H. M. Parshley.
Notes on North American Tingidae (Hemiptera).
Psyche 24(1):13-25, 1917.
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19171 Parshley-Ifotes on North American Tinyidce (Herniptern) 13 NOTES ON NORTH AMERICAN TINGID^E
A number of highly interesting forms of the Hemipterous family Tingidse have recently been submitted to me for study by Mr. Nathan Banks of the Museum of Comparative Zoology and others mentioned below. In treating this material it has been necessary to take into account the recent publications of Osborn and Drake,2 in which there is much requiring comment, as hereafter noted in part. Most of the conclusions were reached by a study of the papers cited in the light of Tingid material in my hands, and they have been verified by an examination of the type specimens concerned, through the courtesy of Professor Osborn. The eminent European Hemipterist Bergroth has recently remarked on several occasions that the modern system of specific type fixation is likely to promote inadequate describing, and al- though many will not be able to approve his resultant refusal to designate definite type specimens, the force of his remarks must yet be strongly felt when it becomes necessary to deal with descrip- tions which are not only inadequate but even seem, in some par- ticulars at least, to have been based upon a study of highly inac- curate figures rather than specimens-work which without some revision puts serious obstacles in the way of later investigators. Of course the designation of type specimens is not entirely to blame for this, but the feeling that species, however inadequately characterized, and genera, even without any description, are firmly established if only types are designated, tends to belittle the importance of the written record. After all, the printed word, capable of indefinite reduplication, accessible to everyone, and permanent, is of prime importance; while type specimens, limited in number, generally inaccessible, and perishable in na- ture, should be treated as of merely supplementary value. For this reason I am in accord with Van Duzee and others who 1 Contributions from the Entomological Laboratory of the Bussey Institution, Harvard University, No. 127.
The Tingitoidea of Ohio, Ohio Biol. Surv., Vol. 2, Bull. 8, 1916, pp. 217-251. Some New Species of Nearctic Tingidas, Ohio Jour. Sci., Vol. 17,1916, pp. 9-15. Pm-he 24:IJ-25 (1917). hup //psyche rinclub org/24/24-011 html
14 Psyche [February
maintain that where description and type disagree in important particulars, the former should take precedence. . Acalypta lillanis Bueno.
In their first paper Osborn and Drake properly treat the long- and short-winged forms as conspecific, but the drawing on page 221 is very inaccurate as regards the structure of the head, which, of course, is precisely similar in the two forms of the species. The differences in head and antennal structure to be noted in com- paring this figure with that on the next page do not exist in nature. This is no doubt due in part to the fact that the artist, being unfamiliar with the subject, drew the two specimens from some- what different points of view. The authors are then entirely unjustified in announcing, on page 9 of their second paper, that de la Torre Bueno's species is composite, the more so as they have not studied his extensive type series which I can state, after care- ful examination, to be perfectly homogeneous, as is a good series of the species in Mr. H. G. Barber's collection. Moreover, there is nothing in the original description1 on which the assumption can be based, and it thus appears that as in some other cases undue attention has been given drawings of doubtful accuracy. Whether or not the type specimen of A. ovata 0. & D. represents a species distinct from lillianis is another question. It is a little broader posteriorly than is usual in the short-winged form of the latter species and the first antennal segment is slightly different in form, but it agrees with the figure little better and presents no characters that I would consider of specific importance. Fenestrella 0. & D.
In their description of this extraordinary genus the founders omit to mention the following important characters: the bucculse are contiguous anteriorly, much as in Melanorhopala, for instance; the metasternal orifices are obsolete; the surface of the hemielytra is deeply channelled, the main veins being raised on very prominent roof-like elevations, a condition which would be somewhat modified in the as yet unknown long-winged form. The drawing of the type species on page 223 of the first paper is inaccurate in numerous particulars: the general form is in reality much less elongate, the - - - -
1 Bull. BrooklynEnt. Soc., Vol. 11, 1916, p. 39.
19171 Parshley-Notes on North American Tingidoe (Hemiptera) 15 costal margin being more abruptly curved posteriorly than the figure would indicate; the base of the third antenna1 segment is slightly capitate; the eyes project laterally less than one third their width beyond the antenniferous tubercles, etc. Fenestrella is extremely isolated, having no close relationship with any Palse- arctic or American genus known to me. It differs from Acalypta in some of the most important characters, and yet it cannot be placed elsewhere with much greater propriety.' Further material in the genus will be awaited with great interest. Corythucha Stal.
As I am hoping to treat the North American forms of this genus in a later paper, I shall make no other comment here than to point out that while most of the new species recently described by Osborn and Drake are very distinct and well known forms, there are some which cannot be located without reference to the types, because it is impossible to deduce from the descriptions an adequate notion of the important characters derived from exact relative width and height of the hood and from the altitude of the median carina with reference to that of the hood.
Galeatus peckhami Ashm.
Of the two examples of this species known to me to have been taken in New England, one was found at Princeton, Me., and the other near the Glen House, Mt. Washington, N. H., both col- lected by Mr. C. W. Johnson. I have already published the latter record/ which may be what Osborn and Drake erroneously refer to on page 237 of their first paper. Uhler in his paper2 on the Hemiptera of Las Vegas Hot Springs, N. M., makes reference in- definitely to Massachusetts in discussing the distribution of this species, but as is the case with so many of the faunistic generali- zations of this author, confirmatory records of actual capture are desirable if one is seeking exact knowledge. Leptobyrsa rhododendri Horv.
Champion has recently shown3 that L. explanata Heid. is synon- 1 Ent. News, Vol. 27, 1916, p. 105. The Connecticut record for Zelw socius Uhl. given in this paper pertains to Z. audax Banks.
a Proc. U. S. N. Mus., Vol. 27, 1904, p. 362. 3 Ent. Mo. Mag., Vol. 52, 1916, p. 207-208.
16 Psyche [February
ymous with Horvhth's previously published name. The species was first described from Holland where it was found infesting rhododendrons, probably as a visitor from the United States, and -recently it has similarly occurred in England. As noted by Cham- pion, Heidemann's generic reference is correct, as the lateral pro- notal carinae are percurrent in this species and not abbreviated as in Stephanitis Stal.
Leptoypha Stal.
The rather common misspelling, Leptophya, is perpetuated by Osborn and Drake on page 241 of their first paper. In their generic diagnosis it is the posterior "tip" of the rostra1 sulcus which is described as open, though in reality it is nearly or quite closed by the convergent ends of the metasternal ridges. In L. mutica Say the head is provided with five spines as in related forms. The chief characters separating Leptoypha from closely allied genera may be stated as follows: Entire surface very finely and evenly reticulate; antennae short, cylindrical, the third segment not greatly longer than the others together; hood absent; lateral carinse absent or vestigial; paranoia linear, cariniform; costal area linear or narrow and uniseriate; subcostal area with 4-6 rows of areoles. Leptoypha costata sp. nov.
Long-winged form.-Brown, shining, evenly and finely reticu- late; more or less variegated with vague darker markings; prono- turn with a black transverse suture interrupted at middle; body beneath chestnut brown, sternal region infuscated. Head broad; vertex punctate at middle; basal spines short, reach- ing base of anterior spines, which are short and curved with apices meeting that of median spine; antenniferous tubercles moderate in size, oblique, rounded exteriorly; antennae short, cylindrical, minutely pubescent, first and second segments nearly equal, slightly longer than broad, thickest, third slightly more slender, cylindrical, a little less than twice as long as the first two together, fourth some- what longer than the first, fusiform. Pronotum convex at middle, narrowed anteriorly, depressed behind the narrow raised apical collar; median carina slightly raised but appreciably percurrent; lateral carinae parallel, exceedingly faint, beginning just anterior to summit of pronotal convexity and extending to margins of angu-
19171 Purshleg-Notes on North American Tingidae (Hemiptera) 17 late process. Paranotal linear, cariniform, exterior margin straight, somewhat broader anteriorly. Hemielytra at middle distinctly broader than pronotum, extending a little beyond apex of abdomen; costal area narrow, distinctly uniseriate, biseriate anteriorly; subcostal area with 5 or 6 rows of areoles at most, obtusely angulate at apex of discoidal, which extends beyond middle of hemielytra; sutural with slightly larger areoles apically. Legs rather robust.
Rostrum scarcely reaching middle coxae.
Orifices but slightly ele-
vated, narrow, transverse. Pleurae largely reticulate. Abdomen shining, the segments roughened posteriorly. Hind wings almost as long as hemielytra. Form obovate, broadest behind middle, costal margin nearly straight in apical half. Length $ , 2.8 mm. ;
width 1.3 mm.
Holotype and paratype, two 9 9 , Marshall Hall, Md., 1 August, 1891 (N. Banks), in M. C. 2. Collection. This species is easily distinguished from ?nutica by its shorter and broader form, slightly shorter antennae with more slender third segment and distinctly shorter fourth, somewhat more promi- nent paranoia, and especially by its distinct and completely reticu- lated costal area which in Say's species is cariniform and percepti- bly reticulate only toward apex.
The lateral pronotal carinse are
very inconspicuous in costata and obsolete or nearly so in mutica. Physatocheila Fieb.
In connection with my treatment of the North American species in a recent paper,2 it should be made clear that the arrangement of areoles in the costal area is somewhat variable and not always symmetrical, although a majority of specimens exhibit the condi- tions described. In cases of doubt the other characters mentioned are amply sufficient to insure recognition of the forms. Melanorhopala Stal.
Our conception of this genus must be slightly modified to accom- modate M. duryi 0. & D. and the new form described below, which, though in my opinion congeneric with clavata, exhibits certain marked differences. According to this view the chief characters 1 See Jour. New York Ent. Soc., Vol. 24,1916, p. 8. Cramptonin a morphological paper has proposed this convenient name for the lateral expansions of the pronotum. ZPsyche, Vol. 23, 1916, pp. 163-168.
The holotype of D. trkornk americana is in the col- lection of the Boston Society National History, not in mine, as erroneously stated on p. 164.
18 Psyche [February
of Melanorhopala may be stated as follows: Form elongate, de- pressed, the hemielytra flat or showing only the slightest convexity.. Antennae usually rather long and slender, the third segment cylin- drical, usually somewhat curved and enlarged toward the apex in varying degrees. Pronotum tricarinate; hood small and not produced anteriorly; paranota narrow, uniseriate, reflexed ver- tically or against the pronotal surface. Hemielytra in the long- winged form widely overlapping and broadly rounded at apex, in- the short-winged form very slightly overlapping, acute and dis-- tinctly divaricate at apex; main veins distinctly costate; costal area usually uniseriate, sometimes irregularly biseriate; subcostali area biseriate.
The following table will assist in separating the species: 1. Third antennal segment slender, not thicker than the fourth except sometimes at extreme apex; size larger. ........ .2 Third antennal segment rather thick, cylindrical, slightly clavate toward apex which is one third thicker than the fourth segment; form very broad; length, 3.5 mm. duryiO. & D.
2. Costal area (costal membrane of Stal) uniseriate, evenly reticu- lated; color pale and uniform in general. .............. .3 Costal area bi- or triseriate in part, irregularly reticulated; color variegated. ..................... infuscata sp. nov. 3. Third antennal segment very slender, much thinner than the fourth, abruptly and strongly clavate at apex; fourth seg- .............................
ment conical. clavata Stal.
Third antennal segment less slender, but little thinner than the fourth, less enlarged at apex; fourth fusiform ........... .4 4. Length less than 5 mm. ; form narrow; paranota vertically re- flexed; antennae distinctly though not strongly clavate obscura Parsh.
Length more than 5 mm.; paranota reflexed almost or quite against pronotal surface; antennae scarcely clavate. .... .5 5. Antennae very long, extending beyond apex of abdomen; second segment distinctly narrowed at base; form narrow lurida Stal.
Antennae much shorter; second segment less narrowed at base; ............................
form broad. uniformis Stal.
Parshley-Notes on North American Tingidce (Hemiptera) M. duryi 0. & D.
The shape of the antennae in this species is not correctly repre- sented in the figure given by the authors on page 15 of their second paper. In the type specimen the first and second segments are nearly equal in size, the third almost perfectly cylindrical with some slight enlargement toward the apex, decidedly longer in proportion to its thickness than indicated, and slightly curved as in all the other species of the genus except infuscata, and the fourth is thinner than the figure shows and fusiform, not conical. The anterior spines of the head are short and decidedly curved, the main veins of the hemielytra though strongly costate are unusually irregular, tending to follow the outlines of the areoles, and the general form is very broad, even for a short-winged form. M. lurida Stal and M. uniformis Stal.
I believe that these species have been correctly located by Osborn and Drake, as from Stal's descriptions it is impossible to suppose that these species differ from clavata in any characters of impor- tance beyond those drawn from the form of the antennae. I have seen infuscata sp. nov. in several collections determined as uni- formis, but the former differs so strikingly from clavata, to which* the latter is compared by Stal, that such a view cannot be enter- tained unless examination of Stal's type should unexpectedly demonstrate its truth.
Melanorhopala infuscata sp . nov.
Long-winged form.-Dark yellowish brown with conspicuous darker markings.
Head uniform brown, the spines paler; anten- nae dark brown, the fourth segment and apex of third slightly darker. Pronotum broadly and variably infuscated, lateral mar- gins and hood excepted; apex of angulate process yellowish white. Hemielytra variegated with very irregular and variable infuscation of veinlets here and there in all the areas, the infuscation some- times extending to large portions of the surface; sutural area with a large paler region at apex. Body beneath brown, abdomen broadly pale along median line, narrowly at the lateral margins; genital segment darker. Legs brown; tarsi black. Hind wings fuscous.
20 Psyche [February
Head much as in clavata, the median spine arising more pos- teriorly, between the eyes. Antennae minutely pubescent, very slender, longer than head and pronotum together; first segment oblong, about as thick as the eye is wide as seen from above, 'second segment smaller, evenly enlarged toward apex, third very long and slender, thinner than the second, cylindrical, with an almost imperceptible enlargement at extreme apex, almost or quite straight, apex oblique; fourth as long as the first and second Fig. 1. Antennae; A, Melanorhopala in-
fuscata sp. nov.; B, Alveotingis grossocerata 0. & D.
together, very slightly
thicker than the third, fusi-
form but not quite regular
in shape. Pronotal hood
roof-like, a little more
elevated than in clavata;
convexity of pronotum
bounded posteriorly by a
continuous transverse im-
pression; carinse very low,
uniseriate; paranota re -
flexed closely against pro-
notal surface. Costal mar-
gin of hemielytra slightly
curved in male, more
strongly so in female; costal
area broader behind middle,
irregularly reticulate, uni-
seriate anteriorly, biseriate
at middle, triseriate behind
middle, uniseriate at ex-
treme apex; subcostal area almost perfectly and regularly biseri- ate; discoidal area a little more sinuate exteriorly than in clavata, extending much beyond middle of hemielytra; sutural area with larger areoles at apex and along inner margin. Legs and struc- tures of ventral aspect much as in clavata, except that the bucculse are more rounded ventrally, rostrum extends beyond hind coxse, and the female genitalia encroach farther upon the disc of the abdomen. Wings extending beyond apex of abdomen. Form broader than in clavata, male narrower than the female. Length cf 5.4 mm.,
9 5.5 mm.; width c? 1.5 mm., 9 1.7mm.
19171 Parshley-Notes on North American Tingidce (Hemiptera) 21 Holotype 8, allotype, and two paratypes, d7' and 9 , Falls.
Church, Va., 27, 30 July, 2 August (N. Banks) in M. C. Z., Bar- ber's, and my collection. From bark of tulip tree (Liriodendron). This species is easily distinguished by its slender inclavate- antennae (fig. 1, A), irregularly reticulate costal area, dark and variegated coloration, and broad form. These characters are not of subgeneric value according to the standards established in the treatment of Palsearctic genera.
Hesperotingis gen. nov.
Form ovate, broadly so in the short-winged forms; surface of hemielytra distinctly but not strongly convex in both forms. Head with two basal spines and three anterior as in allied genera; vertex with a narrow punctate area behind the median spine; an- tennse incrassate, the third segment very distinctly clavate, sub- cylindrical at base and apex. Hood very feebly developed, pro- thorax otherwise as in Melanorhopala. Hemielytra somewhat convex, the areas distinctly limited by moderately costate veins; costal area uniseriate, subcostal almost perfectly biseriate in known species; discoidal narrow, four or five areoles wide at most, slightly sinuate exteriorly, extending beyond middle of hemielytra, similar in long- and short-winged forms; sutural as in Melanorhopala; apices of hemielytra not divaricate in the short-winged form. Bucculse almost or quite contiguous anteriorly, not fused. Metas- ternal orifices distinct.
This genus is most closely related to Melanorhopala Stal and Alveotingis 0. & D., but I have found it impossible to unite it with either even as a distinct subgenus. From the former it is dis- tinguished by the incrassate, almost evenly clavate antennae, convex oval form, and nondivaricate hemielytral apices in the short-winged condition, while in habitus it is totally unlike the latter, though similar in antenna1 structure, the form being much less convex, the hemielytral areas more distinctly defined, and the reticulation less uniform.
Type of the genus Hesperotingis antennata sp. nov. Hesperotingis antennata sp. nov. (Fig. 2). Long-winged form.-Brown; head, pronotum, and antennae be- yond the middle, infuscated; membranous portions between the
92 Psyche [February
veinlets opaque white. Anterior margin of pronotum, hood, an- terior portion of paranoia, and margins and apical region of angulate process, yellow. Veinlets of hemielytra light brown, a few irregularly darker; veins defining discoidal area, sometimes one running obliquely across it, one extending from its apex, and one near and parallel with sutural margin, dark brown. Abdomen Fig. 2. Hesperotingis antennata gen. et sp. nov. A, long-winged 9 ; B, short-
winged Q ; 1, antenniferous tubercle; 2, paranoturn; 3, pronotal carinae; 4, angu- late process of pronotum; 5, costal area (costal membrane of Stal); 6, subcostal area (costal of Stal); 7, discoidal area; 8, sutural area (apical of Puton in long- winged form).
beneath chestnut brown, shining, sutures darker; bucculse, sternal ridges, and pleural margins pale.
Spines of head somewhat variable in length and shape, the two anterior short, strongly curved, and almost or quite meeting over apex of median; eyes strongly granulated, as seen from above longer than wide; antenniferous tubercles as seen from above prominent, convex exteriorly, acute at apex, obliquely truncate. Antennae almost as long as head and pronotum together; first
19171 Purshley-Notes on North American Tingidoe (Hemi'ptera) 23 segment oblong, almost glabrous; second shorter and a little nar- rower than the first, wider toward apex, with minute decumbent pubescence; third very large, clavate, in basal third more slender than the second, in apical third about as wide as the first is long, with fine pubescence becoming denser toward apex; fourth seg- ment small, conical, more slender than the third at apex, with long dense pubescence. Pronotum transversely convex; narrowed, subcylindrical, and depressed anteriorly, margins and apical half, of angulate process depressed, flat; anterior margin arcuate, with a slightly elevated collar of one or two rows of areoles; hood repre- sented by a small backward extension of the collar; paranoia reflexed closely against pronotal surface; carinse low, slightly diver- gent posteriorly, the extreme apices of the lateral outcurved, termi- nating at the level of the posterior margin of hood, the median percurrent. Hemielytra extending much beyond apex of abdo- men, the marginal vein depressed, the costal area reflexed; sutural area with somewhat enlarged areoles. Bucculse large, curved ventrally, angulate posteriorly; rostra1 sulcus deeper and wider posteriorly. Rostrum reaching hind coxse. Hind wings extending beyond apex of abdomen. Segments of abdomen faintly and irreg- ularly striate on apical half. Genitalia much as in allied species. Form elongate oval.
Length 9 4.5 mm.; width 1.5 mm.
Short-winged form (fig. 2, B).-Similar in every way to the preceding, except that the general form is broadly oval; pronotum is flat and less broadened posteriorly; the carinse parallel; hemie- lytra but slightly longer than abdomen, the costal margin strongly curved, apices narrowly rounded, and sutural area much reduced. Length Q 3.7 mm.; width 1.5 mm.
Holotype: .long-winged 9, Lakehurst, N. J., 27 June (H. G. B.) in Barber's collection; paratypes: long-winged Q , Smiths Point, Fire Island Beach, N. Y., 19 July, 1913 (J. R. T. B.) in de la Torre Bueno's collection; short-winged Q 9, Delaware Water Gap, 4 September (Mrs. A. T. Slosson) in Barber's collection; New Haven, Conn., 4 September, 1911 (C. E. Olsen) in de la Torre Bueno's collection.
A specimen from Hampton, N. H., 15 August, 1909 (S. A. Shaw) differs from the others in having very slightly shorter and uniformly dark antennae and the subcostal area somewhat irregularly and asymmetrically reticulated with three rows of areoles in places
24 Psyche [February
behind the middle. It does not appear to me to be specifically distinct and in the absence of further material may, for the sake of exact reference, be called var. borealis nov. Holotype in M. C. Z collection.
The example from the Delaware Water Gap, recently submitted to me by Barber, bears the MS. name Melanorhopala slossoni.Heid. Hesperotingis fuscata sp. nov.
Short-winged form.-Uniform dark fuscous, pronotum some- what paler, membrane of areoles opaque gray, main veins of herni- elytra black.
Anterior spines of head short, separated, but slightly curved. Antennae shorter and thicker than in the preceding, the third segment more evenly clavate, being subcylindrical only toward apex, not at base. Hood still more reduced, scarcely noticeable as distinct from the raised pronotal margin; paranota vertical, not applied to pronotal surf ace ; carinse more strongly elevated, as are the chief veins of the hemielytra; subcostal area biseriate but having a few extra areoles along the middle. Other characters as in the preceding.
Form broadly ovate. Length 9 3.4 mm.;
width 1.4 mm.
Holotype: short-winged 9, Golden, Colo. (W. J. Gerhard) in Barber's collection.
Easily distinguished from antennata by its uniform dark color, antennal shape, and vertical paranota.
Alveotingis 0. & D.
This genus is notable for a very peculiar habitus arising from the extremely convex form and shining surface. In most of its characters it closely approaches Melanorhopala and Hesperotingis, while bearing a certain superficial resemblance to the Serenthiini although it of course lacks the pronotal and femoral structure characteristic of this tribe. It approaches the European Oncochila in having the hemielytral areas poorly defined, but differs widely in paranotal structure and in fades.
The more important char-
acters of Alveotingis may be stated as follows: form elongate oval, hemielytra very convex, their surface smooth and shining, without costate main veins, although the outlines of the areas are traceable. Head as in related genera, the antennal tubercles of
19171 Parshley~Notes on North American Tingidce (He~iptera) 25 the usual structure, as in Melanorhopala for instance; antennae (fig. 1, B) shaped much as in Hesperotingis, the third segment clavate, smallest at base and cylindrical toward apex. Thorax as in Melanorhopala. Costal area of hemielytra uniseriate in the only known species; subcostal biseriate; discoidal extending beyond middle of hemielytra. In the short-winged form the hemielytra are rounded at apex, not divaricate, in the long-winged they are broadly rounded at apex and widely overlapping. Bucculse closed anteriorly. Metasternal orifices distinct. A. grossocerata 0. & D.
Probably this specific name must stand for the present, although Oshanin in his catalogue of Palaearctic Hemiptera rejects such on grammatical grounds. The type specimen of this species is a short-winged male. The figure on page 246 of Osborn and Drake's first paper is incorrect in certain important details. The antennif- erous tubercles are in reality constructed just as in related genera, and have no very striking similarity to an antennal segment. The third antennal segment is almost evenly clavate (fig. 1, B) and not fusiform as in Osborn and Drake's drawing. The hemielytral areas are traceable, though stated in the description to be undif- ferentiated, but the main veins are scarcely elevated. The general form is more elongate and narrowed posteriorly than the drawing would indicate. In this species the rostrum reaches the middle coxse.
Long-winged form.-Pronotum enlarged and convex as in re- lated genera. Hemielytra ample, extending considerably beyond apex of abdomen ; costal margin slightly curved ; sutural area with areoles grading larger inwardly and toward apex. Hemielytra distinctly more convex than in related genera, and habitus just as in the short-winged form except for structures affected by di- morphism. Length 9 3.4 mm.
Described from a female specimen lacking the third and fourth antennal segments and otherwise somewhat mutilated, taken on Mt. Washington, N. H. (W. F. Fiske), and sent to me for examina- tion by Drake. The basal antennal segments are somewhat smaller than in the short-winged type specimen of the species, but this is no doubt due to individual variation as indicated by a short- winged male example intermediate in this regard but otherwise identical, submitted to me by de la Torre Bueno.
Volume 24 table of contents