W. M. Wheeler.
A New Malayan Ant of the Genus Prodiscothyrea.
Psyche 24(1):29-30, 1917.
This article at Hindawi Publishing: https://doi.org/10.1155/1917/74984
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The following unprocessed text is extracted automatically from the PDF file, and is likely to be both incomplete and full of errors. Please consult the PDF file for the complete article.
19171 Wheeler-A New Malayan Ant of the Genus Prodiscothyrea 29 Eurasian Forms.
C. caryce var. fallax Nyl.ÌÔSouther Europe. var. ruzskyi Emery .-Russia.
var. lameerei Emery .-Tashkund.
var. kamensis Ruzsky.-Kasan.
var. himalayanus Forel.-Himalayas.
var. quadrinotatus Fore1.-Japan.
var. nawai Ito. Japan.
subsp. vitiosus F. Smith.-Japan.
subsp. brunni Fore1.-Japan.
Bussey Institution, Harvard University
Prodiscothyrea bryanti sp. nov.
Worker: Length, 2 mm. Very similar to the genotype P. vel- utina, which I recently described from Queensland, Australia (Trans. Royal Soc. South Australia, 40, 1916, pp. 33-37, PI. 4), but differing in the following characters: The head is proportion- ally smaller and much less convex above, especially behind the frontal carinse, the eyes are much smaller and the cheeks have a more prominent blunt tooth in front of the eyes. The antennd scapes are less abruptly narrowed at the base and the funicular joints, with the exception of the last are even more transverse, so that the whole funiculus is shorter, being scarcely longer than the scape. Thorax shorter, not 1+ times as long as broad, less convex in front, with less angular humeri and with more distinct epinotal teeth and more nearly vertical epinotal declivity. Petiole much smaller and broader, nearly four times as broad as long and with a more pronounced, compressed, translucent tooth on its ventral sur- face. Postpetiole also shorter, less decidedly narrowed in front and less depressed above in front than in velutina. Sculpture, pubes- cence and color very similar to those of velutina but the dark median dorsal line on the postpetiole and first gastric segment is lacking. Described from a single specimen taken on Penang Island in the Straits Settlements by Mr. G. E. Bryant and sent me by Mr. Pu&e 24:29 I19 17). htlp:ffpsyclK.rnlclub.ora/24/24.029 hlml
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