Wm. M. Mann.
A New Genus of Termite Guest from Fiji.
Psyche 28(2):54-56, 1921.
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54 Psyche [April
Bureau of Entomology, Washington, D. C.
The beetle described below, was collected by the writer on several different islands in Fiji, where individuals oiccur, one or two to a colony, with a termite (Nasutitermes sp.) common throughout the group and found in dead wood. They were running among the host - -where the latter were gathered thickest, in a manner common to many species of termitophiles, and similar in habits and behavior to our southern species, Trichopsenius depressus Lee. Coleoptera, Staphylmidas, Aleocha&i.
Lauella gen nov.
Male. (Near Perinthus Casey.) Small, moderately slender. Head, small, not constricted at base, broader than long, sides and occiput convex, vertex flattened. Eyes occupying less than half sides of head, glabrous. Antennas inserted in rather large and shallow foveas near interior margin of eye; 11-jointed; first joint three times as long as the third, remaining joints sub-equal in - *length; joints 3-7 cylindrical, 8-11 compressed, the apical more strongly so than the others. Clypeus submembranous, anterior margin straight. Gula subcampanulate. Labrum twice as long as broad, the anterior border strongly, broadly and triangularly a excised at the middle. Mandibles acute at the apex. Submentwu and mentum not distinctly divided, together large and sub-quad- rangular, with the outermangles rounded. Ligula small, strongly excised apically; paraglossas not visible. Labial palp thick basally; second joint half as broad as the basal; apical joint less than half as broad as the second. Maxillary palp &jointed, basal joint short, second and third joints subequal, the apical slender and much shorter than the third. Pronotum broader than long and a little broader behind than in front, sides strongly convex, anterior and posterior angles evenly rounded and not at all projecting. Elytra strongly transverse, nearly as broad and about two-thirds as long as pronotum, sides inflexed as in pronotum. Metasternum broad, episterna narrow; COXEB contiguous. Abdomen narrower at base Pu&e 2854-56 (192 1). hup Ytpsychu einclub orgt28128-054 html
19211 * Mann-A New Genus of Termite Guest 55 than elytra, rather slender and tapering.; with six segments visible from above, the first four strongly margined. Legs short and broad; femora and tib-ise rather strongly compressed; femora with short tibia1 grooves; tibiae rather broad, tarsi long and slender, 4-jointed on all the legs~laws small.
Fig. 1. Head of LaueUa vitiensis sp. nov. ant, antennae; c, cardo; g, galea; gu, gula.; 1, lacinia; li, ligdla; m, anterior part of mentum (fulcrum) ; oc, eye; plb, labial palpus; pmx, maxillary palpus; pr, prosthe-ca; sl, labial stipes; sm, posterior part of mentum (sub-menturn). This genus is near Perinthus Casey, of which several species, all of termitophilous habit, are known from tropical America. Lauella is distinct in having the antennas more robust, cylindrical at base, and with only the last four joints flattened (much less strongly than in any species of Perinthus), the eyes are not setose ,
and the anterior border of the labrum is very strongly excised at middle. The legs of Perinthus are much less compressed.
56 Psyche [April
In the male of Lauella the last dorsal segment is broadly and triangularly impressed. In the female seven abdominal segments are visible from above.
Genotype.-Lauella uitiensis sp. nov.
Lauella vitiensis sp. nov.
Length 2.50-2.75 mm. (Fig. 1.)
Dark brown, 'border of abdomen and appendages paler. Head,
pronotum and elytra strongly shining, abdomen moderately so. Head, thorax and elytra sparsely and finely punctate ; hairs widely separated, long and erect. Abdomen above densely, though super- ficially punctate ; with a covering of fine, short and silky recumbent hairs, most sparse on the dorsum, and a series of long hairs which are suberect on the margins and nearly recumbent on the middle of dorsum.
Head less than half as broad as pronotum. Pronotum about one and one-half times as broad as long, broadest behind, sides little convex. Elytra together twice as broad as long, broadest in front, sides nearly straight, posterior border straight. Abdomen gradually tapering, a little longer than the anterior part of the body. , Described from several specimens taken at Yunisea, Kadavu (type locality) ; Waquava and Tuv-uca, in the Fiji Islands. The accompanying drawing of the under side of the head and the terminology of the same were kindly prepared by Dr. A. Boving.
Boston Society of Natural History.
Lepidostola perpolita sp. nov.
Male. Black, face shining, nearly perpendicular, with a slight middle convexity, sides of the face depressed, the depressions and orbits yellowish pruinose, inferior orbit yellow, frontal triangle shining, the upper angle yellow, in a certain light, a narrow orbital line is seen, expanding and forming a spot on each side, narrowly
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