C. T. Brues.
Note on the Ichneumonid Genera Cyanocryptus and Lamprocryptus.
Psyche 24(6):191-195, 1917.
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1917} Bmes-Ichneumonid ~kera, Cyanocryptus and Lamprocryptus 191 the life-histories.
It is evident from my study of the genitalia that we need large series of specimens, field notes and life-histories before we can list forms, races or species on our present scanty knowledge, as at present it is more or less individual opinion. I have made the male, from which I prepared my best slide, as the type, in case the true vitalbata D. & S. should occur in North America.
Expanse 27-29 mrn.
Holotype 8 - VI - 5, 1914, Calgary, Alberta, from Mr. Wolley ,
Allotype Q - VI - 26,1907, Calgary, Alberta, from Mr. Wolley Dod.
Paratype Q - VI - 26, 1914, Calgary, Alberta, from Mr. Wollev Dod.
All the above are in my collection.
When collecting insects in the Peruvian Andes several years. ago, I secured a large metallic blue Ichneumonid which proves to be the female of Cyanocryptus metallicus, a species described by Cameron in 1903 from a male specimen collected in Ecuador. Since then I have received through Dr. F. E. Lutz of the American Museum of Natural History a quite similar insect from Southern Patagonia apparently referable to Cameron's genus Lamprocryp- tus, which can hardly be separated from Cyanocryptus. Since the female of Cyanocryptus metallicus has not been de- scribed and as there is some confusion concerning the name Lam- procryptus, the following note is presented. CYANOCRYPTUS CAMERON.
The Entomologist, Vol. 36, p. 121 (1903). Schmiedeknecht, Opus. Ichneum., fasc. VI, p. 415 (1904). Schmiedeknecht, Gen. Insect., fasc. 75, p. 13 (1909). Type: C. metatticus Cameron.
Cyanocryptus metallicus Cameron
The Entomologist, Vol. 36, p. 121 (1903) (3). Female. Length 19 mm., ovipositor 10 mm. Brilliant metallic blue; head and thorax with purplish reflections, especially on the cheeks and propodeum; first two segments of abdomen strongly purplish; remaining ones bluish; antennae black with a white annulus from the middle of the second flagellar joint to the tip of the ninth, the second and basal half of the third black above. Tarsi, palpi, mandibles, and ovipositor with its sheaths black; four anterior tibise dark brown, with but little metallic color. Wings black, with brilliant blue and purple reflections. Antennae slender, tapering; first flagellar joint four times as long as thick; second and third but little shorter; fourth half as long as the first, fifth and sixth each slightly shorter. Propodeum coarsely re- ticulated, with well developed, but not large lateral teeth; with- out complete transverse carinse, but with the anterior one indi- cated medially as a short curved ridge bent forward at the middle where it is contiguous to a very small basal area. Abdomen shining, microscopically roughened and punctulate but not suf- ficiently so to render its surface opaque. Transverse median vein almost interstitial with the basal vein, the submedian cell barely longer.
Aside from the position of the transverse median vein which Cameron describes as "not interstitial" and the abdomen which is "shining, impunctate" in the male there are no conspicuous differences between the sexes. The female I took near Matucana, Peru at an altitude of 7,500 feet. The male type from Ecuador was taken at between 7,000 and 8,000 feet altitude. This insect is evidently common in the Peruvian Andes as I saw numerous specimens in Professor Townsend's collection taken by him in the same part of Peru.
Opusc. Ichneum., fasc. VI, p. 414 (1904) (no species). Schmiedeknecht, Gen. Insect. fasc. 75, p. 11, pi. 1, fig. 7, pi. 11, fig. 5 (1908) (six species described).
Viereck, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 83, p. 81 (type species desig- nated).
Type : L. gracilis Schmiedeknecht .
19171 Brues-Ichneumonid Genera Cyanocryptus and Lamprocrypfu8 193 Trans. Amer. Ent. Soc., Vol. 35, p. 435 (1909). Type : L. kinbergi Holmgren.
Schmiedeknecht first used the name in 1904 in his Opuscula Ichneumonologica without designating any type. In the Genera Insectorum (1909) he again lists "Lamprocryptus nov. gen." and describes six species, one of which has been designated as the genotype by Viereck who dates the genus from 1904. Cameron used the name in December 1909 and refers to the generic key in Schmiedeknecht's 1904 paper, but through a pe- culiar laps attaches the name Lamprocryptus to his new genus. As Cameron's genus hardly seems distinct from Cyanocryptus it appears unnecessary at the present time to propose a new name. Several South American species, including the new one de- scribed below, may be tentatively placed in Cyanocryptus, as follows.
C. metallicus Cameron (type). Entomologist, Vol. 36, p. 122 (1903). Ecudoris Peru.
C. kinbergi Holmgren (type of Lamprocryptus Cameron). Eu-
genia~ Resa, Ins., p. 397 (1868) Argentina. C. chalybeus Tasch. Zeits. f. d. ges. Naturw., Vol. 48, p. 63 (1876) Argentina.
C. sericeus Tasch. Ibid. I. c. Argentina. C. fulgidus sp. nov. South Patagonia.
Cyanocryptus fulgidus sp. nov.
Female. Length 11 mm., ovipositor 6 mm. Brilliant metal- lic blue with violaceous reflections, the latter most noticeable on the head, upper surface of thorax and on the first three seg- ments of abdomen; antennae black, without annulus; hind femora and tibiae bright ferruginous; front femora beneath and their tibiae entirely ferruginous; middle tibiae dull ferruginous; all tarsi black, the trochanters and the four anterior femora with the metallic reflections much less pronounced than on the body. Wings deeply infuscated, but not black. Head seen from above strongly emarginate both on the front and the occiput, the paired ocelli widely separated, farther from one another than from the eye margin. Face strongly convex medially, with a sharp de- pression on each side next to the eye below the insertion of the an-
tenna, face rather finely and closely striato-punctate medially, more sparsely and coarsely punctate laterally; clypeus strongly convex, with a few large punctures; front reticulate medially to the ocelli, on the sides smooth and almost impimctate as are also the back of head and cheeks. Malar space om-third as long as the eye, not grooved, but with finely sculptured band from the eye to the mandible. Antennae 50-jointed, siender and tapering, not distinctly thickened medially; first, second and third flagellar joints gradually shorter, the third three times as long as thick and as long as the two following together; following all distinctly wider than long. Mesonotum polished, with a few scattered punctures on the anterior half, those on the median lobe closer together and elongated to form a semi-striate sculpture; parap- sidal furrows strong on anterior half, entirely absent behind. Scutellum strongly convex, with a deep impression at base that is bounded by high lateral carinse and bears a series of square foveae at its bottom. Propodeum coarsely irregularly rugose-reticulate, with large flattened teeth at the posterior angles; anterior trans- \
verse carina very weak, but complete; posterior slope deeply con- cave, the concavity extending above the lateral spines; viewed from the side the declivity is almost as long as the dorsal surface and nearly perpendicular. Propleuros almost smooth at top, else- where coarsely more or less horizontally wrinkled; mesopleura with a shining callosity at its upper posterior angle and a series of oblique wrinkles along the posterior edge, elsewhere irregularly rugose-reticulate, as are also the metapleurse and sides of the pro- podeum. Abdomen entirely smooth, impunctate and without trace of aciculations or other fine sculpture. Petiole sharply bent, strongly expanded at tip, with a complete carina passing through the spiracles and a large crescentic impression above each spiracle. Second segment with a curved impressed line on each side below the spiracle and a less distinct one passing through the spiracle. Tarsi and middle tibiae strongly spiaulose. Arwiet large, its sides weakly convergent above; radial cell short and nar- row; submedian cell barely shorter than the median; disco- cubital vein simple; cubital vein entirely wanting beyond the areolet, transverse median vein in hind wing broken near lower
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