E. G. Linsley.
Some New Longicorn Beetles from British Honduras.
Psyche 41(4):233-235, 1934.
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19341 New Longicorn Beetles from British Honduras 233 SOME NEW LONGICORN BEETLES FROM
Oakland, California
The new species described below were noted among some miscellaneous Cerambycidse from British Honduras, very kindly sent to me for study by Mr. Lionel Lacey of New Rochelle, New York.
Protaneflus Linsley, new genus
Elongate, parallel, subcylindrical. Head concave between the antennae ; maxillary palpi longer than labial, last segment slightly triangular; eyes very convex, coarsely granulated; antennse longer than the body ( s ) , twelve-segmented: scape stout, subcylindrical, segments six to twelve flattened, serrate, carinate, segments three to seven spinose at apex. Prothorax cylindrical, slightly longer than broad. Elytra scarcely more than three times as long as broad; apices bis- pinose. Prosternum narrow between the coxse; mesoster- num rather broad. Anterior coxal cavities feebly angulated externally ; intermediate coxal cavities closed behind. Meta- sternal epsterna very narrow, slightly wider at base and apex. Legs long, slender; tibia? feebly carinate on outer side.
Genotype: Protaneflus pbescens n. sp.
A genus related to Aneflus and Axestinus, but differing from these in the densely pubescent body and very narrow metathoracic episterna. From the former it may be further distinguished by the twelve-segmented antennae ( s ), and from the latter by the spinose antenna1 segments. Protaneflus pubescens Linsley, new species Piceous, very densely clothed with short, white, recum- bent pubescence. Head rather coarsely, closely punctur.ed; antennae densely clothed with short, white pubescence,
234 Psyche [December
sparsely ciliate at apex of segments.
Prothorax trans-
versely rugose, coarsely, densely punctured, densely pubes- cent. Scutellum white. Elytra coarsely and moderately closely punctured, clothed with recumbent, white pubescence intermixed with scattered, suberect hairs. Legs and ventral surface densely clothed with white pubescence. Length 31 mm; breadth 6.5 mm.
Holotype male, a unique taken at Punta Gorda, British Honduras, in June 1932, by Mr. J. J. White. This fine species is rather suggestive of Aneflus cylindri- collis Bates, but may be easily distinguished by the dense, white pubescence, twelve-segmented antennae ( 8 ) , and nar- row metathoracic episterna.
Stizocera laceyi Linsley, new species
Elongate, subparallel, rufo-testaceous, shining, sparsely clothed with erect pale hairs. Head with scattered coarse punctures; antennae attaining the middle of the elytra ( Q ) , carinate, segments three to seven spinose at apex; puncta- tion irregular; pubescence short, sparse, intermixed with flying hairs along inner side and at apex of segments. Pro- thorax slightly longer than broad, coarsely but not closely punctured, clothed with scattered, erect, pale hairs. Scutel- lum densely pubescent. Elytra nearly four times as long as broad, yellowish-testaceous ; punctation moderately coarse, not dense ; pubescence pale, sparse, suberect; apex piceous, bispinose. Legs slender, clothed with long, suberect, yellow- ish hairs ; femora bispinose at apex, the spines piceous. Ven- tral surface shining, sparsely, finely punctured, sparsely clothed with suberect, yellowish pubescence. Length 22 mm; breadth 5 mm.
Holotype female, captured at Punta Gorda, British Hon- duras, June 1932, by Mr. J. J. White.
A moderately large, shining, rufo-testaceous species with yellowish-testaceous elytra which become piceous at the apex. It is related to S. armata Serv. from Brazil, but in addition to differences in color, may be easily distinguished from that species by the short antennae, which in the female attain only the middle of the elytra (in S. amnada Q the an- tennse are slightly longer than the body), and by the bis~i-
19341 New Lonqicorn Beetles from British Honduras 235 nose intermediate and posterior femora (in S. armata only the posterior femora are spinose at apex). Stizocera aliena Linsley, new species
Elongate, slender, reddish-brown, shining. Head coarsely, closely punctured ; antennae attaining apical one-third of elytra ( 8 ), middle of elytra
( Q ), carinate, ciliate, seg-
ments three to five spinose at apex. Prothorax about one- fourth longer than broad, coarsely, closely punctured, sparsely clothed with erect, pale pubescence. Scutellum densely pubescent. Elytra four times as long as broad; punctation coarse ; pubescence short, erect, yellowish ; apices emarginate, the outer angle dentiform. Abdomen shining, sparsely pubescent. Legs slender, sparsely clothed with erect, yellowish hairs; femora not spinose. Length 15.5 mm; breadth 2.75 mm.
Holotype female, and allotype male, taken at Punta Gor- da, British Honduras, June 1932, by Mr. J. J. White. .This species differs from typical Stizocera as characterized by Gounellel in that the femora are unarmed at the apex. In spite of this difference, S. aliena agrees more closely with Stizocera than with any other described genus. It may be associated in our lists with S. cribricolle Bates (from Mex- ico), from which the elongate, cylindrical prothorax, and slender, unarmed, non-elavate, non-pedunculate femora will easily separate it.
'Bull. Soc. Ent. France, 1907, p. 241.
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