Frank M. Hull.
Some Flies of the Family Syrphidae, Mesogramma.
Psyche 48(1):45-49, 1941.
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Flies of Family Syrphidz
University of Mississippi
This paper describes some new species of Syrphidae from the Neotropical region, derived from various sources. Types are in the author's collection unless otherwise stated. Mesogramma vitrea n. sp.
Male. Length 5 mm.. Head: face and front and antennze light? pale yellow, the cheeks black, the vertex golden brown, becoming coppery just behind the ocelli, Occiput metallic brassy above, greyish white along the sides. Tho~ax: metal- lic brassy brown with a prominent median steel blue stripe on either side of which are two dark brown and two light brown stripes. Pleura? shining metallic, with a small ob- scure yellow spot on the upper part of the sternopleur~ and the posterior margin of the mesopleurz. Scutellum and hu- meri metallic brassy black. Abdomen: highly polished and shiny? first three segments wholly black, last two segments dark shining reddish brown. Hypopygium shining black. Pile of abdomen abundant? rather long, whitish upon the margins and lateral portions of a11 of the segments and blackish upon a central stripe down the middle of the abdo- men which begins upon the posterior part of the second seg- ment, Legs: chiefly shining black, the tips of the femora, the tips of the hind tibiz and its base yellow. Hind basi-tarsi and the three terminal joints dark brownish black. Middle of the fore and mid-tibiz with an obscure brownish band. Anterior tarsi darkened. Wings: pale brownish. Holotype male. SZo Faulo, Juquia? J. Lane, Nov. 7. Mesogramma picta Sch. variety melleoguttata n. var. Fernale. Length 6 mm. Head: vertex violet, front shining metallic black, its narrow sides and the face pale yellowy
46 Psgche [March
cheeks black, occiput brassy brown above, becoming yellow- ish grey on the sides and below. Antennze brownish, the ventral portion reddish orange. Arista brownish black, the antenna1 pile black. Thorax: with a broad median bluish grey shining vitke, and lying outside of it, first a pair of dark brown vittze, then a pair of somewhat yellowish vittze, and bordering the continuous yellow side markings are a pair of wide brown vittze. Pleurze yellow on the posterior margin of the mesopleurze and upper part of sternopleurz. Scutellum metallic black, the margin pale yellow. Abdomen: black marked with light yellow, sides of the first segment and its narrow margin, a complete transverse stripe on the second segment that reaches the sides, its anterior corners narrowly, and traces of a median vitt~, all yellow. Third segment with a median yellow vittze which does not quite reach the poste- rior margin and on either side of it two basal yellow spots. The outermost pair subrectangular, occupying the corners and narrowly confluent at the base with the submedial much larger spots which are twice as long as the more lateral ones. The submedial spot on inner surface is strongly indented and the black encroaches upon it, but only upon the basal half of its medial surface. Fourth segment with almost identi- cally similar pattern. Fifth segment with large yellow spots on the basal corners and a pair of widely separated elongate, yellow spots broadly reaching the base of the segment with the posterior ends rounded and very slightly approximated. Legs: pale yellow, the hind tarsi, basal two-thirds of hind tibize and a wide black annulus apically upon the hind fe- mora, black. Wings: pale grey, stigma pale brown. Holotype female. Barro Colorado Island, Canal Zone, Aug. 25, 1937. Hull coll.
Mesogramma elongata n. SP.
Male. Length 13 mm. Head: face and front yellow, the antennze blrownish yellow, third joint slightly darker dor- sally, cheeks shining blackish, upper part of vertex brilliant violet, giving way to steel blue just behind the ocelli, area between the ocelli golden brown, lower part of the frontal triangle greyish pubescent. Occiput yellowish grey pubes- cent. Thorax: mesonotum with a broad bluish grey median stripe divided posteriorly by a narrow steel stripe the greater
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part of the mesonotum outside of the stripe golden brown. Between the golden brown and the lateral yellow margins is another metallic grey stripe. Humeri posterior two-thirds of the mesopleur~ and a spot on the upper palrt of the sterno- pleur~ pale yellow. Suctellum pale yellow, the disc broadly metallic brown. Abdomen: black marked with yellow, first segment about half black, the anterior part yellow including the lateral margin which is narrowly continuous with the lat- eral margin of the second segment. Second segment shining black) with an extensive transverse yellow band from margin to margin which is in width barely ove~r one-fifth the length of the segment. Third segment broadly black upon the poste- rior part; about one third of the way from the end of the segment it sends forward a broad vittze that rapidly expands into a large black spot, the anterior pointed end of which reaches the base of the segment. From the base of this median vitt~ at its posterior point of origin, the black ex- tends obliquely forward to the lateral margin of the segment and thence forward to occupy almost all of the lateral margin of the segment. At its lateral marginal apex it is confluent with a small oval black spot situated anteromedially, which small spot is narrowly separated from the large median sub- basal spot. Fourth segment with similar pattern but the apex of the segment and lateral margins of the segment are extensively reddish brown and the somewhat smaller sub- lateral, subbasal black spots are more slender, more pointed and isolated. There is a fine narrow median reddish brown line bisecting the middle black vitta. Fifth segment with a pair of obtusely triangular submedial brown spots and lying just outside of these, touching the base are a pair of elongate brown vittate spots hollowed out on the inside, on the poste- rior two-thirds of their length. Legs: pale yellow, a brownish band subapically on the hind femur almost the whole of the basal half of the hind tibiz and all of the hind tarsi, fore and middle tarsi brownish. Hind femora with considerable, rather long, black, bristly pile ventrally. Wings: hyaline) stigma dark brown.
Three males.
Cotypes; Muzo, Department Boyaca, Co-
lumbia, altitude 900 meters, 1936. J. Bequ~rt col. A speci- men deposited in the Museum of Comparative Zoology.
48 Psyche [March
Salpingogaster pessulagyna n. sp.
Male. Length 13 mm. Head: face, cheeks and front pale yellow, the latter with a brownish black longitudinal spot. Antennz wholly light orange, its pile dark brown. Vertex blackish. Tho~ax: with a pair of prominent, narrowly sepa- rated, golden pollinose vittz. On either side of these are an additional pair of somewhat less conspicuous golden vittz ; these outer vittz are bordered by blackish brown. Humeri, most of the notopleurze, post calli and a confluent spot ante- rior to them, the wide posterior margin of the scutellum, a transverse fascia upon its base all pale yellow. All of the pleurz pale yellow except a narrow, oblique, brown band and a darker brown spot anterior to the halteres. Greater discal part of the scutellum and the metanotum brownish black. Abdomen: chiefly light reddish brown without black mark- ings. The first segment pale yellow, its posterior margin with a brown fascia which, however, does not reach the base on either side. Fifth segment brownish yellow. Hypopy- gium pointed, last sternite with a pair of prominent black setate nodulose projections. Legs: light yellow, the middle and posterior femora narrowly yellowish brown subapically. Femoral set= brown. Wings: pale brown with a well de- veloped anterior brown margin reaching to the end of the wing, the costal cell paler.
Holotype: male. Barro Colorado, Aug. 28, 1938 (F. M. Hull, collector).
Fazia hermosa n. sp.
Male. Length I0 mm.
Head: face and lower part of occi-
put and the wide ocular margin of the front pale yellow. The pile abundant, long, erect and black. A broad black stripe running down the middle of the face enclosing the small but prominent tubercle.
Front with a transverse,
black spot above the widely separated antennz, the spot con- tinuing narrowly to the point of contact with the eyes. Epis- toma standing out a little way beyond the base of the anten- nz. Antennz dark reddish brown, blackish along the dorsal third of the third joint. Mesonotum dull brownish black with a brassy cast, very feebly shining the humeri dark. There is a large, conspicuous, triangular, yellowish, noto-
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pleural spot that is confluent with a broad? post-marginal stripe of the mesopleurze and an obscure spot on the upper spot of the sternopleurz. Post calli and the scutellum light yello8w, the latter with a diffuse, though conspicuous, black discal spot. Pile of thorax and pleurz thick? erect and red- dish brown, becoming longer and blacker on the scutellum. Abdomen: with nearly parallel sides, widest at the base of the fourth segment? where it is fully as wide as the widest part of the thorax. Abdomen nearly opaque black with five pairs of yellow spots, none of which, except the first pair on the first segment? reach the lateral margin. Spots on the first the segment. Third segment with motre elongate spots? sepa- rated by less than the width of a spot. The spots of the fourth segment practically identical with the third ; the spots rated by at least the length of a spot. The spots are roughly triangular? with rounded angles, and placed midway along the segment. Tihlrd segment with more elongate spots? sepa- rated by less than the width of a soot. The spots of the fourth segment practically identical with the third ; the spots of the fifth segment somewhat smaller, with sharply-pointed inner ends and more narrowly separated. Pile on the basal part of the abdomen reddish-brown, becoming almost yellow on the extreme corners, elsewhere black. Legs: chiefly black ; base of the hind femora, their apices and the apices of the middle femora, front femora and the bases of their respective tibiz dark brownish. Wings: with a strong brownish uni- form tinge. Subapical cross vein elongate? the final section recurrent, the entire cross vein sigmoid. Holotype: male. Siio Paulo? May 6-8? 1939 (J. Lane? collec- tor).
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