G. W. Barber.
Notes on Sinea diadema (Fabr.); Hemiptera.
Psyche 30(2):74-76, 1923.
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Bureau of Entomology, XI. 8. Dept. of Agriculture. During the month of September the blbssoms of goldenrod are visited by myriads of &tits, many of which are attracted there for the food that may be obtained from the flowers. But all is not fortunah, sometimes,.for the unwary fly or bee, especially when Phymtita erosa, (Linn,) and spiders such as Mi- SUVIWIW, vaiia await them. These, by means of the color with which nature has favored ihern, me dl but indktiidmbh from the blossoms.
Other predators not so fortunately endowed are frequently present on the flowers, that must for them be excellent hunting grounds. Among these is Sines diadems (Fabr.) one of the moat common species of the Reduviidze; which though not of particularly ferocious appearance to our eyes, mu& seem ufficiently so to the insect that it attacks RE. 1. Sinst dindm (Fabr.) Egg-mass enlarged six diametere. , gga of this species may be readily obtained by cod Piy-ftf 30:74-76 (IY23). hup //psych? emclub org/lWi0-074.htmt
19231 Notes on Sinea Diadema 75
masses, the individual eggs upright and arranged in two rows. As thus seen under magnification they are very beautiful, the structures of the cap and the collar-like extension of the chorion, which extends outwards from the new laid egg, appearing like delicate lace.
The first instar nymph is a most grotesque little insect with a very large head powerful beak and large, strong front femora provided with numerous stout, sharp spines. The arma- ture is admirably designed for a predatory habit, the head and ' thorax being covered with plates of very stout, smooth, black chitin against which, we are pleased to believe, a much larger insect might struggle without effect, once it is in the grasp of powerful front femora. Young nymphs that I confined wasted no time on covering themselves with litter and soon became all but indistinguishable. Here again the insect is found superbly fitted for its habit, for on the thorax it bears four sharp, stout spines, than which no structure, perhaps, would better serve for retaining the litter with which it covers itself. The egg of this species has been described by Ashmead (1895-Insect Life VII p. 321) and Heideman (1911-Proc. Ent. Soc. Wash. XI11 p. 135) and the young nymph by Ashmead. Since I intend to display illustrations, I have enlarged these ex- cellent descriptions somewhat.
Fig. 2.
Sinea diadema (Fabr.)
A-egg, lateral view; B-egg, dorsal view of the cap and the extension of the chorion; C-Detail structure of the extension of the chorion; D-first instar nymph, lateral view; E-egg mass. Egg. Length 1 .3 mm. ; width .6 mm. ; diameter of extension of chorion .8 mm. Color brown, minutely granulated, somewhat
76 Psyche [~~ril
shining; central area of cap brown, outer rim brown with min- ute, regular, white reticulations; extension of the chorion white with dark lines, brown towards the inner edge; shape, sub- illiptical, narrowed towards the cap; central area of the cap raised, cone-like, bluntly rounded at the tip, composed of sev- eral scales which fail to meet at the tip; outer rim of the cap flat with minute, regular reticulations; extension of the chorion on the same plane with the outer rim of the cap in new laid eggs, after hatching or drying bending upwards or downwards, squamose, minutely so towards the inner border, gradually coarser outwards, edge sinuate; chorial processes numerous, elongate, club-shaped, within the extension of the chorion. First Instar Nymph. Length 1.8 mm.; Color dark brown to black, the antennae, except the basal half of the first segment, the apical half of the middle and posterior tibiae and all the tarsi brownish; eyes red; body smooth, shining, plates of the head and thorax strong and heavy, closely united; head oblong, as long as the thorax, wider and elevated behind the eyes, then depressed and narrowing into a neck of moderate length; anten- nae cylindrical, 4-jointed, as long as or slightly longer than the body, first and last joints subequal, second and third united less than the first, minutely and sparsely ciliate, the basal joint less so, hairs light brown; beak very stout at base, gradually nar- rowing, attaining the front coxae; pro and mesothorax each provided with a stout spine each side the median line, as long as one fourth the length of the prothorax and separated by about their own length, directed upwards; anterior legs with very stout femora, enlarged towards the apex, with several stout, sharp spines arranged in rows, those towards the apex larger, each with a hair arising from the apex, sparsely pilose, the hairs long; tibiae slender with three blunt spines beneath, more densely pilose than the femora; middle and posterior legs somewhat shorter and more slender, moderately pilose; abdomen short, somewhat more than half the length of the thorax, rounded, somewhat flattened, the edges moderately undulated and sparse- ly fringed with tufts of hairs.
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