V. Nabokov.
Southern Pierids in New England.
Psyche 53(3-4):42, 1946.
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42 Psyche [Sept.-Dec.
Ueber Verschleppung der Samenschidlinge [In Russian, with German sum- mary.] Leningrad, 1929. p. 151-166 (State institute of experimental agron- omy. Bureau of applied entomology. Reports on applied entomology, vol. 4, no. 1).
Mylabridurn seu Bruchidum (Lin. Schon. All) Europeae et finitimarum regionurn Faunae recensitio. Deutsche entomologische Zeitschrift, 1886. 30: 385-416; 1887. 31:33-80, 449-94.
A new Acanthoscelides from eastern United States. Entomological news, May, 1935. 46~127-129.
The cowpea bruchid under another name - a plea for one kind of entomologi- cal specialist. Proceedings of the Entomological society of Washington, Feb., 1929. 31:39-44.
Description of a bruchid immigrant into Hawaii breeding in the seeds of Con- volvulaceae. Proceedings of the Entomological society of Washington, June, 1929. 31~112-114.
The subfamilies of the Bruchidae. Proceedings of the Entomological society of Washington, June, 1932. 34:lOC-106. This paper contains a table to the subfamilies, and a list of genera of each, with indication of the genotypes. The genera of beetles of the family Bruchidae in America north of Mexico. Journal of the Washington academy of sciences, Febr. 15, 1946. 36:52-57. This paper describes several new genera, proposes new tribes, and contains a key to the genera known to occur in America north of Mexico. BRIDWELL, JOHN COLBURN and BOTTIMER, L. J. The hairy-vetch bruchid, Bruchus brachialis Fahraeus, in the United States. Journal of agricultural research, Apr. IS, 1933. 46:739-751. HERFORD, GWYNETH M.
A key to the members of the family Bruchidae of economic importance in Europe. Transactions of the Society for British entomology, July, 1935. 2:l-32. 4 pi.
. . . Coleoptiires bruchides et anthribides. Paris, Paul Lechevalier, 1945. 2 p.l., 184 p. illus. (Faune de France 44. Federation franqaise des societes de sciences naturelles. Office central de f aunistique) . It might be worth placing on record, as a feature of the warm autumn of 1946, that not only was Eurema lisa Boisd. and Lec. abundant throughout the fall along the railway line near Wel- lesley, Mass., but that the very rare visitors, Eurema nicippe Cramer and Phcebis sennce eubz.de. Poey (one specimen of each), were seen by the author of this note on October 17th in the streets of Cambridge, Mass.
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