A. B. Champlain.
Records of Hymenopterous Parasites in Pennsylvania.
Psyche 29(3):95-100, 1922.
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19221 ~e'cords of Hymenopterous Parasites in Pennsylvania. 95
Definite breeding records of Hymenopterous parasites are a-ways valuable contributions to our knowledge of this order of insects. The followig collection of fragmentary records of parasitic Hymenoptera and their hosts are from rearings by the authorl and from notes in the file of the Bureau of Plant Industryl extending over a period of years. Due credit for the records obtained appears throughout the paper.
The recorded species which are in the collection of the Pennsylvania Bureau of Plant Industry were all identified or verified by leading authorities on Hymenoptera,-S. A. Rohwer and R. A. Cushman of the U. S. National Museum, and some by H. L. Viereck of the U, S. Bureau of Biological Survey. The
abbreviations-Det. Roh., Det,. Gush.? Det. Vierepdesignate the species identified by each.
Hemistephanus sp. (Det. Cush.). Hummelstown, Pasl Rockvillel Pa., Magnolial Md.? is a parasite of Dicerca divaricata in Betula lenta and of unknown borers in Quercus bicolor and Quercus sp. Notes by H. B. Kirk and J. N. Knull, Oleisoprister abbotii Westw., HummeIstown, Pael reared from Liriodendron tulipifera infested by Leptura mutubilis. Odontaulucus bilobatus (Prov.), (Det. Roh.) Mt. Hollyl Pa., June 14, 1921-Knull and Champlain. Adults were flying around and alighting on dying hemlock Tsuga canademis. Upon cutting into the bark a heavy infesta- tion of Melanophilu julvoguttata was found in adult and pupal stages. In some cells adults and pup= (one to a cell) of 0, hlobatus were found with remnants of the host.
96 Psyche [~une
Odontaulacus rugitarsis Cress. (Det. Cush.) New Bloomfield) Pa.) June 16. Adults were plentiful flying around and alighting on cut white pine (Pinus strobus) infested by Scolytoids and Cerambycids.
Pammegischia burquei Prov, (Det,. Cush.)) Harrisburg) Pa. A
parasite of Xiphidria champlaini Roh. in dead branches of Carpinus caroliniana; X. attenuata Nort. in dead branches of TiZia americana and of X. maculata in dead Acer rubrum. Adults fly during May.
Macrocentrus delicatus Cress. (Det*. Vier.). Willow Street? Pa, Reared from pupe of MineoZa indiginella. Helconidea ligator Say (Det. Gush.)) Huimnelstown) Pa.) Jan. 23. Reared from oak (Quercus bicolor) infested by Purpuricenus axilaris. J. N. Knull; West Chester? Pa. Reared from dead Morus sp. infested by borers? Camp Hill) Pa., from dead Robinia pseudacacia) infested by Neoclytus erythrocephalus) F. M. Trimble, Helconidea borealis Cress. (Det. Roh.)) Harrisburg? Pa. Parasite on Cerambycid larva in dead Rhus toxicodendron) H. B. Kirk) Hummelsto~vn~ Pa. Parasite of Cerambycid larve in dead mulberry (Morus rubra) branches,-J. N. Knull. Helcon pedalis Cress. (Det. Roh.)) Hummelstown7 Pa. Parasite
on Xylotrechus larv~ in dead hemlock (Tsuga canadensis)) -J. N. Knull.
Nemeritis canescens (Grav.) (Det. Cush.), Butler) Pa.) IX, 25. In flour mills. A parasite of Mediterranean flour moth. Orthopelma luteolata (Grav.) (Det. Cush.)) Chester) Pa. VI-27. Reared from Cynip galls on wild rose.
192.21 Records of Hymenopterous Parasites in Pennsylvania. 97 Cremastus gracilipes
from cat tai
Collins) Pa.
Cush. (Det. Cush.)) Rockville) Pa.
1 rush infested by Dicymolomia julianalis; Lepidopterous larv~ infesting "cat-tails)' growing along canal) caged IX-22) indoors-Nov. 23 to next April) many moths and ichneumonid parasites emerged-A. F. Satterthwait." Identified same as above. Labena apicalis Cress, (Det. Cush.)) Rockville, Pa. Parasite of Stenosphenus notatus in Hicoria sp.) I-11)-J. N. Knull. Xorides calidus (Prov.) (Det. Roh.)) Harrisburg) Pa. Parasite
of Phloeotrya 4-nxaculata in dead sumac (Rhus typhina). Odontomerus canadensis Prov. (Det. Cush .) ) Hummelstown) Pa., V-18. Parasite of Cerambycid in sumac (Rhus sp.)) Knull .
Glypta simplicipes Cress. (Det. Cush.) , Philadelphia) Pa.) V-20. Reared from larva of leaf t,yer on Aialea spa,- J. K. Primm.
Scambus (Epiums) tecumseh Vier. (Det. Cush.) . Host-Dicy- molomia julianalis Walsh) in cat-tail rush) Rockville, Pa., VI-6 to 19.
Tromatobia rufopectus Cress. (Det. Cush.). '(Harrisburg) Pa., collected egg mass of garden spider from shrub. On opening egg cocoon found that eggs had been parasitized by an Ichneumonid) and the case contained a dozen or more whitish cocoons matted together.
Upon opening
one of these cocoons found the parasite in mature larva1 stage. Material caged. March 22 the para~ites had emerged. There were twelve females and one male,L J. -R. Stear."
Scambus indigator Walsh (Det. Vier.)) Willow Street, Pa. Reared from pupa of Mineola indiginella Zell.
Perithous pleuralis Cress. (Det. Cush.)) Hummel~town~ Pa. Cocoons found in old (borer?) burrows in Platanus occi- dentalis) 11-17-Knull.
Ephialtes aequalis (Prov,) (Det-Cush)) Ledy) Pa.) from Codling moth puparia.
Ichneumon irritator Fab.) New Cumberland) Pa. Host-Cyllene pictus.
Hummel~town~ Pa.) parasite of Chrybothris sp. larvz found in sapwood of dead Cercis canadensis)-Kirk and Knull.
Ichneumon comstocki Cress. (Det. Vier.)) Rockville) Pa. Reared from Evetria comstockiana,-V. A. E. D~cke. Rhyssa lineolata Kirby (Det. Gush,)) Mt. Holly) Pa.) June 14. Adult female ovipositing in dead hemlock infested by Urocerus albicornis.
Urocerus albicornis Fab.) New Bloomfield, Pa. bl his horntail infested hemlock stumps) trees cut one year ago. At this time (Aug. 1) adult females are flying. Cutting into infested stumps we found pup% of males and females) also. mature larvq small larv~ and apparently newly hatched larwe) as well as parasites.
Among the parasites, R. lineolata was common. Adu1t)s were
collected from July 10 to 30 at various localities. On Aug. 1) at New Bloomfield) pupz and newly transformed adults were chopped from the Urocerus cells. Observation by Knull and Champlain.
Rhysella humida Say (Det. Cush.)) Rockville, Pa. A parasite of Xiphidria champlaini Roh. in dead Carpinus caroliniana. Megarhyssa nortoni (Cress.)) New Bloomfield, Pa.) July 21 and Aogust 1. Adults ovipositing in stumps infested by Urocerus a1bicornis)-Knull and Champlain. Arotes jormosus (Cress.) (Det. Cush.)) Dauphin, Pa.) Clarks Valley) VI-5. Parasite of Bellarnira scalaris in dead river birch (Betula nigra))-Kirk and Champlain. Gelis bruesi. (Strickl.) (Det. Cush.) , Rockville) Pa. Parasite on the eggs of Drassid spider.
The spider egg cases were
collected from the under side of stones. The cocoon of
the parasite was in the space originally occupied by the spider egg mass.
19221 Records of Hymenopterous Parasites in Pennsylvania. 99 Gelis obscurus (Cress.) (Det. Cush.) ) Rockville) Pa. Parasite on
the eggs of Drassid spider.
Both winged and wingless
forms were reared.
Acroricnus junceus Cress. (Det. Vier.)) Conewago) Pa.) V-7. Reared from nest of solitary wasp on Juniperus. Also reared from nest of Odynerus tigris)-V. A. E, Daecke. Itamoplex vinctus (Say). (Det. Cush.)) Chambersburg, Pa,) Reared from cocoons of peach tree borer (Synanthedon exitosa) )-E. M. Craighead.
Agrothereutes nuncius Say (Det. Vier.)) Harrisburg) Pa. Very
common parasites in the cocoons of Callosamia promethea. Lagarotis diprioni Roh. (Det. Cush.)) Wyomissing) Pa. Reared from the cocoons of Diprion lecontei.
Chrornocryptus nebrmlcensis Ashm. (Det . Cush.) ) Obelisk) Pa.) XI-18. Reared IV-21) from the cocoon of Tolype velleda. Amblyteles.
Many species of this genus overwinter in the adult stage in cracks in bark) in old borer cells in logs and beneath stones. During the winter months they may be found packed closely together in cells in logs) six to a dozen specimens) sometimes one species) often a number of species together. Many of the records show that they are primary parasites of Lepidoptera, and usually emerge after the host has entered the pupal stage. Amblyteles rnalacus Say (Det. Cush.)) Harrisburg) Pa. Emerged IV-18 from Arctiid pupa from beneath bark in old willow log. Linglestown) Rockville) Harrisburg, Pa. Reared from Arctiid pup^)-Kirk and Champlain.
Amblyteles cincticornis (Cress.) (Det. Vier.)) Enid) Pa. Reared
from moth pupa on cabbage.
Adults collected in hiber-
Amblyteles subcyaneus Cress. (Det. Vier.)) Harrisburg) Pa. Reared from Arctiid pup= from under bark of willow log)-A. F. Satterthwait & W. S. Fisher.
100 Psyche [~une
Am,blyteles extrematatis (Cress.) (Det. Vier.). (Det. Cush.), Penbrook, Pa. Reared from pupa of Arctiid (Gaberasa ambigualis), D. K. McMillan.
Also reared from Arctiid
pupae from other localities in Pennsylvania. Amblyteles unifasciatorius (Say) (Det. Cush.) , Harrisburg, Pa. Reared from Lepidopterous pupa.
Amblyteles paratus Say (Det. Cush.), Linglestown, Pa. Reared from small moth pupa,-Kirk and Champlain. Amblyteles rufiventris Brull6 (Det. Cush). From pupa ofVanessa huntera,-D. K. McMillan & W. S. Fisher.
(Det. Vier.). Emerged from pupa of Vanessa cardui,- P. R. Myers.
Amblyteles duplicatus Say (Det. Cush.), Enola, Pa. Reared from pupae of Eudamus tityrus,-Kirk and Champlain. Amblyteles cceruleus Cress. (Det. Cush.), Harrisburg, Pa. Reared from motah pupa,-Kirk and Knull.
Amblyteles sp. near signatipes (Cress.) (Det. Cush.). Reared from moth pupa collected beneath bark, Harrisburg, Pa., 11-24,-P. R. Myers.
Vanhornia eucnemidarum Cwfd. Parasite of Tharops ruficornis in dead maple, Hummelstown, Pa.,-Knull and Cham- plain.
I balia
ensiqer Norton, (Verified Roh.) New Bloomfield, Pa., -VIII. Ovipositing in hemlock, August 1, pupae and adults from cells of Urocerus albicornis in stumps of hem- lock,-Knull and Champlain.
maculipennis Haldeman. (Det. Champlain). Very com- mon in the vicinity of Harrisburg where it is a parasite of Tremex columba in hickory.
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