Cambridge Entomological Club, 1874

A Journal of Entomology

founded in 1874 by the Cambridge Entomological Club
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G. S. Tulloch.
A Key to the Mosquitoes of Massachusetts.
Psyche 46(4):113-136, 1939.

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A KEY TO THE MOSQUITOES OF MASSACHUSETTS BY GEORGE S. TULLOCH, Chief Entomologist1 Massachusetts Department of Public Health Boston, Massachusetts
During the summer of 1939 the Department of Public Health of the State of Massachusetts conducted a state-wide mosquito survey with the cooperation of the Works Projects Administration. This survey was one phase in the program of a study of the general problem of encephalitis. It was initiated following an outbreak of encephalitis in man in 1938 which was traced to the eastern virus of equine en- cephalomyelitis. The identification of biting mosquitoes was made by using a key compiled by Tulloeh (1930) which was taken from Dyar (1922) and Matheson (1929) and modified to include those species reported from New England. The present key is a revision of the earlier one which has been enlarged to include the non-biting as well as the biting mosquitoes and is based on the examination of over 100,000 specimens. Although this key is restricted to the species which may be found in Massachusetts it is sufficiently inclu- sive for use in any of the New England states. It is ac- companied by illustrations of many of the characters of taxonomic importance and by a summary of the species of Culicidse which have been taken in Massachusetts. 1Grateful acknowledgment is made to the following for assistance: Dr. R. I?. Feemster, Director, Division of Communicable Diseases, Massachusetts Department of Public Health; Dr. V. A, Getting, Tech- nical Director, Massachusetts Mosquito Survey; Prof. J. C. Bequaert, Consulting Entomologist; V. A. Bell, R. P. Holdsworth, Jr., C. E. Elliott, Dr. B. W. Parker, Dr. J. W. Hawkins, G. C. Tower, H. D. Rose, and R. 0. Bohm, Entomologists and to Mr. J. Milano for preparation of the plates.


114 Psyche [December
The material for this key has been modified from the works of many authors, notably Smith (1903). Headlee (1921). Dyar (1922, 1928), Dyar and Shannon (l%M), Matheson (1925, 1929), Bradley (19361, Edwards (1932). Johannsen (1903,1923,1934), Marshall (1938) and King, Bradley and McNeel (1939).
Mosquitoes are small two-winged insects belonging to the order Diptera, family Culicidse. The Culicidse are separated from all other Diptera by a characteristic wing venation which is outlined by Edwards (1932) as follows: Subcosta (Sc) long and reaching costa; radius 4-branched, Ra+a forked, Ri+3 simple, no cross vein connecting R, and En; media two branched ; cross veins r-m and m-cu both present; cubitua forked; anal vein long and reaching wing margin; axillary vein absent or very faint (Fig. 5). There is no other single character which separates the family from other Dip- tera. Other common family characters are (1) the small or rudimentary first antenna1 segment and the more or less en- larged second segment, (2) the completely divided pronoturn, the posterior divisions of which appear to form part of the pleurse. These characters, however, are not distinctive since they are shared by one or more families of Diptera. The larvse of the Culicidae are distinguished from all other dipterous larvae by the presence of a complete head capsule and of only one pair of functional spiracles situated dorsally on the eighth abdominal segment opening free to the surface (Fig. 19) or into an air tube or by the presence of a com- plete head capsule and air sacs in the thorax and seventh abdominal segment (Fig. 17) (Ckaoborus) . KEY TO SVBFA~ULIBS OF CL-LICIDAE
1. Antennal flagellum 14 segmented ; vein Sc ending above or before base of Rs (Fis. 5). Mouthparts short, wings without scales : ..̣,̣,̣_̣.̣--� -A3ixinse Antenna1 flagellum 13 segmented ; vein Sc ending much beyond base of Rs. Wings with scales at least on fringe ��̣_��-��_.-̣. ...��..��.-̣̣...����..-_�� 2 2. Mouthparts short, palpi incurved; scales almost con- fined to wing fringe: ̣̣..̣._..̣ -
Mouthparts modified to form a long proboscis, palpi not incurved; wing veins and legs scaly: ____,--CWicwia?


19391 Mosquitoes of Massachusetts 115
1. Thorax narrow with distinct segmentation ; prolegs on the first 2 abdominal segments; tracheae ending in a pair of discs on eighth abdominal segment (Fig. . .
21) : --��.--.--.-----..-.����̣����.��-����.-�� Dzxznse Thorax distinctly broader than abdomen, without dis- tinct segmentation, paired prolegs lacking -.---------------- 2 Subfamily Dixinse
This group is represented by the single genus Dixa. KEY TO THE GEXCS DIXA
1. Tips of hind tibise noticeably enlarged, deep black, sharply contrasting with the remainder of the mem- ber; wing veins with clouded margins ; proboscis black, halteres yellowish, scutellum fuscous testa- ceous ; terminal clasper segment tapering, mesa1 pro- cess of the basal segment simple, elongate :---...clavata Tips of hind tibiae not so sharply differentiated������� 2. Petiole of Ra+s (measured on a straight line from its base to base of fork) less than % as long as Ro; pro- boscis, scutellum, and knob of the halteres yellow; crossvein of wing very feebly clouded, r-m crossvein slightly distad of the base of R4+5 : -------------- ----,., terna Wing with other characters ---������-----̣.._...__.-̣��...- 3 . .
3. Wing with one distinct spot������������ 4 Wing spot very indistinct or wanting .��_.������ __5 4. Petiole of R2+3 and Rn subequal in length; proboscis and scutellum blackish : ----.--.--.._---,..........--..-.. centralis Petiole shorter ; proboscis and scutellum yellowish :-------- . notata
5. Dorsurn of the thorax as well as the upper part of the pleura black ; proboscis, halteres and scutellum dark : - - fzisca
Dorsum of the thorax yellowish with thoracic darker


116 Psyche [December
stripes which may be more or less confluent; palpi dark ̣̣.__-_.����..--̣������������������� 6 6.
First tarsal joint of fore leg about 2)$ as long as the . .
tibia : .__-.__-._������---����--��---��.-----���� cornuta First tarsal joint of fore leg about 3/4 as long as the . .
tibia ����������---������������������
7. Apical segment of the clasper of the male fully as broad beyond the middle as at the base; Sc ends about opposite the base of Rs; distance between the cross- veins measured on the media usually not exceeding v2 the length of the m-cu crossvein : _-.-----_-----_-_--- modesta Apical segment of the clasper of the male tapering ; Sc ends distinctly proximad of the base of Rs; distance between the crossveins about equal to the length . of .
the m-cu crossvein : --��-_-����---��_--_--��_-------� szmiizs Larvse
Only two of the species given in the key above are known in the larval stage, D. modesta Joh. and D. cornuta (Joh.) which may be separated by using the key by Johannsen (1934).
Subfamily Chaoborinae
1. Eighth abdominal segment with an elongate single dor- sal respiratory siphon or air tube� ��������--��_ ---2


19391 Mosquitoes of Massachusetts 117
Eighth abdominal segment without an elongate single dorsal air tube; with a flattened spiracular disc on the eighth segment or with air sacs in the thorax and the seventh abdominal segment ............................ -.------3 Antennae inserted close together, folding outwardly and fitting into grooves on the head (Fig. 20) : .-------.------. ...................................................................... Corethrella Antennae inserted far apart, pendent in resting posi- tion (Fig 18) : ................................................ Mochlonyx Air sacs present in thorax and seventh abdominal seg- ment (Fig. 17) : ............................................ Chaoborus Air sacs absent, a well-developed spiracular disc on ........
eighth abdominal segment (Fig. 19) :
Wings spotted or clouded- ................................................. 2 Wings without spots or clouds������������� ----------- 4 Width of hind marginal wing fringe nearly as great as distance between cubitus and hind margin .��--.��.-_.� 3 Hind marginal wing fringe less than half the distance between cubitus and hind margin : trivittatus Femora and tibiae with numerous distinct spots : ............ punctipennis
Femora and tibiae without distinct spots except at bases and apices : .......................................................... albatus Mesonotum with dark longitudinal bands : -_ americanus Mesonotum with yellowish red longitudinal bands :.----..- ....................~......~.................................................. albipes Pre-labral leaf-like appendages very narrow and lan- ...................................................... ceolate : punctipennis
Pre-labral leaf-like appendages less than seven times as long as broad -..-.......��..-...-...����--...��---̣._...---- __.__2 ......
Mandibular fan with 25 or more rays:
Mandibular fan with not over 18 rays- ..................-.... 3 Mandibular fan with 16-18 rays : ................ trivittatus Mandibular fan with not more than 12 rays :.---albipes Larva of C. albatus is unknown.


118 Psyche [December
2. Scutellar set2 numerous, arranged in two or three ir- regular rows : ------..----- ---------------- -------------- karnerensis Scutellar setae sparse, arranged in a single row : ------------ - - fuliginosus
1. Clypeal and frontal spines barbed from base to a little beyond middle : -.̣-.̣.-..��̣̣_...__--.��-.� karnerensis These spines with long barbs beyond middle : .---cinctipes *
The larva of M. fuliginosus is unknown.
The following genera of the Chaoborinse are represented by single species: Corethrella brakeleyi Coquillett and Eu- corethra underwoodi Underwood.
Subfamily Culicinae
Postnotum with a median tuft of set2 located near the posterior margin (Fig. 2) : _.-.---������-.--- Wyeomyia Postnotum without a tuft of set=- -����-.----_.̣��--- _-2 Wings with the second marginal cell not half as long as its petiole (Fig. 5) : .-----.------------ -------------- --,- Uranotsenia Wings with the second marginal cell more than half as long as its petiole ---��������������������.-- 3 Scutellum rounded or crescent-shaped with an even fringe of marginal set2 (Fig. 3) : ����---_.-_��Anophe Scutellum distinctly trilobed (Fig. 4) with marginal setse aggregated on the lobes ----_.----.-----__----. _ ..--.. __..-_-.--4 Spiracular bristles present (Fig. 2) _--��������.-----��� 5 Spiracular bristles absent������� -------------- ---- ---6 Post-spiracular bristles present (Fig. 2) ; abdomen of female with the eighth segment wholly retractile :_----- Psorophora
Post-spiracular bristles absent; cross veins of wings


19391 Mosquitoes of Massachusetts 119
tending to lie in line, or mesonotum with bare areas devoid of scales or both : ��.-��..̣.��---.-.. TheobaZdia 6. Pronotal bristles only two stout setae (Fig. 2) ; proboscis with black and white scales so arranged as to form longitudinal striae ; mesonotum with six longitudinal lines of white scales : ----Orthopodomyia Pronotal bristles more than two, generally a prominent row ; proboscis without longitudinal striae ; mesonotum without six longitudinal lines of white scales- ------------- 7 7. Wings with scales distinctly large and broad ; first joint of all tarsi with broad median rings; all of the other tarsal joints black with basal half white scaled :--.------- . . Mansonia
Wings with scales normal ; tarsi not as above- ----------------- 8 8. Post-spiracular bristles present; female usually with the abdomen pointed and the cerci exserted or tarsi with white rings on both ends of joints : ..---------- Aedes Post-spiracular bristles absent; female with a blunt ab- domen ; tarsi without white rings involving both ends . .
of joints : _̣._.��--..__._.��-����_.��----��� Culex Larvse
1. Eighth segment of abdomen provided with a distinct, elongate respiratory or air tube (Fig. 8) .̣_.---.��_..��- 2 Eighth segment of abdomen without a distinct, elongate respiratory or air tube (Fig. 9) : ._._.̣--��.... Anopheles 2. Air tube without a pecten (Fig. 12) ,------------ ---------- ---- ---3 Air tube with a pecten (Fig. 8) ��.----,���������� 5 3. Air tube about twice as long as wide, the apical por- tion sharply attenuated and provided with saw-like teeth dorsally for penetrating into plant tissues (Fig. 12) ; larva found attached to the roots of certain aquatic plants : ----------.--- -------------- ---- Mansonia Air tube about three times as long as wide, tapering more or less uniformly to the apex --.��--..��.̣--.-�� 4 4. Air tube with many short single hairs; larva found in the water of the pitcher plant : __.-._----.-.��_.- Wyeomyia Air tube without scattered single hairs but with a large pair of hair tufts before the middle; abdomen


120 Psyche [December
with dorsal chitinous plates on the sixth, seventh and eighth segments : ---��--------------------..----- Orthopodomyia Head elongate, elliptical; head hairs single, stout like heavy spines : .............................................. Uranotsenia Head nearly circular or transverse; head hairs not like heavy spines ------------------------------------------------------------------ 6 Air tube with several pairs of ventral tufts : .---------Culex Air tube with a single pair of ventral tufts or with a single pair of tufts and a median ventral row of 10 to 12 unpaired tufts or without any paired ventral tufts ........................................................................... 7 Air tube with the paired hair tufts placed close to the base between the pecten rows : -------------------- Theo baldia Air tube with the paired hair tufts placed near or be- yond the middle ............................... ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- - ---- ------8 Anal segment ringed by the dorsal plate, with tufts of the ventral brush piercing the ring : ----------Psorophora Anal segment not ringed by the dorsal plate, or if ringed, the tufts of the ventral brush posterior to the ring :---- Aedes
Proboscis of female ringed with white (Fig. 1) ------------- 2 Proboscis of female not ringed with white�������� ---- 3 Abdomen with a pale longitudinal dorsal stripe (Fig. 1) ; wings with black and white scales : -------------- sollicitans Abdomen without a pale longitudinal dorsal stripe ; wings with black scales : ----.-.---------.-.-.-- tasniorhynchus Tarsi with white rings on at least some of the segments (Fig. I) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4 . . . .
Tarsi without white rings ---��������---------��----------��-- White tarsal rings involving both ends of segments-------5 White tarsal rings basal only ---- ........................... 7 Wings scales markedly bicolored : ---- ----.. dorsaUs Wings scales uniformly dark, or nearly so- --------_------------ 6 Mesonotum uniformly reddish brown, or nearly so :-------- canadensis
Mesonotum pale with a broad dark medium stripe; ab- domen rather bluntly rounded : .................... atropalpus


19391 Mosquitoes of Massachusetts 121
7. Tarsi with pale broad rings especially on hind legs; wings scales bicolored ��-����. L ����---�������� 8 Tarsi with narrow rings; wing scales uniformly dark or nearly so .... __ .---. _.__.._.__..___ -._._...... ____ _._. _.._..._.__.._-______-. 10 8. Lower mesepimeral bristles absent : .._----.-.------ excrucians Lower mesepimeral bristles present (Fig. 2) -..------------- __9 9. With three to five lower mesepimeral bristles; mesono- turn bronzy-brown on the disc, the scales on the ante- scutellar space, lateral margins and a sub-dorsal line each side of the disc whitish : ---����--��.-._-___. stimulans With two lower mesepimeral bristles; mesonotum with a broad median stripe of yellowish brown scales, the anterior edge, the sides of the disc and antescutel- lar space with yellowish white to white scales :,,..jitchii 10. Last two abdominal segments nearly entirely white scaled, venter entirely yellowish white : __.__̣_ cantator Last two abdominal segments with apical and basal bands ; venter with each segment with a median black spot or stripe which may be joined to lateral black spots forming a Y : ._.__.._ ...-. _.._..-_._._..._.___.-__.__- ..-- _vexans Lower mesepimeral bristles absent- --------------------.----- - ---- 12 Lower mesepimeral bristles present -.--.,----.--- �������� . .
Mesonotum with silvery scales- ---.��-����.--����� 13 Mesonotum without silvery scales ---- �������������� Mesonotum silvery on the sides with a dark brown median stripe which widens behind the middle and which is divided by the antescutellar space, the ante- scutellar space is margined by silvery scales : -------------- . . triseriatus
Mesonotum with a medium silvery stripe reaching scu- tellum or entirely silvered���� ---- ������� --.-------- 14 14. Mesonotum with a broad well-defined median silvery stripe : ---.--.----.��--._--.._-_-.....--..--..��---..----.....,-- attanticus Mesonotum with a narrower poorly defined or diffuse median stripe ; mesonotum of male entirely silvery ; a very small blackish species : ---.��--��.-��_���� dupreei 15. Abdomen with a continuous lateral white line; mesono- turn uniformly colored with golden-brown scales, paler about the antescutellar space : -_-.��._--��_-________ cinereus Abdomen without a continuous lateral white line; me-


122 Psyche [December
sonotum with a median dark band .-----��---.--��.--� 16 16.
Mesonotum with two yellow or yellowish-white stripes separated by a narrow, dark brown median band; sides dark brown to black : -.----_.-..----��.--..-_ trivittatus Mesonotum with the golden brown median stripe slightly constricted at the middle; with two short sublateral stripes posteriorly : _-��..--..--.....����--..----� hirsuteron Mesonotum with the median band widening posteriorly ; apical margins of abdominal segments with fine long brownish hairs : ��-..̣..-����._.��̣-...��_.. aurif er 17. With one to three small mesepimeral bristles ; mesono- turn with brownish-yellow scales uniformly distrib- uted : _��_..-��---������������.--������..-. intrudens With three or more stout mesepimeral bristles ; mesono- turn with a median stripe or paired brown median lines ����-.--��������������������..-.--������.--�� 18 18. Mesonotum with paired brown median lines- ---.-..-------- 19 Mesonotum with a median brown stripe- -----..-��..---�� 20 19. Mesonotum yellow or bronzy with a pair of black median lines, often joined into a median stripe; legs deep black : ......����,��������.--.-...-������ diantseus Mesonotum with paired median lines separated . by . a broad golden brown line : -.--��--~...��.-.����....- zmp~ger Mesonotum with paired median lines separated by a narrow yellow line ; sides grayish : ............., communis 20. Mesonotum with the median band laterally expanded near the middle : -��.-��...--��,-��..-.����� trichurus Mesonotum with the median band only slightly darker than the lateral margins : .__....-.-.��.-.---- pzmctor* . . ~ implaca bilis
*There are no satisfactory characters with which to separate these species. In A. punctor the median band of the mesonotum may in some cases have a middle line of slightly paler scales. The last abdominal segment of A. implacabilis is usually pale scaled whereas in punctor it has a V-shaped dark area.


19391 Mosquitoes of Massachusetts 123
Air tube with several dorsal hair tufts, anal gills nor- mal : ------------- ---- ������������ ---- ---- ------- trichurus Air tube without several dorsal hair tufts, anal gills large and inflated : -.-������-������ atropalpus Pecten with detached teeth outwardly (Fig. 15) ------------ 4 Pecten without detached teeth outwardly (Fig. 16) ----9 Antennae enlarged basally : .._--������������.-.--.- aurif er Antennae not enlarged basally ----��.������� Antennae as long as head : _._.��.����---����----.--- diantzus Antennae not as long as head ---- --------- -----------------6 Both pairs of head hairs (Fig. 8) double : --.--. excrucians Both pairs of head hairs not double �������������� 7 Lateral abdominal hairs (Fig. 8) single beyond second segment ̣����---��-����.-����� ------.------ ------------ 8 Lateral abdominal hairs not single beyond second seg- ment : .̣.---_--..-��..��-_-_������__-����� vexans Air tube 2% to 3 times as long as wide, tuft on air tube large : ._._---̣̣��.-_-.--..--..̣��-- intrudens Air tube 3% to 4 times as long as wide, tuft on air tube small, located on outer third of tube : ----..----,--, cinereus Comb scales in a single or in an irregular single row��-1 Comb scales in a triangle������ -------------- -------------- ------ 13 Anal segment ringed by plate�������������� ------ 11 Anal segment not ringed by plate : -------------.---, triseriatus Air tube five times as long as wide : .---.--.-------,--,--- dupreei Air tube 2 to 3y2 times as long as wide- --������... 12 Dorsal brush of anal segment consisting of two pairs . .
of long hairs : -----------.--.- ---- ----.,.........-.....- implacabths Dorsal brush of anal segment consisting of a pair of long hairs and a pair of dorsal tufts : -----._.-.-. atlanticus Anal segment ringed by plate ------ ������������ -------- 14 Anal segment not ringed by plate���������������� Upper and lower head hairs double : -.��_.--....��. punctor Upper and lower head hairs single --��������..--.--___--� 15 Anal gills at least as long as anal segment :---.trivittatus Anal gills shorter than anal segment ----- -------- 16 Lateral abdominal hairs double on segments two to five; scale of comb with a stout apical spine : -..-.... sollicitans


124 Psyche [December
Lateral abdominal hairs triple on segments three to five; scale of comb with a fringe of spines of approximately equal length : .-........................................ tseniorhynchw ..........
Air tube at least four times as long as wide : fitchii
Air tube three times or less as long as wide 18
. .
.............................................................. Head hairs single 19
......................................... Head hairs double or multiple- 21
Anal gills at least as long as anal segment������� 20 Anal gills much shorter than anal segment : ...... dorsalis Scale of comb with broad apex bearing four to seven stout spines : .........-.....................-.................... communis Scale of comb with single stout spine : ........-...-... impiger Both pairs of dorsal head hairs multiple. ....................... 22 Both pairs of dorsal head hairs not multiple. .......-....... 23 Anal gills budlike; found in salt water : ............ cantator Anal gills well developed : ................................ canadensis Lower head hairs double, upper triple :--..-..-hirsuteron Lower head hairs single, upper double : ............ stimulans Adults
Tarsi with poorly defined yellowish white rings at both ...........................
ends of some of the joints :
Tarsi without rings on any of the joints������ --------.. 2 Scales of the wings mixed, black or brown and white especially along the costal margin; proboscis with intermixed black and white scales : ................ Wnata .
Scales of the wings all brown or black .............-..-.........-... 3 Mesonotum brown marked with yellowish lines or spots ; wings with some of the scales slightly aggregated along the third vein ; a large species : _._-..__ impatiens Mesonotum entirely reddish brown ; wing scales normal ; each abdominal segment with an apical row of coarse yellow hairs ; a small species (4 mm.) : ....... melanura Pecten produced into long hairs on outer half (Fig. 13) ............................................................................................ 2 Pecten not produced into long hairs on outer half -....... 3


19391 Mosquitoes of Massachusetts 125
Both pairs of head hairs consisting of tufts having ap- proximately six hairs, all of about equal length :-------- . . impatiens
Lower head hairs of three or four long hairs, upper head hairs multiple and shorter than the lower hairs :-.------ � � inornata
Comb scales in a single row; air tube with a row of 10- 12 median unpaired tufts along the ventral side be- yond the pecten : ��-��.--.--��̣-..--��̣-...-.-- - --...., melanura Comb scales in a triangle; air tube without unpaired median ventral tufts beyond the pecten : ----.. morsitans KEY TO THE GENT'S PSOROPHORA
Mesonotum brown with a median longitudinal stripe of brilliant golden curved scales bordered by narrow bare -.
stripes --------------- --.̣��.--��_��...--��-��.--����-.��.- czkata Mesonotum uniformly colored --��������--̣-������~--�� 2 Claws of the female toothed (Fig. 6) ; wing scales dark : � � � � � � � posticata
Claws of the female not toothed (Fig. 7) ; wings uni- formly marked with black and white scales : columbias Larvae
Both pairs of head hairs single, upper pair very short: � � � � � � ciliata
Both pairs of head hairs not single ----.------------ ---- ---. Upper and lower pairs of head hairs multiple; pecten of three to five teeth widely separated on the basal half of the tube (Fig. 14) : .---_.̣...--.__-.-.��--. columbias Upper and lower pairs of head hairs double; pecten of three to four teeth on the basal fifth of tube ; tuft of air tube absent : ��-̣----..----������-----..-��---- posticata Apical segment of palpus entirely white scaled; anal vein with three dark spots separated by white (two spots in the male) : -.--..---.̣̣..��.-.-��-..,..-.--..-.-. crucians


126 Psyche [December
Apical segment of the palpus white-tipped; anal vein entirely dark without spots : --��.����������- zualkeri 3. Costal margin of wing with two white or yellowish-white spots, a large one beyond the middle and a small one at the apical end : .__- -- .._-..__����_-_.-.--.-.. punctipennis Costal margin of wing without white or yellowish-white spots -��_��~----.--̣������������������--_----- ---4 4. Fringe at apex of wing with a distinct light yellow to coppery spot : _��.-----��---..-��_��-��---��-- maculipennis Fringe at apex of wing without a distinct light yellow to coppery spot ----.����--��̣��---����.��- 5 5. Wing with dark scales uniformly distributed : ----barhi Wing with the dark scales definitely aggregated to form dark spots at the base of the radical sector, at cross- veins r-m and m-cu, at fork of R,, and R, and at fork of M 1+2 and M3+4 : ̣.-.--___��__̣��_._- quadrimaculatus 1. Abdomen with plumose lateral hairs (Fig. 9) on first six segments ; head hairs simple : .-------_.--_-_.----_ barberi Abdomen with plumose lateral hairs on first three seg- ments ; head hairs plumose- ------ - ---- - -- ---- -
2. Abdominal segments 4 and 5 with two conspicuous tufted hairs (Fig. 11) (hair 0 and the antepalmate or hair 2)
anterior to the palmate tuft, these hairs usually approximately equal in size and with four to nine branches ; fresh water form : -----.-----------. crucians Abdominal segments 4 and 5 with but one conspicuous hair (antepalmate or hair 2) anterior to the palmate tuft, this hair may be single or with two or three branches -_.-_-��---_-����-����������������-- -3 3. Abdomen with the palmate tufts on segments 3 to 7 inclusive, of similar form but those on segments 3 and 7 distinctly smaller than the others ; posterior clypeal hairs (Fig. 10) long and usually single ; tubercles of inner anterior clypeal hairs (Fig. 10) wide or close; brackish water form : _._.-----̣.--_.̣_��.,.......--.. crucians Abdomen with the palmate tufts on segment 3 approxi- mately equal in size to those on the succeeding seg- ments __̣------.--__-̣--.��-��__����..-��������---��� 4


19391 Mosquitoes of Massachusetts 127
4. Tubercles of inner anterior clypeal hairs separated by at least the width of one of these tubercles ; antepalmate hairs on segments 4 and 5 usually single; palmate tufts on segment 2 usually well developed : ------------------ - quadrimaculatus
Tubercles of inner anterior clypeal hairs so. close to- gether that another tubercle of similar size. could not be placed between them- ---- ------------------- ---- ------- --------------- 5 5. Inner anterior clypeal hairs not minutely feathered to- ward tip ; antepalmate hairs of abdominal segments 4 and 5 usually double or multiple------------------^^---^- ----- 6 Inner anterior clypeal hairs minutely feathered toward tip ; antepalmate hairs of abdominal segments 4 and 5 usually single : --------..----..----_-----..-----.----_-----..---- walkeri 6. Antepalmate hairs of abdominal segments 4 and 5 usu- ally with 2 branches, rarely 1 or 3; posterior clypeal hairs usually with 2 branches from near base; inner anterior clypeal hairs single, unbranched : ------------------ . . punctipennis
Antepalmate hairs of abdominal segments 4 and 5 usually with 3 branches, rarely with 2 or 4 ; posterior clypeal hairs usually long with apical branching ; in- ner anterior clypeal hairs unbranched or with 2 or 3 branches beyond middle : -.-----.---------------- maculipe'nnis KEY TO THE GENUS CL-LEX
1. Abdominal segments with transverse apical white . .
bands : ---����.------------��------��----��-.--------��---̣ apzcalw Abdominal segments with basal white bands or none :--2 Larva?
1.' Antenna with the tuft at or before the middle��,territan Antenna with the tuft beyond the middle������ -------- 2


128 Psyche [December
2. Both upper and lower head hairs multiple ------------_.---------- 3 Both upper and lower head hairs not multiple, usually single but with all variations between the complete single and complete double condition, rarely with one . .
or two head hairs triple : -����������---������� 3. Air tube long and slender, about seven times as long as broad, slightly expanded before the apex ; subdorsal hairs on segments three to six multiple : --..salmarius Air tube not over five times as long as wide tapering uniformly toward the apex; subdorsal hairs double on . .
segments three to six : _������..����-------��.-...- ptptens The following genera of Culicinag are represented by single species ; Mansonia perturbans (Walker), Orthopodomyia signif era ( Coquillett ) , Uranotmia sapphirina ( Osten Sacken), Wyeomyia smithii (Coquillett) . SUMMARY OF SPECIES OF CULICIDAE REPORTED FROM MASSACHUSETTS
The following species of mosquitoes were reported by Johnson (1925) :
Subfamily Dixinse
Dixa centralis Loew
D. clavata Loew
D. cornuta Johannsen
D. modesta Johannsen
D. notata Loew
Subfamily Chaoborinse
Mochlonynx cinctipes Coquillett as Corethra cinctipes Coquillett
M. karnerensis Felt as Corethra culicif ormis (DeGeer ) M. fuliginosus Felt as Corethra /u.liginosus Felt. Chao borus albipes (Johannsen)
C. americanus Johannsen as C. crystallina DeGeer C. albatus Johnson
C. punctipennis Say
C. trivittatus Loew
Subfamily Culicinse
Wyeomyia smithii (Coquillett)



19391 Mosquitoes of Massachusetts 129
Culex apicalis Adams as C. testaceus Van der Wulp C. territans Walker
C. salinarius Coquillett
Theobaldia melanura (Coquillett) as Culex melanurus ( Coquillett )
T. morsitans (Theobald) as Culiseta dyari (Coquillett) T. inorimta (Williston) as Culiseta inornatus (Willis- ton)
Mansonia perturbans (Walker) as Taeniorhynchus per- turbans (Walker)
Psorophora ciliata (Fabricius)
P. posticata (Wiedemann) as P. sayi Dyar and Knab Aedes trivittatus (Coquillett)
A. aurif er (Coquillett)
A. punctor (Kirby)
A. intrudens Dyar
A. hirsuteron (Theobald)
A. comrnunis (DeGeer) as A. lazarensis (Felt and Young)
A. dorsalis (Meigen)
A. canadensis (Theobald)
A. stimulans (Walker)
A. cantator (Coquillett)
A. fitchii (Felt and Young)
A. trichurus (Dyar) as A. cineroborealis Felt and Young
A. atropalpus (Coquillett)
A. excrucians (Walker)
A. taeniorhynchus ( Wiedemann)
A. sollicitans (Walker)
A. triseriatus (Say)
A. vexans (Meigen)
A. cinereus (Meigen)
A. impiger (Walker)
Uranotasnia sapphirina (Osten Sacken)
Anopheles punctipennis (Say)
A. quadrimaculatus (Say)
A. maculipennis (Meigen)
A. walkeri (Theobald)


130 Psyche [December
In 1930 one additional Culicine was reported by Tulloch: Aedes implacabilis (Walker) or Aedes abserratus (Felt and Young)
Several species new to Massachusetts have been recovered during the present survey. They are as follows : Subfamily Chaoborinse
Eucorethra underwoodi Underwood-Yarmouth, July 27, 1939, Armstrong
Corethrella brakeleyi Coquillett-Taunton, July 20, 1939, Collector M. W. Chambers
Subfamily Culicinse
Psorophora eolumbise Dyar and Knab-Northampton, July 18, 1939, Collector W. J. Neunier
Orthopodomyia signif era (Coquillett ) -Sudbury, Aug- ust 28, 1939, Collector W. J. Normandin
Anopheles crucians Wiedemann-Orleans, August 29, 1939, Collector J. L. Drew
Bradley, G. H., 1936. On the identification of mosquito larvae of the genus Anopheles occurring in the United States (Diptera, Culi- cidae). South. Med. Jour. 29: 859-861 illus. Dyar, Harrison G., 1922.
The mosquitoes of the United States. U. S. Natl. Mus. Proc. 62, art. 1, 119 pp.
1928. The mosquitoes of the Americas. Carnegie Inst. Wash. Pub. 337, 616 pp. illus.
Dyar, Harrison G. and Shannon, Raymond C., 1924. The American Chaoborinas. Ins. Ins. Mens. 12: 201-216. Edwards, F. W., 1932. Diptera, Fam. Culicidse. 258 pp. illus. Brux- elles. In Wytsman, P., Genera Insectorum, fasc. 194. Headlee, Thomas J., 19'21.
The mosquitoes of New Jersey and their
control. N. J. Agr. Exp. Sta. Bull. 348. 229 pp. illus. Johannsen, 0.. A., 1903.
Aquatic insects in New York State.
N. Y.
State Mus. Bull. 68, part 6: 328-441. illus. 1923. North American Dixidse. Psyche 30: 52-58. illus. 1934. Aquatic Diptera, Part 1. Nemocera, exclusive of Chiro- nomidas and Ceratopogonidse. Cornell. Univ. Agr. Exp. Sta. Memoir 164. 71 pp. illus.
Johnson, Charles W., 1925.
Fauna of New England 15, List of the
Diptera or two-winged insects. Boston Soc. of Nat. Hist. 7. 326
pp. illus.
King, W. V., Bradley, G. H., and McNeel, T. E., 1939. The mosquitoes of the southeastern States. U. S. Dept. Agr. Misc. Pub. 336. 90
pp. illus.
Marshall, J. E., 1938. The British Mosquitoes. 341 pp. illus. William Clowes and Sons, Ltd.
London and Beccles.


19391 Mosquitoes of Massachusetts 131
Matheson, Robert, 1925. Notes on Chaoborinse (Diptera, Culicidse). Can. Ent. 57: 159-160.
A handbook of the mosquitoes of North America. 268 pp. illus. Springfield, 111. and Baltimore, Md. Smith, John B., 1904.
Report of the New Jersey State Agricultural Experiment Station upon the mosquitoes occurring within the state, their habits, life history, etc. 482 pp. illus. Trenton. Tulloch, George S., 1930. A key to the biting mosquitoes of New Eng- land. Psyche 37: 234-244. illus.
Female mosquito (after John B. Smith).
Side view of thorax showing bristle areas. Dorsal view of crescent-shaped scutellum. Dorsal view of trilobed scutellum.
Generalized wing of a mosquito.
Tarsus with toothed claws.
Tarsus with simple claws.
Larva of Aedes (after Marshall).
Larva of An,opheles (after Marshall).
Head of Anopheles larva (after Marshall). Dorsal view of segments 4 and 5 of Anopheles larva. Air tube sharply attenuated without a pecten. Air tube with some of the pecten teeth produced into long hairs. Air tube fusiform with small tuft (after Dyar). Air tube with pecten teeth detached outwardly. Air tube with pecten teeth not detached outwardly. Larva of Chaoborvs (after Johannsen).
Larva of Moclzlonyx (after Johannsen) .
Larva of Eucorethra (after Johannsen) .
Larva of Corethrella (after Johannsen).
Larva of Dixa (after Johannsen).


Psyche, 1939
Psyche [December
Tulloch - Mosquitoes of Massachusetts.


19391 Mosquitoes of Massachusetts
Psyche, 1939
5ec+or Petiole Of Second
Marginal Cell.
xxeMarg,nal Anal mu, Cell.
5 6
Tullocl~ - Mosquitoes of Massachusetts.


~ntenna +W
- Mou!h Brush
-Lower Head Hair
er Mead Hair
/$-+4~ ABDOMEN
Dorsal Plate
ntepalmate Hairs
Palmate Tuft


19391 Mosquitoes of Massachusetts 135
Psyche, 1939
Inner Anterior
Tulloch - Mosquitoes of Massachusetts.


136 Psyche
Psyche, 1939
Tulloch - Mosquitoes of Massachusetts.


Volume 46 table of contents