R. H. Howe, Jr.
Distributional Notes on New England Odonata.
Psyche 25(5):106-110, 1918.
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Orasema minutiaaima Howard.
Mina Carlota, Trinidad Mts.
Several pup= and adults were found in a hollow twig, with a colony of Wasmannia auropunctata Roger.
Acantlwpria crassicomis Ashm.
Santiago de Cuba.
A single specimen taken in a nest' of Ciphomyrmex rimosus Spin. var. minutus Mayr. agrees closely with the type from Grenada. DISTRIBUTIONAL NOTES ON NEW ENGLAND
Thoreau Museum, Concord, Massachusetts.
The following additional records for Vermont are based on another small collection sent me by Mr. D. Lewis Button from Brandon.
The specimens were captured in July, 1916. Lestes unguiculatus Hagen; new to Vermont. Lestes uncatus Kirby; new to Vermont.
Argia vwlacea (Hagen); new to Vermont.
Nehalennia Irene (Hagen); new to Vermont. Amphiagr.'on saucium (Burm.); new to Vermont. Enallagma hageni (Walsh); new to Vermont. Sshna verticalis (Hagen); new to Vermont. Libellula pulchella Drury; new to Vermont. The following record is new to Concord, Mass., bringing the known species from this township to sixty-eight. Argia moesta Hagen.
Female taken August 15, 1916, arid pre-
viously overlooked.
1 The figures in the chart of the Zygoptera published with this paper originally appeared in the author's manual of Odonata of New England, Parts 1-11 (Memoir of the Thoreau Museum of Natural History, 11;
1-23, 1917. They are republished dichotomously here, because of numerous requests that they be available in the present form. and where they will reach more students of Odonata through the larger circulation of Psyche.
19181 Howe-Distributional Notes on New England 0donata 107 The following records were found represented by specimens in the collection of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Cambridge, Mass., and are here recorded with the permission of Dr. Samuel Henshaw.
Lestes ungukulatus, White Mountains; new to New Hampshire. Enallagma aspersum (Hagen), Norway, Me. ; new to Maine. Ischnura posita (Hagen), White Mountains; new to New Hamp- shire.
Ischnura ramburii Selys, Canton (Mass.?) ; new to Massachusetts. The following records I am permitted to record by Dr. R. P. Currie based on material in the U. S. National Museum. Lestes eurinus Say, Burchard's pond, Fairfield Co., Conn.; new to the State.
Lestes congener Hagen, Franconia, N. H.; new to State. Enallagma aspersum Devil's Garden, Fairfield Co., Conn. ; new to State.
154. Boyeria grajiana Will., Cummington, Mass., July 5, 1889, collected by F. Knab.; new to New England. 155.
Tetragoneuria costalis Selys, Manchester, Me., June 9, 1898, collected by Wadsworth; new to New England. Tramea carolina (Linn.), Fairfield Co., Conn. ; new to State (see ibid., Part I).
Sympetrum costiferum (Hagen), Franconia, N. H.; new to State. Celithemis eponina (Drury), Litchfield Co., Conn. ; new to State. Perithemis domitia tenera (Say), Fairfield Co., Conn.; new to State.
Erythemis simplicicollis (Say), Fairfield Co., Conn.; new to State. Pachydiplax longipennis (Burm.) , Fairfield Co., Conn. ; new to State (see ibid., Part I).
On January 3, 1917, through the kindness of Dr. Frank E. Lutz of the American Museum of Natural History, New York City, I was able to examine the collection of Odonata for New England material. I was also introduced by Dr. Lutz to Mr. Lewis B. Woodruff who had collected all but four of the New England dragon-flies found in the Museum's collection. Later I visited Mr. Woodruff who kindly permits me to publish the following records which were gleaned in an examination of his private col-
108 f Psyche [October
Mr. Woodruff's collecting in New England has practi- cally all been done at Litchfield, Conn., and he adds fifty species to the State list as given by Dr. Calvert, and one new species to New England.
Agrion amatum (Hagen) Litchfield, June 29, to July 14. The capture of this very rare species, new to Connecticut, was recorded by Mr. Woodruff in the Jour. N. Y. Ent. Soc., 2%: 155, 1914.
Agrion cequabile (Say) Litchfield; new to the State (recorded ibid. 155).
Agrion maculatum Litchfield, with the above records from the Boston Society of Natural History; new to the State. Lestes congener Litchfield; new to the State. Lestes disjunctus Litchfield; new to the State. Lestes rectangularis Litchfield; new to the State. f
Lestes viqilax Litchfield; new to the Stat?. Argia mcesta Litchfield; new to the State (recorded ibid. 157). Chromagrion conditum (Hagen) Need., as p~ltrida (Hagen) Litch- field; new to the State (recorded ibid. 157). Nehalennia Irene Litchfield; new to the State. Enallagma ebrium Litchfield; new to the State (recorded ibid. 157). Enallagma civile Litchfield; new to the State. Enallagma exsulans Litchfield and West Hartford; new to the State (recorded ibid. 157).
Enallaqma signaturn West Hartford and Block Island, R. I.; new to both States.
156. Enallagma carunculatum Morse Litchfield; new to New England.
Ischnura posita Litchfield; new to the State. Hagenius brevistylus Litchfield; new to the State. Gomphus johannus Need. Litchfield; new to the State. This was recorded by Mr. Woodruff in the Jour. N. Y. Ent. Soc., 22: 61-63, 157, 1914).
Gomphus albistylus (Hagen) Need. Litchfield; new to the State (recorded ibid. 22 :157).
Gomphus brevis Hagen Litchfield; new to the State (recorded ibid. 22:157).
Gomphus sordidus Hagen Litchfield; new to the State.
19181 Howe-Distributional Notes on New England Odonata 109 Gomphus spicatus Litchfield; new to the State. Dromogomphus spinosus Litchfield and West Hartford; new ‰â the State.
Cordulegaster diastatops Litchfield; new to the State (recorded ibid. 22:156).
Anax junius Litchfield; new to the State. Bshna clepsydra Litchfield; new to the State. Bshna canadensis Litchfield; new to the State. Bshna umbrosa Litchfield; new to the State. Bhna verticalis 'Litchfield; new to the State. TEshna tuberculifera Litchfield; new to the State, also in the I
Museum, collected at Provincetown, Mass., by J. L. Sabriskie. Basiceshna janata Litchfield; new to the State. Boyeria vinosa Litchfield; new to the State. Didymops transversa Litchfield; new to the State. Tetragoneuria cynosura Litchfield; new to the State. Tetragoneuria cynosura var simulans Litchfield ; new to the State. Tetragoneuria spinigera Litchfield; new to the State. Helocordulia uhleri Litchfield; new to the State. Somatochlora tenebrosa (Say) Selys Litchfield; new to the State. Cordulia shurtleffi Litchfield; new to the State. Dorocordulia libera Litchfield; new to the State. Libellula pulchella Litchfield; new to the State. Libellula luctuosa Litchfield; new to the State. Syrnpetrum rubicundulum Litchfield; new to the State. Sympetrum vicinum Litchfield; new to the State. Sympetrurn costiferum Litchfield; new to the State. Leucorrhinia friqida Litchfield; new to the State (recorded ibid. 22 :l58).
Leucorrhinia intacta Litchfield; new to the State. Celithemis elisa Litchfield and New Hartford; new to the State. Celithemis eponina, Block Island, R. I.; new to the State. Perithemis tenera Litchfield; new to the State (see above). Prof. A. P. Morse of Wellesley College, Wellesley, Mass., has kindly sent me the following records with permission to publish the same in this paper:
Lestes incequalis, Sherborn, Mass.; new to the State (see ibid., * PartI).
110 Psyche [October
Enallagma exsulans, Sherborn, Dover, and Medfield, Mass.; new to the State with the above records.
Enallagma ebrium, Brattleboro, Vt.; new to the State. Amphiagrwn saucium, Montgomery, Vt.; new to the State (see above).
Cordulegaster diastatops, Jay and Troy, Conn.; new to the State with Mr. Woodruff's records.
Boyeria vinosa, Wolcott, Vt., July 23; new to the State. Libellula auripennis, Niantic, Conn., August 8; new to the State. Sympetrum rubicundulum, Newport, Vt.; new to the State (see ibid., Part I).
Sympetrum semicinctum, North Haven, Conn.; new to the State. Erythrodiplax berenice, Niantic and Stamford, Conn.; new to the State (see ibid., Part I).
The following record is represented by a specimen in the Boston Society of Natural History:
Erythrodiplax berenice (Drur~), Barrington, L. I., June; new to the State.
Species known to Maine = 99.
Species known to New Hampshire = 97.
Species known to Vermont = 26.
Species known to Massachusetts = 123.
Species known to Rhode Island = 27.
Species known to Connecticut = 72.
The following notes on some very significant variations of the species of Vanessa (Pyrameis) , originated from a series found in the collection of Mr. James E. Cottle of San Francisco. Other speci-
mens, also representing the same variations, are in the collections of Mr. J. D. Graves of Oakland, Mr. J. C. Huguenin of San Fran- cisco, and a few from the writer's collection have been deposited with the series in Mr. Cottle's collection. The illustration
sents those in Mr. Cottle's collection and captured by him. repre-
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