J. G. Myers.
Two Brief Historical Notes.
Psyche 39(1-2):34, 1932.
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34 Psyche [March
Imperial College of Tropical Agriculture, Trinidad, B. W. I. I. THE OLDEST WORK ON INSECT ANATOMY
In the first volume of Bodenheimer's monumental his- tory of entomology appears the following statement (p. 327) : "Als das alteste Werk anatomischer Insekten- Betrachtung gilt das Apiarium des romischen Arztes Fran- cesco Stelluti (1625) ."
Bodenheimer seems entirely to have overlooked the great anatomist, Giulio Casserio (Casserius), the successor of Fabricius ab Aquapendente in the Chair of Anatomy and Physics at Padua.
Although, so far as we know, Casserius published no separate works on insect anatomy, yet his descriptions and dissections of cicada anatomy, printed in 1600, are so ex- cellent and faithful that it seems to us that his distinction as the first insect anatomist is indisputable. Several ac- counts of cicada structure appearing in the present cen- tury have been less accurate. The general treatise in which his studies are buried is entitled: De vocis auditusque or- ganis historia anatomice singulari fide methode ac indus- tria concinnata tractatibus duobus explicata ac variis iconi- bus acre excusis.
(Ferrara, F. 2 tractatus in 1 vol. Tab.
In view of the present emphasis placed by Roubaud and other workers on the protection from Anophelines, said to be afforded to man by the vicinity of domestic animals in large numbers, it is interesting to notice that Humboldt was apparently the first to remark on this and to describe an instance in which the theory was deliberately put into prac- tice.
In his "Personal Narrative" (Ross trans., 1852, vol. 11, p. 280) he says, "In the villages of the Rio Magdalena the Indians often invited us to stretch ourselves as they did on ox-skins, near the church, in the middle of the plaza grande, where they had had assembled all the cows in the neighborhood.
The proximity of cattle gives some repose to man."
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