William M. Mann.
Some Myrmecophilous Insects from Hayti.
Psyche 22(5):161-166, 1915.
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PSYCHE, 1916.
PSYCHE, 1915.
Mann-Some Myrmecophilous Insects from Hayti 161
Fig. 1. Head of larva, dorsal view.
X 55.
Fig. 2. Head of larva, ventral view. X 55. XIV
Fig. 1. Detail of antenna, larva, showing appendix. X 235.
Fig. 2. Anal cerci of larva, dorsal view. X 55.
Fig. 3. Anal cerci of pupa, ventral view. X 55.
Fig. 4. Pupa, dorsal view.
X 20.
Fig. 5. Pupa, ventral view.
X 20.
Bussey Institution, Harvard University.
The insects here noted were collected in Hayti during the winter of 1912-13.
Few myrmecophilous insects have been recorded from the West Indies, though no doubt many occur there as the . ant fauna is varied and abundant and contains many ancient types. Of these Aphoenogaster relicta wheeler & Mann is the predominant Myrmicine ant on the island, and this species was found to harbor several interesting inquilines. In addition to the species recorded in these notes several others of possibly myrmecophilous habits were taken. I hope to list these after further study.
Mr. A. B. Wolcott, of the Field Museum at Chicago, has very kindly drawn the accompanying figures.
The types of the new species have been deposited in the Museum of Comparative Zoology at Cambridge.
Myrmecophila prenolepidis Wasmann.
A single specimen was taken from a colony of Prenolepis longi- cornis Latr. at Manneville near the shores of Lake Assuei. Another
1 Contributions from the Entomological Laboratory of the Busssy Institution, Harvard University, No. 101.
162 Psyche [October
was seen in this locality in a nest of the same species of ant, but escaped. This cricket was described by Wasmann from examples sent to him from India by P. J. Assmuth, and from Para, Brazil, by E. A. Goldi. In both localities the host ant was Prenolepis longicornis. Wasmann's Brazilian specimens were lighter in color than those from India and the light transverse abdominal band was indistinct. The Haytian example is more like the Indian form, being dark brown in color with a distinct light yellowish band transversely across the first segment of the abdomen. This cricket and the beetle, Coluocera maderoe Woll., are the characteristic guests of Prenolepis longicornis. The host ant is one of the most widely distributed-of-all the Formicidse. It has been recorded from practically all tropical and subtropical regions, and occurs occasionally even in the temperate parts of the world, where it has been introduced through commerce. Nests are of common occurrence on shipboard. It is evident from the varied localities from which the two inquilines have been recorded, that they are capable of adapting themselves to the different environ- ments in which the host nests, and that they are extending their range, following the ant in its wanderings. HEMIPTERA.
Two nymphs of an undetermined Cercopid were found with large colonies of Aphcenogaster relicta subsp. epinotalis Wheeler & Mann at Manneville. The body of this Hemipteron is very much flattened dorsoventrally, so that it has the appearance of a small cockroach, which it resembles also in its manner of running. A single immature individual of an undetermined Mernbracid was found living in a nest of Macronzischa sallei subsp. haytiana Wheeler & Mann at Furcy. Enslin has recently observed (Zeits. f. wiss. Insektenbiol. Vol. VII, pp. 19-21) that the European ant Formica cinereu F. often carries into its nests nymphs and adults of Garqara genistoe F., a common European Homopteron. Those which he observed soon died, probably because of lack of food in the subterranean nests of the ants. The nest of Macromischa,
19151 Mann-Some Mymecophilous Insects from Hayti 163 which is built of carton about the branches of living shrubs, offers available food supply to any Homopteron that might enter or be carried into it.
Still the habit can not be very general, for numer- ous nests were examined and no more individuals were found. Fustiger haytiam sp. nov. (Figs. 1 and 2.) Length, 2/25 mm.
Color yellowish brown, the head, antennae and prothorax con- siderably darker than the abdomen.
Head a little more than twice as long as broad, broadest behind the eyes, from which the sides are nearly straight and slightly converging to occiput; occipital corners angulate, the border deeply concave; sides in front of eyes slightly con- vex, nearly as widely separated at base of clypeus as at eyes, eyes convex, about one sixth as long as head; antennae slightly longer than head, third joint -
clavate, constricted at basal third, about seven times the length of the second, broadly rounded at apex; head and antennae subopaque, coarsely rugulose-punctate, beset with short yellowish hairs, which are erect on head and at apex of antennae, and semi-recumbent on remainder of antennae. Prothorax as long as head, broadest in front of middle, narrowed anteriorly; sides posterior to the broadest part slightly concave; posterior corners angulate, the border slightly concave; disc with a large shallow, median fossa a little posterior to the middle. Elytra shining, finely, sparsely punctate, with scattered, short, erect hairs; together three Fig'
Fustiger haytiana
fourths as long as broad; anterior border concave; sp. nov.
sides rounded, gradually diverging to the posterior border; posterior corners rounded. Inner border of each elytron strongly, though narrowly margined, with an entire stria approximate and parallel to the margin. Abdomen shining, finely punctate and with erect hairs; at base a little nar- rower than the elytra; first segment basally very deeply impressed transversely and having on either side of this depression a large rounded tubercle which bears a thin bunch of short, recumbent hairs; sides rounded, margined, with strong striae that extend from the middle of tubercles to the apical pig. 2. Fustiger haytiana
corners of first segment. Propygidium about three sp. nov. above, head times as broad as long.
Legs rather slender; tibiae
from side; below, mid-
apically as thick as the femora; with suberect hairs. die femur.
Middle femora with a long, curved, blunt process near the base. Ventral surface
shining, minutely punctate.
164 Psyche [October
Described from a single specimen taken at Diquini in a nest of Aphcenogaster relicta.
The only other West Indian Fustiger is F. smith; Raf. from St. Vincent. F. haytiana differs in being larger (smithi is only 1.65 mm. in length) and in not having the elytra rugosely punctate at base.
Coluocera maderae Woll.
Taken in numbers at Manneville, in company with Prenolepis longicornis.
This beetle was first described from Madeira, where it was found in the nest of an ant.
The name of the host was not given,
but Wasmann reasonably supposes that it was Prenolepis longi- cornis. This author has given an interesting account of the beetle (Zeitschr. f. wiss. Insektenbiol. 1905, pp. 384-390), in which he records it from India, Para, Brazil, and the island of Trinidad as well as from Madeira. In each locality it occurs with Prenolepis longicornis, but in India it has been found also with P. indica Forel and also with species of the genus Pheidole, however, usually with the first named ant. Assmuth notes (Zeitschr. f. wiss. In- sektenbiol. 1907, p. 330) that at Bombay, India, it is very abun- dant, while rare at Khandalo. In Hayti about Lake Assuei it was abundant, but sporadic. Dozens of specimens occurred in some nests while in the immediate vicinity others would not contain a single individual, and although the host ant is common through- out the island at the lower altitudes, I did not find the beetles in any other locality.
Pseudisobrachium terresi sp. nov.
Female (Fig. 3):
Length, 6 mm.
Color black, except the mandibles, antennae and legs exclusive of the outer sideof Lhe front coxse, which are rufous, and the apical margins of abdominal segments, which are indistinctly rufous. Head one and one fourth times as long as broad, broadest behind base of mandibles; sides subparallel, very slightly convex; occipital margin straight; at corners broadly rounding into the sides; above closely foveolately punctured, except for a narrow, longitudinal, median space extending the entire length, which is smooth. Clypeus very strongly
19151 Mann-Some Myrmecophilous Insects/rom Hayti 165 carinate. Mandibles thick, tridentate. Antennae short, extending about half their length past the occipital margin, IS-jointed; the scape punctate, as long as the first five joints of the flagellum together; pedical globular; first and second joints of flagellum equal, slightly longer than broad; joints 3 to 10 transverse, sub-
equal; apical joint nearly twice the
length of penultimate. Ocelli absent;
eyes minute, situated on sides of head
at about one sixth the distance from
clypeus to occiput. Prothorax one
and three fourths times as long as
broad, sides nearly parallel, rounded
anteriorly, coarsely but sparsely punc-
tate except for a smooth longitudinal
median surface; the collar densely,
minutely striolate transversely. Meso-
thorax subcordate, without a scutellum,
separated from prothorax by a deep
impression; with distinct parapsidal
furrows; mesonotal furrows strongly
impressed, diverging outwardly at an-
terior border, extending entire length;
surface above smooth at middle and
in a narrow space outward from the
furrows and parallel to them, elsewhere
with scattered coarse punctures. Met-
anotum twice as long as broad,
broadest behind middle, smooth at
middle, coarsely punctate at sides,
posterior portion delicately striolate
transversely. Abdomen cylindrical,
about three times as long as broad,
Fig. 3. Pseudesobrachium terresi
sp. nov.
with fine scattered punctures.
Legs stout, finely punctate, middle tibiae and tarsi spinose.
Body shining, with scattered yellow hairs, which are most abundant on abdomen, legs, head and antennae.
Described from a single specimen taken in a nest of Aphoenogaster relicta at Diquini.
The species is named after Dr. John B. Terres, United States Consul General to Hayti, in recognition of his interest in the fauna of the island. The only other species of ' Pseudisobrachium known to occur in the West Indies are P. collinum and P. albipes which were described by Ashmead from males taken in St. Vincent. Besides terresi the habits of only five species of this genus have been recorded and these all live
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