R. Heber Howe.
Distributional Notes on New England Odonata.
Psyche 24(2):45-53, 1917.
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19171 HoweÌÔNote on New Englani Odonata 45 about 528 microns.
Thorax long and narrow, about 480 microns wide in middle; anterior legs about 704 microns behind head; an- terior femora curved, convex above, concave below; their tibise rather short (about 288 microns), with a single long spur; their tarsi long, the first joint longer than next three together, and strongly curved; hind femora extremely broad and flattened, the summit of the curve about half-way between base and middle; abdomen with a rather long petiole.
Burmese amber, from R. C. J. Swinhoe. In the same slab as the type of Cryphalites rugosissimus, and 24.5 mm. from it. Related
to Scleroderma (?) quadridentaturn, which may possibly belong to Apenesia, but on account of the black abdomen and various struc- tural characters surely not its male.
Thoreau Museum, Concord, Massachusetts.
Since Dr. P. P. Calvert's List was published in October, 1905, the following published corrections and additions have been made: Argia apicalis (Say) Selys recorded from Maine by Dr. Calvert on the authority of Prof. Harvey was expunged by Dr. Calvert following an examination of the Harvey specimens by Mr. Williamson (Ent. News 17: 31.1906). Arqia mmta putrida (Hagen) was shown by Mr. E. I31 Wil- liamson to be synonymous with Argia moesta Hagen (Ent. News 23 : 200. 1912.)
In Dr. E. M. Walker's "The North American Dragon-flies of the Genus ./Eshna (Univ. Toronto Studies, Biol. Series, 1912) the following New England records for the genus were made: Bshna ccerulea septentrionah Burm.
N. H. White Mts. (Scudder)
3ishna juncea Linn.
N. H. White Mts. (Scudder)
Pachc 24:45-52 (1917). hup Wpsycht rinclub org/24/24-045 html
46 Psyche [April
.140. 3Sshna interrupta Walker.
New species for New England
Me. Portland (Jones)
Vt. - (Frost)
Mass. - ( Uhler)
141. 3Sshna eremita Scudd.
New species for New England
Me. Six Ponds, Piscataquis Co. (Harvey)
N. H. Franconia (Slosson)
Hermit Lake, Mt. Washington (Scudder}
Bshna clepsydra Say
Me. Manchester (Wadsworth)
Mass. Brookline (Shurtleff)
Provincetown (Benedict)
Wilbrahim (Hagen)
Boston ( Uhler)
Salem (True)
Natick (Sanborn)
142. JSshna canadensis Walker.
New species for New England
Me. Bradley (Harvey)
Manchester (Wadsworth)
Norway (Smith)
Orono (Harvey)
N. H. White Mts. (Shurtle-ff)
White Mts. House (Calvert)
Franconia (Calvert)
Fab yans
Vt. Newport (Slosson)
Mass. - (Needham)
Mshna verticalis Hagan =A. juncea verticalis (Hagen) of Dr. Calvert's List
Me. Manchester ( Wadsworth)
West Beach (Hagen)
Mass. Beverly
Nahant (Moving)
Salem (Lane)
Walpole (Spr ague)
Westborn (Needham)
Wollaston (Sprague)
Howe-Notes on New England Odonata
143. &hna tuberculifera Walker
Me. Islesboro (Dixon)
Manchester (Wadsworth)
Mass. Walpole (Sprague) '
Essex Co., (Hagen)
Provincetown (Benedict)
Hampden (Needham)
Westborn (Needham)
144. 3Sshna umbrosa Walker
Me. Manchester (Wadsworth)
Augusta (Wadsworth)
Norway (Smith)
Millinocket (Harvey)
Russell Stream (Corry)
Bradley (Harvey)
Greenfield (Harvey)
Six Ponds (Harvey)
N. H. Franconia (Slosson)
White Mts. (Sprague)
Hermit Lake (Scudder)
Centre Harbor
Mass. Boston
Amherst (Needham)
Wilbrahim (Martin)
Gor Head = Gay Head
Eshna constricts Say
Me. Manchester (Wadsworth)
Mass. Hampden (Needham)
145. mhna mutata Hagen
Mass. Wilbrahim (Needham)
In the Proceedings of the Thoreau Museum of Natural History, I: 41, 1915, Mr. E. L. Peirson recorded the capture of the follow- ing species in Concord, Mass., and Dr. Calvert in the Ent. News, 26: 238-239, 1915 again noted Mr. Peirson's capture and added a record of a female taken by Mr. C. W. Johnson at Dedham, Mass.
48 Psyche [April
Mr. E. J. Smith of Sherborn, Mass., kindly permits me to here record the capture of a male, on April 30, 1913, at Sherborn. 146. Williamsonia lintneri (Hagen) Davis Mass. Concord (Peirson)
Dedham (Calvert)
In PSYCHE, 23: 12-15, 1916, the author recorded Seshna um- brosa and &hna canadensis as new to New England having over- looked Dr. Walker's records. Libellula luctuosa Burm., though not uncommon, was added to Dr. Calvert's List. 147. Libellula Zuctuosa Burm.
Mass. Concord (Howe)
I now wish to record records of a few species sent me from Bran- don, Vt., by Mr. D. Lewis Dutton; a small lot from North Guilford, Conn., sent by Mr. Geo. L. Howe; two species from Cataumet, Mass., sent by Miss Theresa Winsor; a summer's catch in New Hampshire made with the continual aid and co-operation of Mr. David M. Little, and a spring and autumn catch at Concord, Mass., made with the help of my daughter, Miss SUS& A. Howe, and the Misses Shaw.
Anax junius (Drury) Selys. May 27, 1912. New to Vermont
&hna eremita Scudd. Aug. 31, 1915. New to Vermont &hna umbrosa Walker. May 6, 1915. New to Vermont Basiceshna janata (Say) Selys. May 22, 1912. New to Vermont
Plathemis lydia (Drury) Hagen. July, 1913. New to Vermont
Sympetrum rubicundulum (or var. obtruszim), teneral female. July, 1912, in either case new to Vermont On September 18, 1915, I collected at Bristol and Middletown, R. I., and again at Middletown on June 3,1916, and at Bristol on October 2, 1916.
The following species were taken :
Lestes rectangularis Say.
Bristol, Sept .
Enallagma civile (Hagen) Selys. Both stations, Sept. Ischnzira ramburii Selys.
Both stations, Sept., Oct. 2
Anax junius (Drury) Selys.
Middletown, Sept .
19171 Howe-Notes on New England Odonafa 49 Bhna tuberculifera Walker. Bristol, Sept. New to Rhode Island
Libellula pulchella Drury, Middletown, Sept. Plathemis lydia (Drury) Hagen. Bristol, Sept. Pantala flavescens (Fab.) Hagen, teneral. Bristol, Sept. New to Rhode Island
Sympetrum rubicundulum (Say) Kirby. Both stations, Sept .
~schnura posita (Hagen) Needharn.
Middletown, Sept .
and June
The collection from North Guilford, Conn., contained the fol- lowing :
148. Celithemis mononomeloena Will. July, 1916. New to New England
Plathemis hjdia (Drury) Hagen.
July, 1916
The two species from Catauniet, Mass., were : Erythrodiplax berenice (Drury) Ris. July, 1916 Epicordulia princeps (Hagen) Selys.
July, 1916
I began collecting on Meredith Neck, N. H., on June 29 and visi ited various collecting grounds on the shores of Lake Winnepe- saukee until August 23. These included Centre Harbor, Meredith, Moultonboro (Sanborn's Meadows), and made two trips to Lake Asquam, with one excursion to Newfound and one to Profile Lake. The list of species follows:
Agrion maculata Beauv. Meredith Neck, July 27. New to New Hampshire
Lestes disjunctus Selys.
Meredith Neck and Moultonboro,
Aug. 1-22
Lestes rectangularis Say. Meredith Neck, July 18-Aug. 15 Lestes vigilax Hagen.
Meredith Neck and Moultonboro,
July 6-Aug. 15. New to New Hampshire f
Lestes inequalis Walsh.
Meredith Neck and Moultonboro,
July 6-Aug. 15
Argia mcesta Hagen.
Meredith Neck and Moultonboro,
July 7-Aug. 23.
New to New Hampshire
Arqia violacea (Hagen) Selys.
Meredith Neck, July 17-
Aug. 23.
New to New Hampshire
50 Psyche [April
Nehalennia irene (Hagen) Selys.
Meredith, July 5-24 and
Enallagma calverti Morse. Profile Lake, Aug. 12. New to New Hampshire
Enallagma hageni (Walsh) Selys. Meredith and Moulton- . boro, July 2-11. New to New Hampshire
Enallagma ebrium (Hagen) Selys. Meredith Neck and Moultonboro, July 5-18
Ena~lagma civile (Hagen) Selys. Lake Asquam, Moulton- boro and Meredith Neck, July 23 to Aug. 14. New
to New Hampshire
Enallagma minusculum Morse.
Meredith Neck, Aug. 6-23.
New to New Hampshire
Enallagma traviatum Selys. Moultonboro, July 18. One female. New to New Hampshire
Enallagma exsulans (Hagen) Selys. Meredith Neck, July 17-Aug. 7. New to New Hampshire
Enallagma signatum (Hagen) Selys. Meredith Neck and Moultonboro, July 2-Aug. 22. New to New Hamp- shire
Enallagma pollutum (Hagen) Selys.
Moultonboro, July 2.
New to New Hampshire
Ischnura verticalis (Say) Selys. Meredith Neck, Centre Harbor, Moultonboro, July 5-Aug. 22
Hagenius brevistylus Selys.
Meredith Neck and Moulton-
boro, July 12-Aug. 22
Gomphus exilis Selys. Meredith Neck and Moultonboro, June 30-Aug. 2
Dromogomphus spinosus Selys. Meredith Neck, Newfound Lake, Moultonboro, July 20-Aug. 14
Anax junius (Drury) Selys.
Meredith, July 5-27
Bshna verticalis (Hagen). Meredith Neck, Aug. 7-18 Bhna clepsydra Say.
Moultonboro, Aug. 14-27
&hna canadensis Walker. Moultonboro, Meredith Neck, Jackson, Aug. 2-22
^EsJind eremita Scudd. Profile Lake and Moultonboro, Aug. 12-14
Bshna umbrosa Walker.
Meredith Neck, Aug. 7-18
19171 Howe-Notes on New England Odonata 51 149. Nasicmhna pentacantha Ramb. Moultonboro, July 9. New to New England
Basiceshna janata (Say) Selys.
Meredith Neck, July 5-7
Boyeria vinosa (Say) McLachlan.
Meredith Neck, July
25-Aug. 18. New to New Hampshire
Didymops transversa (Say) Hagen. Meredith Neck, July 11 Macromia illionoiensis Walsh. Meredith Neck and Moul- tonboro, Aug. 2-7
Neurocordulia obsoleta (Say) Selys. Meredith Neck, July 27-29. Crepuscular in habit
Epicordulia princeps (Hagen) Selys.
Concord and Mere-
dith Neck, June 29-Aug. 2. New to New Hampshire Tetragoneuria cynosura simulans Mutt. = T. c. semiaquea (Burm) of Dr. Calvert's List. Meredith Neck and Moultonboro, July 2-20
Tetragoneuria spiniqera (Selys) Selys . Meredith Neck, June 29-July 11
150. Tetragoneuria morio Mutt. Meredith Neck, June 29. New to New England
Somatochlora elongata (Scudd.) Selys.
Centre Harbor and
Jackson, July 14-Aug. 12
151. Somatachlora williamsoni Walker. Meredith Neck, July 17. New to New England
Cordulia shurtlefi Scudd. Moultonboro, July 8-18 Dorocordulia libera (Selys) Need.
Moultonboro, July 8
Libellula exusta Say. Moultonboro and Meredith Neck, July 6-25
Libellula pulchella Drury.
Centre Harbor, Meredith Neck,
Moultonboro, July 5-Aug. 20
Libellula quadrimaculata Linn. Meredith Neck, Moulton- boro, Centre Harbor, June 30-July 18
Plathemis lydia (Drury) Hagen.
Centre Harbor, July 7
Sympetrum rubicundulum (Say) Kirby.
Meredith Neck,
Centre Harbor, Moultonboro, Profile Lake, July 11- Aug. 23
Sympetrum rubicundulum obtrusum (Hagen). Meredith Neck and Centre Harbor, July 5-7
Sympetrum vicinum (Hagen) Kirby. Meredith Neck and Jackson, Aug. 12-14
Lencorhinia frigida Hagen.
Moultonboro, July 6-Aug. 14
Leucorhinia glacialis Hagen.
Moultonboro, July 6-9
Leucorhinia intacta (Hagen) Hagen.
Meredith Neck, and
Moultonboro, Centre Harbor, June 30-July 27 Celithemis elisa (Hagen) Walsh.
Moultonboro, July 18-
Aug. 14.
This species was also captured at Tyngs- boro, Mass., on June 29.
I began collecting in Concord, Mass., with the first appearance of dragon-fly life and collected until June 28. On August 24 I re-
turned from New Hampshire and collected until the end of the season. During these periods I added the following species to my Preliminary List published in PSYCHE (ibid.), bringing the number from 52 to 67.
Lestes uncatzis Kirby.
Common, June 27
152. (?) Argia sedula Hagen.
Two specimens taken on June 2
were of doubtful determination by Mr. Williamson. The species would be new to New England. Ischnura posita (Hagen) Need. Male, Sept. 3 Cordulegaster diastalops Selys.
One female, June 1
Cordulegaster maculatus Selys.
One male, June 28
&hna tziberculifera Walker.
One male, Sept. 3-6
&hna verticalis Hagen.
Not uncommon, Aug. 15-Oct. 1
Epicordulia princeps (Hagen) Selys.
Two males, June 23,
July 28
Boyeria vinosa (Say) MacLachlan.
One seen Sept. 13
Tetragoneuria cynosura var. simulans Mutt. Several, June 23 Helocordulia zihleri (Selys) Need.
One male, May 29
Cordtdia shurtleffi Scudd. One female, June 27. New .to Massachusetts
Libellula semifasciata Burm., teneral. June 23 Sympetrum rubicundulum var. obtrusum (Hagen). Male, Oct. 5
Leucorhinia intacta (Hagen) Hagen. Not uncommon, May 30-June 28
Through the kindness of Mr. C. W. Johnson, Curator, I have examined the collection of Odonata in the Boston Society of Natural History, and can add the following new records:
Volume 24 table of contents