C. H. Curran.
Brief Diagnoses of Diptera Occuring in New England.
Psyche 31(5):226-228, 1924.
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226 Psyche [October
Department of Agriculture, Ottawa, Canada. The following very brief descriptions, enumerating the salient points in the detailed descriptions of several species, of Diptera are given herewith in order that the names may be included in Mr. Johnson's forthcoming list of the Diptera of the New England States. The detailed descriptions will be found in a contribution to a monograph of the Syrphidse and a revision of the genus Rhaphiurn prepared by the writ,er. Microdon pseudoglobosus new species.
Brownish and reddish, with darkened wings; third antennal joint of almost equal width throughout and a little shorter than the first two combined; ocellar triangle small, equilateral; apex of scutellum with a wide even concavity the broad points mod- erately projecting. Hind basitarsi of c? greatly swollen. Length, 7 to 8 mm.
3, Lucaston, N. J., Sept. 14, 1917, (Daecke); c? same locality, June 27, 1902; 9, Hammonton, N. J., Sept. 6, 1902; 9, Da Costa, N. J., July 1, 1905; 3, Cape May, N. J., July 8, (Viereck) ; c? , Aweme, Manitoba, Aug. 11, 1920, (Robertson) ; Chittenden, Vt., Aug. 15 (Bequaert), and specimens mentioned in detailed description.
Microdon conflictus new species.
Chiefly brownish, the abdomen sometimes partly reddish; wings largely dark brown; third antennal joint but little longer than the first; ocellar triangle small, wider than long; apex of scutellum with moderately wide,
deep concavity, the broad
points long; hind basitarsi of c? greatly swollen. Length, 9 to 11 mm. Much darker than the preceding, the wings more heavily clouded.
19241 Diagnoses of Some Diptera Occurring in New England 227 3, Great Falls Va., June 22 : 9 , Lawrence, Kans., June 18, (Curran); 9 , N. J.; 3, Washington, Mass.; 8, Bar Harbor, Maine, (Johnson), and those mentioned in detailed description. Microdon ocellaris new species.
Hind basitarsi not unusually swollen. Eyes with sparse, microscopic hairs (rarely extremely difficult to see); color metal- lic dark green, densely punctured, the reflection not vivid; pile of head whitish to pale yellowish; of body yellowish, or greyish white; third antenna1 joint shorter than the first; ocellar triangle much broader than long; vertex considerably swollen; apex of scutellum with widely separated, strong spines, much as in tristis. Length 12 to 15 mm.
9 Linglestown, Pa., June 14, (Champlain); 8, Lyme, Conn., Aug. 30, 1911, (Chainplain); 3, Lyme, June 1, 1918; 28, Linglestown, June 3, 1919; 3, Lyme, April 30, 1911, (all Chainplain) ; 2 9 , Darien, Conn., June 12, 1915, (Johnson) ; 2 9, Newton, Mass., May; 3, Framingham, Mass., (Frost). Microdon manitobensis new species.
Eyes bare; hind basitarsi not unusually swollen; first an- tennal joint as long as the following two; ocollar triangle a little wider than long; head and thorax yellow pilose, the latter usually with more than t'he posterior half bright tawny pilose, the scuttellum almost invariably so; spines of scutellum small, moderately separated. Lengt,h, 11 tJo 13 mm. Nearest cothur- nafus but more robust, t,he tawny pile on scutellum and struc- tural characters distinguishing it.
Fifteen specimens of bot'h sexes, Megantic, Que., June, (Curran); Capens, Me., July 15, Oquossoc, Me., July 2 and Southwest Harbor, Me., June 22, (Johnson) ; 2 $2 Q , Elmboro, Sask., (Jewsbury) ; 2 3, Ottawa, Ont., June, (Curran) ; several specimens, Manitoba, (Hunter). Not ra,re about large ant hills.
Cerioides proxima new species.
Differs from abbreviata Loew as follows: There is no small roundish or oval yellow spot at the outer end of the thoracal suture; the black surrounding the antennal pedicel is angulate on either side above, not rounded; the abdomen is a little more narrowed at the base.
Female, Guelph, Ont., June 8, 1923, (Curran) ; 3, Orono, Me., June 26, 1917;
d\ Agr. Exp. Sta., Orono, June 16, 1915, (both Metcalf) ; $ 9 , Metagamon, Me., July 4, 1901; Ben- nington, Vt., June 18 (Johnson) ; 2 $4 9 , Megantic, Que., June 12-21, 1623, (Curran); 2 Q , Ottawa, Ont., May; 9 , Boucher, Saks.; Q , Vernon, B. C., July, 2, (Ruhinann). The genus Rhaphium as here used, includes Porphyrops and X iphandrium.
Rhaphium subarmaturn new species.
Allied to (Leucostola) slossonce Johns. but the posterior tibiae are wholly black; face silvery white, board white; third antennal joint acute, three times as long as wide. Length, 6 to 6.5 mm.
c? 9, Oromocto, K. B., July 9, 1913, (A. B. Baird); 2?, Franconia, N. H., 5 cf l 9 , same data as type pair; , 9 Gornish, N. B., July 11, 1913.
Rhaphium gracilis new species.
Face and beard white; front bright green legs chiefly yel- low, the posterior tibiae and tarsi brown; outer genita,l lamellae triangular, broad, jagged apically, the inner ones very slender, long; middle cox= with black apical spine; arista shorter than the long, ribbon-like third antennal joint. Length, 5.5 mm. 3 of, 1 9 , Beverly, Mass., May and June, ('Riley Collection).
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