D. G. Denning.
New Species and Records of North American Hydroptilidae (Trichoptera).
Psyche 54(3):170-177, 1947.
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University of Wyoming, Laramie, Wyoming
At present approximately 115 species of Hydroptilidae have been recorded from North America north of Mexico. Because of the difficulty in collecting this groin) of Trichoptera, due primarily to their small size and seclu- sive habits, the distribution of all the species is inade- quately known. Probably a large number of new species remain to be discovered. The bionomics of most of the species is unknown and many of the species are as yet known only from the male.
A recent study of the Hydroptilidse in the University of Minnesota collection has resulted in the establishment of a number of very interesting new distributional rec- ords, as well as the recognition of several new species. Holotypes are deposited in the collection of the Univer- sity of Minnesota.
I wish to express my appreciation to Dr. 0. E. Mickel for making this collection available for study, and to Dr. Mickel, Dr. Granovsky, Mr. Kretzschmar, Mr. Wirth and others-for collecting this material.
Leucotrichia pictipes (Banks)
This fairly common species has been recorded from swiftly flowing streams in most of the northern states from New York to Oregon. MINNESOTA: Pine Co., Snake River, May 28, 1935 (H. E. Milliron), 5 males. Anoka Co., July, 1939 (D. Or. Denning), 1 male. Carlton Co., St. Louis River, Aug. 11,1940 (D. G. Denning), 40 males, 5 females. Cook Co., Temperance River, May 30, 1941 (H. P. Nicholson), 1 male. IDAHO : St. Anthony, June 28, 1938 (H. S. Telford), 12 males, 8 females. Agraylea multipunctata Curtis
This Holartic species is one of the most common Hydroptilidae in Minnesota. Available records indicate 170
it is present from early spring to September. The first
definite record from North Dakota is recorded herein. MINNESOTA: 97 males, 161 females from all portions of the State, April to Sept. NORTH DAKOTA: Valley City, July 15, 1939 (D. G. Denning), 2 males, 1 female. Wahpeton, July 16, 1937 (D. G. Denning), 2 males, 14 females. BRITISH COLUMBIA : Cowichan Lake, August, 1940 (C. P. Idyll), 3 males, 1 female.
Ithytrichia clavata Morton
This is the first record of the species from Minnesota, although it is known to have a wide range. MINNESOTA:
Crookston, June 16, 1941 (D. G. Denning), 1 male, Hal-
lock, light trap, July 7, 1937 (D. G. Denning), 3 males. Oclwotrichia stylata (Ross)
Previously known from the western part of Wyoming ; these are the first records from the eastern portion of the state. WYOMING: Guernsey, N. Platte River, Sept. 6, 1946 (D. G. Denning), 1 male. Near Wheatland, Blue Grass Creek, Aug. 22, 1946 (D. G. Denning), 5 males, 7 females.
OxyetMra serrata Ross
This species has previously been recorded from Illi- nois, New York and Wisconsin by Ross.
The following
records extend its known distributions considerably. MINNESOTA: St. Paul, light trap, July 14, 1935 (A. A. Granovsky), 1 male. St. Paul, light trap, Aug., 1934 (A A. Granovsky), 5 males, 4 females. Cass Co., at light, June 17, 1937 (R. H. Nagel), 3 males, 4 females. Cass Lake, light trap, August 1-15, 1934 (A. A. Granovsky), 1 male, 3 females. BRITISH COLUMBIA: Cowichan Lake, August, 1940 (0. P. Idyll), 1 male.
OxyetMra verna Ross
LOUISIANA: Baton Rouge, April, 1947 (W. W. Wirth), 12 males.
Oxyethira obtatus n. sp.
This species can be distinguished from other members of the genus by the apical semi-membranous processes of
172 Psyche [Sept.
the aedeagus, the terminally forked condition of the in- ternal sclerotized tube of the aedeagus and several other details of the male genitalia.
Male.-Length 3.2 mm. Genitalia as in figs. 1, IA, and IB. Mesa1 projection of seventh sternite small, acute. Lateral lobes of eighth segment produced into a tri- angular process, heavily setose, deeply incised dorsally ; dorsad and mesad to this lobe appears a long attenuated process, directed gradually ventrad, bearing no setae. Most of ninth segment withdrawn into eighth, caudo- lateral corner irregular, apparent claspers projected caudad (and slightly dorsad in paratype) beyond re- mainder of genitalia, slender, subacute, bearing a few minute setae distally. Viewed from ventral aspect, fig. IB, claspers slender, diverging mesad, separated by a concave serrate ventral plate. Tenth tergite heavily sclerotized, all but a small portion hidden in ninth seg- ment; when seen from lateral aspect it appears as a some- what inverted U-shaped structure, caudad branch digi- tate; viewed ventrally, fig. IB, apices truncate, almost touching on meson, base arcuate. Zdeagus with base wide, spiral filament encircles tube once, long and slender, extending along side of tube nearly to apex; apical por- tion divided into two prominent semi-membranous proc- esses, the shorter one bearing a large and two smaller spines, the longer one bearing a single large spine; near their base the internal sclerotized tube terminates as a fork in a small semi-membranous process. Holotype, male.-St. Paul, Minnesota, August 1, 1934, light trap (A. A. Granovsky).
Paratype, male.-Anoka Co., Minnesota, July, 1939 (D. G. Denning) (specimen damaged).
Orthotrichia americana Banks
Records of Ross and the writer indicate that this spe- cies is widely distributed at least through the eastern half of United States. MINNESOTA : St. Paul, light trap, Au- . gust 1, 1934, 4 male, 3 female; July 14, 1935, 2 male; June 20, 1935, 1 male (A. A. Granovsky).
OrtJiotriciiia cristata Morton
The following records extend the known distribution of the species to Louisiana in the South and Minnesota in the North. MINNESOTA : St. Paul, light trap, July 14, 1935, 3 male (A. A. Granovsky). LOUISIANA: Baton Rouge, April, 1947, 57 male (W. W. Wirth). Hydroptila armata Ross
The collecting of this species in the treeless plains of northwestern Minnesota is a very interesting extension in its known range. MINNESOTA: Washington Co., May 10,1941, 5 male, 7 female (G. Kretzschmar). Crookston,
Sept. 4, 1936, 1 male, I female (D. G. Denning). Hydroptila spatulata Morton
This is the first definite record of the species from Minnesota.
MINNESOTA: St. Paul, Aug. 1, 1934, 1 male, 2 female, light trap (A. A. Granovsky).
Hydroptila iiamata Morton
Ross has recorded this species from southern Mexico, Ontario and widely scattered areas in the United States. The following constitutes the first records from Minne- sota. MINNESOTA: Taylors Falls, August, 1937, 1 male (Carol J. Palmer). Washington Co., May 10, 1941, 1 male (G. Kretzschmar) .
Hydroptila amna Ross
Known previously from Illinois and Oklahoma; the Minnesota record indicates a wide range for this species, MINNESOTA: St. Paul, light trap, August, 1934, 2 male (A. A. Granovsky).
Hydroptila waub esiana Betten
The species is now known to occur from the Hudson Bay to the Mississippi delta. The following new distri- butional records make this species one of our most widely distributed Hydroptila. MINNESOTA : Rum River, reared, March 11, 1934, 1 male, I female (D. G. Denning). Cass Lake, light trap, August 1-15, 1934, 2 male (A. A.
174 Psyche 1 Sept.
Crookston, light trap, July 3, 1937, 1 male (D. G. Denning). Anoka Co., Coon Creek, June 4, 1937, 1 male, 1 female (D. G. Denning). NORTH DAKOTA: Wahpeton, July 11, 1934, 1 male, 1 female (D. G. Den- ning) . MANITOBA : Churchill, light trap, August 6, 1937, 1 male (D. G. Denning).
Hydroptila grandiosa Ross
Although widely distributed in Central United States this is the first record from Minnesota. MINNESOTA: Anoka Co., Coon Creek, June 7, 1937, 1 male, 1 female (D. 0. Denning).
Hy droptila albicornis Hagen
The records of Ross show the species to be widely dis- tributed; the Minnesota record extends the known range in a northwestwardly direction. MINNESOTA : Cass Lake, light trap, August 1-15,1934, 3 male (A. A. Granovsky). Hydroptila consirnilis Morton
This is a common species now known to extend from Texas to the Hudson Bay. MINNESOTA: St. Paul, light trap, August 1,1934,l male, 3 female (A. A. Granovsky). Crookston, at light, July 4, 1937, 2 male, 1 female (D. G. Denning). MANITOBA: Churchill, August 2, 43 male, 34 female (D. G. Denning). Churchill, light trap, August 6, 1937, 1 male (D. G. Denning). Churchill River, 20 miles S. of Churchill, August 5, 1937 (D. G. Denning), 5 male, 15 female.
Hydroptila perdita Morton
Ross has recorded this species from Arkansas, Illinois, Michigan, New York, Ontaria and Pennsylvania. MINKE- SOTA: Carlton Co., St. Louis River, Aug. 11, 1940, I male (D. G. Denning). St. Paul, light trap, July 14, 1935, 1 male (A. A. Granovsky).
Hydroptila ajax Ross
The range of ajax is poorly known; the following records extend its known range considerably to the North
and west.
MINNESOTA: Washington Co., May 10, 1941, 1 male (G. Kretzschmar). WYOMING : Guernsey, N. Platte River, Sept.. 6,1946,l male (D. G. Denning). Hydroptila arctia Ross
This species has not been recorded since its original description in 1938 from Idaho. BRITISH COLUMBIA: Cowichan Lake, August, 1940, 2 male, 1 female (C. P. Idyll).
Hydroptila acoma n. sp.
This species can readily be distinguished from other members of the genus by the large spur arising from the apical portion of the sedeagus.
Male.-Genitalia as in figs. 2, 2A and 2B. Lateral lobe
of ninth segment acute, slightly upturned, extended caudad about one-half length of claspers. Tenth tergite semi-membranous, mesal incision deep, lateral portions with apices acute and diverging; seen from lateral aspect, fig. 2, distal portion directed dorsad. Claspers slender throughout, divergent, apex truncate, beset with short scattered seta, between claspers appear two prominent caudad directed tubercles. Edeagus with basal portion flared, narrowed just before spiral process which encir- cles sedeagus one and one-half time, its apex lying along side of tube and extending about midway to apex; seen from lateral aspect, fig. 2 ~ , a large acute spurarises at right angles from apical portion.
Holotype, male.-Morgan Hill, California, at light, August 8, 1941 (Roland Johnson) (specimen with head missing).
Hydroptila valhalla n. sp.
This species belongs to the perdita Morton group of Hydroptila; it can be readily separated from other spe- cies of that group by the curious aedagus and the dorsad directed mesal portion of the tenth tergite. Male.-Length 3 mm. Genitalia as in figs. 3, 3A, 3B, 30.
Mesa1 projection of seventh sternite short, apex acute. About half of the eighth segment telescoped into seventh segment.
Claspers slender throughout, fig. 3C,
176 Psyche [ Sept.
divergent, apex acute, darkened and directed laterad, base hidden in ninth segment, which in turn is withdrawn into eighth and seventh segments. Tenth tergite entire, semi-membranous, extending caudad beyond any other portion of genitalia; lateral margins somewhat more heavily sclerotized than remainder; mesa1 lobe sub-tri- angular when viewed from dorsal aspect, fig. 3. Bdea- gus long and slender, basal portion nearly straight, nar- rowed toward center then suddenly widened, apparently forms a distinct division from apical portion which is bulbular at base then constricted to an acute apex, entire apical portion turned laterad when viewed dorsally, turned ventrad when viewed from lateral aspect. Holotype male.-Taylors Falls, Minn., August 1937 (C. J. Palmer).
Mayatrichia ayama Mosely
The available distributional records of Ross indicate this species is widespread; the Minnesota record is an extension in the known northern limits of its range. MINNESOTA: Washington Co., May 10, 1941, 1 male (G. Kretzschmar) .
Fig. 1. Oxyethira obtatus, male genitalia, lateral aspect; 1A, apex of sedeagus; 1B, ventral aspect of male genitalia. Fig. 2.
Hydroptila acoma, male genitalia, lateral aspect; 2A, ventral aspect of male genitalia; 2B, sedeaps.
Fig. 3. Hydroptila valhalla, male genitalia, dorsal aspect; 3A, sejeagus; 3B lateral aspect of male genitalia; 3C, clasper.
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