Frankie Willard.
The New Species of Platypeza Found at Stanford University.
Psyche 21(5):166-168, 1914.
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166 Psyche [October
I believe, have been just as simple and useful had it been divided into the six genera formerly recognized. The preparation of a
key for the large genus Liburnia was no small task and if Mr. Crawford has done this successfully it is something for which we will all feel grateful.
I must call attention to a statement made by Kirkaldy some years ago and now repeated by Crawford: that Stal used Embolo- phora monoceros as the type of his new genus Liburnia. There is absolutely not one iota of foundation for this statement except the fact that Stal placed it as the first species of his new genus. As a matter of fact monoceros is the type of the entirely distinct genus, Embolophora, and can never be used as the type of Liburnia Stal. I have already shown (Bull. Buf. Soc. Nat Sci. X, p. 504, 1912) that Liburnia Stal was simply a new name for Delphasc Auct. (not of Fabr.) of whichpellucida Fabr. should be the type. Del- phax striata Fabr. is the type of Delphax Latr. but Stal does not quote Delphax Latr. but Delphax Auct. and as striata seems to be an unrecognized species it is probably better to use pellucida, which is a well known form.
Stanford University.
While making a study of the insect larvae living in mushrooms, I found an old cluster of Agaricus californicus which was infested with hundreds of small oblong larvae that were feeding on the soft fleshy portions of the plant at the base of the gills. Many other
specimens were taken during the months of April and May, the dark gills of the mushrooms showing that the material was rather old. When these were placed in jars containing damp soil the larvae fed for several days in the mushrooms. Some then bored
into the soil to pupate, others pupated on the surface under the fungus or in exposed places. The length of the larval period was not determined. Most of the insects remained in the pupal stage from seven to nine days, but some did not issue until the following
19141 Willard-Species of Platype xi 167
September, or about the time of the early rains. These larvae,
which proved to be the immature stages of an undescribed species of Platypezidae, are cylindrical, soft, and cream colored. The body tapers anteriorly and the first segment is rounded. The
surface of the body is rough, covered with many small spines. Each segment, except the first, second and last, is provided with two large, lateral, and two smaller, dorsal, segmented, spiniferous appendages. The second segment has only dorsal setae; the last segment has two pairs of lateral set= and one posterior pair. The anterior margins of the first, third and twelve segments are each provided with a pair of short tube-like processes. The ventral side of segments five to eleven have a pair of papilla near each lateral margin.
The slit-like anal opening is on the ventral side of the twelfth segment.
The pupa is dark brown in color; oval, flat, hard and wrinkled. The appendages are the same as in the larva. Some of the adult flies were sent to Professor J. M. Aldrich, who kindly examined them and said they belonged to an unde- scribed species. He sent several specimens of still another undescribed Platypeza, which he reared from the shelf -f ungus, Polyporus, while at Stanford in 1906. The descriptions of the two species follow.
Platypeza agarici sp. nov.
Male: Velvety-black. Head black;, antennas black; face grayish in middle; cheeks black, with black hairs.
Eyes contiguous, divided, upper half reddish- brown, with large ommatidia, lower half black, with small ommatidia. Thorax black with black hairs.
Abdomen velvety black; last segment and a narrow mar- gin on the incisures, grayish.
Sides and back with black hair.
Legs black; tarsus
brown with fuscous pile; hind tarsal joints flattened; the third joint is the longest and broadest; halteres black. Wings hyaline; subcostal cell of a yellowish tinge; veins brown; anterior branch of 4th vein well arcuated; the posterior branch reaches to the border of the wing; 2nd posterior cell short; posterior cross vein removed from border of win2 on 5th vein by twice its own length. An interest-
ing variation occurs in the cross vein between the first and second basal cell. Always faint, it is entirely lacking in some specimens. Female: Eyes separated and not divided. Abdomen velvety black. Length, 24-34 mm.
Platypeza polypori sp. nov.
Male: Velvety black. Head black; face black, grayish toward ventral margin; cheeks black with black pile; antennae black; eyes contiguous, divided; the upper half reddish with large ommatidia; the lower half dark brown with small ommatidia.
168 Psyche
Thorax black with black hairs.
Abdomen velvety black; last segment. and in- cisures dark gray; sides and back covered with fine, soft, black hairs. Legs fuscous
or blackish; hind tarsal joints flattened, the basal segment broadest, the third seg- ment longest; halteres fuscous; knobs black. Wings hyaline, subcostal cell with a very faint yellowish tinge; veins brown; anterior branch of 4th vein rises at al- most a right angle from the fourth vein; posterior branch does not reach the margin of the wing: second psterior cell very short. The distance from the posterior
cross vein to the tip of the 5th vein is about one-third the length of the posterior cross vein.
Feinale: Eyes not contiguous or divided. Face grayish.
The first, third, fourth,
and fifth segments of abdomen grayish.
These studies were made in the Entomological Laboratories at Stanford University where the types of the new species are de- posited.
Fig. 1. Platypeza ugarici sp. nov.
1, dorsal view of larva; 2, ventral view of larva; 3, dorsal view of pupa; 4, ventral view of pupa; 5, one of the spines of larva; 6, wing; 7, hind leg, showing flattened tarsus.
Volume 21 table of contents