M. C. Van Duzee.
Table of the North American Species of Medeterus, with Descriptions of Three New Forms.
Psyche 35(1):36-43, 1928.
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36 Psyche [March
Buffalo, N. Y.
Medeterus longinervis, new species.
Male; 2-2.2 mm. Face black; front brown. Antennae black, third joint small; artista apical; lower orbital cilia whitish. Thorax and abdomen black with green reflections; dorsum of thorax more brown with gray pollinose vittse; the posterior depression reaches the middle of the mesonotum, where the acrostichal bristles end, they are in two rows with a slight cop- pery vitta between them; one small black bristle above each fore coxa; scutellum with two pair of bristles, the outer pair half as long as the middle ones; hairs of abdomen and hypopy- gium white; hypopygial appendages brownish yellow. , Coxse black, anterior pair with pale hairs on front surface and one small bldck bristle at tip. Femora blackish; tibise and tarsi yellowish brown, all their hairs white; middle tibiae with a small black bristle at basal fourth and posterior pair with one near apical fourth. Joints of hind tarsi as 17-27-14-7-6. Wings grayish, veins brown; last section of fifth vein 28, of cross-vein 9 fiftieths of a millimeter long. Type, male, No. 1887, Calif. Acad. Sci., Taken by Edward P. Van Duzee, June 15, 1925, at Olney, Oregon. Two para-
types were taken at the same time and place and are also in the Academy collection.
Medeterus albosetosa, new species.
Male: Length 2 mm.
Face and front gray with pollen,
which covers the 'ground color.
Antennae black, the two basal
joints more brown, third small, scarcely as long as wide, a little pointed in the middle; arista apical, orbital cilia whitish. Pu&e 35:36-43 (1928). hup ttpsychu einclub nrgMl35-OK html
19281 Table of the North American Species of Medeterus 37 Thorax brown with gray pollen, which leaves narrow brown lines along the rows of bristles; prothorax with two large whitish bristles above each fore coxa; scutellum with two pair of large bristles. Abdomen and hypopygium black with white hair; hypopygial appendages yellowish brown.
Coxae black, anterior pair nearly bare with black bristles at tips. Femora black with apical third yellow; tibiae and tarsi yellow, the latter scarcely darker at tip; tibiae without bristles; joints of fore tarsi as 19-17-10-5-5; of middle pair as 29-21-13-5- 6; those of posterior pair as 11-31-12-8-5. Calypters, their cilia and the halteres yellow.
Wings grayish, veins yellow when seen against a dark back- ground; last section of fifth vein 14, cross-vein 10 fiftieths of a millimeter long; venation normal.
Described from one male, taken at Galveston, Texas, in' May, by F. J. Snow.
Type in the Kansas University collection. Medeterus ciliata, new species.
Male; length 3 mm. Face and front black, rather dull, with scarcely a trace of green color. Ant,ennae wholly black, small; lower orbital cilia brownish yellow. Thorax and abdomen dark green, a little shining; pollen of thorax dark gray, almost brown; scutellum with two pair of bristles; prothorax with two or three small black bristles above each fore coxa; hairs of the abdomen and legs black; hypopygium and its appendages black.
Coxae, femora, tibiae and tarsi black, knees narrowly yellow; fore coxae with short black hair; fore and middle femora below and posterior pair on anterior surface with long brown hair, some of these hairs being as long as width of femora. Joints of fore tarsi as 15-21-14-5-7 ; of middle tarsi as 33-17-10-8-5; those of posterior pair as 20-30-14-9-8. Calypters yellow with a black edge and brown cilia; knobs of halteres yellow, their stems brown. Wings grayish, rather dark; last section of fifth vein 32, cross-vein 16 fiftieths of a millimeter long.
38 Psyche [March
Described from one male taken at Niagara Falls, Ontario, July 17, 1921, by t'he author.
Type in the author's collection.
Table of North American species of Medeterus. Scutellum with one pair of bristles, t'here may be a small pair 9
of hairs outside of these. .............am.....m...... Scutellurn with two pair of bristles, the outer pair may be small. .......................................... .12 Antennae, proboscis and legs, including the fore coxae, yel- low, (Virginia). ..................... novzis Van Duzee. Antennae, proboscis and more or less of the femora black. .. .3 Thorax with distinct vittae. ........................... .4 Thorax without distinct vittae. ....................... .10 Thorax with a median blue vitta, (New York). ............. obesus Van Duzee.
Thorax with a median brown stripe running its entire ........................................... length. .5
Wings with a brown cloud at base of third vein.. ......... .6 Wings without a distinct cloud at base of third vein. ...... .7 Tibiae and tarsi yellow, (California) . cuneiformis Van Duzee. Tibiae brownish; tarsi black with the base of the basitarsus yellowish, (California). Female of .nitidiventris Van Duzee. Abdomen bluish with gray pollen; front in male produced into a four sided pyramid, (Washington). .............. petulcus Wheeler.
Abdomen shining black, or with green reflections. ........ .8 Tibiae and tarsi mostly yellow, (California). .............. similis Van Duzee.
Tibiae and tarsi black, green or brown. .................. .9 Last section of fifth vein only a little longer than the ...........
cross-vein, (California). .oequalis Van Duzee. Last section of fifth vein one and a half times as long as the cross-vein, (California). ....... nitidiventris Van Duzee. Last section of fifth vein only a little more than half as long as the cross-vein, (Alaska). ...... .minima Van Duzee. Last sect'ion of fifth vein longer than the cross-vein.. ..... .ll
19281 ' Table of North American Species of Medeterus 39 Femora mostly yellow; mesonot~um and abdomen light green. (California). .................... longinquus Van Duzee. Femora mostly black; mesonotum coppery abdomen dark green, (California). ................ aenens Van Duzee. Femora mostly black; me so no tun^ nearly opaque with gray pollen, so as to appear gray, (California). \ .............. fuicatus Van Duzee.
Bright metallic species.. ............................ .I3 Darker species, usually blackish, sometimes very dark green. .......................................... .18 Anterior tarsi plain.. ............................... .14 Fore tarsi modified, ornamented.. .................... .16 First joint of hind tarsi only a little shorter than the second; length over 3 mni., (Guatemala). .. planipes Van Duzee. Posterior tarsi with the second joint twice as long as first.. .15 Legs altogether black; second joint of hind tarsi more than twice as long as first, ('North America). ... niqr pes Loew. Legs wholly yellow; first and second joints of hind tarsi as 19 to 37, (Eastern). ................. aberrans Wheeler. Length 2 mm.; male with a lobe on the side of third joint of fore tarsi, (Xew Jersey; Ontario). ..... lobatus Van Duzee Length 3 mm.; fore tarsi otherwise formed.. .......... .17 Fore tarsi a little widened from base to tip of second joint; third joint only a little narrowed at base, but suddenly narrowed to a slender projection, to which the fourth joint is attached; fourth and fifth joints slender, (Guate- ...........................
mala). abruptus Van Duzee.
Fore tarsi with the second and third joints very much com- pressed and expanded on upper edge; fourth and fifth joints minute, (Guatemala). ....... .flavipes Van Duzee ......................
Bristles above fore cox% black. .19
Bristles above fore cox= pale, white or yellowish. .41
Second "oint of hind tarsi more than twice as long as first.20 Second joint of fore tarsi twice or less than twice as long as ............................................. first .21
Legs altogether black, (North America). .. aigripes Loew . Tibiae largely yellow, (Eastern). ....... vittatus Van Duzee.
40 Psyche [March
21 Antennae wholly black. ............................. .22 Antennae partly yellow.. ............................ .30 22 Knobs of halteres blackish. .......................... .23 Knobs of halteres yellowish. ......................... .24 23
Last section of fifth vein to cross-vein as 9 to 28, (Oregon) longinervis Van Duzee, new species.
Last section of fifth vein and cross-vein of about equal ...
length, (Ontario). ............. halteralis Van Duzee. 24
Second joint of hind tarsi slightly more than twice as long as first. ............................................ .25 Second joint of hind tarsi considerably less than twice as long as first. ..................................... .26 25
Metallic blue in color, (Illinois). ....... carulescens Malloch. Black in color, (Eastern). ............. vitatus Van Duzee. .........................
26 Hairs of the abdomen black. .27
......................... Hairs on the abdomen pale. .29
Second joint of hind tarsi one and a fourth times as long as the first; last section of fifth vein over twice as long as the cross-vein, (Ontario; New York). .. .frontalis Van Duzee. Second joint of hind tarsi one and a half times as long as ............................................ first. .28
Last section of fifth vein only a little longer than the cross- .............
vein, (California). obscuripennis Van Duzee. Last section of fifth vein twice as long as the cross-vein, (Ontario). ............. ciliata Van Duzee, new species. 29
Second joint of hind tarsi nearly one and three-fourths times ..........
as long as first, (Alaska).
.hicolor Van Duwe.
Second joint of hind tarsi about one and a third times as ...............
long as first, (Alaska).
parvus Van Duzee.
30 Thorax with distinct gray vittse. .31 .......................
Thorax without distinct vittse. 33
Dorsum of thorax with four gray vittse (Idaho) aldrichi Wheeler.
Dorsum of thorax with a distinct gray stripe each side of the ...............................
acrostichal bristles. .32
Last section of fifth vein one and a half times as long as the cross-vein, (Washington; Alaska). ..... viduus Wheeler.. .
19281 Table of North American Species of Medeterus 41 Last section of fifth vein scarcely longer than the cross-vein, ...... (Washington; Alaska). female of. viduus Wheeler.. ................. Mesonotum with thick brown pollen. .34 ................
Mesonotum with thin grayish pollen..
Fore coxae almost bare, except a few black brides at tip; .................. large species, (Ontario; New York).. emarginatus Van Duzee.
Fore cox* with a row of hairs or bristles on outer anterior edge. ........................................... .35 Hy popygial lamellae black, (Alaska) viridifacies Van Duzee. Hypopygial lamellae yellow, (Albert a) trisetosus Van Duzee. Last section of fifth vein one and a half times long as the ...............................
cross vein.. .37
Last section of fifth vein not but little longer then the cross vein.. ............................... .40 Cilia of the calypters black, (Illinois) ... coerulescem Malloch. Cilia of the calypters pale. . : ........................ .38 ............ Fore cox= with black hair, (New Hampshire). maurus Wheeler.
Fore cox= with pale hairs. .......................... .39 Middle femora with yellowish bristles below; second joint of hind tarsi one and three fourths times as longas the first, (Alaska). ..................... hicolor Van Duzee. Middle femora without yellowish bristles below; second joint of hind tarsi one and a third times as long as first, (Alaska). parvus Van Duzee.
Hypopygial lamellae black; second joint of hind tarsi one and three-fourths times as long as first; last section of fifth vein in male three fourths, in female a little more ............ than the length of the cross-vein, (Oregon) oreqonensis Van Duzee.
Hypopygial lamellae yellowish; second joint of hind tarsi one and a half times as long as first; last section of fifth vein and the cross-vein of nearly equal length, (Alberta). male of. ............................. trisetosus Van Duzee. Abdomen blue.. ................................... .42 .....................
Abdomen bronze, green or black.
42 Psyche arch
Dorsum of thorax with a yellowish vitta; antennae wholly black, (Idaho). ................... aurivittatus Wheeler. Dorsum of thorax opaque with gray pollen; first two joints of antenna yellow, (Washington). ... cyanogaster Wheeler. .................................
Males and females. .44
Males only. .53
Thorax with dist,inct vittse. .45
Thorax wit,hout distinct vitt,ae. .50
Last section of fifth vein only half as long as the cross-vein, ......................
(New Jersey). princeps Wheeler.
Last section of fifth vein as long or longer than the cross- ........................................... vein. -46
Last section of fifth vein about the same length as the cross- ........................................... vein. -47
Last section of fifth vein distinctly, although only a little ........................
longer than the cross-vein. .49
Legs and feet black; knobs of halteres infuscated, (New ........................
Jersey). modestus Van Duzee.
Tips of femora, tibiae, base of t,arsi and knobs of halteres ......................................... yellow. -48
Tips of third and fourth veins close together, as is typical of ............
t.he genus; rather large species, (California). californiensis Wheeler.
Tips of third and fourth veins a little wider apart than ...................
usual, (North America). veles Loew.
Abdomen and pleurae black; face opaque with brown pollen; thoracic vittse very distinct; tips of third and fourth veins ..........
rather far apart,, (North America).
veles Loew.
Abdomen, pleurae and face distinctly green; thoracic vittse less distinct; tips of third and fourth veins close together as usual in the genus, (New York; New Jersey; Alaska). distincius Van Duzee.
Legs yellow; cross-vein with a stump vein at its center, ...................
(Wyoming). appendiculatus Wheeler.
Legs black, at least the femora largely black; cross-vein ....................
normal, without8 a st'ump vein.
I ] Table of North American Species of Medeterus 43 Knobs of halteres infuscated, at least on one side, (New .........................
Jersey). modestus Van Duzee.
Knobs of halteres yellow. .52
Last section of fifth vein only half as long as the cross-vein, ...................... (California) xerophilus Wheeler. . Last section of fifth vein a little longer than the cross-vein, (specimens in which the thoracic vittse are obsolete), .........................
(North America). veles Loew.
Last section of fifth vein twice as long as the cross-vein, (New York; New Jersey: Alaska). .. distinctus Van Duzee Posterior cross-vein with a stump vein near its center, (Cali- ..........................
f ornia) xerophilus Wheeler. .
Cross-vein normal, without a stump vein. ............. .54 Posterior basitarsus narrowed at base below and with a small tooth on this narrowed portion. ............... .55 Posterior basitarsus without a tooth below, not narrowed at ............................................ base. .56
Small species, 2 mm.; third and fourth veins rather far apart at their tips for the genus, (North America) ........ veles Loew.
Larger species; 3 mm. or over; third and fourth veins with their tips close together as usual in the genus, (California). californiensis Wheeler.
Last section of fifth vein only half as long as the cross-vein, ..................... (California). xerophilus Wheeler. . Last section of fifth vein longer than the cross-vein, or equal to it in length. ............................. .57 Last section of fifth vein and the cross-vein of nearly equal length; knobs of halteres more or less infuscated, New
Jersey). modestus Van Duzee ...
Last section of fifth vein much longer than the cross-vein. 58 Length of last section of fifth vein to cross-vein as 14 to 10, .. ...........
albisetosa Van Duzee, new species..
Last section of fifth vein twice as long as the cross-vein, (New York; New Jersey; Alaska). .. distinctus Van Duze
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