from any part of the world.-C. T. Brues, Bussey Institution, Forest Hills, Mass. Wanted. Ants from all parts of the world.-W. M. Wheeler, Bussey Institution* Forest Hills, Mass.
I pay cash or give American and exotic insects in exchange for fertile eggs of Catocala spp., living Catocala 9 9 (captured specimens only), hibernating pupae and larvae of any other group of Lepidoptera.-William Reiff, 366 Arborway, Jamaica Plain, Boston, Mass.
Florida insects of all orders, also Fish, Batrachians, Reptiles, Shells and Marine Invertebrates sold by A. G. Reynolds, Gulfport, Florida. New England Orthoptera identified.
I wish to examine adult orthoptera of all families from all parts of New England.
Material will be identified for the privi- lege of retaining desired examples, for which good exchanges will be given, subject to approval of owner.-A. P. Morse, Wellesley College, Wellesley, Mass. The undersigned will greatly appreciate receiving records of New Jersey species not listed in Smith's Insects of New Jersey.-Harry B. Weiss, 272 Hale St., New Brunswick, N. J.
Offered for cash, but exchange preferred. Fitch and ear1.v Illinois reports; Insect Life; Harris's Insect; many others.-J. E. Hallinen, Cooperton, Okla.
At your Risk. (Add lOc for Registry or Checks) Limit: 25 Characters- 3 Blank or Printed Lines (12 characters in Length.) Additional Characters 1c per 1,000-
In Multiples of 1,000 only ; on Heaviest White Ledger Paper---No Border---4-Point-Type---About 25 on a Strip---NÌ Trimming---One Cut Makes a Label. SEND ME ORDER WITH COPY, FOE ANY KIND OF ARTISTIC PRINTING LARGE OB SMALL. INDEX CARDS, MAPS, SEX-MARKS, LABELS FOR MINERALS, PLANTS, EGGS, ETC. IF QUANTITY IS BIGHT,
PRICE IS SURE TO BE. Labels exceeding 3 Lines [Blank or Printed] $2 per M. and up. Orders totalling lea8 than
5,000 double price. Cash (no checks) with order. C. V. BLACKBURN. 12 PINE STREET. STONEHAM, MASSACHUSETTS ASSAM INDIA
Limited supply of perfect specimens at $1.50 each. Papilio arcturus, Papilio evan, Symphc~dra khasiana, and many others at right prices. THE ENTOMOLOGICAL EXCHANGE -:- 75 Maple Street, West Roxbury. Mass. -
Ward's Natural Science Establishment
84-102 College Ave.
We have purchased the entire stock in trade of the American Entomological Co., of Brooklyn, and are now prepared to furnish all the material formerly sold by them. We call particular attention to our
Insect Cabinets and Exhibition Cases. A full description of these is given in the A. E. Catalogue, No. 9, which will be sent free to those interested.
We make a specialty of material for dissection and can furnish all forms from the lowest invertebrates to vertebrates. We also manufacture the
AMERICAN ENTOMOLOGICAL COMPANY'S INSECT PINS which are pronounced superior to all others by prominent Ento- mologists.
If you do not know these send us a trial order. American Entomological Company's Price List, No. 7 contains a list with prices of our large stock of Lepidoptera as well as description of our various insect collections. Sent free to our customers.
Price twenty-five cents to those not on our books.
The Canadian Entomologist
A Monthly Magazine Devoted to the Study of Scientific Entomology Volume 46 is now in course of publication. It is the oldest established maga- zine of the kind in America and has a world-wide circulation. Subscription $2.00 per annum, payable in advance, which includes a copy of The Annual Report d the Entomological Society of Ontario to the Legislature. Editor, Dr. E. M. Walker, Biological Department, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada. Published by the Entomological Society of Ontario, GUELPH, CANADA
The Entomological Exchange
Opened for the purpose of meeting a demand for centraliza- tion of exchange of Lepidoptera with reliable collectors in all parts of the world. Will exchange hibernating eggs, pupae and images, also well inflated larvae accepted. For further in- formation in regard to method of exchanging, address with return postage,
(Note new address)
The Cambridge Entomological Club has a number of single volumes of Psyche for sale, and can furnish two sets complete, except for Vol. XIII, which is entirely out of print.
Volumes 11-X (each covering a 3-year period), each . $3.00 Volume XI1 (covering a single year),
0 0 0 1.0ft
Volumes XIV-XV and XVII
. 0 1.00
Volumes XVIII-XX
. 1.50
Address all orders or inquiries to
Editor of Psyche, Bussey Institu-
tion, Forest Hills. Boston, Mass.
Write before sending money, as the supply of some volumes is low.
Volume 21 table of contents