T. D. A. Cockerell.
A New Bee from Oregon.
Psyche 31(5):243-244, 1924.
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A New Bee from Oregon
University of Colorado.
Halictoides crassipes sp. nov.
a". Length about 10.5 mm; black, with much long brownish- black hair, becoming paler on tubercles and sides of meta- thorax, and some white hair along hind margin of posterior tibiae; tegulse dark brown; wings dilute fuliginous. Closely related to H, maurus (Cresson), to which it exactly runs in my table in Ent. News, Feb. 1916, but easily separated thus: larger; lower margin of clypeus concave: flagellum considerably longer, and bright ferruginous beneath; second cubital cell much longer, more produced apically, and receiving first recurrent nervure near base; wings browner; hind femora much more massive. The fifth abdominal segment presents a broad emarginate shining ferruginous plate.
Albany, Oregon (Holleman; Peabody Academy). Type in
Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard University. Halictoides is a Holarctic genus which is much better re- presented in North America than in the Old World. Even in the Old World, most of the species are Asiatic, coming from Turkestan, Mongolia and China. The closely allied Dufoureal is confined to the Old World, extending from China to Egypt and Spain, with one species (13. calidula Ckll) in tropical Africa. Friese has described a species from Mongolia. We may surmise that Halietoides had its origin in America, Dufourea in the Palssarctic region. In addition to the characters of venation and antennae cited by authors to distinguish Dzijourea from Iialiefoides, the following peculiarities of the mouth-parts may be used to separate the type species of Halictoides from Dufourea.
Wwfourea Lapeletier, 1841 ; not Dufouria Desvoidy, 1830.
244 Psyche [October
1. Halictoides dentiventris Nyl. Labial palpi with first joint longer than the other three together, second shortest; maxillary palpi with first two joints stout, galea reaching to about middle of fourth joint.
2. Dufourea vulgaris Schenck. Labial palpi with first joint about as long as 2 +3; maxillary palpi with first three joints stout, galea reaching a little beyond middle of third. However Halictoides paradoxus Morawitz (Switzerland) has the first joint of labial palpi thickened beyond the middle (as in the Californian H. virgatus Ckll), and not nearly so long in proportion to second as in H. dentiventris. It has the first four joints of maxillary palpi stout, the galea reaching about, middle of third.
H. virgatus has the second joint of labial palpi very long, nearly as long as first, thus differing conspicuously from H. paradoxus. In H. virqatus the mandibles are simple; in H. campanula Ckll., H. tinsleyi C kll., Dufourea vulgaris, etc., and they have a conspicuous inner tooth. The labrum of H. cam,panuZce is much shorter in proportion to its width than in H. virgatus, and also differs in having prominent lateral corners. The general outcome of these and other studies is that Halictoides can be taken in a broad sense as including very diverse forms; or it can be divided into numerous genera, for which quite a series of names is already available. Probably the best method is to treat the divisions as subgenera; accordingly H. paradoxus may be taken as the type of a new subgenus Cephalictoides, nov., most obviously differing from Parahalictoides in the shape of the head. For other details see Ann. Mag. Nat.. Hist., Dec. 1899, p. 420.
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