C. T. Brues.
New Books.
Psyche 36(4):387-388, 1929.
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New Books
Insects, Ticks, Mites and Venomous Animals of Medical and Veterinary Importance, Part I, Medical. By W. S. Patton and A. M. Evans. X+786 pp., 40 pis., 373 figs., 8vo. Croydon, H. R. Grubb.
This large, well illustrated and finely printed volume in- cludes a discussion of insects and other Arthropods in their relations to disease in man. The text is arranged in the form of lectures and laboratory exercises as presented to students in the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine. The general arrangement of material is strictly adapted to this especial teaching purpose and a considerable amount of space is given up to laboratory directions and the descrip- tions of demonstration material. Nevertheless, there is a large amount of information which will be of great value to entomologists as well as to medical men, since as a whole the book forms a balanced compendium of medical entomol- ogy. The authors state that it is intended to supplant Patton and Cragg's Medical Entomology, published in 1904. C. T. B. Ants, Bees and Wasps. Sir John Lubbock. Edited and An- notated by J. G. Myers, XIX+377 pp., Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner & Co., London. E. P. Button & Co., New York, 10/6.
This latest edition of Sir John Lubbock's widely known classic is enlarged by a long series of annotations by Dr. Myers. These extend over more than 100 pages and serve to augment, qualify or refute, in the light of more recent knowledge, parts of the original presentation which ap- peared nearly fifty years ago. ' C. T. B.
388 Psyche [December
Insect Singers, A Natural History of the Cicadas. By J. G. Myers. XIX+304 pp., 8 pis., and 116 figs. Geo. Rout- ledge & Sons, London. 21/.
The external and internal structure, classification and life history, of the cicadas and their relation to other animals and plants from the major part of Dr. Myer's treatise, but there are also interesting chapters on cicadas in mythology, art and literature, on their psychology and behavior, and an account, with musical transcriptions, of the songs of a num- ber of species. An extensive bibliography and index com- plete a most interestingly written and valuable account of these remarkable insects.
C. T. B.
Insects, Their Structure and Life: A Primer of Entomology. By G. H. Carpenter. X+335 pp., 4 pis., 183 figs. E. P. Button & Co., New York, $3.75.
This is a short general account of insects intended as an introduction to entomology. In small compass it gives a very clear account of the anatomy, development, classification and varied habits of insects, viewed with such insight into biological principles that one may recommend it heartily to the amateur, beginning student of entomology or even to the layman who wishes to become familiar with this group of animals. A short, but well chosen list of references will serve to introduce the reader to entomological literature. C. T. B.
p. 125, line 15, read "Oributes castaneu"' p. 127, line 17, for form read "formed"
p. 128, line 14, read "it is not"
p. 125-126, for Michael read "Michael"
p. 168, line 7, for pullipes read "pilipes" p. 170, figure 8 is printed with the bottom at the left side of the page. p. 172, line 35, read "in the insect world"
Volume 36 table of contents