H. M. Parshley.
List of the Hemiptera-Heteroptera of Maine.
Psyche 21(5):139-149, 1914.
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VOL. XXI. OCTOBER, 1914, No. 5
Bussey Institution, Harvard University.
The present list is the first of a series of papers in preparation by me on the Heteroptera of New England and is offered as a record of the species definitely known to inhabit Maine. In view of the great extent of almost inaccessible territory in the state and the relatively small amount of collecting which has been done, it is to be expected that additional species will be found, but I hope that the list is complete enough to be a useful basis for sub- sequent work, as it includes records of 176 species. The records have been compiled chiefly from the following sources: An unpublished list of Maine Hemiptera by Mr. 0. 0. Stover, whose material was determined in part by Uhler, in part by Professor Osborn; the collection of the Maine Agricultural Experiment Station, determined largely by Mr. E. P. Van Duzee; the collection of Mr. F. A. Eddy of Bangor; the collection of the Boston Society of Natural History; and my own collection. The dates given are the earliest and latest which I have found on record for the several species.
My thanks are due the following, who have lent me their assist- ance; Dr. Edith M. Patch, who has put the collections and records of the Experiment Station at my disposal; Mr. J. R. de la Torre Bueno, who has determined a number oi specimens and given valuable suggestions; Mr. F. A. Eddy, the veteran collector of Maine, who has permitted the free use of his valuable collection; Mr. C. W. Johnson, who has given me access to the cdlection of the Boston Society of Natural History; Mr. 0. 0. Stover, who has generously allowed me to make use of his unpublished records; and Mr. C. A. Frost, who has given me specimens of several species which otherwise would not have been recorded. 1 Papers from the Maine Agricultural Experiment Station: Entomology No. 74.
140 Psyche [October
The arrangement of the families followed is that of the new system of Reuter,l with certain modifications in accordance with the views of Kirkaldy and Bueno.
Arctocorixa W allengren.
A. interrupts Say. 8 May. Orono.
A. nitida Fieb. 24 April-1 May. Orono.
Corixa Geoffroy .
C. altemata Say. 15 April-13 Oct. Orono. C. harrisii Uhl. Orono.
C. kennicotti Uhl. 21 April.
Notonecta Linn6.
N. insulata Kirby. 27 April. Orono.
N. irrorata Uhl. 22 May-19 Sept. Orono, Machias. N. undulata Say. 8 May-17 Oct. Orono.
N. variabilis Fieb. 20 April-15 Sept. Orono. Buenoa Kirkaldy.
(= Anisops, American species.)
B. elegans Fieb. Orono.
Belostoma Latreille.
(= Zaitha Auct.)
B. flumineurn Say. 20 June (with eggs)-17 Oct. Orono. Lethocerus Mayr.
( = Belostoma Auct.)
L. arnericanus Leidy. 8 May-12 Sept. Orono, Oldtown. FAMILY ACANTHIIDE.
(= Saldidce Auct.)
Pentacora Reuter.
P. ligata Say.
Norway, Magalloway River.
Acanthia Fabricius.
A. coriacea Uhl. 4-11 July. Orono, Brewer. A. major Prov. (= deplanata Uhl.) Reported from the State by Uhler. FAMILY MIRIDB.
(= Capsidce Auct.)
Stenodema Laporte.
S. trispinosum Reut. 16 June. The Forks. lOefv. Fin. Vet. Forh., vol. 54, p. 5 (1911-12).
19141 Parshley-Hemiptera-Heteroptera of Maine Miris Fabricius.
M. dolobratus Linn. 31 May-14 July. Throughout the state. M. vicinus Prov. 22-31 May. Orono.
Resthenia Spinola.
R. insignis Say. 10 July-26 Sept. Paris, Mt. Kineo. Lopidea Uhler.
L. confluens Say. 28 July-8 Aug. Orono, Caniden. L. media Say. 12 July. Princeton.
Phytocoris Fallen.
P. exirnius Reut. 30 June-11 July. Orono, Waldoboro. P. pallidicornis Reut. 16 Sept. Westbrook, Waldoboro, West Beach. P. annulicornis Reut. 17 Aug. Ft. Kent, Durham. P. lasiomerus Reut. 30 July. Orono.
' Reported predaceous on aphids.
Neurocolpus Reuter.
N. nubilus Say. Orono.
Calocoris Fieber.
C. norvegicus Gmel. 15 July. Eastport.
Adelphocoris Reuter.
A. rapidus Say. 20 July-15 Aug. Orono, Brunswick, Pownal, etc. Lygus Hahn.
L. pabulinus Linn. Orono.
L. pratensis Linn. 7 May-12 Sept. Found everywhere. L. pratensis var. Red form so determined by Van Duzee. Orono.
L. convexicollis Reut. 6 July-17 Sept. Orono. L. invitus Say. 5-27 July. Orono, Waldoboro, West Beach, Capens. L. flavonotatus Prov. Orono.
Lygidea Reuter.
L. mendax Reut. 30 June. Orono.
L. rubecula Uhl. 18 July. Moosehead.
Coccobaphes Uhler.
C. sanguinarius Uhl. 27 June-3 Aug. Monmouth, Manchester. Tropidosteptes Uhler.
T. ? pettiti Reut. Rangeley.
Horcias Distant.
H. limbatellus Walk. 15 Aug.
Poeciloscytus Fieber.
P. basalis Reut. 13 Oct. Westbrook.
P. divergens Reut. 11 July. Capens.
142 Psyche
Pcecilocapsus Reuter.
P. dislocatus var. goniphorus Say. 15 Aug. Orono. P. lineatus Fab. 14 July-17 Aug. Orono, Machias, Eastport. Carnptobrochis Fieber.
C. nitens Reut. 11 July-15 Aug. Orono.
Capsus Fabricius.
C. ater Linn. 19 June-18 July. Capens, Orono, Eastport. Monalocoris Dahlbom.
M. filicis Linn.
31 May-17 Aug.
Bethel, Orono, Ft. Kent, Pownal.
Diaphnidia Uhler.
D. pellucida Uhl. 22 July. Orono.
On potato plants.
Hyaliodes Reuter.
H. vitripennis Say. 17 Aug. Ft. Kent.
Cyrtorrhinus Fieber
C. marginatus Uhl. 18-28 July. Moosehead, Orono. Pilophorus Westwood.
P. amcenus Uhl.
Collected in Maine by Packard.
Orthotylus Fieber.
0. flavosparsus Sahib. 22-30 July. Orono. On potato plants.
0. congrex Uhl. 10 July. Calais.*
Collaria Provancher.
C. meilleurii Prov. 17 Aug. Ft. Kent, Orono. C. oculata Reut. Durham.
Halticus Hahn.
H. citri Ashmead. Pownal.
Stiphrosoma Fieber.
S. stygica say. 17 Aug. Ft. Kent.
Idolocoris Douglas and Scott.
I. agilis Uhl. Pownal.
Orectoderus Uhler.
0. obliquus Uhl. 26 July. Machias.
Lopus Hahn.
L. decolor Fall. 15 July. Pownal.
M egalocoleus Reuter.
M. coagulatus Uhl. Pownal.
19141 Pmhley-Hemiptera-Heteropiera of Maine 143 Plagiognathus Fieber.
P. fratemus Uhl. 13 Sept. Westbrook.
P. fuscosus Prov. 11 July-3 Aug. Orono, Wa ldoboro, Pownal. P. politus Uhl. 14 July-13 Sept. Orono, Westbrook. P. obscurus Uhl. 10 July-17 Aug. Calais, Ft. Kent. So recorded probably = fuscosus..
This family has been little collected, and doubtless many mere species inhabit the state.
I intend to pay special attention to the group, and give this arrangement as merely tentative.
Anthocork Fallen.
A. musculus Say. 30 April-19 Aug. Orono, Ft. Kent. Lyctocoris Hahn.
L. fitchii Reut. 28 June. Orono.
Triphleps Fieber.
T. insidiosus Say. 22 June. Orono, Pownal. FAMILY CLINOCORIDE.
(= Cimicidc~ Auct.)
Clinocoris Fallen.
C. lectularius Linn.
Seasons and distribution no more restricted than in other regions. C. ? hirundinis Jenyns.
There is a specimen in the Station collection taken from a swallow's nest and so labelled, but probably this species is strictly European. FAMILY NABIDLE.
Pagasa Stal.
P. fusca Stein. Orono.
Reduviolus Kirby.
R. subcoleoptratus Kirby. 7 July-27 Aug. Orono, Belfast, Ft. Kent. R. rufusculus Reut. 8 May-5 Oct. Orono, West Beach, Waldoboro. R. ferus Linn. 17 April-5 Oct. Generally distributed. Orono, etc. FAMILY NEP1D.E .
Ranatra Fabricius.
R. arnericana Mont. 4 Oct. Orono.
This species has been confused with both fusca Beauv. and quadridentata Stal. Nepa apiculata Harr. should be found in the state, as its known range includes this region.
Hydrome tra La treille.
H. martini Kirk. 6 May-17 July. Orono, Monmouth.
144 Psyche
Pygolampis Germar.
P. pectoralis Say. Manchester.
Reduvius Lamarck.
R. personatus Linn. 19 June-24 Aug. Orono, Pownal, Brunswick. Apiomerus Hahn.
A. ventralis Say. 26 June. Monmouth.
Zelus Fabricius.
2. exsanguis Stal. (= luridus Stal .)
2. socius Uhl. 18 July. Monmouth.
Fitchia Stal.
I?. aptera Stal. 31 May-29 June. Manchester, Orono, Monmouth. Records of the winged form have not come to my notice. Acholla Stal.
A. multispinosa De Geer.
Sinea Amyot et Serville.
S. diadema Fab. 4 July-8 Aug. Orono.
Ploiariodes White.
P. tuberculata Banks. 27 June. Monmouth. FAMILY MACROCEPHALIDB.
(= Phymatidce Auct.)
Phymata fasciata Gray should be found in the state, but definite records have not come to my notice.
Gen-is Fabricius.
G. remigis Say. 20 April-17 May. Orono.
G. conformis Uhl. 22 Sept. Orono.
G. marginatus Say. 10 May-19 July. Orono, Westbrook, Norway, Durham. G. buenoi Kirk. 1 May-15 Sept. Orono.
Lirnnoporus Stal.
L. rufoscutellatus Latr. 6 May-19 July. Orono, Brunswick, Norway. Trepobates Uhler.
T. pictus Her.-Schk 15 Sept. Orono.
Metrobates Uhler.
M. hesperius Uhl. 22 Sept. Orono.
19141 Purshley-Hemiptera-Hetemptera of Maine FAMILY VELIIDB.
Microvelia Westwood.
M. americana Uhl. 17 May-19 Sept. Orono, Pownal, Paris. M. borealis Bueno MSS. 3 May. Orono.
I took specimens of this species in a temporary puddle in a wa.gon road through a field.
Rhagovelia Mayr.
R. obesa Uhl. 15 July. Paris.
Corythuca Stal.
C. ciliata Say.
Collected in Maine by Packard.
C. juglandis Fitch. 4-6 June. Orono.
C. arcuata Say. May-17 June. Ft. Kent, Brunswick, Bethel. C. pergandei Heid. 22 May-17 Sept. Orono. Leptobyrsa Stal.
L. explanata Heid. Bar Harbor.
Physatochila Fieber .
P. plexa Say. Westbrook.
Tingis Fabricius.
T. (Melanorhopala) clavata Stal.
The occurrence of this species is reported in the Station records, but I have been unable to locate an actual specimen. FAMILY MYODOCHIDB.
( = Lygoeidce olim)
Ischnorhynchus Fieber.
I. geminatus Say. 22 May-11 Sept. Orono. Records of I, reseda Panz. probably refer to this species. Cymus Hahn.
C. luridus Stal. 24 May. Orono.
C. angustatus StaI. 10-26 June. Westbrook, Orono, Holden. C. discors Horv. 20 June. Orono.
Blissus Burmeister.
B. leucopterus Say. 13 April-3 May. Jackman, Orono. B. hirtus Mont. 7 April-12 May. Orono.
These two species are very closely allied, and may not be distinct. I found
them together under stones in early spring. - Phlegyas Stal.
P. annulicrus Stal. 23 June. Holden.
146 Psyche [October
(Edancala Amyot et Serville.
CE. dorsalis Say.
Reported from the state by Stover, but I have not been able to find definite data.
Nysius Dallas.
N. ericse Schiil. 28 Sept . Orono, Westbrook, Pownal. N. longiceps Stal. 28 J~uly. Orono.
Belonochilus Uhler.
B. numenius Say. 10 Sept . Orono.
Orsillus Dallas.
0. scolopax Say. Portland.
Uhler recorded this species as abundant on dry sedges near Portland. Lygasus Fabricius.
L. kalmii Stal. 27 July-11 Aug. Orono, Green Lake. L. turcicus Fab . Ororno, Waldoboro.
Cligenes Distant.
C. pallidus Uhl. 22 April. Orono.
Ligyrocoris Stal.
L. contractus Say. 2-12 Sept. Orono.
L. cliffusus Uhl. 2-15 Sept . Orono.
Myodocha Latreille.
M, serripes Oh. 24-30 May. Orono.
Sphserobius Uhler.
S. insignis Uhl. 25 Sept. Westbrook.
Cnemodus Herrich-Schaeffer.
C. mavortius Say. 19 June. Skowhegan.
Sphragisticus Stal.
S. nebulosus Fallen. 13 Sept. Pownal.
Eremocoris Fieber .
E. ferus Say. 27 April-13 Sept. Holden, Orono, Pownal, Capens. Drymus Fieber.
D. unus Say. Orom.
Scolopostethus Fieber.
S. ? atlanticus Horv, 29 March. Orono.
S. diffidens Horv, 30 ~ ~ k l . Orono.
Xestocoris Van Duzee.
X. nitens V. D. 22 April, Orono.
Parshley-Hemiptera-Heteroptera of Maine
Geocoris Fallen.
G. bullatus Say. 15 June-20 July. Orono, Pownal. FAMILY NEIDIDE.
(= Berytidce olim)
Neides Latreille.
N. muticus Say. 10 June-14 Aug. Orono.
Jalysus Stal.
J. spinosus Say. 6 June. Bangor.
Aradus Fabricius .
A. aequalis Say.
A. robustus Uhl. 24 April-27 June. Orono, Monmouth, Manchester. A. similis Say. 29 April-4 June. Orono.
- A. acutus Say. Norway.
A. niger Stal. 29 March-11 May. Orono.
A. quaddineatus Say. 17 June-19 July. Holden, Paris, Monmouth. A. hubbardi Heid. 4 June. Orono.
A. lugubris Fall. 7 June. Orono, Norway. A. abbas Bergr.
17 July-17 Aug. Ft. Kent, Machias.
Aneurus Curtis.
A. inconstans Uhl. 24 Sept. Orono.
Corizus Fallen.
C. crassicornis Linn,
(= punctiventris Auct.) 31 May-7 Sept.
Ft. Kent, Orono.
C. lateralis Say. Orono.
Harmostes reflexuhis Say doubtless occurs, but no definite record has come to my notice.
Anasa Amyot et Serville.
A. tristis De Geer.
22 June-17 Oct.
Orono and numerous other localities.
Corynocoris Mayr.
C. typhseus Fab. 10 May. Orono.
I took twelve specimens of this species as they flew up, one by one, to the dried body of a long dead fowl. Some alighted nearby and others disappeared within the carcass.
I was unable to determine whether they came to feed on the juices of the carrion or to prey on other insects, and they may have been attracted merely by the odor. I believe that there are few if any so positive records of the frequenting of carrion by Heteroptera.
148 Psyche [October
Alydus Fabricius.
A. eurinus Say. 19 June. Orono.
A. pilosulus Her.-Schfr. 8 Sept. Orono.
A. conspersus Mont. June-10 Aug. Orono, Ashland. Megalotomus Fieber.
M. quinquespinosus Say. 5 Aug.-28 Sept. Orono, S. Orrington. Protenor Stal.
P. belfragei Hagl. 15 July-11 Sept. Orono, Pushaw Lake, Norway. FAMILY PENTATOMIDB.
(Cimicidce Kirk.)
Elasmostethus Fieber.
E. cruciatus Say.
12 June-31 Aug.
Orono, Paris, Ft. Kent, N. E. Harbor,
Chamberlain Lake.
Elasmucha Stal.
E. lateralis Say. 4 July-30 Sept.
Mt. Katahdin, Kineo, Capens, Mercer,
N. E. Harbor.
Pentatoma Olivier.
P. persirnilis Horv. 15 May-26 Sept. Orono, Caribou, Monmouth, Cherryfield. Mormidea Amyot et Serville.
M. lugens Fab. 25 July-2 Sept. Orono, near Portland. Euschistus Dallas.
E. euschistoides Voll. (= fissilis Uhl.) 18 June-11 Sept. Orono, Pownal, etc. E. tristigmus Say. 27 May-17 Sept. Orono, Houlton, Wales, Pownal. E. variolarius Pal. Beauv. Orono.
No doubt E. ictericus Linn. will be found, as its known range seems to include the state.
Ccenus Dallas.
C. delius Say. 5 May-17 Sept. Orono, Bar Harbor. Neottiglossa Kirby.
N. undata Say. 19 May-31 Aug. Orono, Bar Harbor. Cosmopepla Stal.
C. carnifex Fab. (lintneriana irk.) 31 May-17 Sept. Capens, Orono, Ft.
Fairfield, Eastport.
Banasa Stal.
B. calva Say. Orono, Manchester. -
B. dimidiata Say.
16 June-28 Sept.
Orono, S. Orrington, Bangor, Sherman.
Volume 21 table of contents