James Kendall.
A New Gall Mite on Prunus maritima Wang.
Psyche 35(4):210-212, 1928.
This article at Hindawi Publishing: https://doi.org/10.1155/1928/93950
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A NEW GALL MITE ON PRUNUS MARITMA WANG.1 The examination of a collection of the short stalked, red, pouch galls taken on Prunus maritima Wang. at Woods Hole showed that the mite producing it was not a variety of Eriophyes pudi Nal. as it has previously been believed. It differs from Eriophyes padi Nal., the producer of a pouch gall on the leaves of Prunus padus I,., in that it is larger, has a pair of accessory sets, and has a greater number of striae. Schoene (1907) cites the difference of Eriophyes pruni Schoene, the mite producing a pouch gall on Prunzis americanu L., from Eriophyes padi Nal., which it was supposed to have been, by the possession of a pair of accessory setae. Unfortunately, Schoene has not published a description of the mite which he refers to his manuscript of 1907. The mite which occurs on Prunus maritima may be a closely re- latcd form of the mite which Schoene refers to under the name of Eriophyes pruni Schoene. Until extensive collections of the genus Eriophyes occuring in America are made and preserved with some degree of permanence, it is necessary to consider many forms as distinct species which may later be considered subspecies and varieties of a certain designated type species. Such a process must occur slowly, even as it has in Europe under the guidance of Dr. Alfred Nalepa. The description of the mite producing the gall on Prunus w~aritim Wang. will be given under the name of Eriophyes maritima and considered as a new species. (fig. 1.)
Eriohpyes maritima n. sp.
Body cylindrical; thoracic shield with median longitudinal ridges on the dorsum and does not project over the rostrum, which is relatively very short and curves slightly downward. Tubercles of dorsal set2 near posterior border of shield and far- ther apart than the length of the setse which incline toward each 'Contribution from the Entomological Laboratory of the-Bussey Institu- tion, Harvard University, No. 306.
I ] A New Gall Mite on Prunus maritirna Wang. 211 other across the median line of the shield. Legs long and slender; tarsus and tibia of equal length; feathered claw four-rayed and in the second pair of legs exceeded in length by the claw bristle. Sternum bifurcate with thoracic set= 11 very near its outcurving ridges; thoracic setae I, the shortest of the thoracic setae, is well forward and anterior to the plane of the anterior end of the sternum; thoracic set= 111 is the longest of the thoracic set= and arises from large tubercles at the base of the coxae of the second pair of legs. Abdominal striae 65-75 in number with fine tuberculation often limited to the ventrum; last 5 strise near Fig. 1.
Eriophyes maritima n. sp. on Prunus maritima: a, lateral view; b, ventral view of thorax.
the telson without tubercles but with ventral longitudinal stria- tions. Lateral set= posterior to the plane of the epigynium and the same length as ventral setae I; ventral setae 11, the shortest and most median of the ventral setae, as long as the dorsal setae; ventral setae III the longest and stoutest of the ventral setae; the genital setae about twice as long as the second pair of thoracic setae; caudal setae almost half the length of the body; accessory set2 aeicular and not half as long as ventral setas 11. Female,
280x 70p. Described from specimens killed and mounted in aeeto-carmine; slides also prepared with celloidin method given by Ahmed Hassan (1928), from material collected at Woods Hole, July 2, 1928.
Measurements of the bristles and setas of Eriophyes mari- tima: Feathered claw 94 claw bristle 1 9p, 2 lop, outer set,= of
212 Psyche [~ecember
leg 1 30~) femoral set* lo;", patellar setae lop, thoracic setae 1 lop, 21 30;") 111 65p, lateral setae 30p, dorsal setae 16p ventral set= 1 35p, 11 16p, 111 40p, caudal setae 130~) accessory setae 7p. The gall which Eriophyes produces on Prunus maritima Wang. is probably the one which Chadwick (1907) lists in his catalogue as No. 97 for that plant host and considers it to be the same as his No. 100 which occurs on the leaves of Prunus sero- Una Ehrh. However, fresh material and sections of the galls show them to be quite distinctly different from each other. The gall on Prunus maritima is dull red, has a shorter stalk, has a rough surface with coarse trichomes, and has a corrugated inner wall wit'h t,richomes present only in t,he oriface which opens to the under side of the leaf. The gall on the leaves of Prunus sero- tinos Ehrh. (Padus virginiana L. Mill.) is green or rose colored, smooth surfaced, has a longer stalk, and has on the inner walls cellular, trichome-like outgrowths, besides the trichomes which fill t,he oriface. The mites in these lat'ter galls lack the accessory setae and may be a subspecies of Eriophyes padi Nal., or a variety as Prof. Parrotk (quoted by Chadwick 1907) believed t.hem to be.
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