R. F. Hussey.
A Bibliographical Notice on the Reduviid Genus Triatoma (Hemip.).
Psyche 29(3):109-123, 1922.
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19221 Bibliograqhical Notice on the Reduviid Genus Triatoma. 109 Kieffer, J. J.
Nouveaux Bethylides et Dryinides exotiques du British Museum de Londres. Bull. Soc. Sci. Bruxelles, vol. 35, m6m. pp. 200-233.
Perkins, R. C. L.
'05 Leaf-hoppers and their Natural Enemies, Part 1, Dryinidse Bull. Div. Entom., Hawaiian Sugar Plan- ters' Expt. Sta,, No. 1, pt. 1, 69 pp.
Turner, R. E. & Waterston, J.
Notes on the Hymenopterous Families Bethylidse and and Rhopalsomidse.
Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist,. (8) vol.
20, pp. 101-108 (1917).
The genus Triatoma has received much attention during recent years, both from the entomological and from the medical viewpoints. Chagas' discovery that these insects may serve as intermediate hosts in the transmission of trypanosomal diseases of the American tropics awakened an active interest in this genus among Brazilian and Argentine workers, and as a result nu- merous papers have been published on the biology and taxonomy of the group.
Among these are two very important contribu- tions-summaries, in fact, of our knowledge of the genus Triatoma -which may be called to the attention of entomologists in general.
The first of these is the "Revis50 do genero Triatoma Lap.," by Dr. Arthur Neiva, of Rio de Janeiro. During the years 1910 to 1914, Dr. Neiva published a series of th-rteen papers on this genus, some dealing with the biology of the Brazilian species, some with the medical aspects of their ecology, and some with their taxonomy. After studying the collections of the principal museums in Europe and in North and South America, he des- 'Contributions from the Entomological Laboratories of the Bussey Institution, Harvard
University, No. 204.
Pu&e 29:IOSI-123 t 1922). bnp:l~psycb.cn~chtb.ore/lWW- lW html
110 Psyche [~ine
cribed as new some thirteen species, six of which are from North American localities, one from Mexico, one from Cuba, three from South America, and two from tropical Africa. The des- criptions, with few exceptions, appeared first in "0 Brazil- Medico," a periodical published in Rio de Janeiro, and inaccessible to the great majority of entomologists in this country; but they are transcribed in full in Neiva's ('Revisi%o." A copy of this work has recently come into my hands, and I shall review it here.
After a brief discussion of the general habits of the Redu- viidse, and of the hsematophagous forms in particular, Dr. Neiva takes up the affinities of the genus Triatoma. He finds that the species of this genus, as it was formerly understood, intergrade with those of the genus Lamus Stal, and therefore places the latter as a synonym of Triatoma. He also found, on examining Stal's type of Belminus rugulosus, that it has ocelli, so he likewise reduces Belminus to a synonym, saying that this genus was founded on the lack of ocelli: but he makes no mention of the other (and equally important) characters on which Stal based the genus, and I feel that, despite Neiva's opinion, Belminus and Triatoma must be kept distinct for the present. Panstrongylus quentheri Berg is, according to Neiva, very closely allied to the African species of Triatoma that he had described a few years before; and therefore Panstrongylus too is dropped from the list of valid genera. Neiva's remarks on the genus Eratyrus Stal are very indefinite, and lead me to believe that he was doubtful as to its status.
Some twelve pages are then devoted to the biology of the forms which have been studied. Neiva concludes that the species of Triatoma are strictly hsematophagous, and take their food either directly *:om some warm-blooded host or from other ectoparasites, such as the bedbug or other Reduviidse, which have fed recently. Oviposition begins within thirty days after mating; a single female lays from 160 to 220 eggs, which are deposited in small masses containing from 1 to 45 ova. The eggs hatch in from 8 to 16 days, and the nymphs begin to feed three or four days later. The length of the life-cycle varies in the different
19221 Bibliographicul Notice on the Reduviid Genus Triatoma. 11 1. forms: in T. rubrofasciata it covers 210 days, in T. megista 260 days, and in T. infestans and T. sordida the period is intermediate between these two ext,remes. Thus there is probably but one brood each year.
Many species have become "domesticated," and some are strictly confined to houses and to outbuildings about farms: such species are T. megista, T. sordida, T. sanguisuga, T. infestans, T. rubrofusciata, T. maculata, and T. rubrovaria. Neiva believes that this adaptation is of comparatively recent date, and has been acquired since the discovery of America, since, he says, even to-day the Indian villages are not infested with these insects. The primitive habitats of the species of Triatoma are probably nests of various mammals: thus T. geniculata occurs in nests of the armadillo Dusypus novemcinctus L., while the North American T. neotomce has been taken only in nests of the wood-rat Neotoma, and the South American T. brasiliensis, though now domesticated, is frequently found in nests of the rodent Cerodon rupestris Wied. The domesticated species have received many vernacular names, of which Neiva lists some twenty-five.
The genus is then considered from the taxonomic aspect. Laporte's original description is quoted in full. Then follow
twelve pages devoted to the type species, Triatoma rubrofasciata (DeGeer), with quotations from Wolff, Latreille, Burmeister, Amyot et Serville, Blanchard, Herrich-Schaffer, Stal, and Walker, and with a very brief and unsatisfactory redescription of DeGeer's type, which is to be found in the Stockholm Museum. Neiva believes that this species is a native of India, and that it was introduced into America and elsewhere through the medium of commerce. This opinion, which is diametrically opposed to that of Kirkaldyl, is based on the wide-spread distribution of this form in the Old World and on the fact that in America it is confined strictly to the coastal region. An annotated list of thirty-six species then follows. Pan-
strongylus guentheri, though previously mentioned as being a ^an. Ent., xxxix, 1907, p. 247; Faun. Hawaii, ii, 1910, p. 550.
Triatoma, is omitted here. The original descriptions of Neiva's own species are transcribed in full, and bibliographic references to the others are given.
These descriptions, which deal almost
entirely with color characters and mention scarcely any struc- tural details, are utterly worthless for the satisfactory identifica- tion of the species, and it will be necessary to examine the types in order definitely to fix the forms.
This work is soon to be
undertaken by Mr. H. G. Barber and myself, and will be reported later.
A bibliography containing 97 titles is appended to the 'Revisiio."
The other paper, which Mr. Barber has very kindly brought t,o my attention is the "Contribucih a1 estudio del gen. Triatoma Lap." by Eduardo del Ponte, published in Vol. I1 of the "Revista7 del Institute Bacteriol6gico del Departamento Nacional de Higiene, Buenos Aires," and dated March 1921. The first part' of this work, dealing with the anatomy of the Triatomas, is' original; the chapters dealing with the biology and the system- atics of the group are frankly based on Neiva's "Revisiio," yet, contain much additional material. Of particular interest is the account of the so-called xenodiagnosis (Brumpt), which affords an infallible method of diagnosing the early stages of suspected trypanosomal diseases, when the trypanosomes are too few to be detected readily by ordinary methods. Xenodiagnosis consists essentially in allowing an uninfected Triatoma nymph to bite the patient and to take up a considerable quantity of blood, after which the insect is placed in an incubator at 30' C. If trypano- somes were present in the patient, and were ingest,ed by the Triatoma, they multiply rapidly in the insect and may readily be found.
In his systematic treatment of the genus, Del Ponte has made a very creditable effort to supply the deficiencies in Neiva's "Revisiio." He gives good figures and full descriptions of the half-dozen species known to him (T. circummaculata, T. infestam, T. platensis, T. rubrovaria, T. sordida, and T. vitticeps; and description only of T. megistu). In addition, he gives a full translation of the best description available (usually that of
19221 Biblioqraphical Notice on the Reduuiid Genus Trialorna. 113
Stal) for each of the species, with very few exceptions. Un- fortunately his translations are often marred by minor inaccu- racies. He has also drawn up a tentative synopsis of 35 species, calling it an "Ensayo de una clave te6rica para el gen. Triatoma Lap." (p. 161)) and states frankly that it is based very largely on descriptions and hence must be revised by comparison of actual specimens of the various forms. By some oversight, T. venosa (Stal) was omitted from his treatment of genus. The species of Triatoma, as given by Neiva and Del Ponte, are listed below. The synonymies and distributions are taken directly from Neiva's "Revis&o," and any additions or comments that I have made are enclosed in square brackets. Genus TRIATOMA Laporte.
1832, Essai Class. Syst. Hhip., p. 11,
Orthotype Reduvius gigus Fabr.=Cimex rubrofusciatus DeGeer. Conorhinus Laporte, 1832, op. cit., p. 77. [?]Belminus Stal, 1859, Berlin. Ent. Zeitschr., iii, p. 102. ?Eratyrus Stal, 1859, op. cit., p. 103.
Lumus Stal, 1859, op. cit., p. 115.
Panstrongylus Berg, 1879, Hem. Argent,, p. 167. [PMarlianus Distant, 1902, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (7), x, p. 191 (haplotype Conorhinus diminutus Wall~.=Belminus rugulosus Stal) .]
africana (Triatoma) Neiva, 1911, Proc. Ent. Soc. Wash., xiii, p. 239, and 1914, Revis. Triatoma, p. 32; Del Ponte, 1921, Rev. Inst. Bact. Bs. Aires, ii, No. 6, p. 168.
Locality: Tropical Africa. Type in Kgl. Zool. Museum, Berlin.
2. arenaria (Conorhinus) Walker, 1873, Cat. Heter., viii, p. 18; Neiva, 1914, Revis. Triatoma, p. 33; Del Ponte, 1921, op. cit., p. 169.
Locality : Brazil (Para). A doubtful species : not recognized.
brasiliensis (Triatoma) Neiva, 19 11, Brazil-Medico, xxv, p. 461, and 1914, Revis. Triatoma, p. 33; Del Ponte, 1921, op. cit., p. 169.
Locality : Brazil (Rio Grande do Norte : Caic6). Habitat,
in nests of the Moc6 (Cerodon rupestris Wied; Rodentia). Type in Institute Oswaldo Cruz. . 4.
chagasi (Triatoma) Brumpt & Gomez, 1914, Ann. Paul. Med. Cirurg., iii, No. 4, p. 75; Del Ponte, 1921, Rev. Inst. Bact. Bs. Aires, ii, No. 6, p. 169. Locality: Brazil (Minas Geraes: Serra de Cabral, near Lassance) . Habitat, in nests of Cerodon rupestris Wied.
5. circummaculata (Conorhinus) Stal, 1859, Berl. Ent. Ztschr., iii, p. 114; Neiva, 1914, Revis. Triatoma, p. 35; Del Ponte, 1921, op. cit., pp. 163, 170, fig. Localities: Uruguay; Argentina.
6. dimidiata (Reduvius) Latreille, 181 1, in Rec. dJObserv. Zool., Voy. Humboldt et Bonpland, p. 223, pi. xv, fig. 11; Neiva, 1914, Revis. Triatoma, p. 36; Del Ponte, 1921, Rev. Inst. Bact. Bs. Aires, ii, No. 6, p. 171.
6a. dimidiata niaculipennis (Conorhimis) Stal, 1859, Berl. Ent. Ztschr., iii, p. Ill; Champion, 1899, Biol. Centr.-Amer., Rhynch.-Het., ii, p. 207, pi. xii, fig. 21 (Conorhinus) ; Neiva, 19 14, Revis. Triatoma, p. 36; Del Ponte, 1921, Rev. Inst. Bact. Bs. Aires, ii, No. 6, p. 172.
Localities: Mexico; Honduras; Costa Rica; Guatemala; Nicaragua; Panama; Venezuela; Ecuador; Peru. 7. flavida (Triatoma) Neiva, 1911, Brazil-Medico, xxv, No. 44, p.
, and 1914, Revis. Triatoma, p. 38; Del
Ponte, 1921, Rev. Inst. Bact. Bs. Aires, ii, No. 6, p. 172.
Locality: Cuba.
Type in U. S. National Museum.
19221 Bibliographical Notice on the Reduviid Genus Triatoma. 115 8. geniculata (Reduvius) Latreille, 181 1, in Rec. d'Obs. Zool., Voy. Humb. et Bonpl., i, p. 225 [Neiva says p. 1511, pi. xv, fig. 12; Stal, 1859, Berl. Ent. Ztschr., iii, p. 116 (Lamus); Neiva, 1914, Revis. Triatoma, p. 39; Del Ponte, 1921, Rev. Inst. Bact. Bs. Aires, ii, No. 6, p. 173.
lutulentus (Conorhinus) Erichson, 1848, in Schom- berg, Versuch Faun. Flor. Brit. Guiana, iii, p. 614. corticalis (Conorhinus) Walker, 1873, Cat. Heter., viii, p. 17.
Localities: Peru; Venezuela; French Guiana; Brazil; Paraguay. Primitive habitat, nests of Dasypus novemcinctus L. (Edentata) .
gerstaeckeri (Conorhinus) Stal, 1859, Berl. Ent. Ztschr., iii, p. Ill; Neiva, 1914, Revis. Triatoma, p. 40; Del Ponte, 1921, Rev. Inst. Bact. Bs. Aires, ii, No. 6, p. 174.
Localities: Southern United States; Mexico. 10.
guentheri (Panstrongylus) Berg, 1879, Hem. Argent., p. 168; Neiva, 1914, Revis. Triatoma, p. 6, in text [not treat,ed in list of species].
Locality : Argentina.
11. heidemanni (Triatoma) Neiva, 19 11, Brazil-Medico, xxv, No. 44, p.
, and 1914, Revis. Triatoma, p. 41;
Del Ponte, 1921, Rev. Inst. Bact. B. A., ii, No. 6, p. 175.
Localities: Pennsylvania; Tennessee; Illinois; Texas. Type in U. S. National Museum.
howardi (Triatoma) Neiva, 1911, Proc. Ent. Soc. Wash., xiii, p. 240, and 1914, Revis. Triatoma, p. 43; Del Ponte, 1921, op. cit., p. 175.
Locality: Tropical Africa. Type in Kgl. Zool. Museum, Berlin.
13. indictiva (Triatoma) Neiva, 1912, Brazil-Medico, xxvi, No. 3, p. , and 1914, Revis. Triatoma, p. 44; Del Ponte, 1921, op. cit., p. 175.
116 Psyche [~une
Localities: Arizona (Kerville); Texas. Type in U. S. National Museum.
14. infestans (Reduvius) Klug, 1834, in Meyen's Reise um die Erde, i, p. 412; Neiva, 1914, Revis. Triatoma, p. 45; Del Ponte, 1921, Rev. Inst. Bact. Bs. Aires, ii, No. 6, pp. 164, 176, fig.
renggeri (Conorhinus) Herrich-Schaffer, 1848, Wanz. Ins., viii, p. 71, fig. 838.
sextuberculatus (Conorhinus) Spinola, 1852, in Gay's Hist. Chile, vii, p. 218.
octotuberculatus (Conorhinus) Philippi, 1860, Reis. Atacama, p. 173 (nymph).
paulseni (Conorhinus) Philippi, 1860, op. cit . , p. 174. (Nymph.)
gracilipes (Conorhinus) Philippi, 1860, op. cit. p. 174. (Nymph.)
gigas (Conorhinus) Burmeister, 1861 (nec Fabri- cius), Reise La Plata Staat., i, p. 167. Localities : Brazil; Bolivia; Paraguay; Uruguay; Argentina; Chile.
lignaria (Conorhinus) Walker, 1873, Cat. Heter., viii, p. 17; Lethierry et Severin, 1896, Cat. Gen. Hem., iii, p. 117 (Eratyrus); Distant, 1902, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist,. (7)) x, p. 192 (Lamus); Neiva 1914, Revis. Triatoma, p. 46; Del ~onte, 1921, Rev. Inst. Bact. Bs. Aires, ii, No. 6, p. 177. Locality: Guiana.
[Locality omitted by Neiva, 1914, op.
cit .]
16. maculata (Conorhinus) Erichson, 1848, in Schomberg, Versuch. Faun. Flor. Brit. Guiana, iii, p. 614; Stal, 1859, Berl. Ent. Ztschr., iii, p. 108 (Cono- rhinus; as new) ; Neiva, 1914, Revis. Triatoma, p. 47; Del Ponte, 1921, op. cit., p. 177. ?nigromaculata (Conorhinus) Stal, 1872, Enum. Hem., ii, p. 111.
Localities: Venezuela; British Guiana; Brazil.
Bibliographical Notice on the Reduviid Genus Triatorna. 117 17. maxima (Conorhinus) Uhler, 1894, Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci. (2)) iv, p. 286; Neiva, 1914, Revis. Triatoma, p. 48; Del Ponte, 1921, Rev. Inst. Bact. Bs. Aires, ii, No. 6, p. 178.
Localities: California; Lower California. 18.
megista (Conorhinus) Burmeister, 1835, Handb. d. Ent., ii, pt. 1, p. 246; Stal, 1859, Berl. Ent. Ztschr., iii, p. 115 (Lamus); Neiva, 1914, Revis. Tria- toma, p. 48; Del Ponte, 1921, op. cit., pp. 165, 179.
porrigens (Conorhinus) Walker, 1873, Cat. Heter., viii, p. 19.
Localities : British Guiana; Brazil.
19. mexicana (Triatoma) Neiva, 1912, Brazil-Medico, xxvi, No. 3, p. , and 1914, Revis. Triatoma, p. 50; Del Ponte, 1921, Rev. Inst. Bact. Bs. Aires, ii, No. 6, p. 180. [Not Conorhinus mexicanus Herrich- Schaffer, 1848, Wanz. Ins., viii, p. 71, figs. 839, 840,=Meccus mexicanus (H. S.) Stal, 1859, Berl. Ent. Ztschr., iii, p. 105.1
rubrofasciata (Conorhinus) Champion, 1899 (nee DeGeer), Biol. Centr.-Amer. Rhynch.-Het., ii, p. 208, pi. xii, fig. 22.
Locality : Mexico.
20. migrans (Triatoma) Breddin, 1903, Sitz.-Ber. Ges. Nqturf. Freunde Berlin, p. 11; Neiva, 1914, Revis. Triatoma, p. 52; Del Ponte, 1921, op. cit., p. 181. ?phyllosoma (Conorhinus) Herrich-Schaffer, 1848, Wanz. Ins., viii, p. 70, fig. 837. (Name pre- occupied: Burmeister, 1835.)
Locality : Java.
2 1. neotomae (Triatoma) Neiva, 19 11, Brazil-Medico, xxv, p. , and 1914, Revis. Triatoma, p. 53; Del Ponte, 1921, Rev. Inst. Bact.'Bs. Aires, ii, No. 6, p. 181; Schwarz, 1901, Proc. Ent. Soc. Wash., iv, p. 398 (without name).
Localities: Texas; Arizona.
Habitat, in nests of Neotoma
albigula Hardl. and N. micropus Baird (Rodentia) . Type in U. S. National Museum. [Neiva also gives New Mexico and California; but the data for this species and for T. uhleri appear to have been confused.]
22. nigromaculat a (Conorhinus) Stal, 1872, Enum. Hem., ii, p. Ill; Neiva, 1914, Revis. Triatoma, p. 55; Del Ponte, 1921, op. cit., p. 182.
variegata (Conorhinus) Stal, 1859 (nee Drury) , Berl. Ent. Ztschr., iii, p. 113; Walker, 1873, Cat. Heter., viii, p. 18
?==maculata Erichson 1848.
Locality: Venezuela. Type specimen not found. 23. occulta (Triatoma) Neiva, 1911, Brazil-Medico, xxv, p. , and 1914, Revis. Triatoma, p. 56; Del Ponte, 1921, op. cit., p. 182.
discipennis (Conorhinus) Stal, MS.
(Berlin Museum.)
Locality: Texas. Type in Kgl. 2001. Museum, Berlin. 24. ocellata (Triatoma) Neiva, 1914, Revis. Triatoma,~. 55; Del Ponte, 1921, Rev. Inst. Bact. Bs. Aires, ii, No. 6, p. 182.
Locality: Arizona (Mohave). Type in U. S. National Museum.
25. platensis (Triatoma) Neiva, 1913, Anal. Mus. Nac. Buenos Aires, xxiv, p. 197, and 1914, Revis. Triatoma, p. 57; Del Ponte, 1921, Rev. Inst. Bact. Bs. Aires, ii, No. 6, pp. 165, 183, fig. Locality: Argentina (Pampa central). Type in Museo Nacional de Buenos Aires.
26. protracta (Conorhinus) Uhler, 1894, Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci. (2)) iv, p. 284; Neiva, 1914, Revis. Triatoma, p. 58; Del Ponte, 1921, op. cit., p. 183. Localities : Utah; California ; Lower California.
19221 Bibliographical Notice on the Reduviid Genus Triaforna. 119 27.
recurva (Conorhinus) Stal, 1868, Hem. Fabr., i, p. 124; Neiva, 1914, Revis. Triatoma, p. 59; Del Ponte, 1921, op. cit., p. 184.
Locality : Brazil.
28. rubida (Conorhinus) Uhler, 1894, Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci. (2)) iv, p. 285; Neiva, 1914, Revis. Triatoma, p. 59; Del Ponte, 1921, op. cit., p. 184.
Locality : Lower California. -- --
29. rubrofasciata (Cimex) DeGeer, 1773, Mem. Hist. Ins., iii, p. 349, pi. xxxv, fig. 12; Neiva, 1914, Revis. Triatoma, pp. 20-32; Del Ponte, 1921, op. cit., p. 162.
gigas (Reduvius) Fabricius, 1775, Syst. Ent ., p. 729.
erythrozonias (Cimex) Gmelin, 1788, Syst. Nat. Edn. 13, i, pt. 4, p. 2181.
?phyllosoma (Conorhinus) Herr'ch-Schaffer, 1848, Wanz. Ins., viii, p. 70, fig. 837. (Name pre- occupied, Burmeister, 1835.)
stalii (Conorhinus) Signoret, 1861, Ann. Soc. Ent. France (3)) viii, p. 967.
rubrovarius (Conorhinus) Stal, 1868, partim, Hem. Fabr., i, p. 124.
[rufofasciata (Triatoma) Van Duzee, 1916, Check- List Hem. N. Amer., p. 29, No. 742; and 1917, Cat. Hem. N. Amer., p. 248. 742.1
Localities: China; Formosa; Philippines; Borneo; New Guinea; Tonga; Java; Sumatra; Singapore ; Ma-
lay Peninsula; Indo-China; India; Andaman Is- lands; Ceylon; Seychelles; Mauritius; Madagas- car; Zanzibar; Angola; Sierra Leone; Azores; Haiti; St. Thomas; French Guiana; Brazil; Ar- gentina; Hawaii. [Not United States!]
30. rubrovaria (Conorhinus) Blanchard, 1843, in D' Orbigny, Voy. dans 19Am6r. merid., vi, pt. 2, p. 219, pi. xxix, fig. 7; Stal, 1868, Hem. Fabr., i, p. 124
Psyche [ ~une
(partim) (Conorhinus) ; Neiva, 1914, Revis. Tria- toma, p. 60; Del Ponte, 1921, Rev. Inst. Bact. Bs. Aires, ii, No. 6, pp. 166, 185, fig. rubroniger (Conorhinus) Stal, 1872, Enum. Hem., ii, p. 112.
Localities: Brazil; Uruguay. (Not Java!) 31. rufotuberculatus (Lamus) Champion, 1899, Biol. Centr.- Amer., Rhynch.- Het., ii, p. 210, pi. xii, figs. 27, 27a; Neiva, 1914, Revis. Triatoma, p. 61; Del Ponte, 1921, op. cit., p. 186.
Locality: Panama.
32. rugulosa (Belminus) Stal, 1859, Berl. Ent. Ztschr., iii, p. 102; Neiva, 1913, Mem. Inst. Osw. Cruz, v, p. 74 (Triatoma), and 1914, Revis. Triatoma, p. 62; Del Ponte, 1921, op. cit., p. 187.
diminutus (Conorhinus) Walker, 1873, Cat. Heter., viii, p. 19; Distant, 1902, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (7), x, p. 19 1 (Marlianus) .
Localities: Costa Rica; Colombia; Venezuela. 33.
sanguisuga (Conorhinus) Leconte, 1855, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., vii, p. 404; Neiva, 1914, Revis. Triatoma, p. 63; Del Ponte, 1921, op. cit. p. 188. lateralis (Conorhinus) Stal, 1859, Berl. Ent. Ztschr., iii, p. 107.3.
lecticularius (Conorhinus) St'al, 1859, op. cit., 107.2.
lenticularius (Conorhinus) Stal, 1868, Hem. Fabr., i, p. 124.
variegatus (Conorhinus) Stal, 1872 (nec Drury) , Enum. Hem., ii, p. Ill; Uhler, 1876, Bull. U. S. Geol. Geogr. Surv., i, p. 331; and other North American authors.
ambigua (Triatoma) Neiva, 19 11, Brazil-Medico, xxv, p. 422 (as variety of sanguisuga).
Localities: Maryland; Florida; Texas; Argentina (Misiones, in coll. Berg, Mus. La Plata).
19221 Bibliographical Notice on the Reduviid Genus Triatorna. 121 34. sordida (Conorhinus) Stal, 1859, Berlin. Ent. Ztschr., iii, p. 108; Neiva, 1914, Revis. Triatoma, p. 66; Del Ponte, 1921, Rev. Inst. Bact. Bs. Aires, ii, No. 6, pp. 167, 188, fig.
Localities : Brazil; Bolivia; Uruguay; Argentina. 35.
tennuis (Triatoma) Neiva, 1914, Mem. Inst. Osw. Cruz, vi, fasc. 1, p. 35; Del Ponte, 1921, Rev. Inst. Bact. Bs. Aires, ii, No. 6, p. 189.
Locality : Brazil (Bahia) .
36. uhleri (Triatoma) Neiva, 1911, Brazil-Medico, xxv, p. , and 1914, Revis. Triatoma, p. 66; Del Ponte, 1921, op. cit., p. 190.
Localities: Texas; New Mexico; Arizona; California. Type in U. S. National Museum.
37. variegata (Cimex) Drury, 1770, Illustr. Exot. Entom., i, p. 109, pi. xlv, fig. 5; Neiva, 1914, Revis. Triatoma, p. 68; Del Ponte, 1921, op. cit., p. 190. ?claviger (Cimex) Gmelin, 1788, Syst. Nat. Edn. 13, i, pt. 4, p. 2179.
Locality : Antigua. (An unrecognized species, possibly synonymous with T. rubrofasciata.)
38. venosa (Conorhinus) Stal, 1872, Enum. Hem., ii, p. Ill; Neiva, 1914, Revis. Triatoma, p. 70. [Omitted by Del Ponte.]
Localities: Costa Rica; Panama; Colombia. 39. vitticeps (Conorhinus) Stal, 1859, Berl. Ent. Ztschr., , ...
in, p. 109; Neiva, 1914, Revis. Triatoma, p. 71; Del Ponte, 1921, Rev. Inst. Bact. Bs. Aires, ii, No. 6, pp. 168, 191, fig.
Locality : Brazil (Rio de ~aneiro) .
lSo written by Del Ponte. The Zoological Record for 1914 writes T. tennis.
Psyche [~une
Brumpt et Gomez. 1914. Description d'une nouvelle espece de Triatoma (T. chagasi), hOte primitif du Trypanosoma cruzi (Chagas) . Annaes Paulistas de Medicina e Cirurgia- (Siio Paulo), iii, p. 75.
Del Ponte, Eduardo. 1920-21. Contribucih a1 estudio del gen. Triatoma Lap. Revista del Instituto Bacteriol6gico del Departamento Nacional de Higiene, Buenos Aires, ii, No. 5, pp. 729-744, 23 plates, and ii, No. 6, pp. 133-196, 39 plates.
Neiva, Arthur. 1910. Informa~oes sobre a biolojia do Conorhinus megistus Burm. Memorias do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz (Rio de Janeiro), ii, Fasc. 2, pp. 206-212. Neiva, Arthur. 1911. Notas de entomologia medica. Duas novas especies norte-americanas de Hemipteros hematofagos. Brazil-Medico (Rio de Janeiro), xxv, No. 42, pp. 421-22. Neiva, Arthur. 1911. Notas de entomologia medica. Tres novas especies de Reduvidas norte-americanas. Brazil- Medico, xxv, No. 44, pp. 441-
Neiva, Arthur, 1911.
Zwei neue afrikanische Arten des Genus
Triatoma (Conorhinus).
Proc. Ent. Soc. Wash., xiii, pp.
Neiva, Arthur. 1911. Contribu@o ao estudo dos hematophagos brazileiros, e descripyiio de uma nova especie de Triatoma. Brazil-Medico, xxv, No. 46, pp. 461-462. Neiva, Arthur. 1912. Notas de entomologia medica, e des- cripyiio de duas novas especies de Triatomas norte-ameri- canas. Brazil-Medico, xxvi, No. 3, pp. 21-22. Neiva, Arthur. 1913. Informa~oes sobre a biologia da Vinhuca, Triatoma infestans Klug.. Mem. Inst. Osw. Cruz, v, Fasc. 1, pp. 24-30.
Neiva, Arthur, 1913. Notas hemipterolojicas. Mem. Inst. Osw. Cruz, v, Fasc. 1, pp. 47-77.
192.21 Proceedings of the Cambridge Entomological Club. 123 Neiva, Arthur. 1913. Da transmiss%o do Trypanosoma Cruzi pela Triatoma sordida Stal. Brazil-Medico, xxvii, No. 30, p. 309.
Neiva, Arthur. 19 13. Multiplica@o na Vinhuca (Triatoma infestans Klug) do tripanosomo do ma1 de cadeiras. Brazil- Medico, xxvii, No. 35, p. 356.
Neiva, Arthur. 1913. Algunos datos sobre Hemfpteros hema- t6fagos de la America del Sur, con la descripcion de una nueva especie.
Anal. Mus. Nac. Buenos Aires, xxiv, pp.
Neiva, Arthur. 1914. Revisgo do genero Triatoma Lap. Rio de Janeiro: Typ. do "Jornal de Commercio." pp. 71+ 8 (bibliography).
Neiva, Arthur, 1914. Contribu@o para o estudo dos Reduvidos hematofagos, corn a descrip@o de uma nova especie, T. tennuis. Mem. Inst. Osw. Cruz, vi, Fasc. 1, p. 35. PROCEEDINGS OF THE CAMBRIDGE ENTOMO-
At the meeting of October 11, 1920, Prof. W. M. Wheeler read a paper by himself and Mr. L. H. Taylor on parasitism of Vespa arctica upon Vespa diabolica which was published in December 1921. A discussion followed on parasitism in general and especially the habits of Stylops in Andrena, Halictus and other Hymenoptera.
Dr. R. geber Howe showed remains of beetles from peat deposits at Eastham, Cape Cod, Mass., between layers of glacial till and too far away from present outcrops to be of recent origin.
At the meeting November 8, Mr. L. B. Uichanco read a paper on the development of certain unicellular organisms which live symbiotically in the bodies of Aphids. These are found in the ovaries and enter the eggs at an early stage. Later
Volume 29 table of contents