Proceedings of the Cambridge Entomological Club.
Psyche 28(3):92-93, 1921.
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Fig. 5. Posterior (ventral) view of the paragnaths of the crustacean Apseudes.
Fig. 6.
Posterior (ventral) view of a paragnath and maxillula of the crus- tacean Squilla.
Fig. 7. Anterior (dorsal) view of a nara.gnat11 and maxillula of the crus- tacean Apus, bent over backward to show attachment to the basal lamina. Fig. 8. Ventral (posterior) view of a paragnath and the lingua of the insect Machilis.
Fig. 9. Same view of a paragnath of Machilis taken from a drawing by Carpenter.
Fig. 10. Anterior view of metastoma of the trilobite Triarthrus from a. drawing by Raymond.
a, Lobule of paragnath; at, Portion of basal segment of trilobitan limb homologized with second antenna;
b, Lobule of paragnath; bl, basilamina, or basal lamina which bears the paragnath and maxillula; bp, Basiparagna.tl1, or basal portion of paragnath; c, Epiparagnath, or appendage of paragnath; dp, Distiparagnath, or distal portion of paragnath; li, Lingua; 11, Lingua- lora, or lora of lingua; md, Mandibles; mts, Metastoma of trilobite; mx, First maxilla, or maxillula; mxs, Sternum of first maxillary segment; pg, Paragnaths, "superlinguse", or "paragossae"; pc, Pharyngocrista, or median pharyngeal ridge; tc, Trophicostae, or rib-like structure at bases of trophi.
At the meeting of February 8, Prof. W. M. Wheeler described the nesting habits of some ants of the genus Careha, found in South America. These live in nests of Termites, making their own burrows between those of their hosts and feeding on the young of the latter. The various forms of these ants had been obtained from the stomachs of Anteaters killed near their nests. The males
and females wer'e of large size and the workers extremely small. When the males and females leave the nest for the mating flights some of these minute workers cling to their hairs, and when the females start new colonies these workers bring in food and feed the first-hatched yoiing, which the female herself is unable to do. Another genus of ants of small size, AHomerus, lives partly '11 the swoollen branches of certain plants, gomg up and down between the plant 'and the underground nest in earth-covered galleries attached to the hairs of the plant.
Prof. C. T. Brues described some gnests of Ants and Termites from South America. Wingless flies of the family Phorida li~c in the nests of some ants and eJen travel with them in their raids outside the nest. In some termite nests are minute hymenopter- Pu&e 28:92-93 (192 1). hup Ytpsychu einclub orgt28128-OS12 html
19211 Proceedings of the Cambridge Entomological Club 93 ous parasites with wings reduced to thread-like appendages. Speci- mens and enlarged drawings were s11o~vn. Mr. C. W. Johnson spoke of the female of the rare fly Glutops singularis, and made some additions and corrections to his notice of this species in the December Psyche.
Mr. L. R. Eeynolds and several other members discussed the recently published list of American Coleoptera by C. W. Leng. At the meeting of March 8, Mr. L. R, Reynolds read a paper on zoological nomenclature, which was discussed by Messrs. Banks, Frost, Howe and Johnson. The discussion dealt mainly with the difficulties of the subject and led to 110 practical plans for improve- ment.
At the meeting of April 12, several designs for a club seal were shown.
Mr. Roland Hnssey read a paper on "Hibernation of Aquatic Hemiptera."
After a review of hibernation in general, Mr. Hiis- sey told about his observations at a pond near Minneapolis, where he watched large numbers of Corixidse which, as the cold weather came on, collected in the part of the pond where there was most vegetation, in some places on October 29, as closely as 150 to a square foot under two inches of ice.
In January, under ice eight
inches thick, there were but few in motion, and in February now, all being torpid at the bottom.
January 15, under ice two feet thick, a species of Cymata was found hibernating, entirely torpid, in air bubbles in the ice, with- out the insects themselves being frozen. Mr. Hussey started to
investigate this curious method of hibernation, but was taken sick and obliged to give it up for the season, and the next winter conditions were unfavorable for continuing the study. Mr. Cove showed a table which he had prepared of the eleva- tions at which he had collected butterflies, showing that each specics habitually flies at certain heights above the general level of the country.
Mr. C. A. Frost spoke of the recent collections of Coleoptera Ly Mrs. Hippisley, at Terrace, K C., Canada, a newly settled country within a hundred miles of the Pacific Coast. Mr. Re. H. Howe, Jr., shoved a metal tray of triangular section for holding insects wrapped in papers.
Mr. Howe spoke of the cliscoverey of insects in the peat at Eastham, C'ape Cod.
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