P. J. Darlington, Jr.
West Indian Carabidae IV: Three New Colpodes.
Psyche 44(4):122-124, 1937.
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Psyche [December
Museum of Comparative Zoology, Cambridge, Mass. Two of the following three new species were the chief prizes in a small but interesting lot of Carabidse recently collected in the West Indies by Mr. Chester Roys. The third species was collected by myself in Haiti in 1934, but was only recently found to be distinct.
Colpodes sellensis n. sp.
Very Agonum-like (similar to Colpodes agonellus Darl., PSYCHE Vol. 42, 1935, p. 187) ; piceous brown, appendages not distinctly paler. Head slightly less than 2?$, width pro- thorax. Prothorax about $$ wider than long ; base about VA, or slightly less wider than apex; posterior angles rounded, although sometimes a little irregularly so. Elytra oval, with broadly rounded humeri. Inner wings vestigial, not reach- ing beyond middle of second ventral segment. Other characters as in agonellus. Length 7.5; width 3 mm. (slightly 2).
Haiti: holotype
(M. C. Z. no. 23,013) and l-^ 27 para-
types from La Visite and vicinity, Massif de la Selle, 5,000- 7,000 ft. altitude, Sept. 16-23, 1934.
This new species differs from agonellus in having the pro- thorax narrower, with slightly narrower base and more rounded posterior angles; elytra more oval and with more rounded humeri ; and wing vestiges shorter (in 70 agonellus with vestigal wings the tips of the vestiges reach to above, or rarely just beyond or just short of, the third ventral segment).
Colpodes bromeliarum n. sp.
Moderately elongate, somewhat flattened; shining blue, lower surface and appendages black, except legs bluish in some lights and antennae with segments 4-11 brown at sides.
19371 West Indian Carabidse IV ' 123
Head elongate, about % wide as prothorax; eyes prominent; genae long and oblique; 2 supraocular setae each side; antennae moderate, 4th segment 4 or more times long as greatest width; mentum tooth acutely triangular. Pro- thorax subquadrate, about 1/7 wider than long at middle (by measurement), very slightly narrowed at base, arcuately narrowed at apex; base truncate except slightly and broadly emarginate in median half, apex more distinctly emarginate ; base about wider than apex; sides arcuate in anterior half, very broadly and slightly sinuate in basal half, with margins moderately reflexed, each with seta at basal angle but without anterior lateral seta; basal and apical angles narrowly rounded; base and apex finely margined; disk slightly convex, with median line well impressed at middle, basal and apical transverse impressions less sharply defined ; baso-lateral foveae moderate, extending forward supparallel to margins nearly to apex, finely punctate basally. Elytra about V2 wider than prothorax, slightly narrowed basally but with humeri about normally prominent; sides slightly sinuate before subindependently rounded apices; sutural angles subdenticulate ; striae moderate, entire, punctulate ; discal intervals slightly convex, 3rd tripunctate, anterior puncture attached to 3rd stria, others to 2nd stria. Mete- pisterna long, inner wings f ull. Lower surf ace impunctate except for traces of punctures at front of mesepisterna and 1st ventral segment. Tibiae not sulcate externally ; poste- rior tarsi each with first 2 segments broadly and vaguely impressed or flattened each side, subcarinate at middle; front tarsi each with only basal segment thus modified; all tarsi of both sexes exceptionally wide and densely pubescent below ; 4th segment posterior tarsus deeply emarginate, with outer lobe a little longer than inner; 5th segment without accessory setae. Male with 1, female with 2 setae each side apex last ventral. Length 10.5-13 ; width 3.7-4.4 mm. Jamaica: holotype (M. C. Z. no. 23,014) and 7 para- types from Swift River town, Portland, 1,000 ft. altitude, March 22, 1937; 2 paratypes from Bath, St. Thomas, Jamaica, 300 ft. altitude, April 3, 1937; all taken by Mr. Chester Roys. Some at least were in epiphytic bromeliads; the somewhat flattened body of the insect is probably an adaptation to life between the bromeliad leaf bases.
124 Psyche [December
Related to Colpodes punctus Darl. and bruesi Darl., both of Jamaica, but differs from punctus in metallic color and much less punctate lower surface, and from bruesi in punc- tulate elytral striae as well as in other details. Colpodes roysi n. sp.
Moderately elongate, less flattened than bromeliarum; moderately shining dark blue, lower surface and appendages piceous except sides of antenna1 segments 4-11 brown. Head about % wide as prothorax, somewhat shorter than in bromeliurum, but similar in details of structure. Prothorax about 1/7 wider than long, strongly narrowed anteriorly, scarcely so basally; base nearly truncate, apex broadly emarginate; base about 3/5 wider than apex; sides broadly rounded in anterior %, faintly sinuate before approximately right, scarcely blunted posterior angles ; margins moderately reflexed, each with seta at basal angle, without anterior lateral seta ; base and apex finely margined; disk slightly more convex than bromeliarum but with similar impressions, baso-lateral foveae similarly finely punctate. Elytra about wider than prothorax, slightly stouter and more convex than in average bromeliurum but similar in details of struc- ture except apices each with a short spine opposite end of 3rd interval, and striae not distinctly punctulate. Mete-
pisterna elongate, inner wings full. Lower surface without distinct punctation. Tibiae not sulcate on outer edge; poste- rior tarsi each with first 3 segments sulcate each side above and also vaguely sulcate at middle, so rather indefinitely bicarinate; front tarsi with basal segment vaguely sulcate each side and at middle; 4th segment posterior tarsi deeply emarginate, outer lobe somewhat longer than inner. Length 11 ; width 4 mm.
Jamaica: holotype d (M. C. Z. no. 23,015), unique, from Bath, St. Thomas, Jamaica, 300 ft. altitude, April 3, 1937; from bromeliads, collected by Mr. Chester Roys. Related to the preceding (bromeliarum) and more dis- tantly to punctus and bruesi, but at once distinguishable by the spinose elytra, and differing in other less obvious details. The difference in tarsal sulci between this species and bromeliarum is surprising.
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