N. Banks.
Notes and Descriptions of Oriental Oestropsychinae (Trichoptera).
Psyche 46(2-3):52-61, 1939.
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[June- Sept.
Museum of Comparative Zoology
There are a number of species in this group in the Orient, although for many years it was the custom to call every specimen of Polymorphanisus, P. nigricornis, and every CEstropsyche as (E. vitrina.
Having a considerable number of specimens from India, it is seen that each is fairly constant in structural charac- ters, both of body and wings.
The species of this genus fall into two sections; one with the fourth fork sharply acute at base and extending well back on the median cell and with the fore wing not especially broad; to this belongs nigricornis and some allied forms; the other section has broad, rather short wings, and the fork four is broad at base and goes back but little, if at all, on the median cell; to this group belong indicus, ocularis, astictug. The females of the first group from Asia known to me can be separated as follows:
1. Head swollen in front in a rounded lobe, mesoscutellum with two black stripes, discal cell very short .turnidus Head not prominently swollen in front ...................... 2 2.
Fringe of mid tarsi blackish, antennae black ............. 3 Fringe of mid tarsi paler .............................................. 4 3.
A dark spot on mesoscutellum, discal cell short, front legs pale ...................................................... unipunctus No spot on mesoscutellum, discal cell about one half as long as median cell, front tibia? and often femora blackish ........................................................ nigricomis Parhi 4452-61 (1039). hup Ytpsycht rinclub orgH(i/46-052 html
19391 Oriental CEstropsychinae 53
Legs yellowish, fringe of mid tarsi yellowish ; antennae dark only at joints; front tibiae with only a dark dot at tips ................................................................ flavipes Legs pale, not distinctly yellowish, fringe of mid legs silvery, outer half of front tibiae black; fore wings rather broader than usual ........................ hainanensis P. taonicus Navas from South China I do not know. Polymorphanisus nigricornis Walk.
Walker says the antennae and the fringe on legs black. This form has the front tibiae more or less dark, and often the femora also. The discal cell is about one-half as long as the median cell, fork one longer than its pedicel, fork four well back on median cell, but not halfway to the cross- vein, latter before middle of cell, cross-vein from median fork to cubitus is straight and about twice its length before base of median cell. There are no distinct marks on the mesonotum, nor does Walker mention any.
Many specimens from Shimoga, Mysore, India. Polymorphanisus unipimctus Bks. Fig. 4
From Suifu (Graham) and Chin Chi Shan (Gaines Liu), both Szechuan; fork one is very short as well as the discal cell.
Polymorphanisus flavipes sp. nov.
Pale greenish, rarely a trace of dark each side on the mesonotum, abdomen dark, ventral segments more or less tipped with pale; antennae pale, sometimes somewhat dark- ened toward tips, the joints narrowly black at tips, basal joint behind with a black streak; legs yellowish, front and mid tibisg with dark dot at tips, fringe of mid legs plainly yellowish.
Wings greenish, with green veins; discal cell rather short, not one-half of median cell; fork one longer than pedicel, fork four back on median cell about width of median, not halfway to the cross-vein which is much before the middle of cell; cross-vein from median fork to cubitus
54 Psyche [ June-Sept.
about two and one-half times its length before median cell; venation of hind wings much as in nigricornis. Length of fore wing 20 to 23 mm.
From Shimoga, and Bhadravati, Mysore, India, in May, June, August, September, and October (Susai Nathan). Two specimens with rather more yellowish wings have a very distinct black spot each side on the mesonotum, and the fourth apical cell is more narrow than in the other specimens. Type M. C. Z. no. 23467.
Polymorphanisus tumidus sp. nov.
Figs. 11, 12
Pale greenish, abdomen dull black, mesoscutellum with two short black stripes, antennae greenish, black mark at the joinings, legs pale greenish, front pair unmarked, mid legs with the tibiae and tarsi yellowish, a black spot at tips of tibiae and tarsal joints, the fringe brownish yellow; front of head with a great, smooth, rounded swelling in front. Fore wings greenish, veins green; discal cell very small, only about one-fourth as long as median cell, and fully as high as long; fork one about three times as long as the pedi- cel, fork four well back on median cell, but not halfway to the cross-vein, which is much before the middle of cell; cross-vein from median fork to cubitus fully three times its length before median cell; venation of hind wing much as usual.
Length of fore wing 19 to 20 mm.
From Shimoga, Mysore, India, 15 to 28 April (Susai Nathan coll.). Remarkable for the peculiar head. Type M. C. Z. no. 23468.
From the larger Malayan islands there are at least three species, and doubtless more.
Polymorphanisus semperi Brauer
In .some specimens there are two faint dark marks on the mesoscutellum, and also present more plainly in all three males I have seen. All of my specimens are from Luzon. Polymorphanisus fuscus Ulmer
Two females from Telang, Borneo (Grabowsky) have the black spots near base of fore wings; the mesoscutellum is
19391 Oriental (Estropsychinae 55
almost wholly black, and two narrowly separated black spots in front on the margin of the mesonotum. Polymorphanisus scutellatus sp. nov.
Fig. 9
Pale yellowish to greenish; no marks on head nor legs; antennz pale, narrowly dark at tips of joints ; mesoscutel- lum with two black spots; abdomen dull black. Wings greenish, veins green, the veins about discal cell and several apical veins in upper part are bordered with yellowish, much as in P. semperi.
Fore wings moderately slender, about as nigricornis, not at all sinuate on outer margin; discal cell is four-sided, fork two rather deeply indenting the anastomosis, the discal cell not nearly one-half as long as the median cell, cross-vein from lower side of discal to the median is obliquely back- ward; median cell very long, not nearly as wide as discal, fork four extending back on the median cell about one-half the width of cell; cross-vein from median cell to cubitus be- fore middle of cell ; fork one not nearly as long as its pedicel. Venation of hind wing much as in semperi, except that fork five is only one half as long, shorter than in any other species noted.
Length of fore wing 15 to 18 mm.
From Baram River district, Sarawak, Borneo (H. W. Smith 1912) ; others marked Sarawak, and one from Hagen collection, Duson Tinoc, Borneo (Grabowsky). Type M.C.Z. no. 23472.
Differs from semperi by shape of fore wing and many points of venation.
A specimen from Buitenzorg, Java (T. Barbour) and one from Medan, Sumatra (G. Fairchild) have the same vena- tion but the mesoscutellum is almost wholly black, and quite possibly represent another species.
GEstropsyche vitrina Hagen
Figs. 5, 14
Both of Hagen's males have the median cell longer than figured by Ulmer (Selys Monog. Trich. (2) fig. 21) for his Celebes or Sumatra specimen. Fork four is also more geniculate at base than he figures; in the hind wing the
56 Psyche [ June-Sept.
venation is much as he figures but forks two and three are well separated at base.
CE. palingenia Brauer from the Philippines is distinct, and probably also some other island forms. In the female of palingenia, the discal cell is not so wide as in the male, and is nearly as far from the radius as its own width, and fork two is not short-pedicellate, but only much narrowed at base. I figure (Fig. 2,) the appendages of a male from Mt. Makeling, Luzon (U.S.N.M. coll.) .
I have from India another species, possibly the one re- ferred to vitrina by Martynov (Rec. Ind. Mus. XXXVII, p. 93). I give a figure of the fore wing of the type of OS. vitrina.
Clstropsyche hageni sp. nov. Fig. 6
This has the same general appearance as Hagen's species, but is smaller; fore wing 12 mm., Hagen's type 15 mm. The median cell is about a fourth shorter than witrina, with a very short margin on the cubitus, the inner side less sinuate, the fork four fully as much curved at base. In the hind wing fork one is very short, otherwise like vitrina. In the mid legs the second tarsal joint is nearly one-half of the first, in vitrina scarcely more than one-third, and the membranous margin is of a more even width.
The genitalia have the claspers of about the same propor- tions as in vitrina, but the tip of the penis in vitrina has a projection below, which is lacking in hageni; from above the superior plate is slightly projecting in the middle. From Shimoga, Mysore, India, 21 July (Susai Nathan). Type M.C.Z. no. 23469.
Amphipsyche apicalis sp. nov.
Figs. 1, 3, 8, 15
s Pale yellowish, face silvery on the sides, thorax and apical part of the abdomen rather darker yellow; legs pale whitish, unmarked ; antennae pale, joints narrowly dark at tips; palpi long, apical part rather dark. Fore wing sparsely clothed with yellowish hair, more yellowish along anal margin, a brighter yellowish cloud be- fore anastomosis, another one transversely beyond anas- tomosis, and the apical part broadly yellow, in the apical
19391 Oriental QYstropsychinae 57
part of fork one is a rounded black spot; hind wings pale whitish. Fore wings rather long, tip broadly rounded. Venation much as in A. nirvana (indica), the radius strong- ly sinuate, radial sector nearly straight? median cell more slender than usual, a minute cell at base of fork two which is pedicellate; hind wings much as in other species? the eub- ital fork slender, as in A. triculcaratu. Spurs l7 4, 4, the subapical pair of hind legs rather small and dose together, but plainly two. Male genitalia above much as in A. dis- tineta? but from beneath the claspers have the basal part very slender, not at all enlarged as in distincta; the penis has a large hump beyond middle, further from the tip than in A. nirvana, and the tip of penis? seen from below (or above) is slender and bifid.
Fore wings 13 mm. long.
From Shimoga? Mysore? India? 10 April (Susai Nathan). Type M.C.Z. no. 22677.
Two females from Coimbatore, have fork two pedicellate, but no cell at base, a small dark cloud near upper end of anastomosis, hind tibia with but one preapical spur? may be the female of this species.
Amphipsyche distincta Mart.
A species agreeing in genitalia? head and thorax markings and in venation is common in Mysore, India. Martynov
does not mention the front femora which in these specimens are plainly blackish? and show very prominently from in front.
The wings of fresh specimens are very plainly green- ish. The female also has these black front femora? is smaller, the wings scarcely at all green? but the abdomen is green (at least when fresh).
The mesonotum usually has a
dark stripe each side? and scutellum largely dark; the brown on head as in male. The mid tibia are broadened as usual? there is a distinct, but sometimes minute? subbas21 spur, and the apical spurs are simple, but inner much shorter than outer; hind legs with only the apical spurs. The venation is similar to that of the male, except that the radius? of course? is but little curved near tip7 and the cross-vein from median cell to lower median vein is usually much nearer to the middle of cell, radial sector straight. The fore wing is
58 Psyche [ June-Sept.
but 6.5 mm. long, male 9 mm. Many from Shimoga, Mysore (Susai Nathan).
Amphipsyche magna sp. nov. Figs. 13, 16, 17 Head and thorax pale yellowish, with more pale hair than usual; abdomen brown; antennz pale, tips of joints dark; mesonotum with a brown stripe on each side toward wing- base, and a spot each side on the posterior part of mesoscut- ellum ; metanotum with a brown spot each side in front ; legs pale yellowish, unmarked; fore wings pale yellowish with yellowish veins (green alive?), the subcosta and radius faintly bordered with yellowish ; hind wings very pale. In fore wings the venation is typical; about seven faint costal cross-veins; the subcosta before tip bends down and then up, and the radius close by follows it, beyond which the radius makes a deep bend; fork one about equal to its pedi- cel ; the median cell broad and rather short, upper side in an even curve.
Legs slender, femora fringed, spurs 1,4, 2, one of the sub- basal pair of mid leg is curved. From above the genitalia show a broad, deeply divided superior plate, the long arms slightly divergent, and almost swollen before tip ; the clasp- ers are long and very slender, the apical part straight, taper- ing, and hardly one-half of the basal part; the tip of the penis from behind appears round, the two dark, pointed processes standing upright, some distance apart. Fore wing 19 mm. long.
One from Del Carmen, Philippine Islands (Uichanco) , 15 Nov. Type M.C.Z. no. 23471.
Amphipsyche delicata sp. nov.
Figs. 7, 10
A small, pale yellowish gray species with unmarked wings.
Head pale yellowish ; antennz pale, faintly, nar- rowly annulate with dark ; palpi pale, fully as long as usual ; legs pale, front tibia with a minute dark spot at tip; fore wings pale yellowish gray, unmarked, the stigma1 area rather more yellowish than elsewhere.
Venation much as
usual, but the median cell extends rnuch beyond the anas- tomosis, rather more so than in A. minima, the median cell is not so rnuch widened in the middle as in A. minima,
19391 Oriental CEstropsychinae 59
and its upper border is plainly thickened ; fork one is scarce- ly longer than pedicel; one costal cross-vein fairly distinct and sometimes a second shows, fork two sessile. Wid leg of female with tibia less swollen than in most of the larger species; spurs 0, 4, 4, the preapical pair of hind legs very small, and one of the apical pair is much longer than the other.
Length of fore wing 7 to 7.5 mm.
From Chung Kon, 18 July; Dome Mt. 13 July, both on Hainan Island, and Kit Tau, South Kiangsi, China, 20 June (Gressitt) . Type M.C.Z. no. 23470.
It differs from A. minima in not having fork two pedi- cellate, in lacking the faint brown band over anastomosis, and in shape of the median cell ; from the equally small A. dhtincta it differs in not having front femora and tibi~ darkened, in shape of the median cell, etc. EXPLANATION OF PLATES 1 AND 11.
Fig. 1.
Amphipsyche apicalis, fore wing.
GTstropsyche palingenia? genitalia below. Amphipsyche apicalis? genitalia above, and penis from side and above.
Polymorp hanisus unipunctus, part of fore wing. CEstropsyche vitrina, tip of penis.
Bstropsyche hageni, tip of penis.
Amphipsyche delieata? part of fore wing and hind leg.
Amphipsyche apicalis7 genitalia below.
Polymorphanisus scutellatus, part of fore wing. Amphipsyche delieata? part of hind wing. Polymorphnisus turnidus? part of fore wing. Polymorphanisus tumid~s~ head from side. Amphipsyche magna, tip of penis and clasper. GTstropsyche vitrina? median cell of fore wing of male.
Amphipsyche api~alis~ genitalia, side.
Amphipsyche magna? superior plate, above. Amphipsyche magna, fore wing of male.
60 P~yc~he
[ June-Sept.
Banks - Oriental CEktropsychinze
19391 Oriental ~st~opsgehinae 61
Banks - Oriental ~stropsychin~
Volume 46 table of contents