C. T. Brues.
A New Wingless Phorid Fly from Jamaica.
Psyche 22(3):102-104, 1915.
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102 Psyche [June
Middle tibiae each bearing two or more macrochtse on the front side near the mid- dle. Hind tibiae sub-ciliate.
Abdomen black, the segments grayish pollinose on the basal four-fifths, with the exception of the first segment, which is destitute of pollen on the dorsum. A median black dorsal vitta. First and second segments bearing a pair of median marginal macrochsetae, the third a marginal row and the fourth bearing macrochsetae on its apical two-thirds. Hairs of abdomen sub-erect. Wings h~aline.
Apical cell open, ending before the wing tip. The third longitudi- nal vein bearing two or three bristles at its base. Calypteres whitish, faintly bor- dered with yellowish.
Puparium 7 mm. in length. The anal stigmata highly raised, sub-cylindrical, nearly .5 mm. long. Reticulations in three distinct half circular impressions with a small circular impression in the center. Described from five male specimens.
One mile (Holotype) in collection of the U. S. National Museum, Cat. No. 19237 reared from an unknown Noctuid larva taken at Revere, Mass., by Mr. J. V. Shaffner.
Three males (Paratypes) taken by Mr. C. W. Johnson at Sugar Island, Me., July 17, 1907, and Orrs Island, Me., July 21, 1907. In collection of the Boston Society of Natural History. One male (Paratype) taken by writer at North Andover, Mass., July 16, 1911. In author's collection.
Bussey Institution, Harvard University.
Chonocephalus jamaicensis sp. nov.
9. Length, 1 mm.
Brownish yellow; dorsal abdominal plates fuscous; legs brownish-yellow, lighter beyond the femora. Head very slightly wider than long,
broadest at the eyes which are quite near the hind angles; the latter rectangular, rounded only at the extreme comer; from just in front of the eyes, the front is nar- rowed, the edge regularly concave to the fore margin which is strongly arcuate and about two-fifths as broad as the head behind; sides of head below antenna] cavities sinuate, convex behind and somewhat concave in front, turning in toward the median line a little before the fore margin of the front; posterior margin of head straight. Surface of head above covered with small, sub-erect hairs, and with a large bristle at the side margin of the front just above the antenna, followed by a series of three smaller ones extending forward along the edge of the front; side of head just below antenna with a group of three rather large and a few small bristles; oral margin fringed on each side with five delicate, downwardly directed bristles; antenna
19151 Brues̀ÔNe Wingless Phorid Fly from Jamaica 103 small, rounded, but distinctly angulate at the insertion of the arista which is very long and delicate, reaching to the base of the abdomen. Head, viewed from the side, twice as long as high, flat above and strongly curved downwards in front and backwards to the anterior angle of the antenna1 cavity; face obtusely produced for- ward and downward below the oral margin; margin of head below eyes horizontal. Eyes with 15-16 ommatidia. Palpi of moderate size, flattened; with five bristles below and several longer ones at apex. Thorax in dorsal view three times as broad as long on the sides; medially narrowed to half its length at the sides, both the anterior and posterior margins bisinuate; humeri distinctly marked off as rounded tubercles; clothed with sparse fine hairs like those on the head, but without bristles. Abdomen with six fully chitinized plates which fully cover its dorsal surface, except where the sutures extend between them as very narrow membranous bands; first plate nearly semicircular, with straight posterior edge; second to fifth subequal in length, the fourth broadest; along the posterior edge each plate has a black band which bears a series of from 15-20 pale circular dots from each of which arises a bristle about one fourth as long as the width of the plate. Sixth plate a little longer than the preceding, rounded behind, and with four fine bristles on its posterior margin; whole abdomen above, finely, sparsely hairy. Ovipositor more or less ex- serted, of the usual tubular, soft, fleshy type. Venter with only one plate, that of the sixth segment; this somewhat broader than long, straight in front and on the sides, but concave behind; posterior margin with four small equidistant bristles, one at each angle with a pair between. Legs stout, hairy, but without distinct bristles, except for a tuft of short ones at the tip of the anterior coxse, a series of five or six on the outer edge of the middle cox= and one at the tip of the hind cox=; front tibiae with one minute spur; middle ones with a larger one and hind ones with a pair of which one is very small.
Williamstown, Jamaica, B. W. I.
Type No. 9033 in the Muse-
um of Comparative Zoology. Described from specimens given me by Prof. Roland Thaxter.
This species is a close relative of the other forms of Chonocepha- lus which have already been made known from various parts of the world. This great similarity of the species is most remarkable when it is recalled that the others known from females are from such widely separated regions as the Bismark Archipelago, Ger- man East Africa, Sumatra, India, Mexico and Guatemala. On account of their close resemblance I have drawn up a table for their separation. It must be stated, however, that this is in part compiled from descriptions, as I have seen specimens of only three species.
KEY TO THE SPECIES OF CHONOCEPHALUS (FEMALES). 1. Dorsal abdominal plates of the first to fifth segments with a series of transparent dots along the posterior border from which arise the marginal bristles. . . , . .2
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