W. M. Wheeler.
Professor Emery's Subgenera of the Genus Camponotus Mayr.
Psyche 28(1):16-19, 1921.
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16 Psyche [February
Bussey.Institution, Harvard University.
The great cosmopolitan ant-genus Camponotus, now comprising fully 500 species and as many subspecies and varieties, has become so unwieldy that subdivision has become imperative. As long ago as 1896 Emery1 matte a serious attempt to render it more manage- able by dividing it into three cohorts (Arcuati, Capitati and Angu- iosi) and numerous maniples based for the most part on geograph- ical groups of' species. Forel finally grasped the nettle in 191z2 and -established 16 subgenera in- addition to Colobopsis Mayr, which had long been accorded subgeneric rank. Although he cited species under each subgenus he failed to designate any subgeno- types.
1 undertook to supply this omission in 1913.3 In 1914 he issued a more extensive account of his ~ubgenera,~ increased their number to 34, and appended an extensive list of the known species. In this paper he cited a type for each subgenus but paid no attention to my designations.
It happened, however, that in
all but eight of the subgenera we had selected the same species. Now Emery8 has issued a most painstaking study of the genus and has increased the number of subgenera to 34, excluding the mono- typic ~hasrno&ex Stitz, which he has elevated to rank. He has also established a new genus, Not?stigma, for three Aus- tralian species (caruzeii, foreli and podenzanai), two of which were formerly included by Fore1 in his subgenus Myrmosphirtcta. The outlines of the various subgenera have been more accurately defined, much use has been made of the geographical distribution of the species, and the characters of the male Camponoti, .which 1 Saggio di un Catalogo Sistematico dei Generi Camponotus, Polyrhachis e Afflni. Mem. R. Accad. Sc. 1st. Bologna (5) 5, 1896, pp. 761-780. 8 Formicides N6otropiques Part VI, M6m. Soc. Ent. Belg. 20, 1912, pp. 59-92. 8 Corrections and Additions to "List of Type Species of the Genera and Subgenera of Formicidae," Ann. N. Y. Acad. Sc. 23, 1913, pp. 77-83. 4 Le Genre Camponotus Mayr et les Genres Voisins. Rev. Suisse Zool. 22,
1914, pp. 257-276.
Le Genre "Camponotus" Mayr, Nouvel Essai de sa Subdivision en Sous- Genres.
Rev. Zool. Africaine 8, 1920, pp. 229-260, 1 fig. Pm-he 28:16-19 (192 1). hup //psyche enlclub nr$/28/28-016 html
19211 11-71eeler- Emery's Su'bgenera of Genus Camponotus 17 no one had seen fit to study heretofore, have been scrutinized. In
Emery's classification only five of the subgenera are represented in both hemispheres, whereas 11 include only New World, and 19 only Old World species. Unfortunately, a certain amount of confusion has been introduced by Emery's overlooking my desig- nations of the types of Forel's subgenera. It becomes necessary, therefore, to disciiss very briefly the subgeneric names that are affected by this oversight. These are listed in the following para- graphs, together -with the cases in which Forel's types are invali- dated by my previous designations :
Subgenus Ca'inponotus Mayr.
'When Mayr established the genus '
Cwii-~onotus in 1861, he designated no type but placed Formica ligniperda Latr., first on his list of species, just as he had placed it first in the genus Formica in his work on the Austrian aiits (1855). Bingham, perhaps for that reason, selected ligniperda as the type of Camponotus in 1903, ignoring the fact that Fore1 and Emery had-long regarded this ant as a mere sub-species of hercu- leanus L., which they therefore cite as the genotype. I am not aware that our codes make any provision for such cases. Subgenus Myrm othrix Forel.
I designated Formica ab dominalis
Fabr. as the type (193 3)) but Fore1 chose F. rufipes Fabr. (1914). Both are retained in the subgenus as accepted by Emery. Subgenus Myrwolophus Emery. Emery has split this subgenus off of Forel's Myrmepomis and based it on the Neotropical Formica sericeiventris Guerin, leaving the remainder of the species, which are African and Malagasy, in Myrmepomis. I had designated scriceiventris as the type of Myrmepomis in 1913, and Fore1 had cited the Ethiopian F. fulvopilosus DeGeer as the type in 1914. As the latter designation is invalid, Myrmolophus becomes a syno- nym of Myrwepomis, and it is necessary to replace Emery's name for the Old World species. I propose the name Myrmopiromis nom. nov.
Subgenus ~y&wtarsus Forel. I designated Formica mistura 3'. Smith as the type of this subgenus, whereas Forel selected F. irri- iabilis F. Smith. Both are included in the group as emended by Emery. He includes also F. quadrisectus I?. Smith, which was cited by Forel as the type of Myrmophyma. Since I had previously designated Oan~ponotvs capita Mayr as the type of the latter genus,
18 - Psyche [February
and Forel's designation is invalid, there can be no objection to Emery's procedure.
Subgenus Myrniosp7zincta Forel. I designated the Neotropical Formica, sexgztitaia Fabr, as the ~ubgenotype, Forel the Malayan F. cinerascms Fabr. Emery has now transferred sexguttata to his subgemis Myrmu,temnus and has retained the name Myrmo- aphincfa for the Malayan, Australian and Malagasy species. It is
clear that a new name is required for Sfyrmosphincta. -Emery (1920). I propose Myrmosaulus nom. HOT.
Su%geirus Myrmophyma Forel. As already stated, I designated Camponotus capita as the type, but Forel selected quaSmsectus. Emery also designates capito 'as the type. Forel's Mymocdtitelus 'becomes a synonym of Myrmophyma, because he selected as its type Formica ephippium F. Smith, which is merely one of a number of + ~ustralian species closely related to capita. Thus owing to my prior designation of the type of Myrmophyma it is unnecessary for Emery to violate the code of nomenclature (19121, according to ' which genotypes are stable and cannot be changed. Subgenus Myrmosaga Porel. Here,-too, there is a discrepancy , in the types selected, as I had designated Camponotus Icelleri Ford and Fore1 had selected 0. qåŽuadrimacuftliu forel. Both are in- cluded in the subgenus as emended by Emery. . ~ub~emii Myrmentomu Ford. This subgenxf~, 'established by Ford in 1912, was in 1914 regarded by him as a synonym of Ash- mead's 0rthonof.ofttymiex (1906). I had designated Formica lat- oralis Olivier'as the type of Sfy~mentoma in 1913, and Forel had designated the same type for Orthonotomyrmex in 1914, overlook- .
ing the fact that 'Ashmead had designated Formica sericea Fabr. Emery has resuscitated Mymeittoma and defined it and Orthonoto- v e x more precisely.
Stibgenus Myrm epomis Forel.
See Myrmo!ophus, above.
Subgenus Myrmacantha Emery. This is a synonym of Myrmor- A +
JidchiS, for in 1913 I designated as the sub-genotype of the latter the Ethiopian Camponotus polyrhachiaides Ford, which is closely re- lated to C. ahqans Mayr designated as the type. Ford in 1914 selected the Neotropical Camponotus latangulus Roger as the type of Myrmorhachis. Since Emery restricts- the latter name to the American forms it becomes necwsary to replace it by a new term.
19211 Wheeler-Emery's Subgenera of Genus Camponotus 19 - 0
I propose Myrrnocladoecus nom nov., since all or nearly all the species live in hollow twigs.
Subgenus MyrmJan2b1ys Forel.
Here, too, difficulties arise owing
to the fact that Emery has restricted the name to American species, I designated an East Indian species, Camponotus reticu~atus Roger as the type (l9l3), but Fore1 selected a Neotropical form, G. fasti- gatus Roger. As Emery has placed 'reticulatus in Myrrnotemnus, the latter would seem to be a synonym of Myrmamblys Forel (1912 and 1913), and the selection of a new name for Nyrmamblys Emery (1920) is made necessary. For this I propose Neomyr- mamblys nom. nov. I have already explained why the small group of American species including sexguttatus must be retained as Myrmosplhcta Fore1 (vide supra).
Subgemis MyrmorhacMs Porel. Discussed above in connection A .
with Myrmacaiztlza Emery.
Subgenus Myrmeurymta Forel.
I designated Camponotus eury-
notus Forel as the type of this subgenus but Fore1 cites 0. gilvi- ventris Roger. Both are included in Emery's list of species. Subgenus Manniella subgen. nov.
I propose this name for the
small group comprising the Cuban sphaericus Roger (subgenotype) and its subspecies sphaeralis Roger. Mann has recently discovered and described the maxima worker of these forms6 Both Fore1 and Emery include them in Myrmeurynota, whereas Mann assigns them to Colobopsis. The structure of the head, pronotum, etc., of the large worker is so aberrant that they cannot be included in these sn bgenera, nor in Emery's Hypercolobopsis, PseudocoloT)opsis nor Paracolo bop&.
The changes suggested above increase the number of subgenera of Camponotus to 36.
Additions to the Ant Fauna of the West Indies and Central America. Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist. 42, 1920, pp. 403-439, 10 figs.
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