Nathan Banks.
Descriptions of a Few American Diptera.
Psyche 33(2):42-44, 1926.
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DESCRIPTIONS OF A FEW NEW AMERICAN DlPTERA, Museum of Comparative Zoology, Cambridge, Mass. Stratiomyia occidentis sp. nov.
Related to S. maculosa, the male having pilose eyes and a black face.
It differs from S. maculosa most prominently in lacking oblique yellow marks on the fourth segment, and the lateral marks are narrow, almost linear. The lateral appendages of the male genitalia are very much broadened at tip, about twice as broad as in middle, whereas those of S. macidosa are scarcely broadened at tip. The hair on the eyes is much shorter ,
than that of maculosa and white (not yellowish). The hair on face and thorax is also whiter than in maculosa; the scutellum is about half yellow, the marks on the fourth segment do not ap- proach each other, the fifth segment shows but one spot, much broadened behind; the venter is largely yellow, but black on base or lateral parts of segments; femora black, rest of leg tawny. Length 15 mm.
The type is from Stockton, Utah, June (Spaulding), two other smaller males from Webber Lake, Calif., July (Osten Sacken.)
Odontomyia tumida sp. nov.
In general similar to 0. arcuata in coloration and structure; the head yellow, with black mark over ocelli, and a curved dark mark each side in front from the eye, basal joint of antennas pale; thorax rather more silvery pubescent above than in arcuata, pleura and sternum yellow, latter black in middle, legs wholly pale, the tarsi hardly darker near tip, scutellum yellow with short yellow spines; abdomen yellow above with four black bands, narrower than in arcuatus, and none of them reaching to the margin. It is distinguished from arcuutus by the profile of the face, which is fully twice as much swollen out beneath an- tennas as in arcuatus, projecting forward the width of the eye; Pwht 33:42-44 (1926). hup //psyche rinclub org/13/33-042 html
19261 Descriptions of a Few New American Diptera 43 from in front the lower corner of the eyes are as far apart as the length of inner orbit (in arcuatus very much closer.) Calobata kennicotti sp. nov.
Black, face and cheeks silvery,front tawny except the dark triangle, not reaching as far forward as in C. pallipes, orbits silvery, occiput black; thorax black, clothed with white pubes- cence, especially prominent on pleura, on dorsum a bare shining black stripe each side above base of wings; abdomen black above and below, clothed above with prominent white hair, apical seg- ment largely brown, genitalia pale; legs pale, mid and hind tibiae beneath with dark mark at tip; wings hyaline, second vein ending in costa nearer to tip than to hind cross vein. Length 5 mm.
Hudson Bay Territory (Kennicott) . Separated from C. pallipes (alesia) by very different genitalia, as well as by marks of thorax. I have not seen C. nasoni, but that species is said to have on the genitalia a long filiform process; also to have a process between hind coxae, and yellow humeri, and the markings on the thorax do not agree, and the venter is pale. Leria (A daleria) helvola var. angus tifrons var. nov. The types (3) of helvola have very hairy dorsum and the anterior dorso-central bristles weak, and the front of head, viewed from above is very much broader than long (inner eye- margin). There is in the East another form in which the male has much shorter hair on mesonotum (hardly longer than in other species), the anterior dorso-centrals are much longer, and the front of the head, viewed from above, is but little broader than long (inner eye-margin). The specimens are rather smaller than the typical form. Specimens come from Dead Run, Va., Black Mt., N. Car., Washington, D. C., Ithaca, N. Y. a,nd N. Y. (Osten Sacken).
Psy ch,e [April
Eutreta hespera sp. nov.
This is the western form that has passed as E. sparsa. It is distinguished by the pellucid dots of the wing, larger, often con- fluent, those on the posterior part much larger than in E. sparsa; there are also pale spots in the costal area, and the costa before the end of the first vein is marked several times with pale; no- where do the spots tend to form in rows as in E. sparsa. The wings are about as broad as in E. sparsa, and the clear apex of about the same extent.
Length of forewing 5.5 mm.
From California Julie0 (Osten Sacken) and Compton (Cole), and Colorado, Manitou.
Eutreta angusta. sp. nov.
Resembles E. sparsa, but with narrower body and more slender wings; sides of the abdomen nearly parallel, last seg- ment much longer than broad at base, and more tapering than in E. sparsa. Wings about twice as long as broad; the spots rather less scattered, but somewhat in rows, and a few in the costal area, and the costa before end of auxillary is partly pale, t'he mark at end of the first vein is very small, the clear apical margin is less extensive than in that species. Length of forewing 4.2 mm., width 2 mm.
From Texas (Lefv.) and one specimen marked '(R" and var.? by Loew.
These two species may be tabulated with E. sparsa as fol- lows :
Costa before end of auxillary vein not marked with pale or but once. ................................. E. sparsa Costa marked several times before end of auxillary vein. 2. 2. Wing about twice as long as broad. ........... E. angusta Wing much broader. ......................... E. hespera Eutreta simplex Thomas differs from all of these in lacking the black spots on the face.
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