Exchange Column.
Psyche 25(5):116, 1918.
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Notices not to exceed four lines iri length concerning exchanges desired of speci- ,
mens or entomological literature will be inserted free for subscribers, to be run as long as may be deemed advisable by the editors. Wanted: Psyche, Vol. IX, No. 300 (April, 1901). Address, giving price, Libra- rian, Stanford University, Cal.
Sarcophagidse from all parts of the world bought or exchanged according to arrangement. North American material determined.-R. R. Parker, State Board of Entomology, Bozeman, Mont.
Wanted: Insects of any order from ant nests, with specimens of the host ants, from any part of the world; also Cremastochilinae of the world. Will give cash
or Coleoptera, Hymenoptera and Diptera from the United States.-Wm. M, Mann, Bussey Institution, Forest Hills, Boston, Mass. Want to correspond with collectors of Noctiudae in Northern Massachusetts. Subject to supply will pay any reasonable price for good specimens Catocola sappho.-Howard L. Clark, P. 0. Box 1142, Providence, R. I. Wanted: Old Series Entom., Bul. I,%, 3, 33; Technical Series 4,6,7; Insect Life, vol. 4-6; Jour. Applied Microscopy I, N. Y. State Entom. Rep. 3, 4; Fitch Rep. 7, 8, 13.-Philip Dowell, Port Richmond, N. Y. Wanted: Insects of the family Embridae (Scoptera). I would give insects of
any order except Lepidoptera. I would like to correspond with persons interested in this family.-Raoul M. May, 2202 W. 10th St., Los Angeles, California. Wanted: To exchange, or purchase for cash, specimens of the Genus Apante- sis from any locality.
Also to purchase rare Catocalse.-Samuel E. Cassino, Salem, Mass.
Wanted: 19th Illinois Entomological Report; Coleoptera of Southern California, by H, C. Fall; Notes on Lachnosterna of Temperate North America, by J. B. Smith; Complete Works of Thos. Say, Le Conte edition.-J S. Wade, U. S. Bureau of Entomology, Washington, D. C.
Wanted tor cash: Lowest representatives of all families of insects, preserved in fluid.-G. C. Crampton, Amherst, Mass. Wanted: Living larval material of Tabanidse, obtainable by sifting the soil at edge of water.-Packing in wet material, not water, each larva separate. Will
send collecting outfit. Exchange insects of any order, or cash.-Werner Marchand, 10 Dickinson St., Princeton, N. J.
For Sale:
A large collection of Javanese butterflies. Letters with particulars
regarding desired species and families may be addressed to G. Oyerdykink, Agri- cultural School, Soekaboemi, Java, Dutch East Indies.
Ward's Natural Science Establishment
84-102 College Am.. Rochester, N. Y.
Best equipped establishment in the United Sides for fam?sfi&q Enlorno- logical Sufpiita and Specimens
Special attention is, called to our
American Ent. Insect Pins
Hand made Schroitt and other Insect boxes. Cabinets and Exhibition Cases of the fin& workmanship. Life Histories of Insects of Economic Importance, in Hiker Mounts, Pasteboard and Wooden Exhibition Cases, and Preparations in AlcohoL Type, Mimicry and Protective coloration collections. Collectione of Household, Garden, Orchard, Foreat, and Shade tree peeta, Fine specimens representing Sexual and Seasonal Dimorphism, and wanting colors.
Our (rtock of Exotic Insects is unsurpassed, shipmanta from our collectors abroad arriving nearly every week.
771e following lists are sent free on application: 116. Biological material for dissection. 125. Life histories of economic insects. 128. List of living pupae.
129. Exotic Lepidoptma.
130. North American Lepidoptera.
131. Exotic Coleoptera.
132. North American Colmptera.
143. Type, Mimicry, etc., colleotiom.
145. List of Pest collections.
147. List of Butterflies for trays and decorative work. C-30. Catalogue of Entomological supplies. , Amer. Ent. Go. price list of bpidoptera. 80 pages. Price 25c. to our euBtomere.
New ilbtrated catalogue of Insects rwdy /of &tribution. Ward's Natural Science Establishment
Volume 25 table of contents