Cambridge Entomological Club, 1874

A Journal of Entomology

founded in 1874 by the Cambridge Entomological Club
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F. M. Carpenter.
Notes on a Collection of Amber Ants.
Psyche 34(1):30-32, 1927.

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Psyche [February
In a collection of parasitic hymenoptera from the Baltic Amber, now at the Bussey Institution, a number of other insects were accidently included, among which were 89 ants. This small ant collection is peculiar in that it contains a higher percentage of males than has been the case with former material. In such
collections the workers have far excelled the sexual forms in respect to the number of individuals present, but in the collection before me the males are almost twice as abundant as the workers. The species represented in this material are listed below, together with a few notes on their occurrence, and the numbers identifying the specimens in the two collections (Museum of the University of Konisberg and the Fritsch collection) to which the fossils be- long. The species present, except one, were described by Mayr2 in his paper, "Die Ameisen des baltischen Bersteins", and by Professor W. M, Wheeler3 in "The Ants of the Baltic Amber." Erebomyrma ant* Mayr: Two males in the Univ. Konigs- berg collection, both without numbers.
These two specimens
increase the number of observed males of the species to seven. Stenamma berendt Mayr : One male, Univ. Konigsberg (xxB979).
This is the third specimen of this species that has been found. It is curious that the species should be present in so small a collection as this, since only two other individuals have been seen in the 11678 amber ants that have previously been studied.
Contribution from the Entomological Laboratory of the Bussy Insti- tution, Harvard University, No. 274.
ZBeitrage zur Naturkunde Preussens, hereausgegeben v. d. physik.-ok Ges. zu Konigsbreg, 1, 1868.
5onderabdruck aus den Schriften der Phpsikalisch��ok Ges. zu Konigs- berg, i. Pr., LV. 1914.
Pu&e 34:30.12 (1927). hup Ytpsychu einclub orgt34/%OM html


19271 Notes on a .Collection of Amber Ants 31 Nothowrw~ica rubis Mayr : One worker in the Univ. Konigsberg (xxB859).
Leptothorax gracilis Mayr: One worker and one male, both in the collection of the University of Konigsberg, and without, numbers.
Dolichoderus balticus Mayr : One specimen, Univ. Konigs- berg collection (1 l017/364), the sixth individual to be found. Dolichoderus tertiarius Mayr : One male in the Univ. Konigsberg collection. (137060/437).
Iridomyrmex geinitizi Mayr : Three males and three workers in the Univ. Konigsberg collection (9561/289, 7501/239, xxB768, B18282, and two without numbers); one worker in the Fritsch collection (207).
Iridomyrrnex gwpperti Mayr: Eight workers and one male in the Univ. Konigsberg collection (B19423, xxB1771, 74441182, and six without numbers); one worker in the Fritsch collection (186).
Prenolepis henschei Mayr: One worker and one male, Univ. Konigsberg collection (xxB 104, 7479/217). Prenolepis pygmcea Mayr: Nine males in the Univ. Konigs- berg collection (9757/303, 4195/76, etc.); ten males in the Fritsch collection (163, 62, 96, 186, etc.). Lasius schiefferdeckeri Mayr: Two males in the Fritsch col- lection (246, 229).
Lasius punctulatus Mayr: One female in the Fritsch col- lection. (230).
Formica flori Mayr: One worker and two males in the Univ. Konigsberg collection (xxB908, and two without num- bers); four males in the Fritsch collection (241, 216, 197, 138).


32 Psyche [February
The remaining specimens are too poorly preserved to permit satisfactory determination, and with the exception of one in- dividual none of these presents any striking characteristics. The specimen referred to is a male ponerine (Fritsch collection, number 4) and differs from other known males of the subfamily by having a twelve-jointed antenna; a low, rounded petiole with an anteroventral keel; and forewings with the veins crowded anteriorly and basally. Professor Wheeler kindly examined this specimen, but did not regocnize it as belonging to any existing genus. However, the present knowledge of extant male ponerines is too incomplete to allow determination of the affinities of this species, until the worker has been found.


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