H. M. Parshley.
Systematic Papers on New England Hemiptera: II. Synopsis of the Pentatomidae.
Psyche 22(5):170-177, 1915.
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Fig. 1. Pipunculus terminalis, part of wing. Fig. 2. Pipunculus latipennis, wing.
Fig. 3. Pipuncuhs latipennis, antenna.
Fig. 4. Pipunculus latipennis, ovipositor. Fig. 5. VmaUia virginica, antenna.
Fig. 6. Pipunculus cinctus, wing.
Fig. 7. VmaUia virginica, tip of abdomen, above. Fig. 8. Pipunculus tenninalis, antenna, tip of abdomen, above. Fig. 9. Verrallia pirginica, wing.
Fig. 10. Pipuncuhis cinctus, antenna.
With Plate XVI.
1. First segment of the rostrum largely free, relatively short and thick; bucculse small, more or less distinctly united under the rostrum posteriorly, hence converging; insertion of rostrum close to end of tylus (fig. 4) 4. ASOPINE.
First segment of rostrum largely embedded between the bucculse, relatively slender; bncculse large, not united posteriorly, hence more or less parallel; insertion of rostrum separated from end of tylus by a space about equal to width of basal segment (fig. 1) Pentatominv Kirk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 ~ - --
~ --
1 Contributions from the Entomological Laboratory of the Bussey Institution, Harvard Uni- versity, No. 98.
I have found the following works, among others, to be of especial assistance in the study of this family:
Stal: Enum. Hem, I., K. Sv. Vet.-Ak. Handl. IX., 1870. Oef. K. ~et.-Ak. F6A., XXIV.,
No. 7, 1867, p. 522.
Van Duzee: List. Pent. N. Am., Tr. Am. Ent. Soc. XXX., 1904, p. 1. Can, Ent., XLI.,
1909, p. 369, and other papers.
Kirkaldy: Cat. Hem. I., 1909, and other papers. Heymons: Beitr. Morph. u. Entw. Rhynch. Nova Acta Ac. Leop. Carol. LXXIV., 1899. Summers: Pr. Iowa Ac. Sci., VI., 1908, p. 40. Bergroth: Ann. Son. Ent. Belg., LVIII., 1914, p. 24. Ent. News, XVIII., 1907, p. 48, and
other papers.
Breddin: Beitr. Sys. Pent. Sudam., Sitz. Ges. Nat. Fr., 10, 1907, p. 328. Schouteden: Gen. Ins., Het., 1905-1907.
Torre Bueno: Ent. News, XXIII, 1912, p. 316. Correction: PSYCHE, June, 1915, p. 93, in the description of the Pentatomidse the tarsi should be given as 2- or %segmented. Fiwht 22:170.170 (1915). http:ffpsyche cnlclub aft>V32-170 html
PSYCHE, 1915.
19151 Parshley-Systematic Papers on New England Hemipiera 171 2. Tarsi %segmented; sternum with a distinct longitudinal keel; frena extending ................
almost to end of scutellum.
Tarsi 3-segmented; sternum without keel; frena shorter. ................ .3 3. Scutellum large, broad at apex, extending farther posteriorly than the corium; frena very short; sides of the pronotum with a single prominent tooth just anterior to lateral angle, the angles thus emareinate 1. GRAPHOSOMATINB
Scutellum smaller, more or less narrowed apically, generally shorter than the corium; frena longer; pronotum with numerous teeth or with no tooth near ..................................
lateral angle. .2. PENTATOMINB
Genus Podops Laporte.
Size larger, length about 6.5 mm.; 2d, 3d, and 4th segments of antennae darker; lateral tooth of pronotum obtuse; color very dark brown. ... c'nctipes Say. Size smaller, length 5 mm. ; 2d, 3d, and 4th segments of antennae paler; lateral tooth ................
of pronotum acute; color as in the preceding. .parvula V. D.
2. Subfamily PENTATOMINB .
1. Body very flat, margins explanate; head with thin dilated margin, about as wide as base of scutellum, flat above; scutellum broad, scarcely narrowed .......................................
apically (fig. 5) .l. SCIOCORINI
Body not extremely flat and explanate; head not very widely dilated, when nearly as wide as base of scutellum head is distinctly convex above, usually .......................................... narrower than scutellum. .2
2. Juga with a prominent lateral tooth near apex (fig. 3) ; abdomen shallowly sul- cate beneath; rostrum extending behind posterior coxse. .... .2. HALYINI Juga without lateral tooth (fig. 6); abdomen not sulcate; rostrum shorter 3. PENTATOMINI
Genus Sciocoris Fallen.
Color brown, connexivum3 spotted; length 6.5 mm (fig. 5) .4 microphthalrnus FIor. 1 The frena are longitudinal grooves in the edges of the scutellum which receive the inner margins of the hemielytra. They end about where the clavus disappears beneath the scutellum. 2 In the latest general catalogue (Kirkaldy, 1909) the Acanthosomatinse and Graphoso- matinse are given as tribes of the Pentatominse. This matter is still open to discussion, I believe, but in the present series I plan to follow the check-list of Van Duzee, to whom I am again indebted for advance information.
aThe marginal region of the abdomen.
There are very few records of the occurrence of Sciocoris in this country, and collectors should be on the watch for it. 4 The ocelli in this species are very small and unfortunately do not show in the figure.
2. Tribe HALYINI.
Genus Brochymena Amyot et Serville.
1. Lateral angles of thorax distinctly produced in a short truncated dentate lobe, not rounded anteriorly; scutellum with a distinct transverse elevation at base; connexivum very wide; color indistinctly mottled grayish brown; length 14-16 mm. ............................................. arborea Say. Lateral processes less abrupt, rounded anteriorly, finely denticulate; scutellum less strongly elevated at base. ...................................... .2 2. Juga extending much beyond apex of tylus, contiguous anteriorly, or separated, thus forming a long narrow apical sinus; connexivum moderately wide; color as in the preceding; length 15-17 mm.. ............ .quadripustulata Fab. Juga extending but little beyond apex of tylus, tips more or less convergent above, forming a short, sometimes transverse sinus; connexivum narrow; markings more contrasted; length 13-17 mm. carolinensis Westw. or annulata Fab.
1. Head very convex above, triangular, almost as broad as scutellum; juga dis- .............
tinctly longer than tylus; apex of corium broadly rounded. .2
Head more nearly flat above, narrower; juga often not longer than tylus; apex of coriurn generally with a distinct, but sometimes rounded angle; if juga are longer than tylus, or apex of corium is broadly rounded, head is not more than two-thirds width of scutellum. ...................................... .3 2. Anterior angles of pronotum projecting distinctly forward; pronotum with three longitudinal pale stripes ................................... .lo. Aelia Anterior angles not so projecting; pronotum with one stripe. .11. Neottiglossa 3. Base of abdomen armed below with a median spine or tubercle, directed ante- riorly ........................................................... .17 Base of abdomen unarmed. .......................................... .4 4. Lateral margins of juga widely reflexed and greatly thickened; orifices placed a little farther outward than lateral margin of intermediate coxal cavities, not elevated; front of head almost vertical. .............. .15. Murgantia Lateral margins of juga not or only narrowly reflexed, not greatly thickened; orifices and head usually otherwise constructed. ...................... .5 5. Scutellum broad and rounded at apex, lateral margins almost straight; head strongly bent downwards.. ............................ $12. Cosmopepla Scutellum generally narrowed at apex, lateral margins concave (as in fig. 2); head not or slightly bent downwards. ................................ .6 6. Orifices without sulcus, or with sulcus which ends abruptly. ................ .7 .
Orifices with a gradually disappearing prolongation. .................... .14 7. Veins of membrane irregularly anastomosing or with numerous branches more or less distinct. ................................................... .8 Veins simple or slightly branched. .................................... .10 8. Scutellum broadly rounded at apex, as long as corium; apical margin of corium rounded, apical lateral angle obtuse. ........................ .8. Coenus Scutellum narrowed at apex, shorter than corium; apical margin straight, apical lateral angle acute. ................................................ .9
PSYCHE, 1915.
PARSHLEY-New England Hemiptera.
19151 Parshley-Systematic Papers on New England Hemiptera 173 9. Frena extending just to middle of scutellum; bucculse increasing in height posteriorly, ending abruptly; lateral margin of pronotum not explanate; rostrum extending a little beyond intermediate coxse. .... .9. Hymenarcys Frena extending beyond middle of scutellum; bucculse decreasing in height posteriorly, elevated anteriorly into an angle; lateral margin of pronotum explanatein front; rostrum extending beyond intermediate coxse 13. Menecles. ...........................
10. Frena extending beyond middle of scutellum .ll
........................................... Frena shorter 2. Trichopepla
............ 11. Tibiae distinctly and broadly sulcate throughout their length.. .12 ................................................ Tibiae not so sulcate. .14
12. Lateral margins of pronotum crenulate, lateral angles prominent, rounded or ........................
acuminate; head rather elongate.
.7. Euschistus
Lateral margins of pronotum not crenulate, lateral angles not prominent; head shorter .......................................................... 13 13. Form elongate; color olivaceous green; second and third segments of rostrum ..........................
nearly equal, fourth shorter..
.4. Rhytidolomia
Form broad; color clear green; second segment of rostrum longer than third, ..........................
third nearly equal to fourth.
.3. Chlorochroa
14. Thorax armed on each side with a long anteriorly projecting spine; first segment of rostrum shorter than bucculse; form elongated; margin of scutellum con- ................................................ colorous. .6. Solubea.
Thorax unarmed; first segment of rostrum longer than buccal=; form broad; ...........................
scutellum outlined with white.
.5. Mormidea
15. Juga not longer than tylus
.14. Thyanta
Juga longer than tylus, almost or quite contiguous in front (somewhat as in .......................................................... fig. 5) .16
16. Prothorax with conspicuous white impunctate margins extending around .......................................... lateral angles. .l. Peribalus
Prothorax without such margins, impunctate anteriorly only 19. Dendrocoris 17. Fifth antennal segment more than twice the length of second; apex of scutellum and anterior region of prothorax lighter; species olivaceous green in color 18. Banasa
Fifth antennal segment less than twice length of second; scutellum and pro- ......................
thorax concolorous; species clear green in color. .18
18. Orifices short, rather broad, not extending more than half way to lateral margins ...........................
of metapleura, ending abruptly.
.17. Nezara
Orifices continued in a long narrowing ruga, extending almost to posterior ..........................
lateral angles of mesopleura.
.16. Acrosternum
1. Genus Peribalus Mulsant et Rey.
Holcostetlzus Kirk. in part.
Color brown, tip of scutellum and margins of body more or less pale; length 7.5-9 ................................................... mm.. limbolarius Stal.
2. Genus Trichopepla Stal.
Color brown with faint paler markings; connexivum spotted; body pilose; length .............................................. 6.5-8 mm. semivittata Say-
3. Genus Chlorochroa Stal.
Pentatoma Auct. in part.
Rhytidolomia Kirk, in part.
Color green, margins of body and tip of scutellum reddish yellow; length 12-14 mm. uhleri Stal or persirnilis Horv.1
4. Genus Rhytidolomia Stal
Pentatoma Auct. in part.
Larger, length 16 mm.; lateral margins of pronotum narrowly reflexed (fig. 6) color dark olive brown, the margins paler. .......................... .sendis Say. Smaller, length 9.5-11 mm., pronotal margins not reflexed; color dark olive, with median and lateral pale stripes. ............................... saucia Say. 5. Genus Monnidea Amyot et Serville.
Color dark brown, pronotum with two transverse pale stripes, lateral margins of ........ scutellum and edges of connexivum pale; length 6 mm.. .lugens Fab.
6. Genus Solubea Bergroth.
Oebalus Stal.
Color light brown, scutellum and markings of head paler; length 8-10 mm. pugnax Fab.
7. Genus Euschistus Dallas.
1. Pronotum with a distinct more or less impunctate raised line running trans- versely between the lateral angles; pronotum distinctly wider than the abdo- men; juga generally somewhat longer than the tylus; color variable, generally some shade of brown throughout the genus; length about 11 mm, ictericus Linn.
Pronotum without such a line, proportionately narrower. ................ .2 2. Juga distinctly longer than the tylus, apex of head thus emarginate; hemielytra covering the connexivum; length 12-15 mm. fissilis Uhl. or euschistoides Voll.
Juga not or very slightly longer than the tylus, apex of head thus rounded or truncate .......................................................... 3 3. Lateral angles of the ventral abdominal segments concolorous; genital plate of the male with a dark spot (fig. 7); form somewhat narrowed posteriorly; length about 13 mm.. ........................... variolarius Pal. Beauv. Lateral angles of the ventral segments with a black dot; hemielytra generally ...................................... not covering the connexivum. .4 4. Smaller, length 8-9 mm., form rather flattened; lateral margins of pronotum pale and somewhat swollen, the closely set marginal punctures forming a distinct black band.. ...................................... politus Uhl. ...................... Larger, length 10 mm. or more; form more convex. .5 5. Larger, length 12-15 mm; abdomen without a median ventral row of black spots servus Say.
Smaller,length 10-12 mm.; abdomen usually with a median ventral row of black spots more or less developed. ........................... tristigmus Say. 1 These forms are considered identical by Van Duzee.
19151 Parshley-Systematic Papers on New England Hemipfera 175 8. Genus Coenus Dallas.
....... Color brown, finely dotted with black; length about 8 mm.. delius Say. 9. Genus Hyrnenarcys Amyot et Serville.
Lateral margins of pronoturn arcuate; larger, length 9 mm.; color dark brown nervosa Say.
Laterals margins of pronoturn straight; smaller, length 7.5 mm.; color about as in preceding. ................................................ *aequalis Say.1 10. Genus Aelia Fabricus.
Color light brownwith longitudinal pale stripes; length 8 mm.. *americana Dallas
11. Genus Neottiglossa Kirby.
.. Color brown with rather faint pale markings; length about 5 mm.. .undata Say. 1%. Genus Cosmopepla Stal.
Color black with red markings; length about 5 mm. lintneriana Kirk. or camifex Fab.
13. Genus Menecles Stal.
Color brown, connexivum spotted; length 13 mm.. ............ .insertus Say. 14. Genus Thyanta Stal.
Scutellum less elongated apically, shorter as a whole (fig. 2) ; form of body shorter and broader; colors constant, dark green, prothorax narrowly black laterally, and with a distinct purplish transverse 'band between the lateral angles; length ............................................ about 9 mm.. .calceata Say.2
Scutellum more elongated apically, longer as a whole (fig. 2); general form more elongated; colors variable, very light to dark green, transverse band of pronotum more or less distinct; length about 11 mm.. .................. .custator Fab.2 15. Genus Murgantia Stal.
Color black, variegated with red; length 10 mm.. ............ .histrionics Hahn. 16. Genus Acrosternum Fieber.
Nezara Kirk. in part.
Form broadly oval; sides of pronoturn arcuate anteriorly; rostrum scarcely reaching intermediate coxse; color shining clear green; length about 17 mm. pen(n)sylvanicum (de G.) Pal. Beauv.
Form more elongate; sides of pronotum straight anteriorly; rostrum reaching inter- .............
mediate coxse; color and size about as in preceding. .hilare Say.
17. Genus Nezara Amyot et Serville.
Color dull green; length about 16 mm..
.*viridula Linn.
1Asterisk marks species not known to occur in New England. Dagger marks species
which I have not seen.
2 For further details regarding these species and figures of the male genitalia, see Barber: Jour. N. Y. Ent. Soc., XIX., 1911, p. 9.
176 Psyche [October
18. Genus Banasa Stal.
1. Posterior lateral angles of abdominal segments acuminate, projecting somewhat; color brownish; 10 mm.. ................................... sordida Uhl. Posterior lateral angles obtuse, not very prominent. ................. .Z 2. Third antennal segment about twice as long as second; head broad anteriorly; margin of abdomen with conspicuous black dots at the angles of the segments; color greenish with olivaceous markings; length 7.5-11 mm.. . dimi(di)ata Say. Third antennal segment but little longer than the second; head narrowed ante- riorly; margin of abdomen with conspicuous black dots; ventral abdominal punctures fewer and paler; genital plate of male narrower; colors somewhat paler; length 9-11 mm.. ................................... .calva Say. 19. Genus Dendrocoris Bergroth.
Color brown, with paler areas of variable extent, connexivum spotted; length 6.5-7.5 mm. .......................................... humeralis Uhl. 3. Subfamily ACANTHOSOMATINE.
Lateral angles of pronotum emarginate; posterior lateral margins depressed; orifices abruptly curved, short. ................................... .l. Elasmucha. Lateral angles entire; posterior lateral margins not depressed; orifices nearly straight, longer.. ....................................... .2. Elasmostethus 1. Genus Elasmucha Stal.
Color yellowish brown, mottled with reddish, variable in shade; length 7-9 mm. lateralis Say.
2. Genus Elasmostethus Fieber.
1. Antennae black or dark brown; punctures of pronotum concolorous except along posterior margin; color pale yellowish with reddish markings; length 10 mm. *atricornis V. D.
Antennae pale; pronotal punctures dark.
Larger, length 10 mm.; pronotum broader and shorter; color greenish yellow with reddish markings. ................................. cruciatus Say. Smaller, length 8 mm.; pronotum narrower and longer; colors as in preceding -*cooleyi V. D.
4. Subfamily AS0PIN.E.
Arminoe Bergr.
Cimicinoe Kirk.
....... Anterior femora armed with a spine or prominent tubercle near apex. .3
............................................ Anterior femora unarmed. .3
Scutellum large, broad, extending almost or quite to end of abdomen; frena ............. not over one-third the length of the scutellum. .6. Stiretrus
Scutellum moderate in size, attenuated apically; frena extending to middle of scutellum ............................................... -1. Perillus. .................. Base of abdomen armed below with a spine or tubercle. A
. Base of abdomen unarmed. .................................. .3. Zicrona
19151 ParshleyÌÔSystemati Papers on New England Hemiptera 177 4. "Frena extending beyond middle of scutellum; bucculse slightly elevated, dis- ............................................. appearing posteriorly. .5
Frena extending to middle of scutellum; bucculse distinctly elevated, not thin- ning out posteriorly; male with two patches of silken pubescence on the abdomen below. .......................................... .2. Milieus 5. Larger, length usually over 13 mm.; tylus generally shorter than juga, apex of head thus emarginate. .................................. .4. Apateticus Smaller, length usually less than 13 mm.; tylus as long as juga, apex of head thus truncate. ................................................ .5. Podisus 1. Genus Perillus Stal.
Perilloides Schouteden.
.Anterior femora armed with a low conical tubercle; color entirely black, or black with red or yellowish markings; length 5-7 mm.. ................. exaptus Say. Anterior femora armed with a more or less cylindrical blunt spine; color brown with pale yellowish markings; length 8-10 mm. .................. circumcinctus Stal. 2. Genus Mineus Stal.
Color bluish black with red markings; length 8 mm.. .......... .strigipes H. S. 3. Genus Zicrona Amyot et Serville.
Color iridescent greenish blue; length 6 mm. ................... caerulea Linn. 4. Genus Apateticus Dallas.
Vaginal plate of the female genitalia triangular (fig. 8) ; pronotal spines shorter and less acute; anterior lateral margins of pronotum more distinctly serrulate; color brown; length 13-18 mm.. ................................ bracteatus Fitch. Vaginal plate quadrangular (fig. 9) ; pronotal spines longer and more acute; anterior lateral margins of pronotum very finely serrulate; color as in the preceding; length 16-20 mm.. ........................................... cynicus Say. 5. Genus Podisus Herrich-Schseffer.
1. Lateral angles of pronotum blunt, projecting but little; membrane without a dark longitudinal stripe; color mottled brown; length 9-11 mm.. placidus Uhl. Lateral angles distinctly projecting, more or less spine-like; membrane with a dark longitudinal stripe.. .......................................... .2 2. Color usually reddish brown; basal spine of abdomen short, not extending be- tween hind coxse; lateral angles of pronotum rather blunt. .............. .3 Color grayish brown; basal spine of abdomen long, extending between hind coxse; lateral angles acute; length 10-12.5 mm.. ........ .maculiventris Say. 3. Smaller, length 7-8 mm.; form narrow; second antennal segment one-fourth longer than the third; color pale reddish brown. ........ .modestus Dallas. Larger, length 8-10 mm.; form wider; second antennal segment one-third longer than the third; color darker. ......................... .serieventris Uhl. 6. Genus Stiretrus Laporte.
Color very variable, green with white or yellowish markings in New England speci- mens, blue and red in various combinations in forms from other regions; length about 9 mm ............................................. anchorago Fab.
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