A. D. MacGillivray.
New Saw-flies, Hymenoptera, from Oregon.
Psyche 30(2):77-81, 1923.
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19231 New Saw-Flies, Hymenoptera, from Oregon 77 NEW SAW-FLIES, HYMENOPTERA, FROM OREGON.' The following new species constitute a part of a collection that has been in hand for several years. The collection was
received from Professor A. L. Lovett of the Oregon Agricultural College, Corvallis, Oregon.
Macremphytus lovetti sp. nov.
Female. Body black with the four distal segments of the antennae, the labrum, the tegula, the protibiae and protarsi, the mesotibise and mesotarsi, the metatrochanters, and the metatarsi, white; antenna with the three proximal segments and part of the fourth, the head except the clypeal suture and the postocellar area, the thorax except the margins of the lobes of the mesonotum and the mesoscutellum, the proximal two-thirds of the metatibiae, and the abdomen except the saw guides, rufous; antennae flattened, first and second segments of the flagellum subequal; clypeus roundly emarginate; ocellar basin small, irregular; saw-guides with the dorsal margin straight, the ventral convex, obliquely convexly rounded at apex; wings yellowish, costa reddish, proximal half of stigma white, veins black. Length, 14 mm.
Habitat:-Rock Creek, Corvallis, Oregon; A. L. Lovett' collector.
This beautiful large species is similar to varianw Norton, but easily separated by the difference in color. It
gives me pleasure to name this species after its collector, Pro- fessor A. L. Lovett.
Hemitaxonus dediticius sp. nov.
Body black with the labrum, tegulae, coxae, and trochanters, white; the legs beyond the trochanters, abdomi- nal segment two for the most part and all of segments three and four, rufous; the clypeus roundly emarginate; antennae Kontributions from the Entomological Laboratories of the University of Illinois. No. 75. Pu&e 30:77-81 (1923). hup Ytpsychu einclub orgtlW30-077.htd
78 Psyche [April
with the first segment of the flagellum slightly longer than the second; ocellar basin distinct, concave; the median fovea pit- like; ocellar and interocellar furrows indicated; vertical furrows distinct ; head and thorax finely punctate ; wings hyaline, spinulse distinct, veins, costa, and stigma brownish. Length, , 6.5 mm.
Habitat:-Corvallis, Oregon; G. F. Moznette, ~ollect~or. This species is entirely different in coloration from the eastern dubitalus Norton.
Taxonus inclinatus sp. nov.
Male. Body black with the labrum, line on collar, tegulae, and a fine line on the caudal margin of the abdominal segments, white; the legs beyond the trochanters except an elongate spot on the proximal part of the upper side of the profemora and meso- femora and the tarsi of all the legs more or less, rufous; the clypeus roundly emarginate ; antennae short, the first segment of the flagellum nearly twice as long as the second, the second and third subequal; ocellar basin shallow, divided into two parts, not extending to the median ocellus; ocellar and interocellar furrows deep, the latter extending to and around the median ocellus ; the wings hyaline, the veins and stigma uniformly color- ed. Length, 6.5 mm.
Habitat :-Corvallis, Oregon; received from A. L. Lovett, Hardman collector.
This species runs to nigrasoma Norton
from which its color and structure will readily separate it. Monophadnoides contortus sp. nov.
Female. Body black with the knees and the tibiae, except the underside and distal portion of the mesotibise and metatibiae, and more or less of the proximal part of the tarsal segments, white; clypeus truncate; antennae with the first segment of the flagellum longer than the second, the second longer than the third; head polished, the ocellar basin deep, also with a basin around the median ocellus; ocellar furrow deep, interrupted at
19231 New Saw-Flies, Hymenoptera, from Oregon 79 middle; the collar and tegulae black; the saw-guides finger- shaped, bluntly pointed at middle of apex; wings hyaline, veins including costa brown, caudal half of stigma paler. Length, 6mm. Habitat:-Corvallis, Oregon; received from A. L. Lovett, Ballard collector. The interrupted interocellar furrow will serve for the indentification of this species. Monophadnoides corytus sp. nov.
Male. Body black with the prothoracic legs beyond the middle of the femora, the knees of the other legs and beyond to apex, pale; clypeus truncate; antennae with the first segment of the flagellum distinctly longer than either of the subequal sec- ond or third; head and thorax setiferous; ocellar basin almost wanting; median ocellus surrounded by a depressed area con- necting with the distinct interocellar furrow; ocellar furrow almost wanting; vertical furrows deep, not reaching caudal aspect of head; wings dusky, spinulse distinct, veins and costa brown- ish, stigma with cephalic half brown, caudal half paler. Length, 5 mm.
Habitat:-Corvallis, Oregon; A. L. Lovett, collector. This species can be differentiated from the proceeding. by the form of the ocellar furrow.
Monophadnus aeratus sp. nov.
Male. Body black and densly covered with white setae, pro- tibiae and mesotibiae, metatibiae except black ring at apex, and proximal half of the metabasitarsis, white; clypeus convex, trun- cate; antennae with segments of the flagellum swollen, the third and fourth subequal, the second longer than the third, and the flrst much longer than the second; lateral fovea wanting; ocellar basin deep concavity; reaching half way to the median ocellus, area below median ocellus flat and finely punctate; vertical furrows deep, bipunctiform ; ocellar furrow prominent, intero- cellar furrow extending to the median ocellus; scutellum flat impunctate; wings smoky, larger veins black, smaller brownish, stigma of two colors. Length, 6 mm.
80 Psyche [April
Habitat:-Corvallis, Oregon; received from A. L. Lovett, collected by Godding.
This species is related to planus and
Monophadnus ruscullus sp. nov.
Male. Body black without any pale marks; clypeus uni- formly convex, t,runcate; antennae with the first segment of the flagellum subequal or slightly shorter than the second, the second slightly longer than the third; the lateral foveae wanting; ven- tral ends of the antenna1 furrows subpunctiform, with a minute median fovea; front flat adjacent to the median ocellus; ocellar, vertical, and interocellar furrows distinct, the latter surrounding the dorsal portion of the median ocellus; head polished; wings smoky, the veins and the stigma black. Length, 5 mm. Habitat:-Mary's Peak, Corvallis, Oregon; received from A. L. Lovett, Middlekauff collector. The coloration and struc- ture of the head is very different from that of tilice Norton. Periclista electa sp. nov.
Male. Body black with the distal half of the femora, the tibia, and the tarsi, shading between yellow and rufous; the clypeus shallowly circularly emarginate; head closely finely roughened; lateral fovea wanting; median fovea indefinite; ocellar basin scarcely defined, frontal crest thin, shelving; vertical furrows punctiform, ocellar furrow wanting, interocellar furrow linear; head not depressed about the median ocellus; thorax polished, setiferous; abdomen with caudal margins of segments with a fine pale margin; wings hyaline, veins and stigma brown. Length, 6 mm.
Habitat:-Corvallis, Oregon; received from A. L. Lovett. This species is related to media Norton and its allies. Hylotoma onerosa sp. nov.
Female. Body black with the labrum, clypeus, mandibles, flagellum of antennae, legs beyond the apices of the coxae, and the abdomen beyond the basal plates, rufous; head and thorax
19231 New Saw-Flies, Hymenoptera, from Oregon 81 setiferous ; set% white ; clypeus angularly emarginate ; supracly- peal area with ventral portion elevated with declivous sides, dorsal portion with an angular depression, median fovea in dorsal part, not distant from median ocellus, depression extending almost to median ocellus; antennal, vertical, ocellar, and interocellar furrows obsolete; head and thorax polished; mesocutellum flat; saw-guides greatly swollen, convex on lateral and ventral portions; distal portion obliquely truncated, joining ventral portion in a rounded ridge; wings yellowish, costa colored like membrane, stigma and veins brownish. Length, 10 mm. Habitat:- Moscow, Idaho, J. M. Aldrich, collector; Revelstoke, British Columbia; R. C. Osborn, collector; Male collected in Okanogan County, Washington, by C. W. Button, is evidently the same.
This species is similar to clavicornis Fabricius.
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