Exchange Column.
Psyche 27(4):89-90, 1920.
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Exchange Column
Notices not to exceed four lines in length concerning exchanges desired of speci- men8 or entomological literature will be inserted free for subscribers, to be run as long as may be deemed advisable by the editors. Cynipidee,-galls or the bred makers,-of the world desired for exchange or pur- chase. Will determine North American material. Address: Alfred C. Kinsey, . .
Bussey Institution, Forest Hills, Mass.
Wanted: Insects of any order from ant nests, with specimens of the host ants, from any part of the world; also Cremastochilinse of the world. Will give cash or
Coleoptera, Hymenoptera and Diptera from the United States.-Wm. M. Mann, U. S. National Museum, Washington, D. C. Wanted: To exchange, or purchase for cash, specimens of the Genus Apantesis from any locality.
Also to purchase rare Catoca1se.-Samuel E. Cassino, Salem, Mass.
Wanted for cash: Lowest representatives of all families of insects, preserved in fluid.-G. C. Crampton, Amherst, Mass.
Wanted: Syrphidse (Flower-flies) from all parts of the world. Exchanges solicited. Will determine on the usual conditions.4. L. Metcalf, Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio.
Largest Expanse~one each 8 and 9 Lepidoptera wanted for transfer purposes. Those not good enough for collections will do. Will buy, or exchange for local
Lepidoptera, etc.-C. V. Blackburn, 12 Pine St., Stoneham, Mass. Butterflies of Japan and Formosa, will be exchanged by S. Satake, 48 Aoyama- minamimachi 5-chome, Tokyo, Japan.
For Sale: Psyche, complete set, $40.
Volumes 3 to 20, newly bound in 11
volumes, red half calf, with black cloth sides; also Ann. Ent. Soc. Amer., com- plete, $12. Volumes 1 to 6, newly bound in black half calf, cloth sides.-A. C. Hansen, 945 Margate Ter., Chicago.
For sale, or exchange for entomological items not in my library-American Entomologist, complete; Dyar, List of N. A. Lepidoptera; Redi, Experiments, circa Generationem Inseetorum, 1686; many others.-J. E. Hallinen, Cooperton, Okla.
Wanted: To examine, determine and exchange Cicadellidae or "Jassidse" from all parts of North America.-J. G. Sanders and D. M. DeLong, State Capitol, Harrisburg, Pa.
Cochineal Insects: Wish to obtain living specimens of cochineal scales. Will
purchase or exchange as may be desired.-C. T. Brues, Bussey Institution, Boston 30, Mass.
Pa&* 27339-90 (1920). hup tipsychc einclub nrginm-OW) html
Ward's Natural Science Establishment
84-102 College Ave., Rocheater, N. Y.
Best equipped establishment in the United States for furnishing~å£n(omo logical Supplies and Sf~cimens
Special Attention is called to our
American Ent. Insect Pins.
Hand made Schmitt and other Insect boxes. Cabinets and Exhibition Cases of the finest workmanship. Life Histories of Insects of Economic Importance, in Riker Mounts, Paste- board and Wooden Exhibition Cases, and Preparations in AlcohoL Type, Mimicry and Protective coloration collections, Collections of Household, Garden, Orchard, Forest, and Shade tree pesta. Fine ~perimens representing Sexual and Seasonal DimorphJ~in, and warn- ing colors.
Our atoek of Exotic Insects is uasurpassed, ahipmenta from our collectors .
abroad arriving nearly every week.
The fdlo~ing lists are sent free. on application: 116. Biological material for dissection. 125. Life histories of economic haeck.
128. List of living pupae.
129. Exotic Lepidopteran
130, North American liepidoptera.
131. Exotic Coleoptera.
132. North American Coleopha.
143. Type, Mimicry, etc., collections.
145. List of Pest collectione.
147. List of Butterflies for trays and decorative work. C-30. Catalogue of Entomological supplies. her. Ent. Co. price list of Lepidoptera. 80 pages. Price 26c. Free to our customera.
New iliwitrated wtttloyw of Insects ready for distribuih. Ward's Natural Science Establishment
Volume 27 table of contents