H. L. Viereck.
Descriptions of New Ichneumonidae in the Collection of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Cambridge, Mass.
Psyche 28(3):70-83, 1921.
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70 Psyche [June
Washington, D. 0.
With one exception the following new species are all from locali- ties in Virginia near the District of Columbia. Ameloctonus xanthocerus sp. nov.
Type.-No. 11182, M. 0. Z.
Type-locality.-Great Falls, Virginia, June 5 (N. Banks). Female.-Length, 7 mm.; ovipositor 1.25 mm.; related to A. el-isiocurnpi~ Weed, from which it is readily known by the color of the antenna, the less completely areolated propodeum, etc. Head black, dullish, finely densely sculptured, sericeous with silvery pu- bescence, temples and occiput between occipital carina and top of head shining and less densely sculptured than the face, facial line : transfacial line : : 25 : 34, axial line : temporal line : : 10 : 6, greatest diameter of lateral ocelli apparently a trifle longer than the ocellocular line, which latter is shorter than the lateral ocellar line which in turn is shorter than the postocellar line which in turn is distinctly shorter than the ocelloccipital line, clypeus truncate, finely granular and indistinctly punctured, mandibles mostly yellow, with brownish teeth, palpi mostly pale, antennae mostly yellowish stramineous, blackish or black beyond the 10th joint, scape nearly as thick as long, pedicel apparently less than half as long as scape, joint 3 distinctly longer than 4 but shorter than 44-5 and at least three times as long as thick at apex, following joints subequal, joint 27 apparently thicker than long; thorax colored, sculptured and pubescent much like the head, mesonotum sculptured much like the clypeus except where the notauli ought to be where the sculp- true is not so fine, pronoturn reticulated, laterally striate, meso- pleurae mostly densely reticulated and punctured, the upper half with a striate depressed area and an almost sculptureless streak, scutel sculp&red much like the clypeus, metanotum with indefinite sculpture, metapleure sculptured and pubescent much like the Pu&e 28:70.83 (192 1). hup Ytpsycht einclub orgt28128-070 html
19211 Viereck-Descriptions of Nezu Ichneum~onidce lower half of the niesople~~ra, wings almost colorless with a uni- formly distributed brownish tinge, costa blackish, stigma yellowish stramineous, rest of veins brownish stramineous, bullae whitish, cubitus beyond second transverse cubitns mostly paler than the other veins, areolet petiolate, receiving recurrent vein beyond its middle, the petiole shorter than the shortest side of areolet, wing base yellowish-stramineous, tegulse mostly yellowish with a pale- stramineous margin, fore and mid cox% and trochanters pale-stra- mineous, hind coxse brownish stramineous, hind trochanters pale- stramineous, rest of fore and mid legs mostly brownish-stramineous except claws and empodia which are more or less brownish to black- ish, hind femora reddish-brown, hind tibiae and tarsi brownish- stramineous with the former darker near, the base and at apex than elsewhere, hind claws and empodia concolorous with those of fore and midlegs, claws pectinate; propodeum black, finely sculp- lured and pubescent with silvery pubescence, exareolate beyond the basal transverse carina, the latter obtusely angulate in the middle, basalarea triangular, apical transverse carina incomplete, propodeum apparently shorter from base to apex, than wide at base, rather rugulose beyond the basal transverse carina, not at all de- pressed down the middle; abdomen shining, covered with pale pubescence and rather fusiform, truncate at apex, first segment with its basal two-thirds snbcylindrical, its apical third convex "but broader than thick dorso-ventrally, black throughout, petiole with a fossa on each side, spiracles distinctly nearer to each other than to the apex, second and third sternites yellowish stramineous, second tergite black except for the apical third which is mostly reddishyrest of tergites reddish except the sixth which has a black stain on its basal half above, thyridia rather oval, brownish much nearer the base than to the spiracles and as near the lateral edge as to the base, spiracles of second tergite apparently nearer the base than the apex and not much more than their own width from the lateral edge, sheaths of ovipositor blackish and hardly longer than the apical truncature of abdomen.
Angitia aestivalis sp. nov.
Type.-No. 11183, M. C. Z.
1'2 Psyche [June
Type-locality.-Falls Church, Virginia, July 4, Aug. 27 (N. Banks).
Other localities.-Glencarlyn, June 30, Great Falls, June 21, Virginia (N. Banks).
Female.-Length 9 mm.; ovipostor 1 mm.; compared with the original description of (Amorphota) &4rigitia ? lawrencei (Viereck). This species differs as follows : Very like (horphota) Anqitia? augusta (Yiereck) in color. Head.-Pace indistinctly punctured, clypeus more distinctly punctured, antennae 36-jointed. Thorax.- Hind coxae black, hind proximal trochanters mostly black, other trochanters yellowish-strfimineo'ns, claws brownish to blackish and pectinate, all of fore tarsi reddish brown,mid onychii blackish, hind tibiae reddish brown except for a blackish apex and a yellowish base, mid tarsi brownish stramineous, hind tarsi mostly blackish brown, the joints yellowish at base. Propodemi.-Basal area circum- scribed, nearly quadrate and nearly as large as the areolet, areola and petiolarea confluent, slightly concave, covered with decussating, conspicuous silvery hairs, costulse wanting, lateral and median logitudinal carinse present.
Abdomen.-Compressed like a knife
blade, black throughout, exserted portion of ovipostor apparently as long as the first tergite. Compared with the original description of Angitia? augusta (Yiereck). This species differs in its wider cheeks, in its antennae having more joints, stigma blackish brown. Areolet distinctly petiolate, fore and mid cox% brownish stamin- eous, etc.
Campoplex banksi sp. nov.
Type.-No. 11184 M. C. Z.
Type-locality.-Falls Church, Virginia, July 12, at honey dew on tulip tree (N. Banks).
Female.-Length 10 mm.; ovipositor 1.5 mm.; black and seri- ceous with silvery pubescence ; agrees with 0. nigricincta (Ashmead ) in the greatest diameter of lateral ocelli being longer than the ocellocular line, in the quadrate head with outside line of eyes and temples nearly in the same plane, etc., but differs in size, in the mandibles and palpi which are almost entirely black or blackish, in the antennae which are black except for a brownish edge at apex
19211 Viereck-Descriptions of New Iclzneumonido~ 73 of scape and pedicel, in the tegulse which are stramineous, in the legs which are black or blackish except for the fore tibiae and tarsi, basal half of mid tibias, part of mid tarsi, base of hind tibiae and hind metatarsi, all of which are pale strarnineous or yellowish white. in the propodeurn which is rather indistinctly areolated, rugulose and longitudinally channelecl, longitudinal carinae virtually want- ing, and the apical transverse carina confused with the sculpture down the middle of the propodeurn, in the abdomen which has a yellowish band at apex of first and second tergites, the basal third of the second tergite mostly brownish, second sternite yellowish and brownish stramineous, and in the wings which are broadly margined with a 'blackish brown stain the lower edge of which is parallel or nearly parallel to the terminal or pale abscissa of the cubitus, stigma and costa blackish, rest of veins blackish-brown, areolet sessile, five-sided.
It gives me much pleasure to dedicate this beaiitiful species to its well-known collector.
Cryptohelcostizus cushman~
Judging from the following species this is an atypical member of the Osprhynchotiiise with the spiracles of the first tergite in or before the middle and nearer to each other than to the apex of the tergite. According to Ashmead's classification this genus is related to Callicryptus Ashmead, it also has characters in common with. Spilocryptus as exemplified by 8. extrematis Cresson. Cryptohelcostizus dichrous ST. nov.
Type.-No. 11189, M. C. Z.
Type-locality.-Southern Pines, North Carolina, November 3, 1908. (A. H. Manee).
Female.-Length 12 mm.; shiny, black except an almost con- tinuo~~~ yellowish line along the eye margin of the head, the red- dish abdomen and the deeply infamated wings; axial line : tem- poral line :: 26 : 10, malar space : width of mandiles at base as 8 : 8 or rnalar space or width of mandibles at base, each 336 n, anterior third of clypeus in the form of a broad facet, antennae twenty-five jointed, the terminal joint truncate at apex, face with
74 Psyche [June
distinct punctures that are mostly either adjoining or one or two puncture width apart, lion-facetted 'portion of clypeus punctured much like face, almost impunctate down the middle, shiny and -finely sculptured, facetted portion polished or nearly so, pronotum mostly, deeply punctured, striate in and along the deepest portion of the sclerite, dorsulum punctured nmch like the face, but pol- ished, its notauli deep and ribbed, mesopleuras sculptured much like the dorsulum, sternauli wanting except for a difference in sculp- ture evidenced by short vertical striae, metapleurae rugoso-punctate, scutel planate or nearly so, rather truncate at apex, areolet penr- angular, its inner side formed by the first transverse cubitus, diri- tinctly longer than the next longest side that is formed by the second transverse cubitus, its upper side or second abscissa of radius a little shorter than the outer side, but a little longer tha~i the lover inner side, the latter a little longer than the lower outer side which is the smallest side, nervulus received by the median cell before the basal vein, nervellus broken distinctly below the middle and forming an obiuse angle, fore tibiae almost club-shaped, as if pinched near base; propodeum shiny, the upper aspect separ- ated from the posterior aspect by the apical transverse carina, upper aspect polished, transversely striate down the middle, punctured laterally, its punctures adjoining or nearly, posterior aspect pol- ished, coarsely reticulate except the upper half of the posterior aspect down the middle; abdomen punctured, its first tergite pol- ished and with its punctures mostly from one to three punctura widths apart, the succeeding tergites a little more closely punc- tured, shiny and finely reticulated, fifth, sixth and seventh tergites with more or less shallow and indistinct punctures, ovipostor ap- parently a little more than 3.5 mm. long, its apex with a rather coarse structure.
A1lotype.-No. 11189, M. C. 2.
Southern Pines, North Caro-
lina, Feb. 5, 1909 (A. H. Manee).
Compared with the description of the type given above this differs as follows : Length, 10 mm. ; axial line : temporal line : : 19 : 8, malar space : width of mandibles at base : : 4 : 5, or malar space 168 u, width of mandibles at base 210 u, antennae 26-jointed, the terminal joint not truncated, but nearly pointed, lower half of
19211 Viereck-Descriptions of New Iclweumonidc~ 75 clypens forming a broad, polished facet, the remainder of the clypeus dullish and sparsely indistinctly punctured ; pronotum with faint stris in the furrow, elsewhere more or less sparsely punc- tured, first transverse cubitus a little longer than the lower innei side of the areolet or the next longest side, second transverse cubi- ins a little shorter than the lower inner side, second abscissa of radius : lover outer side of areolet : : 5 : 4, fore tibiee normal as in Spiloc~-yptus extrematis Cress., posterior aspect of propodeuin coarsely reticulate throughout; abdomen sculptured much as in the type but not so distinctly.
Holocremnus flaviclypeus sp. nov.
Type.-No. 11185, M. C. Z.
Type-locality.-Chain Bridge, Virginia, June 14 (X. Banks). Male.-Length 8 nirn.; compared with the original description of H. virqiniensis Yiereck this species differs as follows :-Head, black except the face below antenna?, which, including the clypeus is mostly yellow, lower edge of temples yellowish, transfacial line : facial line : : 36 : 33, interocellar space finely sculptured, though not so finely as along the ocellocular line, lateral ocellar line slightly shorter than the ocellocular line, clypeus apparently punctured and granular, scape almost entirely yellow, pedicel yellow beneath (antennae broken), pedicel nearly one-half the length of scape; thorax, black except for appendages and yellowish tubercles, costa stramineous, stigma and other veins, except bullse, brownish stra- mineous, stigma palest, terminal abscissa of cubitus mostly nearly as pale as center of stigma, fore cox2 yellow throughout as are the mid coxae, hind coxas black at base and laterally on basal half, elsewhere more or less reddish or yellowish, fore and mid femora yellowish, appendages of fore and mid onychii dark brown or black- ish, basal half of their claws pectinate, hind trochanters concolor- ous yellowish, hind femora reddish, hind tibiae brownish straniinc- ous except for a yellowish base, hind tarsi yellowish, with dark- ened tips and darkened onychii, appendages of latter similar to those of fore and mid legs ; propodemn basal area triangular, petio- late, petiolarea transversely rugosostriate, areola mostly indefinitely ' eculptured; abdomen, distance between first pair of spiracles more
76 Psyche [June
than two-thirds the length of the post petiole, thyridia oval, spira- cles of second tergite as near to the apex as to the base, abdomen mostly reddish above, post petiole partly reddish, second tergite with its basal half mostly black, its apex also black, third tergite blackish at base, remaining tergites reddish throughout, plica stra- mineous, rest of visible sternites reddish though not so dark as the termites.
Holocremnus virginiensis sp. nov.
Type.-No. 11186, M. C. Z.
Type-locality.-Falls Church, Virginia, June 28 (N. Banks). Other locality.-Glencarlyn, Virginia, June 24 (N. Banks). Female.-Length 9.5 mm.; head dullish, covered with silvery pubescence, black and densely sculptured, temples and occiput shin- ing and rather indistinctly punctured, transfacial line : facial line : : 41 : 34, lateral ocellar line distinctly shorter than the post- ocellar line, interocellar space coarsely reticulately sculptured, con- trasting sharply with the fine reticulation along the ~ocellocular line, lateral ocellar line distinctly shorter than the ocellocular line and apparently as long as the greatest diameter of the lateral ocelli, postocellar line apparently half as long as the ocelloccipital line, eyes slightly concave along the inner margin, malar line distinctly shorter than the mandibles are wide at base but distinctly longer than half the width of the mandibles at base, axial line : temporal line : : 20 : 10, clypeiis punctured and partly indistinctly striate, finely sculptured between the punctures, clvpeus truncate, man- dibles yellow with stramineous lower edge and blackish-castaneous teeth, antennas black or blackish excepting the scape which is mostly yellowish in front, 37-jointed, scape apparently twice as long as thick, pedicel hardly one-third the length of the scape, joint 3 distinctly longer than 4 but shorter than 4+5 and at least 4 times as long as its greatest thickness, following joints subequal in length except the ultimate joint which is distinctly longer than the pe- nultimate joint, laiter joint apparently two and one-half times as long as thick; thorax, colored, sculptured and pubescent much like the head, mesonotum densely reticulated and punctured, in part almost striate-punctate, notauli represented by a more coarsely
19211 Viereek-Descriptions of New IcJiineumonidce 77 sculptured area than elsewhere on the anterior half of mesonotum, pronotum more or less striate all over, mesopleurse and mesoster- num mostly punctured and finely reticulated, the upper half of the former partly striate, partly sculptureless or nearly so, scntel sculptured much like the center of the niesonotum, metanotum coarsely indefinitely sculptured, wings transparent with a uniform- ly distributed brownish tinge, subcosta blackish, stigma and other veins dark brown excepting bullae and most of the terminal abscissa of cubutus which latter is brownish-stran~ineous, areolet petiolate, recurrent vein received distinctly beyond the middle, wing base yel- lowish, tegulae yellowish and pale stramineous, fzore cox% blackish brown at base, mostly yellowish, mid and hind coxae blackish, con- colorous, fore and mid trochanters and their tibiae and tarsi mostly yellowish, fore and mid femora reddish stramineous except for yellowish tips, fore and mid onychiae brownish, their claws pectinate and blackish, proximal trochanters of hind legs mostly blackish, their distal trochanters yellowish, their femora, tibiae and tarsi reddish, their claws pectinate and blackish, metapleurae sculptured like lower half of mesopleurse; propodeum, mostly punctured and shining, basal area wider at base than at apex and distinctly longer than wide at base, not as distinctly separated from the areola as from the pleural areas, areola and petiolarea confluent and rugoso- punctate, costulse wanting, abdomen reddish, shining except the petiole which is mostly black and almost polished, plica 'brownish, petiole almost cylindrical, somewhat depressed above, with a fossa on each side, post petiole minutely reticulated and convex, distance between spiracles nearly two-thirds as great as the distance from spiracles to apex, second tergite finely reticulated and punctured, thyridia almost reniform, somewhat nearer to the lateral margin than to the base, spiracle with its diameter equal to the distance between it and the lateral edge of the second tergite, a little nearer to the base than to the apex, rest of abdomen more or less com- pressed, ovipositor a little longer than the apical truncature. In the paratype the areolet is neither petiolate nor sessile. Idechthis nigriscapus sp. nov.
Type.-No. 11187, M. C. Z.
7 8 Psyche [June
Type-locality.-Glencarlyn, Virginia, June 8, 17, 30, July 2, on flowers of Ceanotlz~is americana (Nathan Banks). Other localities.-Great Falls, June 25 and Sept. 24, and Falls Church, Va., June 11, 27 (N. Banks), Plummer Island, Maryland, Aug. 25, 1907 (A. K. Fisher).
Female.-Length 11 nun.; head dullish, covered with silvery pubescence, black and densely sculptured, temples and occiput shin- ing and rather distinctly punctured, transfacial line : facial line : : 44 : 37, lateral ocellar line hardly more than half as long as the postocellar line and apparently a little shorter than the ocel- locular line and as long as the greatest diameter of the lateral ocelli. postocellar line apparently a little longer than the ocelloccipital line, eyes slightly concave, along the inner margin, malar line more than half as long as the mandibles are wide at base, occiput extend- ing distinctly behind a vertical plane tangent to the hind ocelli, axial line : temporal line : : 22 : 10, clypeus almost rugoso punc- tate, with adjoining punctures, truncate, mandibles yellow with brownish stramineous lower edge and castaneous teeth with blackish tips, palpi pale, antennt-e black except for the apical edge of scape and pedicel which is stramineons, 44-jointed, scape nearly as thick as long, pedicel apparently less than half the length of the scape, joint 3 distinctly longer than 4 but shorter than 4-i-5 and at least three times as long as thick, following joints subequal in length except the ultimate joint which is distinctly longer than the pe- nultimate joint, the latter joint apparently one and one-half times as long as thick, thorax colored, sculptured and pubescent much like the head, niesonotuni densely reticulated and punctured, in part striato-punctate, notauli present on the anterior third and transversely striate, pronotum more or less striate all over, meso- pleurae and mesoternum mostly punctured and finely reticulated, the upper half of the former partly striate, partly sculptureless, scutel and metanotum more densely sculptured than mesonoturn though apparently not more densely covered with pubescence, wings almost colorless, with a uniformly distributed brownish tinge, snb- costa and stigma blackish, rest of veins dark brownish stramineous except bullas which are whitish and the cubitus beyond the second transverse cubitus which is paler beyond its first ninth than its
19211 Viereck-Descriptions of New Ic7zneu1nonido6 79' first ninth, areolet petiolate, the recurrent vein interstitial with the second transverse cubitus, wing base yellowish, tegulse yellow and pale stramineous, fore coxas mostly yellow brownish at base, mid coxe with the basal half mostly black, the apical half mostly yellowish, hind coxse black except for yellowish tips, all trochanters, fore and mid femora and most of fore and mid tibias more or less yellow or yellowish, fore tarsi except onychii, the latter and all of mid tarsi dark brown, hind femora reddish brown, hind tibiae and tarsi blackish, their spurs stramineous, metapleurse more closely and finely punctured than the mesopleure; propodeurn black, mostly shallowly punctured, shining and covered with silvery pubescence, basal apical and longitudinal carinse present, the median longitudinal carine rather poorly developed, petiolarese and third lateral area transversely ribbed, abdomen mostly reddish and shin- ing, first segment black, petiole polished and cylindrical, post petiole minutely reticulated and bulb'ous, the distance from the spiracle? to the apex nearly three times as great as the distance between the spiracles, second tergite black except for reddish brown apical margin and subtly sculptured, finely reticulated, thyridia oval, brownish, nearer to the lateral edge than to the middle of the tergite, spiracles of the second tergite distinctly beyond the middle and not as near to the lateral edge as are the thyridia, third tergite with its uper aspect, black and sculptured much like the second tergite, the sides of the third tergite, finely reticulated ,punctured, shining and reddish like the rest of the tergum except for a black- ish longitudinal tinge down the middle of the compressed tergum, visible sternites, excepting the first, yellowish, abdomen obliquely truncate, ovipositor at least half as long as the abdomen. The recurrent vein is not always interstitial. Labrorychus aestivalis sp. nov.
Type.-No. 11188, M. C. Z.
Type-locality.-Chain Bridge, Virginia, June 23 (N. Banks). Other localities.-Falls Church, June 22, at flowers of Ceanot7~us, Glencarlyn, July 2, Virginia (N. Banks). Type 2 ; length 13 mm.; reddish maculated with black a.nd yellow; head, transfacial line : facial line : : 42 : 35, axial line :
80 Psyche [June
temporal line : : 26 : 12, narrowest space between eyes on front : narrowest space between eyes 011 face : : 23 : 14, occiput polished and punctured, black with a reddish border, vertex reddish with the interocellar region black, apparently as sparsely punctured and polished as the reddish edge of occiput except for the interocellar area where the punctures are deep and almost adjoining on each side of a median longitudinal fovea, front partly striate, partly nearly as closely punctured as the interocellar area and black ex- cept a border along the eye margin which is reddish and not so closely punctured as down the middle of the front, temples mostly reddish and punctured like the sides of the vertex, lower fourth mostly yellowish, malar space almost crowded out, finely sculp- tured, malar line apparently less than one-fourth the width of man- dibles at base, face below antenna1 line, including clypeus and mandibles mostly yellow, face most densely punctured, clypeus polished, with a few scattered punctures, acutely pointed with its anterior edge stramineous, teeth of mandibles blackish, palpi yel- low, antennae mostly brownish, 10.5 mm. long, 51-jointed, scape almost as thick as long yellowish beneath, blackish above, pedicel mostly blackish nearly as long as scape, third antenna1 joint curved, blackish beneath and also on its basal half above, elsewhere brown- ish, joint 3 longer than 4+5 but shorter than 4+5+6, flagel with its apical half mostly blackish like the basal half above; thorax colored, sculptured and pubescent much like the head, prescutum mostly black, more densely punctured than the reddish scapula?, notauli represented by punctures and rugosities, pronotum reddish with a black stain along the anterior margin, punctured and striate, upper half of mesopleuras reddish, partly striate, mostly almost impunctate and polished, rest of mesopleurse and all of mesosternum black and closely punctured, scutel rugose-punctate, brownish stra- mineous and distinctly bounded anteriorly and laterally by a dis- tinct carina, metanotum indefinitely sculptured, wings transparent, with a brownish tinge, subcosta and most veins blackish, stigma stramineous, transverse cubitus distinctly longer than the second a,bscissa of the cubitus, wing base yellowish, tegulae brownish stra- mineous and concave, fore and mid cox= mostly yellow, brownish stramineous at base, hind coxae reddish except for a black spot on
19211 Viereek-Descriptions of New Idineu~~ on,idce 81 the inner aspect near the base, fore and mid trochanters yellow, hind trochanters mostly reddish with a blackish stain above, rest of legs mostly reddish or yellowish stramineous, einpodia black, claws brownish stramineous, fore and mid tibiae yellowish-stra- mineons above, reddish-stramineous beneath, fore tarsi yellowish, mid tarsi with the basal joint yellowish, the remaining joints brownish, hind tibiae dark brown, hind tarsi pale brown, meta- pleurae reticulated, black and reddish; propodeum reticulated, with a black band at base, elsewhere reddish, the neck of the propodeum extending nearly to the apex of the hind cox%; abdomen mostly reddish and shining, first segment reddish throughout, almost cyliii- drical and polished, post-petiole planate above, the distance between the spiracles and the apex nearly twice the distance between the spiracles, second tergite blackish above, reddish laterally, subtly sculptured except at base and apex where it is nearly polished, spiracles of second tergite removed from the lateral margin at least as much as three times their diameter, the distance between the spiracles and apex nearly twice the distance between the spiriz- cles, third tergite sculptured much like the second, a little more than half as long as the second tergite with somewhat more than the apical half blackish above, succeeding tergites successively shorter and blacker until the seventh which is hardly exserted, ovipositor distinctly longer than the apical truncature of the abdomen.
Zastenomorpha gen. nov.
According to the latest classification of the Ophionirise* this genus appears to be related to Nothanomalon Szkpligeti, from which it may be distinguished by the convex non-carinate scutel and in the second abdominal segment being shorter than the first. Pro- podeum extending to apex of hind coxae.
Zastenomorpha lamina sp. 1101~.
Type.-No. 11190, M. C. Z.
Type-locality.-Great Falls, Virginia, Jmie 18, Oct. 21 (N. Banks).
'Szepligeti, Gen. Ins., fasc. 34, 1905.
Transfacial line or greatest width of head : facial line or great- est distance from top of head to apex of clypeus : : 42 : 32. Female.-Length 12.5 mix; head dullish black and densely sculptured, except on the temples and occiput, where it is rather indefinitely pitted and shining, head covered with silvery pubes- cence, lateral ocellar line shorter than the postocellar line and apparently as long as the ocellocular line and the greatest diameter of the lateral ocelli, eyes distinctly emarginate, malar line appar- ently not more than half as long as the mandibles are wide at base, ocelloccipital line apparently more than twice as long as the ocello- cular line, occiput hardly extending behind a vertical plane tangent to the hind ocelli, axial line or greatest axial diameter of head : the temporal line or greatest diameter of temples : : 21 : 6, clypeus finely granular and punctured, truncate, mandibles black with black- ish castaneous tips, palpi mostly pale, anteiins black, 41-jointed, scape nearly as thick as long, pedicel apparently less than half the length of the scape, joint 3 distinctly longer than 4 but shorter than 4+5 and nearly four times as long as thick at apex, followir-q joints subequal in length, except the ultimate joint, which is dis- tinctly longer than the penultimate joint, the latter joint almost exactly as thick as long; thorax, colored, sculptured and pubescent much like the head, mesonotum densely reticulated and punctured, notauli completely wanting, pronotnm dorsally rather smooth, lat- erally striate, mesopleurse with the upper half mostly almost sculp- tureless and polished partly punctured and striate, the lower half and the mesosternum granular and punctured much like the meso- notum, smtel and inetatiotum more densely sculptured than the mesonotuni and densely covered with silvery pubescence, meta- pleurs sculptured and pubescent much like the mesonotum, wings almost colorless with a brownish tinge that is intensified along the margin of the apical fourth, veins and stigma blackish except bulls which are whitish and the cubitus beyond the second trans- verse cubitus which is mostly brownish stramineous, areolet petio- late receiving the recurrent vein beyond its middle, wing base pale stramineous, teplse black, coxse, trochanters and femora mostly black, femora yellowish at apex, fore femora brownish stramineous-
19211 Viereek-Descriptions of Yew Ic7~neumonidce 83 above, fore and mid tibise and tarsi mostly whitish yellow, fourth, and fifth joints of fore tarsi and third, fourth and fifth joints of mid tarsi brownish to blackish, hind tibise black beneath, brownish above, yellowish at base, hind tarsi blackish except at base of hind metatarsi where they are yellowish, claws pectinate and with red- dish brown tips; propodeum, black, rngulose, dullish and covered with silvery pubescence, nearly twice as long as broad at base, with a median, shallow, narrow, longitudinal furrow that is transversely striate, with a poorly circumscribed basal area and areola, the latter open at apex, apical transverse carina represented on each side by a short carina, abdomen shining, covered with pale pubes- cence and compressed like a thin knife blade, truncate at apex, first segment cylindrical with the apical third bulbous, black except the postpetiole which is reddish apically and laterally, spiracles dis- tinctly nearer to each other than to the apex, venter beyond the first segment brownish stramineous, second tergite black except for the basal half which is brownish stramineous on the lateral fourths, thyridia stramineous, cuneiform, nearly one-sixth the length of the tergite, nearly adjoining the lateral edge of the tergite and the apical end of the basal half of the tergite, apical half of second tergite reddish along the lateral edge and with subapical reddish band, spiracles apparently nearer to the apical edge than to each other and almost adjoining the lateral edge, third tergite reddish except a longitudinal black streak above on the basal two-thirds, which streak broadens out toward the base of the tergite, the following tergites reddish except for a blackish tinge along tho zipper edge of the fifth and sixth tergites, sheaths of the ovipositor blackish and hardly longer than the apical tr~mcature of the abdomen.
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