Exchange Column.
Psyche 25(4):97-98, 1918.
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Notices not to exceed four hes in length concerning exchanges desired of speci- mens or entomoIogica1 literature will be inserted free fop subscribers, to be run as long as may be deemed advide by the editors. Mered for cash, but exchange preferred. Etch and early Illinois reports; Insect Liie; Harris's Iwe& many othm.4. E. Hallinen* Cooperton, Okla. Histerib. North American Histmidm identified or unidentified, deskd in exchange for beetles of other fades. F, G, Camochan, Bussey Institution, Forest EIills, Maswchusetts.
Hemiptera-Hetemptera. I desire ~pecimens of this group from all regions especially New England. I will give in exchange species of this and other ordem (except Lepidoptera), and will idenbify New England material. Cornspondmix desired.-H. M. Parshley, Smith College, Nofimpton, Mass. Wanted: Psyche, VoI. IX..NO. 300 (April, 1901). Address, giving price, Libra- rian, Stanford University, Cal.
Samphagidm from d parts of the world bought or exchanged accdhg to arrangement. North American material determined.-R. R. Parker, State Board of Entomology, Bozeman, Mont.
Wanted: Insects of any order from ant nests, with specimens of the host ants, from any part of the world; also Cremastochiline of the world. Will give cash or Coleoptera, Hymenoptera and Diptem from the United States.-Wm. &I. Mam, Bwsey Institution, F~mt Hiis, Boston, Mass. Want to correspond with collectors of Noctiudm in Northern Mmsa&usetb Subject to supply will pay any reasonable price for good specimens Catomla mppho.-Howard L. Clark, P. 0. Box 1142, Providence, R. I. Wanted: Old Series Entom., Bul. 1,2,3,33; Technical Series 4,6,7; Insect Liie, vol. 4-6; Jour. Applied Micm~copy I, N. Y. State Entom. Rep. 3.4; Etch Rep. 7.8.13.-Philip Dowell, Port Richmond, N. Y. Wanted: Insects of the family Embiide (Scoptera). I would give insecta of any order except Iiqtidoptem. I would like to cmrespond with persons interested in this family.-hod M. May, UO2 W. 10th St., Los Angele% California. Wanted: To exchange, or purchase for cash, specimens of the &nus Apante- sia from any ldty. Also to purchwe mre Catocake.-Samuel E. Cassino, Salem, Mw.
Wanted: 19th Illinois Entomological Repo*, Coleoptera of Southern California, by H. C. Fall; Notea on Lchnosterna of Temperate North America, by J. B. Smith; Complete Works of Thos. Say, Le Conte edition.4. S. Wade, U. S. Bureau of Entomology, W&ngbn, D. C.
Wanted for cash: Lowest repmentatives of all families of insects, preserved in fluid.-G. C. Crampton, Amherst, Mass,
Ward's Natural Science Establishment
84-102 Collm Am,, Rduter, N. Y*
ht quip& dabIishment in the United 3aics for fmå£ah Edam+ hgkd &pplim and Spccims
Special attenkion is called to our
~~ En*, Ins@& Pills
Hand nu& SahnGkt md 0th Insect bow.
Cabin& and Exhibition Caaea of the heat workmadip. life Histork of Inaecta of Economic h p c e t in +- Mom&, htebod and Wooden Exhib~tioxi Cwm, and reparat~om UI Ald101. Type, Mimicry and Protective coloration collectiom. CoU&iom of Bowhold, Garden, Orchmd, Foreat, and H ~ R trea @. Fine qechem representing S m d and Semond Dimorphim, and mmhg colors.
Ow eck of Exotio k t a in uumrpd, diprnmtu from our QO- dmnd amm~ nearly emxy week.
The fdo&g lhh me s d free an appiicatb:
116, Biologhd materid for dkwctim,
125. Me hidorim of momic inmh
128, I&t of living pupae.
12% Exotiu hpidoptem
130, North Americm Lepidopkwa.
131. Exoth Cokoptera.
132. North American Chhptma.
143, Type, Mimicry, etc., mllecdiorn.
145. List of Pest mUectiom.
147. Gat of Butterfi~ for trap- and decorative mk CAI. Catalogue of Entomolo~d mppIie~
-. Ent. Co. price kit of hpidoptmt, p-. &ice F ~ E to our cwWrnm.
Ward's Natural Science Eaiablishment
Volume 25 table of contents