F. G. Werner.
Some New North American Species of Epicauta (Coleop., Meloidae).
Psyche 50(3-4):65-73, 1943.
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1943 I
North American Species oj Epicauta
Biological Laboratories, Harvard University The completion of my revision of the genus Epicauta having been delayed by my entrance into the U.S. Army, I have de- cided to publish separately the new species in it so that they will be available to workers in this group. They will be de- scribed more fully in my revision.
Epicauta maculata (Say)
Black? clothed with olive-cinereous to cinereous pubescence? with numerous denuded spots. Maxillary palpi of male en- larged? flattened? labial palpi small. Male anterior tarsi not modified. East of the Rocky Mountains? from North Dakota to Wickenburg? Arizona and eastward to western Iowa and Missouri.
Epicauta nogales sp. n.
Male labial palpi not nearly as greatly expanded as in macu- lata. Male anterior tarsi not modified. Elytra shorter and broader? leaving the tip of the abdomen broadly exposed. De- nuded s~ots small.
~01ot~Ge: 8
Nogales? Arizona, Aug. 10-13 Wickham (MCZ No. 26085).
Allotype: .? , eutopotypical (MCZ).
Paratypes: 4 eutopotypical (MCZ j , 1 eutopotypical (USNM) , 1 topotypical - Sept. 9, 1906 - Nunenmacher (USNM j, 2 Tucson, Ariz,ona (USNM j .
Epicauta normalis sp. n,
Replaces maculata from the Rockies to the Pacific, except in Arizona. Maxillary palpi as small in the male as in the female, Published with the aid of a grant from the Museum of Comparative Zoology at Harvard College.
66 Psyche
First segment of male anterior tarsi narrow) slightly outcurved, with the pad absent from at least the basal three-fourths. Holotype : 8 ) Bridgeport, California, July 12-1 5 Wickham (MCZ No. 26086).
Allotype : 9 ) eutopotypical (M CZ) .
Paratypes : CALIFORNIA: 6 eutopotypical (MCZ) , 3 Cal. (MCZ)) 6 Shasta Valley (AMNH), 2 Eagleville (AMNH). OREGON: 1 Echo (MCZ), 1 Burns (MCZ), 1 Or. (MCZ). WASHINGTON: 2 Yakima Valley (MCZ)) NEVADA: 2 Paymas- ter Cafion- Lone Mt. (ANSP), 5 Reno (Werner), 3 Nev. (MCZ). IDAHO: 1 Ruhl (MCZ). WYOMING: 2 Green River City (MCZ)) 1 Laramie (Ohio), 3 Wy (MCZ). MONTANA: 2 Helena (MCZ). UTAH: 1 Fillmore (BYU), 1 American Fork (BYU), 1 Sheep Creek-Duchesne Co. (BYU), 1 Jordan River (BYU), 1 Provo (BYU), 1 Indianola (BYU), 1 Ogden (AMNH)) 1 Ut. (MCZ). COLORADO: 8 Manitou (MCZ), 2 La Veta (MCZ)) 2 Colo. Spgs. (1 MCZ, 1 Ohio)) 5 Wind- sor (3 Colo.) 2 Werner), 2 Ft. Collins (Colo.), 2 Colo. (1 MCZ) 1 Ohio). ARIZONA: 4 Chiricahua Mts. (Ohio) ) 1 Hua- chuca Mts. (Ohio).
Epicauta phoenix sp. n.
Elytra more convex than in the others in this group. Anten- nz shorter and more slender. Spots on the elytra moderately large, elsewhere small and indistinct. Male with the palpi small, the anterior tarsi normal,
Holotype: 8 ) Phoenix) Arizona) Liebeck Coll. (MCZ No. 26070).
A4110type: ? ) eutopotypical (MCZ).
Paratypes: Phoenix) Arizona: 11 (MCZ) ) 6 July 16-18 Wick- ham (5 MCZ) 1 USNM)) 2 Wenzel Coll. (Ohio). 3 Ariz. (2MCZ) 1 AMNH).
Epicauta andersoni sp. n.
Close to pa~dalis Lec. but has both pairs of palpi enlarged and flattened in the male and with the antennz more slender. Holotype: 8 , Gal10 Springs) New Mexico VI-2 1 Green (USNM).
? ) eutopotypical (USNM) .
Paratypes: NEW MEXICO: 4 eutopotypical (USNM). ARI- ZONA : 1 Flagstaff VI-20-35 Wildermuth) on potatoes
19431 North A merican Species of Epicauta 67 (USNM) , 1 Flagstaff, VIII-2-3 7 Maehler (Colo.) . TEXAS: 1 Childress VI-8-06 Mitchell (USNM). KANSAS: 1 Ks. (MCZ NO. 26084).
Epicauta uniforma sp. n,
This is one of the species from the Southwest misidentified as "cinerea." Uniformly clothed with dull ferrugineous to golden pubescence) and without markings at the base of the elytra. First segment of male antennz slender, reaching to the hind margin of the eye, not covered with golden pubescence. Head subquadrate. Antenna1 calluses not denuded. Eyes mod- erately narrow.
Holotype : ? , Ramah) Arizona - &4ug. - Vestal (MCZ No. 26581).
Paratypes: COLORADO: 1 LaJunta (AMNH), 1 Hoehne (Park- er). TEXAS: 7 Davis Mts. (6 Ohio, 1 Parker), 1 Ode11 (AMP), 1 Chisos Mts. (Parker), 1 Texas (Parker). ARIZONA: 1 Baboquivari Mts. (Ohio), 1 Nogales (Ohio), 1 Patagonia Mts. (Ohio), 4 Tombstone (2 ANSP, 2 Frost), 2 Douglas (Parker) ) 2 Tucson (Parker) ) 1 Picacho (Parker), 1 Tucson-Liebeck Coll. (MCZ) .
Epicauta alpina sp. n.
Similar to uniforms but always clothed with golden pubes- cence and narrower. First segment of antennz with golden pubescence and in the male extending one-fourth its length be- yond the eye, slightly excavated externally near the tip. Head rather narrowly triangular, especially in the male. Holotype: 8 , Alpine) Texas Jul. 20-2 2, 4400-6000 ft., Wick- ham (MCZ No. 26061).
Allotype : ? , eutopotypical (MCZ) .
Paratypes: TEXAS: 2 eutopotypical (1 MCZ) 1 USNM)) 2 Alpine (USNM), 3 Texas (Parker). NEW MEXICO: 1 Dem- ing (Parker).
Epicauta brunnea sp. n.
Another Western species commonly misidentified as "cine- yea." Large, black, the elytra brown; entirely clothed with ap- pressed ferrugineous pubescence. Elytra darker across the base. First segment of the anterior tarsi of the male with the pad broadened, about twice as broad as on the second segment.
68 Psyche [Sept.-Dec.
8 , Alpine, Texas, 6000 ft. 8-1 5-2 6 (MCZ No. 2 6064).
Allotype : ? , topotypical 8-20-2 6 (MCZ) . Paratypes: TEXAS: 1 topotypical (MCZ), 2 Brewster Co. (MCZ), 1 Fort Davis (Frost), 1 Sabinal (USNM). ARIZ- , ONA: 2 Sta. Cruz Village-Cob'abi Mts. (1 ANSP) 1 AMNH), 2 Superior (1 ANSP, 1 AMNH), 1 Douglass (USNM), 4 Capitan Mt. (3 Parker, 1 Werner), 1 Globe (Parker), 2 San Carlos (1 Parker, 1 Werner), 1 Canon Lake (Parker), 1 Gila Valley (Parker), 1 Whiteriver (AMNH) . COLORADO: 1 Den- ver (Ohio).
Epicauta floridensis sp. n.
Similar to the cinereous form of both species known as cineyea in the East. The antennz are slightly more slender than in the species which feeds on CZematis and have the first segment more slender. Posterior tibia1 spurs slender. Smaller and more slen- der than either species.
Holotype: 8, Sebring, Florida VI-1-10-42 Parsons (MCZ No. 2 6067).
Allotype: ? , eutopotypical (MCZ) .
Paratypes : FLORIDA: 15 eutopotypical (MCZ) , 1 Croom (MCZ), 2 Cleveland (MCZ), 4 Capron (USNM), 1 Bis- cayne (USNM), 2 Tampa (USNM), 3 Cutler (USNM), 2 Jacksonville (USNM), 1 St. Nicholas (USNM), 2 Lake Istopoga (MCZ)) 8 Fla. (MCZ). NEW JERSEY: 4 DaCosta (MCZ) . MISSISSIPPI: 1 Lucedale (MCZ) .
Epicauta punctipennis sp . n.
Black or dark brown, elytra ferrugineous. Rather densely clothed with tannish-cinereous pubescence. Elytra with small, sparsely scattered) denuded spots. There are no spots on the rest of the body. Male anterior tibiz with two spurs. Holotype: 9 , Columbus, Texas; May 24, 1879 LeConte Coll. (MCZ No. 26159).
Allotype: 8 , "Tex.," Liebeck Coll. (MCZ). Epicauta ensiformis sp. n,
Black, sparsely clothed with erect black pubescence. Re- sembles obZ&a in general form but has the antennz strongly ensiform, with the third segment the broadest and flattened.
19431 North American Species of Epicauta 69 Anterior tibiz of male with two spurs and male anterior tarsi not modified.
Holotype: 8, "Cal." with an ink spot on the lower part of the. "a," Liebeck Coll. (MCZ No. 26079).
Paratype: 1 8 , "Cal." Fall Coll. (MCZ). Epicauta occidentalis sp. n.
Identical with lemniscata but has the intermediate segments of the antennz broadened and somewhat flattened and has the outer edge of the anterior tibiz and tarsi denuded, smooth and shiny. No intergrades have been seen.
Holotype: 8 , Cambridge) Nebraska VII-VIII-2 1 Morse (MCZ No. 26069).
Allotype : 9 , eutopotypical (MCZ) .
Paratypes: NEBRASKA: 6 eutopotypical (MCZ) . KANSAS : 1 Abilene (MCZ) , 2 &-Liebeck Coll. (MCZ) . COLORADO: 5 Rocky Ford (Colo.)) 3 Joes (Colo.)) 1 Ft. Collins (Colo.). TEXAS: 3 Dallas-Boll (MCZ), 2 Tex. (MCZ). LOUISIANA: 1 Baton Rouge (USNM), 3 La. (MCZ).
Epicauta fortis sp. n.
Resembles sericans greatly in general shape and habitus but is consistently smaller than that species) has the antennz shorter and has the outer spur of the hind tibiz broad and flat- tened. Some specimens of fe~ruginea resemble it but they are narrower and have the pubescence coarser. Holotype: 8 ) Phoenix, Arizona, Liebeck Coll. (MCZ No. 26066).
Allotype: 9 , eutopotypical (MCZ) .
Paratypes: ARIZONA: 17 topotypical (MCZ) ,5 Tucson (MCZ) , 1 Picacho (Colo.), 52 Florence (ANSP). NEW MEXICO: 1 Las Cruces (USNM).
Epicauta barberi sp. n.
Black) fairly densely clothed with semi-erect black pubes- cence. Head and pronotum shiny. The head is much more densely and finely punctured than in puncticoZZis or oblita. The outer division of the tarsal claws is curved from the base and the inner division is not more than three-fourths as long as the outer. In puncticoZZis and oblita) the outer division is curved near the tip and the inner division is almost as long as the outer-
70 Psyche [Sept.-Dec.
Holotype: 8, La Panza, California May 17-18 CCWilson (USNM) .
Paratype: 1 8 San Luis Obispo, California - May 16-35 CC Wilson (USNM) .
Named for Mr. H. S. Barber of the U. S. National Museum. Epicauta kansana sp. n.
Black, with scattered semi-erect but rather short pubescence, resembling puncticollis and oblita. Head and pronotum shiny, the head more densely punctured than the pronotum. Tarsi unusually slender. Inner division of tarsal claws as long as the outer but very slender. The outer curves near the tip. Fourth segment of the antennae longer than the fifth. Holotype: 8 , Sedgwick, Kansas, June 4, 1910 J. C. Warren (USNM) .
Paratypes: 2 eutopotypical (USNM), 2 topotypical, April 7, 1910 Warren (USNM) .
Epicauta calcarata sp. n.
Similar to sericans in general shape but has longer pubescence, especially on the pronotum. The labrum is deeply excised. The pronotum is noticeably globose. Tibia1 spurs very stout, espe- cially on the anterior legs, curved. Mandibles long, the tips crossed.
Holotype: 9, Roswell, New Mexico, Aug., 1902 (MCZ No. 26065).
Allotype: 8, between Wild Horse and Plateau, Culbertson Co., Texas 2852 ft. Aug. 3 1, 193 7, Rehn, Pate, Rehn (ANSP) . Paratypes : 1 Carlsbad, New Mexico - R&H - Aug. 2 5, 192 1 (ANSP), 1 Dim Lake - Pecos Val. - New Mexico Aug. 2 1, 1902 (MCZ), 1 Ft. Stockton, Texas 2500 ft. Sept. 1, 1937 RPR (ANSP).
Epicauta aspera sp. n.
Misidentified as "cinerea" in most collections. Second to fourth abdominal sternites, sometimes fifth, with a black median spot and with a spot anteriorly on each side near the edge. Male middle and posterior femora denuded behind and with marginal long hair. Actually belongs to the caviceps group but does not have the head modified. Uniform above but for a humeral and
19431 North American Species of Epicauta 71 scutellar spot on the elytra, sometimes joined across the base. Holotype: 8 , Salida, Colorado Aug. 13 (MCZ No. 26063). Allotype: Q , Jemez Springs, New Mexico (MCZ). Paratypes: COLORADO: 4 Masonsville (3 Colo., 1 Werner), 5 Ft. Collins (4 Colo., 1 Werner), 3 Boulder (1 Colo., 1 AMNH, 1 Parker), 1 B. Rotger C. R. (Parker), 1 Morison (Colo.), 1 Colo. (Colo.). TEXAS: 4 Davis Mts. (2 Ohio, 1 Parker, 1 Werner). NEW MEXICO: 3 Jemez Spgs. (~rost), 1 Barton - 6700 ft. (ANSP). ARIZONA: 4 Copper Basin - near Pres- cott (USNM), 1 White Mts. (Parker), 1 Wilmsn. Val. - Ball (Parker).
Epicauta parkeri sp. n,
This and the species that follow fall into the old genus Macro- basis, which I have decided to suppress under Epicauta. Resembles E. gissleri (Horn) in general appearance. Black, sparsely clothed with cinereous pubescence, which forms denser margins on the elytra. The antennae are more slender than in gissleri, with the segments less distinctly separated. The head is elongate-triangular and the mandibles are as long as in mimetica. They go one-third beyond the labrum, cross at the tip and have a distinct tooth.
Holotype: S , White Mts., Arizona July 8, 1933 (Parker). Paratypes: 3 eutopotypical (1 Parker, 2 Werner), 1 topotypical (Parker), 1 San Rita Mts. - Ball (Parker), 1 San Rita Mts. - 5-8000 ft. - July (Snow) (MCZ No. 2608O), 1 Globe (Parker), 1 Baboquivari Mts. (MCZ), 1 Flagstaff (Ohio). Epicauta polingi sp. n.
Three distinct species have been known under the name of linearis. None of these is the true linearis, which has the first segment of the male antennae excavated externally at the tip and has the second segment shorter than the third in both sexes. It is a rare species.
Slender. Head and pronotum black or dark brown, the elytra pale ferrugineous, the whole rather loosely clothed with cinere- ous to luteous pubescence.
First segment of male antennae
exceeding the head by one-third its own length, not over one- sixth as broad as long, straight, flattened behind and with cinereous pubescence along this surface. Second segment nar- rower, elongate oval, about one-third as long as first. The first
72 Psyche [Sept.-Dec.
and second segment together are about equal to the rest in length. Anterior tarsi of male with the first segment short, contorted.
Holotype: 8 , Davis Mts., Texas VI-VII-1928 OCPoling (MCZ No. 26071).
Allotype : 9 , eutopotypical ( MCZ) .
Paratypes : 6 eutopotypical (MCZ) , 18 topotypical VI-VIII- D J& JN Knull ( 14 Ohio, 4 Parker), 1 Phantom L. - Davis Mts. (MCZ), 7 Alpine (1 AMNH, 6 MCZ), 4 Sabinal (USNM), 3 Devil's River (USNM), 2 Rio Frio (USNM), 2 Cotulla (USNM), 24 Tex. (MCZ), 1 Texas-Ulke Coll. (Carnegie). NEW MEXICO: 2 Cloudcroft (MCZ), 1 Ala- magordo (MCZ). ARIZONA: 1 Sta. Catalina Mts. (USNM), 2 Douglass (USNM).
Epicauta liebecki sp. n.
Head and pronotum black or dark brown, elytra brown, much darker than in polingi, margined with denser pubescence. First segment of male antennse one-fifth as broad as long and the first two segments distinctly longer than the following. Averages smaller than polingi. The posterior tibia1 spurs are more slender than in the other two.
Holotype: 8, Tucson, Arizona V-25 Liebeck Coll. (MCZ No. 26068).
Allotype : 9 , eutopotypical (MCZ) .
Paratypes : ARIZONA : 2 eutopotypical (MCZ) , 1 Bowie (MCZ) , 1 Ajo (MCZ), 1 Pima Co. (MCZ), 6 Globe (Parker), 6 Con- gress Jc. (Ohio), 2 Wickenburg (Ohio), 1 Nogales (AMNH) , 9 Columbia-on Prosopis pubescens (USNM), 1 Tempe (USNM), 1 Lowell (USNM), 3 Sabin0 Cn.-Sta. Catalina Mts. (2 MCZ, 1 USNM), 1 Sta. Catalina Mts. (USNM), 9 Baboquivari Mts. (MCZ) . SONORA: 1 Imuris VI-2 5-40, on pigweed (USNM) .
Epicauta arizonica sp. n.
Uniformly luteous to dull brown, with sparse cinereous pubes- cence.
Eyes larger than in the other two. First segment of male antennae exceeding head by only one-sixth its own length, a little less than one-fifth as broad as long. First two segments of male antennae about one-fifth shorter than the rest. Averages smaller than the other two.
19431 North American Species of Epicautu 73 Holotype : 8, Baboquivari Mts., Arizona IX-5-3 0-2 3 Fall Coll. (MCZ No. 26062).
Allotype : ? , topotypical IX-2 3 (MCZ) . Paratypes: ARIZONA: 4 topotypical (MCZ), 4 Kits Peak Rin- con-Bab. Mts. (AMNH), 15 Tucson (Ohio), 1 Wickenburg (Ohio), 9 Nogales (8 USNM, 1 MCZ), 1 Capitan Mt. (Colo.), 5 Canon Lake (Parker), 7 Globe (Parker), 3 San Bernardino Rch.-Cochise Co. (2 MCZ, 1 USNM), 1 Phoenix (MCZ), 1 Rice (MCZ), 1 Sta. Rita Mts. (MCZ). SONORA: 4 Arizpe (USNM) .
Epicauta texana sp. n.
Close to albida (Say). The first segment of the male an- tennse is longer and less curved, narrower, reaching to middle of thorax. Shorter and stouter than albida. The black pronotal markings are absent or extremely faint. The abdominal mark- .
ings of albida are always lacking. Eyes narrower than in that species.
Holotype: 8, Davis Mts., Texas VIII-2-37 D J&JN Knull (Ohio).
Allotype : 9 , eutopotypical (Ohio).
Paratypes: TEXAS : 9 eutopotypical (Ohio), 3 Alpine VII-20- 22 4400-6000 ft. Wickham (2 USNM, 1 MCZ No. 26072), 3 Marfa (Ohio), 1 Texas-Wenzel Coll. (Ohio).
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