![]() | PSYCHE A Journal of Entomology founded in 1874 by the Cambridge Entomological Club | |
Volume 3 (1880-1882)Experiments Upon the Effect of Cold Applied to Chrysalids of Butterflies. Introductory—Announcement. Bibliogrphical Record. Entomological Items—Society Meetings—Advertisements. Experiments Upon the Effect of Cold Applied to Chrysalids of Butterflies. Proceedings of Societies. Bibliographical Record. Entomological Items—Society Meetings. Recent Studies in Insect Anatomy: Third Annual Address of the President. Title Slips. Bibliographical Record. Entomological Items—Society Meetings. Life History of Pleotomus Pallens LEC. Note on North American Trypetidae. Reviews. Proceeding of Societies—Entomological Section of the Boston Society of Natural History. Bibliographical Record. Entomological Items—Society Meetings. Notes Upon Some Tineid Larvae. Transformation of Nacerdes Melanura. Proceedings of Societies. Bibliographical Record. Entomological Items—Society Meetings—Prize Essays. Experiments Upon The Effect of Cold Applied to Chrysalids of Butterflies. Larvae of the Family Pyrochroidae. Proceedings of Societies. Bibliographical Record. Entomological Items—Society Meetings—Prize Essays. Chemical Changes of Coloration in Butterflies' Wings. Notes on Phoxopteris Angulifasciana Zell. Proceedings of Societies—Review. Bibliographical Record. Entomological Items—Society Meetings—Prize Essays. The Trophi and Their Chitinous Supports in Gracilaria. Proceedings of Societies: Entomological Section of the Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia, PA. Bibliographical Record. Entomological Items—Society Meetings—Prize Essays. The Yellow Fever Fly. Notes on a Few Bombyces, Hybrids, &C. On an Aquatic Sphinx Larva. Proceedings of societies. Bibliographical Record. Entomological Items—Society Meetings—Prize Essays. Description of the Preparatory Stages of Apatura Alicia. Larva of Eurycreon Rantalis Guen. Review—In Memoriam. Bibliographical Record. Entomological Items—Society Meetings—Prize Essays. Further Notes on Some Tineid Larvae. Review. Some Recent Publication on Fossil Insects. Bibliographical Record. Entomological Items—Society Meetings—Prize Essays. Further Notes on Some Tineid Larvae. Proceedings of Societies. Review. Bibliographical Record. Corrections. On the Number of Molts of Butterflies, With Some History of the Moth Callosamia Promethea. Proceedinges of Societies. Bibliographical Record. Entomological Items—Society Meetings—Prize Essays. On the Number of Molts of Butterflies, With Some History of the Moth Callosamia Promethea. Effect of Cold Applied to Chrysalids of Limenitis Disippus. Records of Necrology. Review. Bibliographical Record. Entomological Items—Society Meetings—Prize Essays. Insects in Winter. Homologies of the Cremaster. Proceedings of Societies. Bibliographical Record. Entomological Items—Society Meetings—Prize Essays. Some Psocina of the United States. Foreign Honey Bees. A Fragrant Butterfly. George Dole Smith. Bibliographical Record. Entomological Items—Society Meetings—Prize Essays. Some Psocina of the United States. Proceedings of Societies. Bibliographical Record. Entomological Items—Society Meetings—Prize Essays. Some Psocina of the United States. Proceedings of Societies. Bibliographical Record. Entomological Items—Society Meetings—Prize Essays. Anatomy of the Mouth-Parts and of the Suctorial Apparatus of Culex. Thyridopteryx Ephemeraeformis Haworth: Its Habits and Metamorphosis. Habits of Hypoprepia Packardii, Grote. Proceedings of Societies. Gosse's Observations on the Butterflies of North America. Bibliographical Record. Entomological Items—Society Meetings—Prize Essays. Fragments of the Coarser Anatomy of Diurnal Lepidoptera. Nepticula Pteliaeela, N. SP. The Grapeberry Moth (Eudemis Botrana. S. V.). Proceedings of Societies. Bibliographical Record. Entomological Items—Society Meetings—Prize Essays. Fragments of the Coarser Anatomy of Diurnal Lepidoptera. Xylocopa Perforating a Corolla-Tube. Defensive Mimicry in Phalangidae. Loan Libraries. Bibliographical Record. Entomological Items—Society Meetings—Prize Essays. Fragments of the Coarser Anatomy of Diurnal Lepidoptera. Color of the Light Emitted by Insects. Unusual Care of Ants for Aphides. Joseph Duncan Putnam. Bibliographical Record. Entomological Items—Society Meetings—Prize Essays. Fragments of the Coarser Anatomy of Diurnal Lepidoptera. Internal Organization of Hesperia Ethlius Cram., as Observed in the Living Animal. Circulation of Blood in the Larva of Hydrophilus. The Domestication of Papilio Thoas (Cresphontes) in Dutchess County, N. Y. Proceedings of Societies. Alternate Generation in Cynipidae. Bibliographical Record. Entomological Items—Society Meetings—Prize Essays. Musca Domestica Linn. Versus Vespa Occidentalis Cresson. Asymmetry of the Nervous System in the Larva of Harpyia. Note on Catogenus Rufus. Note on Deilephila Lineata, Fabr. Correspondence. Bibliographical Record. Entomological Items—Society Meetings—Prize Essays. A New Museum Pest, Trogoderma Tarsale Mels. Organs, Probably Defensive in Function, in the Larva of Hyperchiria Varia, Walk. (Saturina I0, Harris). Book Notice. Editorial. Bibliographical Record. Entomological Items—Society Meetings—Prize Essays. Contribution to the Knowledge of Sonifaction in Insects. On a Larva Boring the Leaf-Stalks of the Buckeye (Aesculus Glabra) in Ohio. Notes on Sphingidae. Mummy of a Wasp. Correspondence—Habits of Thrips. Proceedings of Societies. Bibliographical Record. Entomological Items—Society Meetings. Pneumatic Functions of Insects. Cluster-Flies. Promoting Locust Ravages. On a Habit of Scolopendra Morsitans. Book Notice. Correspondence—Habits of Thrips. Bibliographical Record. Entomological Items—Society Meetings. On Some Glands Which Open Externally on Insects. Proceedings of Societies. Notes on Pterophoridae of North America. Bibliographical Record. Entomological Items. The Cocoons of Cionus Scrophulariae. Notes on Pterophoridae of North America. 2. Editorial Notice. Proceedings of Societies. Bibliographical Record. Corrections. Psyche 3(103-104):465-468, 1882 | https://doi.org/10.1155/1882/61069 |