A. D. MacGillivray.
New Species of Emphytinae and Selandriinae - Hymenoptera.
Psyche 28(2):31-35, 1921.
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University of Illinois, Urbana, 111.
The adults of the following new species of Tenthredinidae were all bred from larva3.
The specimens from New York were
collected and bred by-Dr. H. Yuasa, and the Maine specimens by the Maine Agricultural Experiment Station at Orono. Strongylogastroidea depressata sp. nov.
Body black with the following parts whitish: labrum, tegulse, procoxie, mesocoxas, spot cm. metacoxse, and trochanters; with the following parts rufous: mandibles, angles of clypeus, dis- ial three or foursegments of the antennae, legs beyond the, troch- anters except the metatarsi which are fuscous to black, abdominal segments three and four, terga and sterna, and saw-guides in great part; third segment' of antennae distinctly longer than fourth and not as long as fourth and fifth together; clypeus very shallowly emarginate; ocellar basin deep with vertical walls, surrounding median ocellus, extending between antacorise; median fovea ob- scure; surface of ocellar basin and 'its bounding walls finely punc- tate; postocellar area polished; mesoscutellum with lateral por- tions coarsely punctate; saw-guides with dorsal margin concave and ventral margin convex, distal end bluntly rounded; wings hyaline; veins including costa pale, stigma infuscated. Length Y mm.
Habitat: ~iono, Maine. Sub. 39.
This species is similar to unicincta Nort. The black collar, the pale femora, and the difference in the saw-guides will separate them.
. Emphytus yuasi sp. nov.
Female. Body black with the following parts white: clypeus, labrum, mandibles in great part, tegulse, collar, ventral half 01
inesopleurse and extending over mesosternum, coxae, trochanters, femora except distal ends of inesofemora and metafemora, more or less suffused with rufous, tibias except narrow band on caudal margin and a ring at the distal end, protarsi and mesotarsi except narrow band on caudal margin, narrow band on proximal end of basitarsi of metatarsi, ventral aspect of abdomen, and caudal ter- gum except at sides; mesa1 portion of terga with a yellowish mark, largest on second to fifth, extending along caudal margin; clypeus deeply squarely emarginate; third segment of antennae distinctly longer than fourth; antenna1 furrows broadly rounded, indistinct; ocellar area elevated, ocellar basin a rounded furrow; median fovea indistinct; head punctate below lateral ocelli; oblique depression extending from lateral ocelli toward compound eye; mesonoturn polished; wings hyaline, costal and proximal spot on stigma yel- lowish, veins and stigma black; saw-guides convex on dorsal and ventral margins, distal end obliquely rounded. Length 6.5 mm. - Habitat: Ithaca, New York. No. 171-1.
This species is similar 'to apertus Nort. but the difference in the length of the third segment of the antenna? will separate them. Unitaxonus Gen. nov.
Front wings with the radial and radio-medial cross-veins distinct, free part.of subcosta one apparently wanting, free part of second anal vein present, slightly oblique, located some distance nearer the proximal end of the wing than media four plus cubitus one; hind wings with the free part of radius four and the transverse part of media two wanting, the second anal cell petiolate; antennae with nine segments; clypeus nearly truncate in the female; the basi- tarsus of each metatarsus about subequal in length to the four fol- lowing segments.
Type, Unitaxonus repentinus MacG.
Unitaxonus repentinus sp. nov.
Body black with the following parts rufous ; mandibles, femora, tibias, protarsi, mesotarsi, and abdominal segments, two to four, including terga and sterna; with the following parts whitish : labrum, tegulse, procoxee, distal portion of mesocoxse, and troch- anters ; antennae with third segment distinctly longer than fourth ; clypeus faintly broadly emarginate, almost truncate; supraclypeal
19211 MacGillivray-New Species of Emphytince 3 3 area elevated; median fovea broad, shallow, almost obsolete; ocellar basin oval, not deep ; head including postocellar area polished; median and lateral lobes of the mesonotum polished, mesocutellurn in part punctate ; wings slightly infuscated, stigma and costa yel- lowish infuscated, veins black; saw-guides with dorsal margin straight, ventral margin convex, converging toward distal end, dis- tal end truncately rounded.
Length 7 mm.
Habitat: Ithaca, New York. No. 129-1-2.
The male differs only' in having the clypeus more deeply emar- ginate, limited on each side by slight projections and the bottom of the emargina tion straight.
Unitaxonus rumicis spec. nov.
Female. Body black with the following parts rufous: labrum, mandibles, distal two-thirds to one-half of coxse, trochanters, fe- mora, tibiae, protarsi, mesotarsi, and abdominal segments two to four; third segment of antennas nearly twice as long as the fourth; clypeus only slightly emarginate; median fovea wanting; ocellar -
basin oval, deep, surrounding median ocellus, limited at ventral end by a round fiat area between antacorise; head polished; median and Jateral lobes of mesonotum polished; mesopleurse densely seta-- ceous and finely punctate; wings infriscated, costa pale, veins and stigma. black; saw-guides with margins straight and distal end broadly bluntly rounded.
Length 8 mm.
Habitat: Ithaca, New York.. No. 91-2-1.
The length of the third antenna1 segment and the shape of the saw-guides will separate this species from repentinus MacG. De- scribed from a single specimen in poor condition. Empria cetaria sp. nov.
Female. Body black with the following parts white: labrum, tegulse, and legs except proximal two-thirds of coxse, distal third of metafernora, and distal end of metatibse; metatarsi- infuscated; head polished, densely setaceous, punctate with numerous fine cal- ices; dypeus flat, squarely shallowly emarginate, lateral projecting angles bluntly pointed ; ocellar basin a shallow shield-shaped depres- sion including median ocellus; median fovea very minute, slight pit-like depression at ventral end of ocellar basin; antennse with
34 Psyche . [April
segments four and five subequal, three distinctly longer than four and not as long as four and five together; head with a convex ridge between antennal furrows; ocellar and interocellar furrows obso- lete; mesonoturn polished, mesoscutellum with caudal half punc- tured; saw-guides with dorsal margin concave, ventral margin con- vex, converging toward bluntly rounded distal end ; wings hyaline, veins, costa, and stigma brownish.
Length 6 mm.
Habitat: Ithaca, New York. No. 119-1-2.- This species is related to celsa MacG., from which it can be dif- ferentiated by lack of ocellar and interocellar furrows. Empria cerina sp. nov.
Female. Body black with the following parts white: labrum in part, collar narrowly, tegulae, distal ends of femora, protibiz, meso- tibise, proximal and distal ends of metatibise, proximal end broader than distal, protarsi, and proximal portion of mesobasitarsi; cly- pens with a fine 'mesa1 ridge and tooth, ventral margin narrow, emargination shallow; antennae with third and fourth segments subequal, short; ocellar basin shallow, extending between antacorise and bearing pit-like median fovea and median ocellus, latter bounded by distinct Y-shaped furrow; ocellar and interocellar fur- rows distinct; antennal furrows interrupted near middle; post- .
ocellar area broader than long; median and lateral lobes of meso- notum polished; mesocutellum finely punctate; wings hyaline; veins brownish, costa and stigma infuscated; saw-guides with dor- sal margin straight, ventral margin convex, rapidly converging to obliquely, bluntly pointed distal end. Length 6 mm. Habitat: Ithaca, New York. No. 107-5-2 and 107-3. This species can be separated from cauduca MacG. by the shallow emargination of the clypeus and the form of the median fovea. Thrinax pullatus sp. nov.
Male. Body black with the following parts rufous: collar nar- rowly, Qochanters, femora, tibiae, and tarsi except two or three distal segments of the metatarsi ; abdominal terga with caudal por- tion with a narrow linear yellowish or rufous margin; antennae with 'third and fourth segments subequal; labrum densely seta- ceous ; clypeus broadly, roundly, shallowly &marginate ; median
19211 Wells-New United States Zoocecidk 35 fovea punctiform; ocellar basin broadly limited by a distinct frontal crest, surrounding the median ocellus ; antenna1 furrows obscure, interrupted near middle of their length; vertical furrows deep, broad, longer than broad; postocellar area with a deep mesa1 fur- row connecting with shallow inconspicuous ocellar furrow; surface of head dull; mesonotum dull, indefinitely punctate or striate; mesoscutellum with distinct furrows on each side, polished on meson; metascutellurn polished, impunctuate; mesopleura dull, sparsely sericeous; cerci distinct, short, porrect; caudal margin of caudal sternum rounded; wings hyaline, costa reddish, veins and stigma infuscated. Lenth 8 mm.
Habitat: Ithaca, New ~ork. No. 20-1.
The general appea,rance of this species, the arrangement of the pale color and the line of the abdomina.1 segments is similar to that of Stronqvloqaster politus Prov. The difference in the coloration of the abdomen will differentiate it from Thrinax i'mpressatus Prov. ^
State College, Raleigh, North Carolina.
In the descriptions below, the author has indicated in each case whether the gall is a kataplasma or a prosoplasma. These terms
of Kuster's pertaining to the 1,ower and higher galls respectively, deserve a prominent place in gall descriptions, for they connote very significant conditions. The writer has pointed out (Botanical Gazette, May, 19'21) that these groups have an evolutionary relationship. By "kataplasma" Kuster means those indefinite galls whose structure is developed through hyperplasia of embryonic tissue, the end product not becoming in its differentiation, orienta- tion and form of tissues, fundamentally different from the normal plant part; they represent inhibitions of the normal differentin- tioris, the more advanced ones thus approach homogenity. "Proso-
plasmas," on the other hand, are definite galls whose structure differs fundamentally from the normal plant part, the tissues
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